Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: August 28 ~ September 3, 2016


Veteran Member
Good Morning, All!! It's a bright and sunny day here, with the temperature predicted to be somewhere between sizzle and broil by mid morning. I'd hoped to load the kids in the van and head to town to pick up some mulch for the flower bed but can already tell that it isn't going to happen - it will be too hot by the time I can get them all around and headed in the same direction.

We went with plan 2 with a twist yesterday. Since CVS hadn't had any good sales the past couple of weeks, I had some extra care bucks that were about to expire - couple that with the fact that I'd rather sit in a chair than on a blanket and that CVS had summer clearance 50%.... One folding lawn chair and a three pack of small play balls (small boy soccer size), one $12 Extra Care Buck and $1.28 cents later, I was headed to daughter's to grab some kids to head for the soccer game.

Ended up we had TWO soccer games, not one; but at least they were back to back. Unfortunately, some of the parents didn't read the schedule beyond seeing the time of the first game, so 4 of the kids left after the first game. We were able to round up one of them at his sister's game on another field, but played the 2nd game with only 5 kids. The game ended a bit before 2 pm, then it was time to load the car and head to the pool - luckily in the same park and just down the road.

I met a lady at the pool to pick up a pair of soccer cleats in the next size up, plus a pair of school sneakers for older grandson before we went in to the pool. Couldn't pry the kids out of there until 4:30, so the next stop was DQ for supper. I did go to the grocery store after supper but they had only 2 pkg of chicken out and my request for more didn't get answered before my patience ran out, so I left with just my 8 bags of sugar. Hubs texted that he needed milk and I knew I would need some for the kids, so I popped into CVS again. I still had $29 in Extra Care Bucks (and soccer games until October!) so I picked up 3 more folding lawn chairs plus my two gallons of milk; paid $6 out of pocket and got back $2 in ECBs for buying the milk.

Little grandson zonked out in the car and would not wake up, so I toted him in and and put him on the couch; at bedtime he was still asleep, so I held him on the toilet until he pee'd, then put pj shorts on him and tucked him in bed - he slept all through the night and didn't wake me up until 0630 - a record for that boy!! I had to laugh at him this morning - we were looking at something on the internet and he told me that his brother (who started kindergarden this year and has to be on the bus at 0730) has a Batman alarm clock, and so he needs - NEEDS! - an alarm clock too - HA! That kid has been the alarm clock for the entire family since he was a year old! (Which, of course, does not mean that Grandma won't get him an alarm clock lol!)

Hubby had gotten up early, so had baked the meatloaf that I had mixed and ready to go then; after he took out some for his work lunch, the rest went in the fridge and will be lunch today. He also picked enough grapes to run a full batch through the steam juicer, so that was a help!

I'm not sure what we will do today before I take the kids home. I'd like to run another batch of grapes through the steam juicer, and I need to wash up the jars of chicken/etc... that I canned the other day. I should probably wash out more buckets for sugar so they can dry; and I know I need to do a ton of laundry - how 4 people can go to the pool and come home with 8 soggy towels, I do not know! I also need to clean out the van, shake out the blanket that everyone but me sat on at the soccer game, empty the bottles of water out of the cooler and get it ready to go for next Thursday's soccer practice, get the last 3 loads of towels that I'd washed folded and put away, get the clothes for the boys washed and sorted into closet or tubs for later, find older grandson's size 6 jeans that I put up somewhere, pot up some mums, water the porch flowers, clean out the kids swimming pool and fill it and, and, and.... And now I'm ready for a nap again lol!

Take care all; have a great week!

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
I do wish a lot of you all lived closer. I'm back from one of my favorite Amish produce stands and too mad to spit. about an hour ago I walked away from the stand with more beautiful tomatoes than I may be able to put up in this blasted heat. They are gorgeous, may be a little miss shaped or have a tinny spot or two, but just sun ripened, probably hand picked today fresh gorgeous. The Amish can't take them to auction because they are not perfect enough for the city people. I can't figure on how some folks were raised.


Veteran Member
It's all foolishness, OGM.........when I was in Jamaica over 40 yrs. ago, the best fruit I'd ever eaten DID NOT LOOK PRETTY...but boy oh boy it tasted heavenly...............


Veteran Member
I'm a bit weary of this darned hot weather myself, OGM! I've found numerous excuses to stay inside the past two days! Hubby did wander out to the garden in the late afternoon and brought back red, yellow, and green tomatoes, zucchini, and an onion. He grilled hamburgers and fried green tomatoes and zucchini, and sliced tomatoes and fixed baked beans in the toaster oven to go with. I just got done sauteing together some zucchini, onion, garlic, thyme, and seasoned pepper - enough to carry in my work lunch the next two days. I've got a nice, fat, yellow tomato to quarter, some Greek pasta salad, and half of a hamburger patty to take tomorrow; will figure out Wednesday's lunch when it gets here.

I managed to can 9 more pints each of chicken and chicken veggie soup; and have 5 more packages of chicken iced down in a cooler that I will can Thursday morning - it was frozen when it went in, so I have no concerns about it being safe until then. I will likely pick up another half dozen packages tomorrow on my way home from work if they have them available. 8 more bags of sugar went into buckets today; and I will pick up as many more bags as they will let me have tomorrow evening as well.

I'll head in to town early on Thursday in order to go to the laundromat to wash some larger items before I go to grandson's soccer practice; need to take the canning jars for the florist with me when I go. I also need to hit a couple of stores to pick up 12 packs of soda for the wedding - I can just drop them off at daughter's while I am in town. I'm already planning to go over early on the wedding day (or maybe a day or two before!) with the trailer on the van to haul all this stuff to her Dad's place where the wedding will be held - and bless his and his wife's heart for hosting it! :)

Only one more week/5 more work days until vacation...


Veteran Member
Had a little time to do some quick shopping this afternoon, just about my only free time this week, so I had to make it count.

Off to Dollar General where they had Libby's veggies at 2/$1. There were coupons in last week's paper for $1 off 4, so I bought 12 cans for $3. These are actually headed to the church food bank as I have plenty of canned veggies.

Then up the road a bit to Walgreens, where they had Oxyclean detergent again for $3.99. There were $3 coupons in the paper, so I managed to get 3 bottles of detergent at 99 cents each. Last time they ran out before I got to use all of my coupons, so this time I was ready. I use this detergent to wash my uniform shirts, so I am set for a long time.

Then across the street to CVS where they had Colgate mouthwash for $3.99--there were $1.00 coupons in the paper and you got $2 in ECB for buying them (limit 2) and I got a free $5 ECB in the mail today, so I paid $1.16 for 2 bottles of mouthwash and walked out with $4 in ECB for later.

A friend dropped off some stuff from a relative who just passed away and I will keep the brand new backpack. I need a smaller BOB for the car and I think that is what I will use it for.

Will wait to see what the mid-week sales ads bring.

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
It's all foolishness, OGM.........when I was in Jamaica over 40 yrs. ago, the best fruit I'd ever eaten DID NOT LOOK PRETTY...but boy oh boy it tasted heavenly...............
If those foolish people had to do the work themselves: fertilize, prepare the ground, plant, weed, water, (it has been dry) and pick, may be they would be willing to pay a decent price. Food does not just happen. Melons, beautiful melons are in season now and going for a song.


Veteran Member
Had an absolutely awesome (but tiring) day today. Had several friends come over to help us pick plums and apples, explain an LLC to DH and I (and help set up paperwork), and just generally hang out. I am so beat, but tomorrow, I plan on doing a bunch of canning.


Veteran Member
Nothing in the mid-week sales ads to get excited about. We are expected to get several inches of rain from the Hurricane/Tropical Storm, so I topped off the gas tank again today. We are well prepped for any storm, so I'm not worried about it. Might have to work some extra hours at work if it makes if difficult for some folks to get to work.


Veteran Member
Pretty good day today - canned up some apples with raisins and dried cherries in syrup, some plain apples, plum sauce, and 10 quarts of plum juice to be made into jelly when the weather cooperates.

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
Anyone under the delusion they can seamlessly transition from urban or suburbanite to self sufficient homesteader because they can afford a country bug out location should try stacking a barn with hay in August, by hand! IMHO


Veteran Member
Amen, OGM!!

The weather is absolutely beautiful here today - temp was 60*F and humidity was low (for here lol!) when I got up this morning, so I did a few chores around home, then hitched the trailer on to the van and headed for work town. Dropped off a box of donations at Catholic Charities, hit Aldi for 10 cases of bottled water, 10 bags of dried cherries, 10 1# bags of baby carrots that were on sale for 49 cents/bag, and some miscellaneous standard items - yogurt, cheese, etc... Popped into Dollar Tree for tablecloths and plastic glasses for the wedding, then I was off to the giant mulch pile to fill the trailer with mulch before heading home.

I did up the dishes, then started canning the last of the (finally thawed!) chicken - that'll give me my 3 cases. I also have a canner load of those 'baby' carrots that were on sale at Aldi going in a 2nd canner. The chicken scraps are cooking down in the crock pot, cooler has been washed, bleached and carried to the van, 3rd load of laundry is hanging on the line, a batch of tapioca pudding has been made from some of the grandkid's whole milk that was left, some chicken strips have been fried for our supper, and I'm about ready to take a quick bath and change into something more presentable, then put my feet up until the timer for the chicken canner goes off. Oh - and get my sheets off the line so I can make up my bed when I get back home!!

After that, I'll head to town to the foo-foo bakery for blackberry pie, pick up youngest grandson at the sitter, then go to daughter's to drop off some of the water, load the rest into the cooler and dump some ice over it before heading to older grandson's soccer practice. Maybe I'll go to WM afterwards to ad match some of those Dollar General 2/$1 veggies and use the 4 - $1/4 coupons to pick up 16 cans. I use cream style and whole kernal canned corn to make scalloped corn; those are about the only canned veggies I buy besides hominy. I'm hoping that I'll have enough energy to get some of the mulch put down when I get back home - but then again, it was getting dark already when I got off work at 8pm last night, so maybe it will need to wait until morning!

Guess I'd better get moving if I want to be cleaned up by the time the canner is done! You folks take care; stay safe out there!!


Veteran Member
Old Gray Mare: that by definition is torture IMO......only helped as blazes in Missouri summer, humid, itchy/prickly bales....and not enough help.......never did that again......


Veteran Member
The hurricane/tropical storm has hit (just after midnight on Thursday night). We expect to get a fair amount of rain. Just about everything has been closed down for tomorrow, just to keep people off the roads, which they expect to be flooded.

I think I'm coming down with a cold--my grandbabies were all snotty and sneezy the last two days when I was over, so I think I might have picked something up. I've upped my Vit C.

I had a little free time today and did a quick stop into Goodwill. They are way overpriced, but I did find a revereware saucepan with lid in really good condition for $1.99. Snapped that up.

There are opening an Aldi's not far from me-the first in this area. They are holding a job fair next week, so it shouldn't be too long before it opens. I can't wait!


Veteran Member
FYI: we bought an alleged Rocky Ford cantaloupe at Sprouts Mkt. nw of isn't very good so we cut it up for the squirrels........THEY WON'T EAT IT.....the skunks or raccoons won't either...

CAN THEY DISTINGUISH GMO PRODUCTS? allegedly pigs can so maybe so...........


Veteran Member
Worked the last 2 days. When I got off work tonight, I ran by DD's apartment to check her arm - she had burned it at work, but it's minor. Put gas in the car and headed home. I still need to do some embroidery I promised a co=worker.

Tomorrow, I need to run the embroidery to work early, then can up peaches, plums, apricot jam, crabapple jelly, plum jelly. Oh yeah, and laundry, and menu plan, and clean. And DH wants me to go work ripping out the guts of the house in the pasture. I'm good, but I'm not sure I can get all that done - and it HAS TO BE DONE THIS WEEKEND. Sigh.


Veteran Member
Juiced plums and crabapples for jelly earlier this week. I took the fruit that was left over, put it in a gallon jar, added water to fill, a tablespoon of Bragg's vinegar. Put an upside down plastic lid inside the jar to keep the fruit submerged, then covered with a coffee filter and rubber banded that in place. After a few weeks of my kitchen smelling like a brewery, I'll have vinegar.

Dinner tonight is pork chops cooked with pickled crabapples. I made the pickles a couple years ago, and didn't care for them. I hadn't throw them out yet, and a friend told me she cooked a pork roast with them. Well, I"m out of roasts, but I do have chops. I figure it can't hurt to try it.


FYI: we bought an alleged Rocky Ford cantaloupe at Sprouts Mkt. nw of isn't very good so we cut it up for the squirrels........THEY WON'T EAT IT.....the skunks or raccoons won't either...

CAN THEY DISTINGUISH GMO PRODUCTS? allegedly pigs can so maybe so...........

Just to reassure you, there are *no* GMO melon seeds on the market.

That said, they may have been sprayed with something to retard ripening/rotting. Or it could be some of the pesticides they use. I do know that mice strongly prefer our home grown/organic apples to commercial apples.... one winter, I had a couple bushels of commercial apples, and about a bushel and a half of homegrown in our root cellar. I didn't get down to the root cellar for a few days, and mice invaded. When I discovered that, the baskets of homegrown apples had been destroyed- every apple was either eaten almost completely, or at least chewed up.

The commercial apples? NOT A BITE out of any of them! Now, I know that they would eat the commercial ones if they didn't have any choice, but given a choice, their preference was very clear!



If those foolish people had to do the work themselves: fertilize, prepare the ground, plant, weed, water, (it has been dry) and pick, may be they would be willing to pay a decent price. Food does not just happen. Melons, beautiful melons are in season now and going for a song.

Isn't it frustrating! The only farm "produce" we've been able to actually do fairly well on in terms of finding willing buyers and making a profit are the meats... pastured chicken and beef. I've given up growing any extra veggies for sale, except for a couple steady customers who always buy potatoes, onions and squash in the fall to store. Years ago, it would get me angry when people wouldn't pay a dollar for a vine ripened melon (and if you haven't ever eaten one, as compared to what's sold in the grocery store, well.. there IS no comparison) but they'd pay $2 for three ears of Indian corn for a decoration! Now, I just pity them for not having a clue.
