Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: August 13 ~ 19, 2017


Veteran Member
Any prepping going on this weekend? Or plans for this coming week?

Didn't get in much of a nap yesterday before going in to work a night shift, during which I - woo-hoo! - finished part one of my 3 part ACLS test! No worries about part 3, but the Sims in part 2 have my teeth on edge - so not a part of the video game generation here!! I ended up crashing for a while late this morning until early afternoon. Still not terribly motivated to do much more than plan for the rest of the week. I do have the Sunday papers yet to sort through, so will check the ads for any useful stock up items.

Co-worker Buddy left a surprise in my locker - a 32 oz, insulated, stainless steel 'sports bottle' type thing. The box said it will keep ice for 24 hours; and keep stuff hot for 6 hours. So, just out of curiosity, I dumped half a package of a seasoned rice mix that I had in my locker into it, added the appropriate amount of water from the spigot on the Bunn coffeemaker (210*F), screwed on the lid and went on in to report. I was hungry 5 hours later, and dinner was ready. Handy little item for the vehicle or locker BOB. I'll be checking out the shelves at the supermarket for more ideas for things I can 'cook' in it :)

I'd left Hubby a note before I went down for my nap yesterday, asking him to hitch the trailer to my van, as I wanted to stop at the free mulch pile on my way home from work this morning to load up. He decided to order new tires for it instead, and asked me to wait until he had them on to go get mulch or composted manure. Can't fault the man for trying to keep me safe!

Tomorrow is aqua aerobics with the neighbor ladies again - I feel pretty creaky after missing part of last week so need to make sure I step it up this week! I'm hoping to get out and do some garden clean up work after I get home so that I can be ready to plant some fall crops, and start amending and preparing the soil for next spring. I'll also probably end up canning green/wax beans again, and I've got a couple of sprouted sweet potatoes in the root bins that I'm going to plant in a raised bed - they won't make new potatoes before frost, but I think I can probably cover the bed and keep them producing greens (leaves) for cooking for a few more months at least.

Guess I'd better get up from this computer and go get something done - take care folks; don't let the crazies get you down!


Veteran Member
Back to school Monday thru Wednesday. I did take my first quiz today, and the part that wasn't essay, I got 100% on!! Essay still has to be graded. I really like school,and I'm learning a lot - BUT..... many of my classmates are snowflaky, and I kinda dread tomorrow. Not the class, but the smalltalk around the watercooler. I did get some relish made today, and some zucchini gummy snacks dried up. Meatloaf and pasta salad in the fridge for lunches, and laundry done up. That's about all I can handle at the moment!


Veteran Member
Great job on the quiz, Moldy!! (Snowflakes - :smkd: )

Did some sale/coupon/cash-back deal shopping today to add a few things to the pantry and other stockpiles. I hate carrying in stuff or doing large amounts of shopping when the roads are bad or it's bitter cold, so I try to stock up on the heavy stuff before bad weather kicks in. Picked up several bags of potting soil that was on clearance to use in next spring's plant starting, 3 cases of bottled water on a cash-back deal, and added in a case of olive oil from Aldi.

Had to change the type of kitty litter we've been using for several years now - the ground corncob stuff we were using has changed - it's ground much finer now, and it gets tracked - yuck!! I can't deal with the scented stuff, so I've had to start buying different brands/types when I find them on sale/have a coupon to see what works best - contemplating trying rabbit pellets... The cat is about 14 years old and healthy, so I'm likely going to be using the stuff for a few more years.

I need to call the feed 'n seed and see if they have Dutch White clover seed in yet - getting closer to planting time, and I want to overseed the yard again, and also seed the orchard and between the raised beds in the garden. I also need to go stretch some screening over at least one flower head of my Mammoth Sunflowers as the finches are already starting to hit them - gonna have to plant more regular sunflowers next year to keep the finches happy :)

Guess I'd better go stick my nose back in that cardiac book; wishing you all a good week!


Veteran Member
Why is it that the closer you get to vacation time, the longer the days - especially work days! - seem to be?! 14 day til vacation, 7 of 'em work days (okay, 8; I gotta go in today or tomorrow to finish up ACLS); I think I can make it! Planning to pop into a couple of stores on the way home from a quick trip to work today to do some 'touch-up' stocking for the pantry - just a few things in the 'stuff we'd miss' catagory. I want to pick up seed for the wild animal feed plots; and I'm also going to start on my winter stockpile of feed for the wild birds - aside from the cracked corn, the mixed bird feed also contains sunflower seed, millet, milo (sorghum), and wheat - good human feed, and good SEED for human crops. Goodness knows that it sprouts well enough where the birds plant it!

It's drizzling rain today so I'll likely not do too much outside work - Hubby has been after me to eradicate the 'bunny jungle' - also known as the overgrown flower bed - near the side porch door, but I think I'm just going to cut the seed heads off the weeds and wait until my October vacation for any heavy labor in that area. I'm on stand-by this afternoon as it's the grandkids' first day back to school; just got the annual 'First Day of School' pics in some texts from daughter - I think littlest grandson's backpack is bigger than he is! Kindergarden, First Grade, and Freshman this year; I swear it was just last week that I was rocking babies!! Pardon me while I go sniffle for a bit...

Coffee cup is empty; reckon I'd better go fill it up and get the rest of this day started; take care folks - stay safe out there!


Senior Member
Found some online tips on peeling my pears and tried them today, boiling them like peaches/tomatoes except for a little longer, the skins slipped pretty easy. I did do a comparison with just peeling with my really good paring knife and the boiling water trick worked the best. I'll be making freezer jam and freezing the rest for pies unless I get really motivated and do some pear jam to can.

Still decluttering and moving things out of the house. We have come to the decision to sell the small farm we've had for a couple of years. We've decided we don't want to be working on a 120 year old home after we retire. We'll do Thanksgiving and Christmas there with the family then put it on the market since we still need to do one more room. I always wanted this place but had it happened 20 years sooner it would have been better all way round!

We have lost our barter with our vet, he sold the place and retired darn him! So I need to start filling that category with more money for the future. I do like the new vet.

I do feel the need to get more into the pantry.