Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: April 15 ~ 21, 2018


Veteran Member
Sorry for being such a slacker on getting the thread started - low sleep and long hours at work over the weekend, followed by oversleeping and having to run to get ready to go to the pool with the neighbor when she texted me from my driveway to let me know she was here to pick me up this morning..... That was followed by getting home in time to run errands with Hubby, which was followed by an unexpected nap (I sat down for a minute and woke up two hours later :lol:)....

Woke up to snow again this morning that lasted into the afternoon; temp is dropping again now so I'm wondering if we won't see a bit more of it today - I'm going to mix up a batch of cookies here in a bit so that I can take them in to the elevator tomorrow for the farmers who are becoming impatient waiting for the weather to clear.

No major plans for the rest of today - other than going to bed early :lol: Tomorrow I need clean out the van so Hubby can take it to be worked on, move the car seats to the truck, load the dishwasher with canning jars from the stash under the shed porch, fill the birdfeeders, go to the pool with the neighbor, snag a load of canning jar boxes from a co-workers house on the way home, put another load of jars in the dishwasher, gather up some more stuff for the thrift store, dig out a ream of my penny a package paper from Staples for older grandson's teacher, take some chick feeders over to a different neighbor, head to daughter's house (drop off thrift store stuff on way) to drop off the paper and pick up the grandkids to take them out to a PTO benefit thing for supper....

Now all that sounds like a bunch of old lady jibber-jabber with little to do with 'beans 'n bullets' type prepping, but look at it another way....

*Maintaining a positive relationship with neighboring farmers (cookies) - no 'cold calls' if societal breakdown, they will recognize me.

*Maintaining vehicles so that I can count on them being usable in an emergency.

*Having clean/boxed jars on hand - not just to be ready for canning, but also to have available for water storage in an emergent situation. Some of these jars will also be going to my cousins who have started canning; the more of my family who have food storage - even just seasonal canning - the less I will have to fret! And I figure that if they have jars available to them without having to spend an arm and a leg buying new ones, they might be inclined to can a bit more than they otherwise might have...

*Working on improving my physical condition - only a few of my co-workers can climb the 6 flights of stairs to our unit without stopping to catch their breath, and shake their head when I use my lunch break to take a mile walk - if I have to make that 26 mile walk home, I want to be able to do it!

*Helping out a neighbor who will be a provider of locally raised chicken and eggs - I'll buy from her now, and hope that ensures that I have someone I can trade with in an emergency.

*Cleaning closets to make room in my home for more prep storage :) (Hubby tripped over that impulse sealer I bought at the garage sale, darn it!)

*Providing supplies and helping to provide for improvements to my grandchildren's schools (and good schools they are!) as they help us raise competent kids with good values.

Take care all; I'm off to spend the evening reading Jerry D. Young's new book 'A Penny For Your Thoughts' that I just downloaded to my tablet - it's available now on amazon for $2.99 :D

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
Went looking for morals, pheasant back and birch polypores. No luck finding any worth while mushrooms. Did find some winter mint/tea berry plants but not enough to really harvest. So I got a good amount of exercise and memories of a nice walk in the woods.
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Veteran Member
Just got back from a neighbor's house - I'd gone all through school with the wife's older sister and knew of her husband through family that attended the same church. I'd loaned them our transplanter to put in some strawberry plants; then went over to help the two of them get the plants in the ground. I'm not sure how many strawberry plants - among other plants - that 40 year old machine has put in the ground, but I do know I was sitting on one of the seats feeding plants in to it for probably 95% of 'em :) Almost made me feel young again....almost - prob'ly will make me feel a whole lot older when I try to get out of bed tomorrow morning after being jostled around for 4 hours!

I came home with a hundred plants as a thank you; will give 50 of them to a co-worker friend who will be stopping by in a bit, then see if I can fit the rest in the garden by my clothesline. I'll wait to do that until after Hubby gets home from work and has a chance to give our Troy-Bilt Horse a going over; the old girl is a little cantankerous and hard to get started after sitting for the winter. Now, just to clarify; I'm talking about the tiller here - though the good Lord knows I could be talking about myself just as easy...

Daughter just pulled in to drop off the grandkids, so here shortly (after I drink a little coffee lol!) we will probably all head outside to do some yard cleanup, move some landscape bricks to around the fire pit, and dig weeds out of the flower and garden beds.

Plans for tomorrow include going to load my little trailer with mulch, a quick stop by Rural King to pick up a few items, then more yard work. Thank goodness there is rain in the forecast for Monday - I'll likely need it to recover!

Well, I'd best close this for now; daughter is going to help me with something on the computer, so I'd better let her get to it!

Take care all; have a safe and happy weekend!
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Veteran Member
I scored a treasure trove of audible books all on the subject of WW2, all on cd and ready to transfer to MP3 player. Total cost 25 bucks landed, Saving me hundreds.

My prep orders came in : wood stove, silver and food order. Spent time organizing.

I spent part of a day sharpening knives, and boy it was time. The kitchen knives needed help.

I cleaned all my rifles. It is time to sight in again, maybe next week while river ice is good and safe.

Then spring cleaning, which is a long list of task.


Veteran Member
A day off finally! Slept in late, cut DH's hair, then finished 2 papers on insulin resistance while DH hit a garage sale and the grocery store. He brought me back 12 lbs of strawberries, so those are cut up and in the freezer prepping for the freeze dryer. He also cleaned up the mudroom (at least a huge portion of it). Amazing how much dust chicks make (we had a stock tank with 50 birds in it in our mudroom until last week when they went outside). Managed to actually cook a meal and make a strawberry cake.

Tomorrow, it's back to the grindstone....