Prep Genrl weekly prep thread: April 14 - April 20, 2024


Has No Life - Lives on TB
@nomifyle , you might try making some handkerchiefs from some old sheets. I discovered that no matter how rough the handkerchiefs feel, they don't tear up the skin like tissues. Tissues are short fiber wood pulp. They are going to damage if you use them often. All the lotion does is help hide the damage.

I'm having a 2nd Monday. And my temper got triggered this morning, so remaining polite to certain people who continue to insist on sticking their noses in where they don't belong has become difficult. It's kind of a brittle polite that if they were seeing me in person would warn them to stop their nonsense. But they're not seeing me in person. Either way, that on top of the stress of taking on all of someone else's work has a migraine trying really hard to break through.

I'm about to force myself to take a lunch break before I just absolutely let loose on someone. And the good news is that the new person starts on Monday. And for that I am immensely grateful, even if it will take a while to get things fully back up to normal.


Veteran Member
While I'm always have the world/national shitz show in the back of my mind, I refuse to allow it any bandwidth to run. I cannot do a single thing to change what is or will happen and I'm prepped as far as I am able so whatever happens happens.

On the other hand, we're under a tornado watch and high wind advisory until 7:00 p.m. I have certain things I immediately take to the storm shelter and other things that I stage at the top of the stairs to take down as I go. I have Bible study in an hour so hopefully the sirens do not go off while I'm not home. Also, when I took the immediate stuff down, I realized I have not yet cleaned the shelter area. It's not too bad beyond dust and cobwebs.

Yesterday I got my seed potatoes cut and they are on a table in the garage drying.

kyrsyan, I started using men's handkerchiefs during the Covid mess when tissues were scarce. I'd kept my late dh's so started with his and then purchased a package at Walmart and another at Target. The cheaper ones from Walmart turned out to be the softest. Instead of buying 3 or 4 boxes of tissues each month, I just wash and iron my perpetual supply of handkerchiefs. I don't have to iron but I happen to like them ironed. Everyone my age started ironing with handkerchiefs and pillow cases!! I was never so happy about a new invention as permapress for dh's dress shirts and wash pants. I loath ironing white dress shirts and can remember standing hours each week ironing for the family without air-conditioning. Miserable hardly describes it!!!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
While I'm always have the world/national shitz show in the back of my mind, I refuse to allow it any bandwidth to run. I cannot do a single thing to change what is or will happen and I'm prepped as far as I am able so whatever happens happens.

On the other hand, we're under a tornado watch and high wind advisory until 7:00 p.m. I have certain things I immediately take to the storm shelter and other things that I stage at the top of the stairs to take down as I go. I have Bible study in an hour so hopefully the sirens do not go off while I'm not home. Also, when I took the immediate stuff down, I realized I have not yet cleaned the shelter area. It's not too bad beyond dust and cobwebs.

Yesterday I got my seed potatoes cut and they are on a table in the garage drying.

kyrsyan, I started using men's handkerchiefs during the Covid mess when tissues were scarce. I'd kept my late dh's so started with his and then purchased a package at Walmart and another at Target. The cheaper ones from Walmart turned out to be the softest. Instead of buying 3 or 4 boxes of tissues each month, I just wash and iron my perpetual supply of handkerchiefs. I don't have to iron but I happen to like them ironed. Everyone my age started ironing with handkerchiefs and pillow cases!! I was never so happy about a new invention as permapress for dh's dress shirts and wash pants. I loath ironing white dress shirts and can remember standing hours each week ironing for the family without air-conditioning. Miserable hardly describes it!!!
The first time I just did 12" x 12" squares out of a sheet and used the serger on the sides for a roll hem.

Son and I got sick at the same time once and tore through those. Almost didn't have enough. So I made another batch. They sit neatly stacked on a shelf by my bed. I can easily grab them whenever needed. And they get tossed in with the laundry. Haven't had a sore nose since.

There was a point where I would put them in net bags to wash them. Some front load HE washers tend to eat smaller fabric items. And clearing the "magic filter" is a pain. But my current washer hasn't tried to eat any so far.

I do have a stash of more decorative ones that I inherited. And a few large men's style ones. But for normal use, I just grab the ones I made.

I clocked out. I'm not answering the phone for a bit. I realized that I was already at almost 6 hours and really need the break. I refuse to work another 9.5 hour day. And I am currently filling a site to store cart with all sorts of comfort foods. And debating waffles and bacon for dinner tonight.

And I need to figure out how to get a sheet of drywall into the garage today. I may have to pull the hand dolly out.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We are just now getting home from Cary's 10 am doctor appointment! Doctor confirmed that Cary had a very small stroke. He sent Cary out to the main medical center for a heart monitor. He's checking for afib. He just wants to rule that out to be on the safe side. Took forever. He has to wear it until Thursday at noon. I don't know right now if that will knock us out of our shopping day Thursday or not. We have several stops in town, so we might not be back home in time for him to take it off, unless we wait until after lunch to go. He has to take it back to the medical center to turn it in, Friday.

In the meantime, Cary has another doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon to check on all the tests that he's had done so far and to see if any changes need to be made in his medications. Afterwards, we'll go to Sam's for more bulk supplies and to Lowe's for lawn and garden supplies.

Whenever we do get to grocery shop, I plan to add even more to my pantry, not just what's low. What's going on in the ME has us a bit concerned, too. It's not the time to stop stocking as far as we are concerned. I guess we'll continue, until we have no more room to walk, LOL. Just kidding, sort of.


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
Just got home a bit ago and am now getting online. Yes, there are tornadoes happening around the state. I'm trying to catch up on the news right now. I've got the local weather channel on: nothing is popping nearby.


Veteran Member
With problems with the supply chain... from the bridge in Baltimore...things will be more expensive... the ships in the bay have had to turn around and head for other ports....that increases the shipping costs...and the mess in the ME... with fuel and trucking costs going up..we are looking at preps from other countries...that we use and stocking up on those...because we feel the prices will increase and the availability may drop...a lot more than US produced products
Teas from the UK

DH has used bandanas for years as pocket handkerchiefs....they get really soft with more washes...they made a smaller size years ago... but he just uses the normal size now...




TB Fanatic
DH has a wagon load of older t-shirts, I may cut up a couple to use for my nose, I don't have any sheets to cut up.

I hear ya Sherree, I've got things on my list that I'd been holding off adding to the pantry, not a lot but some. I still want to try to get a couple of cases of Perrier in glass bottles.

I got lazy and quit using glass containers for left overs, I'm thinking about using them again, all I have to do is find them.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
@nomifyle , old t-shirts work well. Those don't need a hem. But be warned, they like to curl up. I have a pile of them I use for random cleaning. I roll them, drop them in a tube, and add a cleaner. Instant wipes.

Somebody upstairs took mercy on me. My private client contacted me and rescheduled for next week. So I can now stop. Truly stop. Which is good because my brain is tired.

I think I'm going to pull bacon now. Bacon and waffles just sounds like a good dinner today. Thank heavens for keto waffles.


Veteran Member
Deep cleaned the bathroom drawers and storage. Getting ready for a colonoscopy on Thursday. Is chicken broth considered a clear fluid? Went through medical supplies and tossed a bunch of old gloves and decade long expired over the counter meds and creams. Nice clear warm ish day today. Dear husband overworked yesterday making bio char.


Veteran Member
Long night and up at 3. But got a ton done. Fixed softener, sump pump. Sprayed the whole 4 acres. Drug the half hickory tree out the front yard. Cleaned cooked. Laundry. Put clothesline back up. Cleaned back porch.
Ran to town early for meds. Got a Pepsi and that helped.
Talked to my BIL who is precious and that helped a lot.
Several phone calls for doc appts. Insurance stuff. Deliveries.
Can't remember what else except the dog shuffle all day and the horses wouldn't go to barn pasture.
Must have been a foot of water in basement and still draining. Got the basement as clean as I could. Michigan basement.
My tulips and daffodils are up. Roses and fruit trees and lilacs nice buds and leaves.
Scot is able to get around small bit on walker. My lift gate on jeep is stuck so had to wrestle the wheelchair into the back seat. Aagggg
Im going to make him go with me Saturday to Noah's birthday party, he will be 12! I've helped raise him since birth. They are terrific kids. Will be able to drop them off to library for the day Thursday.
Dollar general has gotten so expensive. Nuts.
But gas over the line yesterday was 3.09, instead of 3.79 like it is here, so filled up.
Next task is getting jeep hatch open. Fix tire on mower and mow. Brakes on one side tire are making a little noise. Will have to change that one set out. Have the pads. Waiting on weather as we're supposed to get some bad storms tomorrow.
I taught my little grandsons how to sew. Just little stuff.
And I found a little small old tyme band for them to join if I get a chance to take them to meet everyone.
Got dinner done. Shower. Meds at 8 and put med ball out to warm for morning.
Take care everyone and be blessed


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I hear ya Sherree, I've got things on my list that I'd been holding off adding to the pantry, not a lot but some. I still want to try to get a couple of cases of Perrier in glass bottles.

Instead of just replacing the items in the pantry that have gotten low, I'll not only be replacing those, but adding even more to my stock of those items, especially, those items that are used most often. I'll be adding lots more dry beans to the freezer, too. I won't can them, until I use my home canned stock down a bit more. I'll already have them bought and here at home rather than still in the grocery store. Safer that way. My pantry will be increasing in size overall.


Veteran Member
Long night and up at 3. But got a ton done. Fixed softener, sump pump. Sprayed the whole 4 acres. Drug the half hickory tree out the front yard. Cleaned cooked. Laundry. Put clothesline back up. Cleaned back porch.
Ran to town early for meds. Got a Pepsi and that helped.
Talked to my BIL who is precious and that helped a lot.
Several phone calls for doc appts. Insurance stuff. Deliveries.
Can't remember what else except the dog shuffle all day and the horses wouldn't go to barn pasture.
Must have been a foot of water in basement and still draining. Got the basement as clean as I could. Michigan basement.
My tulips and daffodils are up. Roses and fruit trees and lilacs nice buds and leaves.
Scot is able to get around small bit on walker. My lift gate on jeep is stuck so had to wrestle the wheelchair into the back seat. Aagggg
Im going to make him go with me Saturday to Noah's birthday party, he will be 12! I've helped raise him since birth. They are terrific kids. Will be able to drop them off to library for the day Thursday.
Dollar general has gotten so expensive. Nuts.
But gas over the line yesterday was 3.09, instead of 3.79 like it is here, so filled up.
Next task is getting jeep hatch open. Fix tire on mower and mow. Brakes on one side tire are making a little noise. Will have to change that one set out. Have the pads. Waiting on weather as we're supposed to get some bad storms tomorrow.
I taught my little grandsons how to sew. Just little stuff.
And I found a little small old tyme band for them to join if I get a chance to take them to meet everyone.
Got dinner done. Shower. Meds at 8 and put med ball out to warm for morning.
Take care everyone and be blessed

I'm sure your jeep is much nicer than my 30 year old one, but the last time my lift gate got stuck, I crawled inside and kicked it loose. I've been told I can kick like a mule --- and when you don't have a man to help you, you have to figure out something that works. I greased all the gaskets and contact points with vaseline after I got it loose. I'm a heavy duty 4wheeler, and sometimes I just manage to get stuff in a bind.
I'm sure you'll figure out something that works for you.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
@Siskiyoumom , yes chicken broth is considered a clear liquid. Or it has been on all the lists I have been given the past couple of years.

Oven is heating. Bacon is over the vent to defrost some. Friend helped me get the drywall in the garage. Between her, me, and her 8 year old, we got it moved. Which is good because we are looking at rain sometime in the next 24 hours or so. She also took the two smaller "grocery" boxes on wheels that I replaced.

I got one of the big wagons. For a couple of reasons. 99.9% of it was just the size and ability for handling our bulk orders and getting to easily go around the local flea market. That last little percent is because it can hold 350 lbs. And if I absolutely have no other way, I can use it to haul son out of situations that we can't use his wheelchair for. Of course, he might forever claim it after something like that, so it's a last resort sort of thing. But the option is there.

I'm at 17.75 hours for the week. I had to remind boss that I cannot do all of this which means some stuff is only going to get done every other day rather than every day. That is just the way it will be. So to keep her on track, at the end of each day I'm sending her the summary of what I will be working on the next day. Thank all that is sacred that new woman starts Monday. Praying so hard that she is successful. We managed to temporarily rein in boss' tendency to keep bringing on new clients, but it's only temporary. Honestly, this situation helped because she has had to take on the books for 4 of the new and more difficult clients. And she had to see what it took for me to straighten out things for another not easy client. (OMG, their web invoicing and tracking software is so horrifically clunky.)

Anyways, off for dinner. And then some quiet time. Maybe even an early bedtime.
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Veteran Member
Just got home a bit ago and am now getting online. Yes, there are tornadoes happening around the state. I'm trying to catch up on the news right now. I've got the local weather channel on: nothing is popping nearby.
Well, it was a very "interesting" afternoon here. While I was at Bible Study suddenly everyone's phones started blasting emergency message, then the town tornado siren went off then the fire alarm at the complex. I grabbed my Bible and headed across the street and directly to the basement. I'd already taken the stuff I always take down as soon as the watch was issued. As I walked in the door the emergency message was being recorded over and over on my answering machine! I grabbed the phone and took it down with me. Came back up and grabbed a book and spent a half hour in my shelter reading and praying. Both dd's have since e-mailed me pictures of the funnel which did not touch down in town PRAISE GOD. From the pictures it appears to have gone over my house but it's hard to tell from pictures. The weather service now just has us under a wind advisory.

I've been through this so many times that I have my plans down pat. I have my shelter (which needs cleaned!), with emergency lighting, radios, extra batteries and other supplies always. What I take down are extra shoes, financial records, purse, meds, phone, a book and my Bibles. No panicking just preparing. I'll save the panicking when I come out and see half the town destroyed again. Pray that NEVER EVER HAPPENS AGAIN!!


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
Glad that you are OK!

I was working off-site today in a basement of a concrete building, and my car was parked in a parking garage, so I wasn't worried and not really paying close attention until it was time to leave and by then, it was clear.

All of my emergency stuff is in the basement of my house. I've been doing my best to train my cat to go down there on her own when she hears the tornado sirens. (I feed her treats!) I don't know if she'd do that if I weren't there. I keep my fingers crossed that she would. If she at least ran under the bed, she'd be scared but OK if the house imploded. I have to count on God to help protect her if I'm not home.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Good morning ladies.
Has anyone had "Trigger Thumb"
I have had this for a few months. If you have, what did you do for it?
Ouch. Arnica massage oil by Weleda externally to help any swelling go down. And one of the curcumin derivates to help internally, probably the Meriva formulation since that is focused on muscles and joints.

I would probably splint depending on the severity, if only to keep the tendon sheath from making it's smaller and tighter over time. And look for exercises that might help. And because I'm me, look and see if I can figure out what might be triggering it.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We're in the middle of a thunderstorm right now. Won't be any getting in the garden for us. Still rain in the forecast for tomorrow as well. We usually have a very wet Spring, so it always makes us run a bit late about getting our gardens done. Even though, we have rain, today, temps are still in the mid 80's. Very humid.

Another trip to Tupelo, today, for doctor appointment, a trip to Sam's, and Lowe's. I was telling Cary this morning that it would be beneficial to us to just sell our place and move to Tupelo. These long trips for the both of us with doctor appointments every few days every month is getting old. It seems all we do lately is go to Tupelo, and it leaves us with a lot less time for anything else.


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
These long trips for the both of us with doctor appointments every few days every month is getting old. It seems all we do lately is go to Tupelo, and it leaves us with a lot less time for anything else.

It's a trade-off. I've lived in a college town before so that I was minutes away from a university hospital. On the other hand, the day-to-day living in a liberal college town for a conservative can be wearing. My compromise for the moment was to live in a small town near the capital (and the better hospitals for routine care). I'm within 10 - 30 minutes of routine care, so no long drives. On the other hand, if I had something major, like cancer, I'd have a 2-hour drive or so over to Iowa City or up to Mayo Clinic in MN. [My cataract surgery was just down the road in West Des Moines, and they might be getting a branch of Mayo Clinic . . .]

Right now, I wouldn't have the patience for the daily living in a larger area. The Little Darlings are endlessly obnoxious, and they are everywhere. You sound like you live in a quiet, peaceful area. It might be worth some treats on doctor days to put up with the driving. Then again, if it's every few days, then an extended stay hotel rental might be a consideration. I think that might be a better short-term solution than moving there. Just musing here. I certainly don't want to live in a larger area, again unless it's truly necessary.

I know that you have a vision problem. At some point, you may have to live where there's a bus line, medical transportation, Ubers, and such . . .
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Has No Life - Lives on TB
It's a trade-off. I've lived in a college town before so that I was minutes away from a university hospital. On the other hand, the day-to-day living in a liberal college town for a conservative can be wearing. My compromise for the moment was to live in a small town near the capital (and the better hospitals for routine care). I'm within 10 - 30 minutes of routine care, so no long drives. On the other hand, if I had something major, like cancer, I'd have a 2-hour drive or so over to Iowa City or up to Mayo Clinic in MN. [My cataract surgery was just down the road in West Des Moines, and they might be getting a branch of Mayo Clinic . . .]

Right now, I wouldn't have the patience for the daily living in a larger area. The Little Darlings are endlessly obnoxious, and they are everywhere. You sound like you live in a quiet, peaceful area. It might be worth some treats on doctor days to put up with the driving. Then again, if it's every few days, then an extended stay hotel rental might be a consideration. I think that might be a better short-term solution than moving there. Just musing here. I certainly don't want to live in a larger area, again unless it's truly necessary.

I know that you have a vision problem. At some point, you may have to live where there's a bus line, medical transportation, Ubers, and such . . .

We probably won't ever leave this place, unless we both get down to where we can't do the upkeep of it. That's for the both of us. It's not so bad driving the distance of 45 minutes. It's the interruptions to our schedules almost every day to have to go. Those 45 minute trips both ways do add up over a month, though. I hope we don't see $7 gasoline prices in the near future!

The thought of living in Tupelo or closer in scares me. I've never lived in a city, large or small, and I hope I never have to, but it is an option if all else fails.
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TB Fanatic
My poor office is a stacked up mess, a day or so ago I looked in several places for a bottle of Eyebright herb. I use to take it for congestion and runny nose, and my nose has been running away with me. I quit taking it because it seemed to stop working, I had been taking it for a long time. Before he died my brother suggested taking it again and sent me a bottle. (I had turned my mother and my brother on to it years ago)

It repeated on me badly so I quit taking it after a dose or two. I finally found a bottle yesterday and took two with food, not issues. And it cleared up my nose. I took one last night and did not get congested during the night. Very little congestion this morning but I took one anyway without food and no stomach issues. Even the mucus in the back of my throat has cleared up and not coughing last night.

I've done some research on eyebright this morning, and duh, its also good for eyes. I want to give it to DH because his nose runs away from him for a couple of hours in the morning. I found no indications it thins the blood (he takes warfarin).

I've made a dent in the laundry (folded and put away) and I can see daylight in the kitchen, praise the Lord. Back to it today.


TB Fanatic
SB, we live 70 miles each way from the VA and DH has to go every month to get his INR checked. In emergencies we've gone to the hospital in Natchitoches (30 miles away) and for the most part (except when we had covid) we've gotten good care. I just have to be careful not to curse at one of the ER nurses who is a bitch from hell. Neither of us want to leave here except feet first.

ST: The price for eyebright herb is getting high, so I'm considering getting it in bulk, which means I'd be taking it in powder form, is putting it in coffee okay or even green tea? Its a good thing I bought 6 bottles when my brother encouraged me to start taking it again. It also has other good properties in the herb.


Veteran Member
Can't splint or do surgery with everything on my plate right now. Don't know if I could even get to a doc for me. But I'll try the ointments and stuff for now.
I ordered took a few different ones to get one that fit my thumb. Eventually I just wore it at night (amazing how much we move while asleep...thumb would pop out of joint and wake me up) and then it healed. Took all summer, though. I don't do allopathic doctors, so....
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Has No Life - Lives on TB
SB, we live 70 miles each way from the VA and DH has to go every month to get his INR checked. In emergencies we've gone to the hospital in Natchitoches (30 miles away) and for the most part (except when we had covid) we've gotten good care. I just have to be careful not to curse at one of the ER nurses who is a bitch from hell. Neither of us want to leave here except feet first.

I wish we could go back to where we only had one doctor visit a month! Long gone are those days, I fear. We have to do what we have to do, though. There is a small community hospital in the small town we grocery shop in. There are no good doctors there, though. No Specialists at all.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We have hospitals in two different directions and I know the backroads to get to each. Which one I'd go to depends on the emergency and what is going on in the area. I generally go into the city because there are good specialists there, even if some of them do need attitude adjustments.

Tired. Today was bulk order day. And a grocery pickup. And I was supposed to turn in a return package. And it was pouring rain. Got the groceries and the bulk order. The dropoff... I'm going to have to call the company again. None of the UPS drop offs within a half hour of my house can do the QR code returns.

Right now I'm trying to get the stuff put away.


TB Fanatic
I wish we could go back to where we only had one doctor visit a month! Long gone are those days, I fear. We have to do what we have to do, though. There is a small community hospital in the small town we grocery shop in. There are no good doctors there, though. No Specialists at all.
I miss having a family doctor that took care of everything, rare need for a specialist. PCP are just about worthless except for prescribing meds and sending you to a specialist.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I miss having a family doctor that took care of everything, rare need for a specialist. PCP are just about worthless except for prescribing meds and sending you to a specialist.

Our PCP is a specialist of Internal Medicine, an Internist. He treats our high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and all of Cary's meds and coordinates with all of his other doctors, plus he treats my anxiety disorder and blood pressure issues. If there is something out of his field that needs attention, then he sends us to a specialist. For most of our issues, a specialist is needed, anyway. I don't want a family practitioner trying to treat cancer.


TB Fanatic
Our PCP is a specialist of Internal Medicine, an Internist. He treats our high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and all of Cary's meds and coordinates with all of his other doctors, plus he treats my anxiety disorder and blood pressure issues. If there is something out of his field that needs attention, then he sends us to a specialist. For most of our issues, a specialist is needed, anyway. I don't want a family practitioner trying to treat cancer.
Of course you need a specialist for certain things, but I generally only need a family doctor. I think PCP physicians are general internal med doc. I'm speaking from my experience, its not the same for others.


Veteran Member
Another trip to Tupelo, today, for doctor appointment, a trip to Sam's, and Lowe's. I was telling Cary this morning that it would be beneficial to us to just sell our place and move to Tupelo. These long trips for the both of us with doctor appointments every few days every month is getting old. It seems all we do lately is go to Tupelo, and it leaves us with a lot less time for anything else.
When I have to go to Des Moines, I'm very stressed. Traffic is to the point that I no longer feel safe driving in Des Moines. When we leave Des Moines, the further away we get I can feel the "stress" relaxing so moving back to Des Moines is definitely not in my plans. We are fortunate to have Regional Medical Centers around the state plus most counties have a small hospital. The smaller hospitals are mostly affiliated with a larger hospital and specialty doctors come from the larger hospital on a rotational basis. Of course, if you need major specialty treatment then it's Des Moines, Iowa City, or Mayo. Depending on where you live it could be Quad Cities, Sioux Falls or Omaha. Veterans Hospital is also in Des Moines.

Generally speaking, the smaller hospitals provide a more comfortable experience for a patient and their family. I've noticed in recent years that the County hospitals offer very generous sign on bonuses for nurses and other professional positions.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Laughing. New woman starts on Monday. Boss is nervous about her "because she sounds timid and nervous". I spoke up to support her so now I get to train her. I'm actually okay with that. I kind of have higher standards than boss and do things that boss wonders about... until it saves our sanity.

I think part of it was that I was already have to write the step by step guidelines for different things. I seem to have a knack for doing it in ways that people understand. Boss loves them because they actually help her. So it's an experiment to see if I can do the training. If I can, it's likely I will do it from now on.

Anyways, time for a mental break. And dinner tonight is stir fry. Maybe.


Veteran Member
I miss having a family doctor that took care of everything, rare need for a specialist. PCP are just about worthless except for prescribing meds and sending you to a specialist.
I grew up with a wonderful family doctor..he was Irish with a brogue...
He did every thing..was very knowledgeable...he still made house calls...until he retired..if anything he under today's standards...he was not owned by big pharma...
He has passed away and boy do we miss him...