Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: April 14 ~ 20, 2019


Veteran Member
Good Morning, All!

Well, I finished up last weeks prep by picking up several items for cleaning at Dollar General on my way home from work last night. Used my $5 off $25 purchase coupon and came home with 4 gallons of bleach, the same of vinegar, 2 - 1/2 gallons of ammonia, 4- 16 oz bottles of peroxide; then filled in the rest of the amount required with pads for the mop and some scrubbies. Some of the items will be rotated into prep stock, others will be used this week.

I guess that helps get me ready for my spring cleaning, which starts in earnest tomorrow mid-morning - but not until after I get the grandsons off to school and go to the pool :)

It started raining last night and is supposed to continue on through today, then a cold front will come through this evening - I won't be home as I'll be spending the night at daughter's house, so Hubby is going to cover the houseplants on the porch for me.

Monday afternoon will be spent powerwashing the house, cleaning out window wells, and washing windows - there is some caulking that needs to be done, and I know the screening on a couple of windows needs to be replaced - not sure the windows will get taken care of for a week or so though.

Tuesday is pool and starting on the inside spring cleaning; Wednesday is pretty much a wash as the grandsons have a spring program at school, then get out early for the Easter break. Thursday after the grandkids leave will be spent getting the shopping done. Friday is finishing up the inside of the house, Saturday is food prep; then it will be Easter Sunday and the family gathering.

Dang, I just started this week and it seems like it's almost over already :lol:

Take care all; have a fabulous week!


Veteran Member
We are under two weeks away from our one month road trip. Getting things ready in the car continues. Today I added a small water filter, a new flashlight (with a whole package of new batteries), some matches and lighters and one of those magnesium firestarter sticks, and a couple of packs of glow sticks to the car emergency bag. I also got a moving blanket and a tarp and covered the back seat--things will be placed on top, but it is also for quick shelter and warmth if needed. And I mounted one of those emergency seat belt cutters/glass smashers in an easy to reach spot. Hoping we won't need any of this of course, but at times we will be in more isolated areas and I wanted to make sure we were covered for an emergency.

Bought some prep stuff at the grocery store--8 cans of green beans with potatoes (all they had left on the shelf at a bogo price), 4 bags of sugar (bogo and I had coupons), and 4 6-packs of toilet paper (also bogo).

At the hardware store, I also got a slingshot and another pair of safety glasses.

Downloaded two books that were diaries from the Civil War. I like diaries as they give you inside information usually on what people did, what they ate, how they handled shortages and the like. I have quite a few from the Civil War already, so these are additions to my collection.


Veteran Member
We were woken yesterday at 5:30 when hubbys CPAP machine stopped. Our power was off. It was off for 4 hours. I had enough water to make coffee stored and a little extra. I usually keep quite a bit, but had not refilled the empty bottles. Dumb, I know. I just got complacent I guess. I refilled as soon as the power came back on.

I plan to make some plantain salve and some with jewel weed for poison ivy. I have started drying herbs for the buyer. I am getting started 4 months earlier than last year. I hope to sell a lot more this year. I am learning more plants as fast as I can. I found blood root a couple weeks ago. I was so excited. It is not high dollar. But you could probably dig quite a bit in an hour.


Veteran Member
Wishing you a safe and enjoyable trip, Prudentwatcher! Sounds like you're well prepped for it. I think I'd rather be in isolated areas than cities nowadays!!

Digger, I am enjoying your herbal lore; please continue to share with us what you are doing!

Looks like the preps are going to come in handy again - I'd been in a glorious mood all day yesterday - weather was beautiful, I power washed the outside of the house (well, as far as I could reach up), took down and washed curtains and had them and sheets hanging on the line, and was washing the windows on the main floor when I took a break to see if the curtains were dry. I was walking across the yard and felt something 'slip' in my right knee area and suddenly the top portion of my leg went one direction as the lower portion went the other. I was hollering 'No, No, No!!! as I went down - but at least the ground was soft from the recent rain :lol: I was able to push the leg back into alignment, then scooted backwards on my rump until I got to the picnic table, then hopped to the porch and hung on to the porch rail to get around to the side porch where it was easier to hop up the steps. I called my daughter's step-mom who agreed to snag the grandkids after school and keep them in my place, called my co-worker Buddy to 'drive Miss Daisy' (as we called it when he took me to chemo), and had the 30 minutes until he got here to take a bath, wash my hair, and pack a bag for the ER. No serious fracture; MRI still in the offing for the 30th if I'm not healed up but I'm limited in my walking for a bit - ER gave me a stabilizer (I had one at home) and demanded I take a set of crutches though I'm not supposed to use them; Hubby went down and rummaged through the medical closet and brought up the wheeled walker with a seat that I used when I broke my other leg. I was able to drive myself to my Ortho appointment today; and to grandson's school program, but used the walker for both of those.

Plenty of food, etc... here at home, but there will be no Family Easter dinner at my house this year as the pain is draining my stamina; and no gathering cottonwood pods to make salve or going to the pool for a while either, darn it! It's supposed to rain the next two days so I will be pretty much stuck at home. The grandkids will be back here Saturday, so that gives me a couple more days to heal up enough to do Easter Bunny duty - I may have to learn how to drive a Wal-Mart scooter :lol: I guess staying mostly at home means I should have plenty of time over the next week or so ford hand weeding flower beds, spreading mulch (I bought bagged to get started with this year, and the bags are tossed down where the mulch will go so a good knife and a coffee tub for scooping should be all I need) sorting and organizing at least the lower shelves in the pantry, sorting through the grandkid clothes (another growth spurt - good thing we're going into shorts season!) and toys to pass down, and sorting out some books to donate to the patient library at work.

Well, I'm starting to yawn in spite of my almost 3 hour nap this afternoon, so I reckon I'd better start winding down to head back to bed.

Take care all; stay prepped and stay safe out there!


Veteran Member
Much better this morning, thank you; Marseydoats! The rain is going to keep me inside anyway, and there is plenty of work I can get done while sitting. Poor Hubby had to take over caring for the cat and doing laundry yesterday though!


Veteran Member
Renee, I'm glad you're feeling better! I hope your husband is better at cat care than mine. A couple years ago when I was in the hospital, I had explained to him how to change the litter box (my cats liked a little bit of litter changed twice a day) and that he had to stand watch and make sure the smallest female got enough to eat. Well he decided that the litter box was too much trouble and poured 25 pounds of litter in it and put the top back on it, and thought he'd change it once a week. My bigger cats weighed 20 and 22 pounds and they couldn't even get in the box. He did make sure the female got enough to eat though.
I did a fuel run. Got the bottled water and vinegar re-stocked, still working on the toilet paper. Will get the trash hauled off today.
And realized that I don't have a single pair of shorts that don't have holes in them. So I guess I have to go buy some clothes. I mortally hate to shop.

Deena in GA

Just a quick check-in to say that our youngest son just presented me with two gas masks! Woot! Love the way he thinks!