Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: April 1 ~ 7, 2018


Veteran Member
Good Morning, All :) Sorry for the late start, we had family out for Easter Dinner yesterday and by the time I got the two boys put to bed last night, I was too tired to do anything more than read! It was so good to have a gaggle of women working together in the kitchen - the guys all ran for the shed lol! - and little ones underfoot yesterday :)

Breakfast this morning has consisted of coffee, custard pie, coffee, half a sugar cookie, coffee, and did I mention coffee? I may have enough energy to deal with the boys once they wake up - already have heavy pants, coats, hats and mittens laid out for them so they can go outside and enjoy the results of our April Fool's snowstorm that hit late yesterday afternoon - before it all melts away! The temp is supposed to get up to nearly 50*F, so we'll need to hurry before it's gone.

Other plans - besides trying to keep up with the boys! - for today include filling birdfeeders, finding and hanging a hummingbird feeder, catching up on laundry, filling a couple more boxes for the thrift store, unloading some of the extra emergency supplies I put in the van prior to our trip, and figuring out how to fit the boys' new bicycles into the van when I take them home this evening.

Back to work for daughter today, back to school for the boys tomorrow and back to work for Hubby ditto, but I still have another 8 days before I return to work; was hoping to get some outside work done around home, but the weather may not cooperate for some of the chores on my list. Oh well, plenty of inside work that needs to be done as well, so I doubt I get bored! I did notice a couple of holes in the pantry yesterday when family asked for this or that; have noted them down on the shopping list so I can watch for sales when I am planning my shopping.

Well darn - my coffee cup is empty! Reckon I'd better go fill it up, then chop up some leftover ham to go into the omelets I plan for breakfast this morning :)

Take care all; have a blessed week!


Veteran Member
The snow all melted off overnight as the temperatures rose and rain set in - awfully glad this has been rain instead of snow as we are at 2" and counting for today. I admit that I could do without being under a tornado/hail/severe thunderstorm watch though!! (Picky, picky, picky!!)

The neighbor lady and I ran through several patches where water was over the country roads @ 8 am this morning on our way to the pool - lots of creeks out of their banks in the bottoms; I doubt the level has gone down much as the rain has been fairly constant throughout the day, though it has lightened up at times. The nearby community college closed as the highway that goes past it was dangerously flooded in areas; and daughter's Dad's bottom ground along the river is under about 4' of water. Haven't seen anything posted as yet, but I'm certain that granddaughter's track meet has been cancelled for today - there are going to have to be several meets tacked on to the end of the schedule as the past three have been cancelled. The forecast calls for the weather to clear later this evening, and the temp to drop by about 30* - neighbor and I might be ice skating to the pool tomorrow :lol:

I tried to sit down with the storage tub of old clothes that needed cut into rags after I got home, but soon recognized that I'd end up taking a nap if I sat still too long so got up and went to the storeroom to do some organizing instead - when the family came to dinner on Sunday, some of my cousins brought jars of home canned green beans as part of their contribution to the meal, and that got us all to talking about canning - and them complaining about the price of new jars. They allowed as to how they could use some more quart jars for putting up green beans next year, and since I don't use hardly any regular mouth quart jars, I went down to the storeroom to see how many I might be able to pass on to them - found 12 cases without breaking a sweat (or making much of a dent in the supply) so pulled them out and stacked them near the door; will need to get ahold of my cousin to find out when she would like me to drop them off at her or her husband's workplace.

One of the cousins had forgotten her tray to put her relish tray items on, so we went to one of the pantries to get one of mine, and she noticed my stacks upon stacks of Dollar General canning jar lid boxes, so that got her started on the price of lids. I explained how I use Dollar General's $5 off $25 purchase coupons to help me stock up on lids at a decent price:
$1.75 box / 12 lids per box = 14.5 cents lid - BUT
$1.75 box x 15 boxes = $26.25 - $5/$25 purchase coupon = $21.25
15 boxes x 12 lids per box = 180 lids
$21.25/180 = 11.8 cents/lid

I can get the lids for 11 cents each by ordering them through, IF I buy 5 or more cases of 3000 (10 sleeves of 300) for $330 each; but that doesn't include shipping. 1-4 cases of 3000 is priced at $360 each, or 12 cents each, and again, doesn't include shipping.

One tip - if you do decide to order through, try to have them sent to to a business or at least an address in a town - I trialed the shipping 3 ways - our house (outrageous!!), MIL's house in town (better), and the business where Hubby works - almost reasonable, but still higher than the 11.8 cents/lid when using the $5/$25 coupon at Dollar General.

And speaking of Dollar General, they are getting in their Golden Harvest brand canning jars, at least around here. Didn't see a price as they were still on a shrink wrapped cart in the aisle, but they are showing up!

Broke one of my Mama's rules today; one that had been passed down by Granny - I made jelly on a rainy day. Found a stash of 12 quarts of grape juice while I was blundering around in the storeroom so poured 6 jars of it into a pot and let it simmer for a bit to concentrate it some, then turned it into jars of grape jelly - they seemed to set up okay and it tasted good, so I reckon the grandsons should be set for pbj sandwiches for a while :)

Almost time for Hubby to get home from work, reckon I'd better go set out the Easter dinner leftovers to see what we can finish up!

Take care all, stay safe, warm, and dry!


Veteran Member
Cut school today to attend a mass casualty drill at work. Scenerio (fake - fake- fake) was that a tornado hit a local elementary, and also the power plant. First 'patient' was an ammonia burn, then bunches more. Most were local teachers that were out for a work day. They did a drawing to see who got to be the worst trauma patient - and got to fly in a Blackhawk helicopter. My patient was so excited! I had to keep telling her....'"you're intubated with 2 chest tubes - you can't talk". Of course, I also let her up to go to the bathroom and fed her lunch, so it wasn't very realistic! Had a really good time, learned a lot, and hope I never have to use it.

I picked up some calzones the cafeteria had leftover, so I'm set for dinner. I got home about 3, so I checked cows (11 still waiting to deliver, 10 with their calves) and chickens. I put up a curtain on the nest boxes since I have a couple hens that want to eat the eggs before I can get to them. I still have about 20 chicks in the mudroom in a stock tank -boy,I"ll be glad when they are out in the second chicken area - TOO MUCH DUST!!!

Need to get back to my schoolwork. I think I will make up some meatloaf to have in the fridge and maybe a cake tonight. DH is working nights for the next couple weeks, and I am heading to KS for a short trip. I want to make sure he is well-fed.


Veteran Member
Did they tell you ahead of time what the mass casualty was going to be, Moldy? Our facility doesn't; which I guess makes it more realistic.

If we aren't at work, we get called at home to ask if we could come in if our disaster drills were an actual emergency - my response is usually "That depends on the disaster!" and it annoys them to no end :confused: Well, really!!
Tornado/earthquake - can I safely get there?
Train wreck - what were the cars carrying?
Nuclear Armageddon - umm, NOPE!


Veteran Member
They did. It was a really good learning experience, but I found out that it would be 6-24 hours before we would have state level (National Guard type) help. Very.... sobering. When it all comes down to it, you're on your own a lot more than you think (even when things are working the way they 'should')

Illini Warrior

Illini Warrior
They did. It was a really good learning experience, but I found out that it would be 6-24 hours before we would have state level (National Guard type) help. Very.... sobering. When it all comes down to it, you're on your own a lot more than you think (even when things are working the way they 'should')

if the SHTF was nationwide you'd be praying for NG assist measured in days if not weeks - if it's military and international the NG might never be locally activated and could go Federalized for US Army mobilization .... why we prep


Veteran Member
If SHTF nationwide, I wouldn't be expecting the Nat'l Guard at all - I'd be expecting them to head home to care for their own families.

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
Today was my day to do battle with clutter. If I keep this up DH will have to hire a dumpster. Where does it all come from? If there is enough day light and energy the garden needs some attention. A few more rows of peas would be a very good thing.

Moldy I have some kin in the NG. Good kids but knuckle heads. Even if the NG is activated and gets there remember that in some cases you may have to deal with 18 year olds that are a bit shy of common sense and experience.


Veteran Member
hello all.......great training, Moldy, hope you don't use it soon!! Renee: custard pie for breakfast is just about perfect my house CLUTTER WON...picked up a few OTC cold/flu/allergy stuff from clearance shelf......and more coffee with sale plus coupons......cold/windy/blustery/snow shower day for the Rockies opener!!