Weathered Ivan


Veteran Member
I am so glad to be back reading everyones posts. Last Wednesday night when I went to bed, I did not know what I would wake up to. At 1:00 A.M. a deaf dog barking woke me. All I could think of was my precious daughter in Pensacola. The deaf dog is her favorite dog and a dog she grew up with. I thought: this dog knows what precious one is going through right now. This dog knows! I jolted out of bed to and ran to the window to the most terrifying wind I have ever seen or heard. I never went back to bed, because I was praying for her. (well I could never sleep through that anyway) We were not near the eye wall. She was in the eye wall. We were battered here. They were brutalized in Pensacola. I was not able to actually speak with her until Sunday night. Four days of uncertainty. I tried to call 911 on my cell phone Thursday afternoon, but it would not go through. I have never felt so out of communication or helpless in my life. We have been through four days of no phone or electricity. I am not complaining. I feel blessed that we are not hurt or damaged like so very many others. When I did speak with DD she said that they thought the worst was over after they had been battered for hours. Then the eyewall came and they experienced three hours of 135 mph winds. She said that it was absolutely terrifiying! The whole house was shaking and vibrating! She said that a huge tree fell on the house and that they heard it cracking and splitting and fixing to fall but that it was dark and they did not know where in the house to run to because they could not see the tree. (dark) She said they ran from room to room, not knowing where to seek shelter from the tree falliing. After the tree fell, all they could see was leaves smashed up against the windows of the living room. It did not fall into the house just on the house. She said that to tree protected them because it blocked the horrifiying 170 mph gusts that came. The tree blocked the gusts from smashing the windows in. More in next post. This is getting too long!


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!

I'm very glad your daughter was not harmed. Hurricanes are terrifing aren't they. I lived in Louisiana right on Lake Ponchatrain for 23 years. I saw Betsy, Cammile, and I think it was Claudia???? We were never harmed and trees fell in our yard, but not on the house.
My WHOLE family lives in Pensacola!! My neice said it was REALLY REALLY BAD, and they have gone through many hurricanes, in the last one they were without water or lights for 3 WEEKS!!! THIS one she said was worse than anything she had EVER seen. She's lived on the Gulf Coast (about 10 miles inland for her entire 40 years) and she said she doesn't know if she can handle another time they maight leave. She said she was VERY VERY scared. They live in Milton, if you know where that is. They had many trees down in the yard and one on the house, but it didn't break through the roof. My Sister on the other hand, got a tree on her roof, and it caused somr damage, but I talked to them you, I couldn't get in touch with them until Sunday night. I was SCARED!! My parents are down there too, in a nursing home, and my Mother, room flooded. It was set up so she had her living room furniture there, and it got ruined. At least no one was hurt...THAT'S what's important! But yes, it's TERRIFING when you arte worried and can't reach your family!


Veteran Member
Well, I typed a long post and left it hanging while doing a neccessity here and heard the PC click off. So I lost it. In it I apologized for the typo in my above post. Talking about the mighty tree, that protected them; God works in ways we can never imagine. Who would ever ever think a tree falling on a house would be a blessing! A protection. She said that the devastation is beyond imagination. I have had a very hard time getting news that shows photos of Pensacola, or news of how it is over there. Except of course the same ones over and over of the bridge. She said that it is cash only over there. NO credit cards OR checks! People are lined up forever at any little convenience store that happens to open. Not much gas there. No mail or phone or elec. of course. I have only been able to get through to her once. Curfews are in existence. Armed military everywhere.
My PC blew a power box because of Ivan and I just got it fixed last night. Things are getting back to normal here in my home, but there are many for whom it will never get back to normal. We all need to pray for this country and people in it and the things that are happening now. Over a million people without electricity. Lots of hungry people.


Veteran Member
Thank you A.T.! I just went to the link and posted! Please read my post there! I posted about a particular flashlight of which I bought the last one at walmart. If I find some more of the things I am going to buy FOUR of them and I also am going to buy everyone I know one for Christmas. I simply could not have made it with out the light. It has a soft stretchy head band on it and goes around the head. Made by energizer. I did many things during the lights out time that required TWO hands! More description of this in the post I put on the thread you gave. I also posted about two other things that I used a LOT!