CRISIS We cannot vote our way out of this...What is to be done???


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Seems to me there are not enough serious conversations about the fact that our political systems have been overtaken by corrupt and treasonous officials and there is no conceivable way to fix it within these same political systems...
When the Lord puts you in a box, there ain't no getting out of it.

Repentance is the only cure, and that is only for the individual, and not the country.

Consider this thread:



God has a plan, Trust it!
Seems to me there are not enough serious conversations about the fact that our political systems have been overtaken by corrupt and treasonous officials and there is no conceivable way to fix it within these same political systems...
There has been serious talk over the last few years about the things we can do individually and peacefully. Most have failed.

As to beyond already know the answer. And to post those discussions on a public forum will get you life in a cozy new cement cell.
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F-4 Phantoms Phorever
There's only so much that can be done, and we've already demonstrated, extensively, that the peaceful solutions are mostly ignored.
It's going to come down blood in the streets in political violence that shocks the nation into rationality (the nicest solution), a civil war that splits/destroys the nation, a war that unites the nation after an attack on American soil or some cataclysm like the SMOD.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
"We've" done nothing. How many here and in our circles of friends are on a town council, school board, or other elected office where we can actually make a difference? Okay, maybe it's a small difference, but when there are many doing such, things change. Anybody here a prosecutor? Any black robed judges?

To paraphrase Tecumseh, a single twig is easily broken, but a bundle of twigs is strong. Right now and for as long as I can remember, we've been single twigs. There have been a few sputtering moments when we could have coalesced and almost did. Think of Rush Limbaugh and his 'teachings' between moments of humor and braggadocio. There was the Tea Party "movement" that got off to a good start but was soon co-opted by slick talking politicians and maybe a little interference by deep state agencies.

We had a really good start on Jan 11th (?), but quickly backed off when the .gov showed resolve. How many of you have actually contacted your reps about justice for Ashley Babbit's murder? How many have written/called on a WEEKLY basis about the illegal jailing of the protestors? I'm not talking about one or two people, I'm talking a vast majority of those who abhor big government.

It seems like once a quarter some frustrated loner wonders out loud if voting is even worth it. The answer is, if that's all your going to do then no, it's not worth it. You're not involved. You're a spectator in the stands. You don't get to call the plays. You don't get to run the ball. You're just a spectator. Just writing 'FJB' at the end of a post isn't involvement.

We'll all get together here and watch the trucker's strike against hauling goods to NYC if it comes off, but how many will send a couple of hundred dollars to those people to defer costs? I'm certain that some or many will snort and say, I can't afford that. So, you can afford this widening disaster that's unfolding right in front of you? If you have an 18-wheeler, are you joining in? Man, that's expensive. But at least you'd be doing something.

You've got to do more than just vote. If you don't, then yes, your vote is wasted. Samuel Adams said it well almost 250 years ago. " If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace...."

Oh and FJB. ;)



God has a plan, Trust it!
However, I do think we have two choices.

If we get attacked from within, as in a civil war, it will divide this country permanently. It will be bloody and people are just not ready for that. The character, in general, of America is very different than it was in 1774. To paraphrase Franklin, they are willing to give up liberty for security, and worthy of neither. They like their status quo too much, they cling to their "stuff". Change will not happen until the things they are willing to fight for are much more base. Not all of America, but most. Even those that raise their fists in disgust, when it comes to shove, wont be willing to step up. They are too comfortable and not willing to give it all up.

But if attack comes from without (as in foreign enemy), it might be a reminder to the American Public what makes us American and unite us like it did after 9/11. Even though that reminder didnt last, it might be enough to douse the flames long enough to get some discussion going and temper the heat and serve as a reminder bloody enough to slap us awake.



We cannot vote our way out of this...What is to be done???​

I am not trying to be cute or snarky even though it might come off that way. You've been here for almost the full duration since 2001. This was a prep board back then and for many of us it still is. Full spectrum prepping is a lifestyle and not for an anticipated single event. Since we can't vote our way out of it we continue to prep to the utmost to be as self sufficient and local as possible. We should be doing the things we talk about every day here going back for more than 20 years.

Unless I miss the intent of your question we keep on doing what we have been doing (or should of been doing) all along. When this fully collapses you are on your own with what you've got on hand and you might get no notice. We can't save this country, we can't change Washington our your State capital and you might not be able to change anything in your town or village. What we can do is make a difference on our street and our property. Everything becomes very local going forward.


Trump '24
Civil War!

Civil War is coming anyway. If there is an election and Trump is declared the winner the left and the wokesters won't accept it and we'll get riots the likes of which we haven't seen since the late 1960's. If they don't have an election due to a national 'emergency' or if Xiden or whoever replaces him is announced as the winner the conservatives won't accept it quietly like what happened in 2020. Either way its going to be ugly on an ape and we have to be ready.


Faithful Steed
Could also watch The Storm play out, too.
But that assumes you're ok with either outcome.

It's not like Gillette Stadium where you go to see the Patriots (Football) lose - and then join the tailgate parties afterwards.

The tailgate parties are very likely to be served from "flower cars" if not from actual hearses.


And even if you skip the party, you're likely to return home to a scolding by Comrade Kaprugina when your face shows your disappointment with having to share your abode with the "new arrivals." (RT 1:58)


The resultant different world is very likely to be something you'll find VERY different from what you're used to.

It should be noted for future reference, that part of the success of the Russian state since the fall of the Soviet Union is the result of abandoning most "woke" aspects of Marxism. And allowing some semblance of "free trade." You have to be "Oligarch Connected" of course, but free enterprise is not put on russian ice, as it was before.

We have (or had) our own Oligarchs here - called "Investors." Now they put their money in Treasury Bills and wait for the Fed to raise the rate.


colonel holman

Veteran Member
As I have predicted, the 2024 POTUs campaign season will become at least scattered lethal violence. No way anyone will be able to display DJT campaign stickers on their vehicles or signs on lawn without severe damage. No way will you be able to say anything favorable about any repub’s without really nasty responses. Red states/communities will be targets of election day intimidation, IEDs, sniping to discourage voting. If he gets elected, expect nationwide strikes and severe society disruptions that can evolve into frank regional CW


Veteran Member
There's nothing to be done to save a society that has lost the will to live. We're reaping what we have sown for more than a 100 years of letting it all rot to the ground. Everyone made excuses for this stuff time and time again well before I was born. I've been listening to art bell shows from the early 90s and it was obvious even then that all this was coming and everyone including art bell just makes excuses and thought that compromise was the answer. well, we got what compromise with evil will buy us and we have it in spades now.

I think there is hope but it will be after things collapse in under their own weight like the soviet union did. I do believe we are being judged collectively for losing our soul as a people and a nation the rot that we are seeing started out spiritually first and then manifested in the physical world. That's just my opinion on it. The whole western world got so caught up in a fake world they built on television that they haven't a real clue how to actually live and thrive in the real world that exists outside of the smoke and mirrors.


If he gets elected, expect nationwide strikes and severe society disruptions that can evolve into frank regional CW

That is pretty much how I see it. Society has been so bifurcated and divisive today that neither side is going to accept the results next time around. And add to that the economy in the dumper and the currency is process of collapse and also not forgetting the tens of thousands streaming across the southern border many of which I assume have ulterior motives. Spicy time is coming.


Veteran Member
There's nothing to be done to save a society that has lost the will to live. We're reaping what we have sown for more than a 100 years of letting it all rot to the ground. Everyone made excuses for this stuff time and time again well before I was born. I've been listening to art bell shows from the early 90s and it was obvious even then that all this was coming and everyone including art bell just makes excuses and thought that compromise was the answer. well, we got what compromise with evil will buy us and we have it in spades now.

I think there is hope but it will be after things collapse in under their own weight like the soviet union did. I do believe we are being judged collectively for losing our soul as a people and a nation the rot that we are seeing started out spiritually first and then manifested in the physical world. That's just my opinion on it. The whole western world got so caught up in a fake world they built on television that they haven't a real clue how to actually live and thrive in the real world that exists outside of the smoke and mirrors.
:applaud: :applaud:Well said…..


Veteran Member
What's old is new, again.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.


God has a plan, Trust it!
There's nothing to be done to save a society that has lost the will to live. We're reaping what we have sown for more than a 100 years of letting it all rot to the ground. Everyone made excuses for this stuff time and time again well before I was born. I've been listening to art bell shows from the early 90s and it was obvious even then that all this was coming and everyone including art bell just makes excuses and thought that compromise was the answer. well, we got what compromise with evil will buy us and we have it in spades now.

I think there is hope but it will be after things collapse in under their own weight like the soviet union did. I do believe we are being judged collectively for losing our soul as a people and a nation the rot that we are seeing started out spiritually first and then manifested in the physical world. That's just my opinion on it. The whole western world got so caught up in a fake world they built on television that they haven't a real clue how to actually live and thrive in the real world that exists outside of the smoke and mirrors.
My feelings as well. What people fight for after a collapse has to be more basic - not stuff, comfort, or status. It needs to be core to being - freedom and survival. To fight for those things where there is no compromise. Only then can we emerge out the other side stronger and resolute as a nation, confirming our beginnings in the end.
As I have predicted, the 2024 POTUs campaign season will become at least scattered lethal violence. No way anyone will be able to display DJT campaign stickers on their vehicles or signs on lawn without severe damage. No way will you be able to say anything favorable about any repub’s without really nasty responses. Red states/communities will be targets of election day intimidation, IEDs, sniping to discourage voting. If he gets elected, expect nationwide strikes and severe society disruptions that can evolve into frank regional CW
You put the signs in "other" people's yards . . . as a test.

end game

Veteran Member
Seems to me there are not enough serious conversations about the fact that our political systems have been overtaken by corrupt and treasonous officials and there is no conceivable way to fix it within these same political systems...

end game

Veteran Member
There has been serious talk over the last few years about the things we can do individually and peacefully. Most have failed.

As to beyond already know the answer. And to post those discussions on a public forum will get you life in a cozy new cement cell.


Country exile in the city
It's going to come down blood in the streets in political violence that shocks the nation into rationality (the nicest solution), a civil war that splits/destroys the nation, a war that unites the nation after an attack on American soil or some cataclysm like the SMOD.

I don't think even that will work. They WANT us to do that, so that tells me they've already worked such a reaction into their diabolical Hegelian dialect plan so as to make it PART of their completing their stranglehold on COMPLETE power.


Country exile in the city
What's old is new, again.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
I have a feeling that, if one were to post the above on their FB page (without attribution) or write it in a letter to an editor, or mention it from a pulpit, or deliver it in a political speech, or just speak it publicly to a friend--

That person would immediately be charged with "insurrection."


Veteran Member
There is nothing to be done now. This country is past saving unless thro an act of Gods hand. Pray Prepare Stay out of the Way. God will tell you when it is time to take all your gold and silver and follow.


Veteran Member
But that assumes you're ok with either outcome.

It's not like Gillette Stadium where you go to see the Patriots (Football) lose - and then join the tailgate parties afterwards.

The tailgate parties are very likely to be served from "flower cars" if not from actual hearses.


And even if you skip the party, you're likely to return home to a scolding by Comrade Kaprugina when your face shows your disappointment with having to share your abode with the "new arrivals." (RT 1:58)


The resultant different world is very likely to be something you'll find VERY different from what you're used to.

It should be noted for future reference, that part of the success of the Russian state since the fall of the Soviet Union is the result of abandoning most "woke" aspects of Marxism. And allowing some semblance of "free trade." You have to be "Oligarch Connected" of course, but free enterprise is not put on russian ice, as it was before.

We have (or had) our own Oligarchs here - called "Investors." Now they put their money in Treasury Bills and wait for the Fed to raise the rate.

Love that Zhivago clip. That says all you need to know!!!

Samuel Adams

Has No Life - Lives on TB
What is to be done;

II Chronicles 7:14.

And you thought getting the American constituency to work together was difficult….