Misc Water from 2012


The early cold and snow dropped all the leaves early ( I know, it's Nov., but they fall late, here). Poor pecan crop, but the yard still needs raking. Wanted to clean up some stash piles on wood pallets. Time to get rid of that mess, and all that stored water. We are moving to a place that has a well, so no need for all this water. How many bleach bottles can one household go through?? I don't go through that many....yet, there they are. and, I hate to get rid of them. Still perfectly good. So one trash barrel after another filled with crushed milk and bleach jugs. I just HAD to save a few of them, and there were also a bunch of gallon glass jugs that are still kept back. One of the best jugs had a crack - that bothered me. ...don't be a hoarder, it's cracked!! Out with it!

At least the physical activity keeps me from stressed binge eating.
I need my head examined.


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
Do you have a way to hand pump water from your wel??

If you don't then you may NEED that water>>>>>PLUS, it takes a bit of water to "prime" a well if it is a hand pump!


Solar, plus an above ground cistern, and a three hundred gallon outdoor fish/stock tank. Gutter rain bins too. That huge collection of re-purposed jugs made sense at the time, but it doesn't now. The place needs to be cleaned up before the move so it's manageable.


Ha! "Ready" is a moving target, esp. these days. I'm a simple person, who can live happily on what might essentially be a permanent camping trip, but what's coming scares me. Feels like no one has control over their lives anymore.