POL Was O a one-trick pony show and when the pony left town, so did the trick?


On TB every waking moment
I posted this once, but it seems to have gone off into the mist so....

I consider the Obama campaign to be one of the most brilliantly conceived and executed in the history of the country, at least as far back as A. Lincoln.

So, after such a brilliant campaign, why does the White House seem to be occupied by a bunch of doofi (plural of doofus) with the mental capacity usually attributed to G. W. Bush ?

Well, the guy that managed the campaign ain't in there. He is off writing a book someplace about, you guessed it, the campaign. If properly written, it will be a textbook in every college Poli Sci dept in the country.

Is it possible that he was the brains of the mob, that there ain't nobody else including Obama. Not that O is not intelligent, what he is not is political street smart. And we may find that he is not foreign policy street smart either. Not good.

So maybe all along what we had was a one trick pony show using a man (O) who left no tracks including his speeches leaving no tracks, (did he ever actually say something?) so few tracks in fact that some doubt his legal existance.

And then the pony left town taking the trick with him, leaving just Obama who has practically no concrete existance to fall back on.


And what was so brilliant about this campaign? I'm not even sure Obama needed a campaign manager.

The race-obsessed liberal media openly campaigned for Obama to be the first "black" president. Whites were obligated to vote for him to avoid being racist and to atone for the so-called racial sins of the past. This message was relentlessly delivered day and night throughout the campaign. Enough guilt-ridden whites drank the koolaid to deliver the goods.

Meanwhile, the pitiful Republican Party offer up a pathetic human being in John McCain who obviously had no real desire to be president and didn't want to stand in the way of this historic event of the first "black" president.

It is hard to see how Obama could have lost.