

REPUBLIC OF CONGO, AFRICA -- On March 15, 2002, The World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed 91 cases of the Ebola virus in the Republic of Congo (RoC) and the neighbouring country of Gabon in its weekly "Situation Report."

Only one week earlier, on March 9, WHO reported only 31 confirmed cases, including 18 deaths, in the central Cuvette region of RoC, which borders the Ogooue-Invindo province of Gabon, the agency stated. In less than a week, the rate of confirmed infection tripled!

Reports were received of deaths between mid-January and 8 March in three remote villages, approximately 65 km north-west of Kelle in western RoC, with the majority of the cases ccurring in Ambomi, WHO reported. A further 58 contacts were being followed up, it said.


As of March 12, the Gabonese Ministry of Health reported 60 confirmed cases in Gabon, including 50 deaths. The Ministry says most recent cases were confined to the Ogooue-Invindo province, northern Gabon, with the last two confirmed deaths occurring in Makokou and Mekambo on 23 February and 10 March respectively. A further 62 contacts were being followed up.


The WHO says a 50-km road has just been reopened in the affected area of RoC and a team from the international health organisation Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), also known as "Doctors Without Borders" is presently in Kelle and would travel to the villages as soon as possible.

The team - comprising staff from WHO, the Congolese Ministry of Health and Epicentre-Paris, a partner in the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network - would be collecting samples and referring them for laboratory analysis, WHO reported. It would also be prepared to implement barrier nursing practices, surveillance and health education analysis if requested, the report added.


Intelligence sources deemed to be reliable and who spoke on condition of anonymity, tell The Hal Turner Show that people in the infected villages reported the arrival of "strangers" at least two weeks ago. They say the strangers were Arab, arrived by helicopter and wore "strange garments with masks that made heavy breathing sounds." From the descriptions, our Intelligence sources say they believe this was some type of self-contained breathing apparatus, perhaps similar to what rescue workers wear in fires or toxic environments.

Villagers say the "strangers" offered "gifts" of cash, gold or jewels to collect blood-stained clothing. The strangers also used "clear round trays with covers and long clear tubes" to collect blood-laden spit, vomit and blood which was oozing from dying victims. The families took the "gifts" and allowed the strangers to take whatever they wanted. The villagers say these containers were quickly placed into square boxes that were "cold, but gave off white smoke when openned." The Intelligence sources concluded these were portable, dry ice freezers designed to preserve biological specimens. The strangers then left quickly by helicopter.


"This is a worse nightmare than a nuclear bomb" said our source. "If these people are Al-Qaida -- and we believe they would be the only ones able to pay for a helicopter and get the equipment to do this -- then terrorists have obtained the most dangerous hemmorhagic virus known to man" he continued.

The intelligence source says if Ebola was unleashed in a single US airport, hundreds would breathe the virus without knowing it, and take it with them around the country or world, in days. Tens of thousands more would be infected in the few days the virus incubates before symptoms appear. "We have no way of detecting this before it is released" he said. "They could hide it inside small spray bottles that look like cologne and go around discretely spraying as they walk the aisle of planes, inside airports, restaurants. . . .anywhere. We have no way to stop it once it is out" he continued.


Ebola is incurable. Although some victims somehow survive, the virus has a mortality rate over ninety percent (90%).

Within two or three days of exposure, persons infected develop flu-like symptoms including high fever and severe cough. Within a day or two, they begin to bleed from the eyes and every body orifice. In another day or two, victims begin bleeding through their own skin and die either from blood loss (hypovolemic shock) or from drowning on their own blood. Total elapsed time from exposure to death is usually a week to 10 days.


An outbreak of Congo Hemmorhagic virus did occur on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border at the beginning of Operation Enduring Freedom. While initially thought to be a fluke, intelligence now thinks AL-Qaida may have had this virus in its possession, and spilled it as they ran to Pakistan to flee US military strikes.

Doctors who have seen Afghan victims of hemmorhagic virus described victims as "literally melting right in front of you" as the virus destroys them from the inside.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
phoenix, yeah, me too.

ever since I got "briefed" from a friend a few months back who gets
bulletins from the CDC I've been worried about this possibility.
my contact was very, very worried about the prospect of an ebola
like attack around the Spring of this year.

if al Queda did drop or lose their stockpile on the border as this story
suggests then it looks like their trying to restart their bioweapons program.
I got a sense immediately upon hearing about the ebola outbreak on the
border that it was either a test or accidental release.

makes morbid sense.



Ninh Hoa

Doesn't bode well for Israel and Europe either. If it's true, may the road to the Gates of Heaven be an interstate. They'll be a lot of souls using it........


I disagree. I don't think its the Al Qaida. It sounds more like something Saddam Insane would pull and he would be more likely to have the scientists and equipment, etc., to pull it off. Yep....Its Saddam!



Membership Revoked

Your posts are almost always, without fail, interesting. You always seem to scoop, too. My compliments!

Frightening post, though. When I heard about the Afgh. outbreak, I thought of test-runs, too.

I'm still planning to stick to the original idea that I have if Smallpox comes back. Total and immidiate lockdown. I'm not screwing around with it.

Anybody have any info on Ebola transmission and the incubation-to-exposure times? How long does somebody have to remain isolated in order to know they do not have it in them or on them?


Membership Revoked
Whoa Slow Down

Follow the link-- this isn't a news story this was posted by someone with the handle me who offered no link or any way to validate it.

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
i seem to recall that one can only get ebola through actual contact. the tribal people who typically come down with it have customs that involve cleaning and touching their dead. even so, it would not be difficult to put it into some sticky gel-like stuff and start smearing it on the backsides of rest room door handles at rest stops, airports, bus stations, etc. one or two cases nailed down to such an approach with have us locked out of the public square- lucky Wal Mart has electric doors...


Membership Revoked
Okay, slowing down. Wasn't going that fast anyway. Still a conceivable concept. It could easily work. My questions about exposure, incubation, etc. still stand. Anybody know?

The outbreaks in Afgh are still really suspicious.

Thanks, Swampy.

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
zapruder didn't include this at the tail end of the article:


An outbreak of Dengue fever, another hemorhagic fever, struck with a vengenace in Brazil in January, with 44,000 reported cases. There were 9 hour waits at hospital emergency rooms and Brazils blood supply was exhausted. The epidemic continues to this very day, growing much worse in March, expected to peak in April. Brazil is a notorious haven for criminals becuase the nation refuses to extradite anyone to most nations of the world.

The non-extradition policy makes it an ideal hideout for terrorists. The appearance of a hemorhagic type of Dengue fever so soon after the start of anti-terrorist operations in Afghanistan has lead some to believe several terrorists may have fled from Afghanistan to Brazil, bringing their bio-weapons with them. While it is not known if the Dengue epidemic was caused deliberately, sloppy handling of such weapons could have caused the Brazil epidemic accidentally.



Membership Revoked

From what I have read on Ebola, while it is a terrifying disease, and really a gruesome way to die, it is not nearly as contagious as something like smallpox.

Ebola , as well as most other hemmorhagic fevers , are spread via contact with body fluids. It is not been reported as an airborne disease, with the exception af a strain called ebola reston, which was discovered to be conyagious through the air, but only affects monkeys and not humans. However, I also red that there are occasionally rare cases of other types of ebola infection have occured where there was not any known physical contact with an infected person. As far as incubation, I believe it can be as long as two weeks. Might have to double check on the CDC website for this.

Anyway, if the terrorists wanted to just scare us, Ebola would be effective. If they wasnted to cause serious casualties, I dont think ebola would work all that well. It is a pretty sensitive organism . If Saddam Insane had some smart scientists, I geuss they could mess with it to make it more communicable.

I would be much more afraid of something like smallopox or a Nuclear explosion.


Membership Revoked
Well, I did go to the cdc site and looks like things were updated slightly since I read about ebola before.

The main thing different is that the site says Ebola is spread by close contact with an infected person or contact with infected items or fluid.

said this
"<B>Although in the laboratory the viruses display some capability of infection through small-particle aerosols, airborne spread among humans has not been clearly demonstrated.</B"


Membership Revoked
Thanks, Pineapple, that's kinda what I thought. I was under the impression that transmission was more difficult than for SP. Still, it's good to be armed with the information that helps you know when and if it's safe to come out of lockdown. Or if it's safe to let somebody in. Sounds like it moves a lot more slowly than SP.


don't forget...

...wasn't there some word about possible splicing of bioweapons combining smallpox with Ebola??? If that's true, then it would be the ultimate bio-terror weapon, wouldn't it? The virulence of smallpox combined with the horrific death of Ebola? :(


Oh for petesake, this reads like something out of a tabloid. Are we so hungry for exciting doomfeast that we fall prey so easily?

If the terrorists wanted to imitate CDC workers, they wouldn't have to offer gold or jewels, they would just take the samples in a professional manner and leave. And if they really wanted the samples, they only needed to point their guns in the right direction. Oh this is so hokey. Gold and jewels.

And we all know that Ebola is not something you breathe in, catch like a cold, and spread all over the world. It always tends to contain itself because it kills its host too quickly, before it has a chance to spread very far, and requires direct exposure to blood or infected tissue.

Still no real evidence the Reston strain was airborne, either, and it was more or less harmless.

There are so many scaremongers on the Internet that when they run out of things to exaggerate, have no qualms about just making sh*t up.

I'm not saying that some "terrorist" might not be inspired by this opportunity. There's wicked hemmoragic fever right in Afghanistan and Pakistan if they want to exploit it.

Biowarfare scientists have been working for years to find a way to make a useful weapon out of Ebola, without much luck. Mainly they have been trying to graft it onto another virus, such as smallpox. Such chimera plagues are what you should really be worried about. This is so state of the art that only the richest nation-states like the US or former Soviet Union could think of pulling it off.

Let's not forget that with all this scaremongering about terrorist threats, there hasn't been even one significant second strike. The closest we got was some idiot with a shoe bomb who couldn't even strike a match without getting tackled by a stewardess. Where's the beef?

This is more guff designed to keep us worried and in the thrall of our saviors in the administration.
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Senior Member
Epidemics burn out!

There have been several outbreaks of Ebola over the last 30 or so years. Each outbreak never seems to kill more then a few dozen. The outbreaks burn out because they incapacitate and kill their hosts so quickly, reducing the number of contacts exposed. Still the idea of a terrorist spreading ebola on an airport salad bar is scary.


This information comes from questionable sources. That is not to say that there is a real threat to our food supply. There have been many articles out lately supporting that possibility. I doubt the terrorists are going to announce what they're going to do and when. Look at how surprised we all were on 9-11. There is no real way to prevent exposure to these things unless you are totally isolated from people and eat only food you raise and can/freeze yourself. I won't fly. I won't go to large sporting events and stay out of crowds as much as possible. I wash any fresh fruit or veggies I buy. I keep at least 6 months worth of food supplies at my home along with water...... and I wash my hands a lot. I can't think of much else to do. If it's meant to hit us it won't miss us. :( I refuse to live in a constant state of fear and let these type rumors play on my mind.


Who is this guy Hal Turner? Has anyone heard of him before? I called him up and spoke to him, and he alleges a government cover-up.

I'm trying to get a read on the credibility of Hal, but he seems to be a "Johnny-come-lately."



Today's article on Ebola

NHS plans germ war response

Sales of gas masks have soared since the attacks on the World Trade Center

Health secretary Alan Milburn has told the NHS to make sure it could deal with a biological or chemical weapon attack.
Plans are constantly updated to make sure the health service can deal with all kinds of crises, and the NHS had already updated guidelines on how it would deal with germ warfare last year.

But Mr Milburn said on Tuesday that after the terrorist attacks on America, he had asked them to revisit the plans.

"Since the events in the US, we have asked the NHS to review these contingency planning arrangements and ensure they are flexible and can deal with different eventualities."

Since the events in the US, we have asked the NHS to review contingency planning arrangements

Alan Milburn, Health Secretary
His comments came after the World Health Organization (WHO) warned against underestimating the risks of possible biological or chemical attacks.

The WHO has issued a draft report advising governments to start preparing response plans in the event of such an attack, which it said could involve diseases such as anthrax, botulism - which causes paralysis - or smallpox.

It has been reported that the NHS is buying decontamination and protective suits on an "unprecedented scale", before the attacks on America.

Anthrax vaccine

The UK is also home to the only laboratory in the world that can manufacture a licensed vaccine against anthrax.

The Centre for Applied Microbiology and Research, based at Porton Down in Salisbury has produced tens of thousands of doses of the vaccine.

Before the attacks, the Ministry of Defence had decided to make the anthrax vaccine available under a voluntary scheme to troops going to the Gulf, or other areas where there is a risk of anthrax being used as a biological weapon

Health experts in the UK have been planning how to react to a bio-terrorism attack for several years.

The Sarin nerve gas attack on Tokyo's underground which killed 12 and left 1,000s sick in March 1995 awoke governments to the risk of bio-terrorism attacks on cities.

Deadly diseases which could be used by bio-terrorists include anthrax, smallpox, yellow fever, forms of Ebola and botulism.

Small quantities can be deadly, and they can be delivered by air, possibly using some form of aerosol.


Dr Nigel Lightfoot, group director of the Public Health Laboratory Service (PHLS) in the north, told BBC News Online: "We have been working with several government departments for the last few years, but its always been done quietly in this country because they don't want to attract attention."

The attacks on America have drawn public attention to what plans might be in place.

He added: "We hope that any bio-terrorist attack would be recognised very early."

Dr Lightfoot said there was a communication system established so key people would be informed of any attack, and what the substance was.

The PHLS has 49 laboratories around the UK which would provide information about the outbreak.

They, and specialist reference laboratories at PHLS headquarters would be able to offer advice to NHS workers who may have to deal with victims of the attack.

He said: "These laboratories and specialist reference laboratories at the PHLS headquarters in North London would provide diagnostic experts for these unusual substances.

"Clinical experts in these areas would be available who are able to give advice."



Is this just a coincidence that this story ran yesterday?

Biological, chemical weapons hard to spot, combat


Associated Press Writer 3/19/02

WASHINGTON (AP) _ A terrorist contracts smallpox and wanders into an airport. He coughs, he sneezes, he simply breathes. Ten innocent travelers spread the disease across America, potentially killing thousands, even millions.

That's what a weapon of mass destruction can look like, Sen. Bill Frist, R-Tenn., the Senate's only physician, told a hearing Tuesday on the threat posed by biological and chemical weapons.

It doesn't have to come in via missile, it doesn't have to call attention to itself like anthrax spores. Those who die from the disease, and those trying to combat such weapons, may never know where it came from.

That's part of what makes biological and chemical weapons so dangerous, experts told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

``The best biological weapons delivery system may be humans, knowingly or not,'' said Amy Sands of the Center for Nonproliferation Studies in Monterey, Calif. ``In an era where people can literally move anywhere around the world within 36 hours _ far less than the incubation period of many diseases of concern _ all nations could be affected.''

America's flailing attempts to cope with last fall's anthrax letters, which killed five, may have emboldened its enemies, said Carl W. Ford, Jr., assistant secretary of state for intelligence and research.

``Advanced chemical and biological warfare capabilities and the widespread public understanding of U.S. vulnerabilities since the anthrax attacks ... makes their use all the more likely,'' Ford said. If the aim is simply to scare people, it doesn't take many deaths to ``have a huge impact on Americans' perception of their safety.''

Compared with nuclear weapons, these weapons are easier to get and they are easier to assemble because many of the goods and technologies needed to make them are readily available, he said.

Committee Chairman Joseph Biden, D-Del., said chemical and biological weapons are ``an incredibly urgent problem that we have to attend to.''

Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., the panel's top Republican, said a missile defense system is still needed to stop missiles carrying all kinds of weapons.

``We must not surrender to the notion that some of these threats are more likely than others,'' Helms said.

Alan P. Zelicoff, senior scientist at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, N.M., offered one way to combat bioterrorism, a system already being tested:

Doctors quickly enter a patient's symptoms _ perhaps cough, fever and lethargy _ into an Internet-linked computer that posts all cases on a city map. Local health officials can spot odd clusters and investigate immediately, leading to a fast diagnosis of anthrax followed by targeted antibiotic therapy that could save thousands.

``Should would-be perpetrators of bioterror know that the effects of their attacks would be blunted if not eliminated, they might well rethink their strategy,'' Zelicoff said.

More than a dozen nations _ including China, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Russia and Syria _ can produce chemical and biological agents, the experts said.

Russia has the world's largest known chemical weapons stockpile, estimated at 40,000 metric tons, 80 percent of which are nerve agents, ``only a few drops of which can kill on contact,'' said Biden.

Despite $50 million in additional U.S. money this year to help destroy that stockpile, Russia is expected to miss an extended 2012 deadline to do so, Biden said, urging Russia and European allies to boost their contributions.

The United States isn't always the intended target.

Iran developed such weapons because of its long tension with Iraq, and Syria did so to deter ``Israel's superior conventional forces and nuclear weapons,'' Ford said, adding, ``Unlike Iran, Iraq and Libya, Syria has never employed chemical agents in a conflict.''

``If I were Iran,'' said Biden, ``I might very well be doing what Iran is doing because of what Iraq did to me.''

Meanwhile, Sands said cyanide has been wrongly overlooked as a potential chemical weapon, overshadowed by sarin gas and the toxic nerve agent VX. Widely available for industrial use, there have been 52 terrorist possessions, plots or uses involving cyanide that caused 13 deaths and 124 injuries, she said.