PRYR RQST Walrus Whisperer has been MIA


Walrus Whisperer, as most know, has been battling leukemia for a couple of years now. Her most recent post sounded like she was experiencing pain and getting home health care. She hasn't been on the board since February 23rd.

I don't know if she has anything set up so we would be notified of her passing, but I know her faith has given her the sure knowledge of her Destination. I'm just asking that we keep her in our prayers...


Kathy in FL

Praying for WW. I lost a great aunt to Leukemia. It was not a nice way to go but she wound up in the Lord's Arms and her son - a forceps birth and her only child who was intellectually challenged - said that it was all worth it because there are no tears in Heaven and God takes care of the ending and the forever. More profound words were not spoken the day she passed.

Reasonable Rascal

Veteran Member
Praying that she is doing well, however that may be, whether here or beyond. If she has passed she will be profoundly missed. And if not she is still missed nevertheless.

If not, and shes sees this, please consider making plans for letting those of us who care know. Sometimes not knowing is harder than the certain knowledge.



Veteran Member
I thought we just heard from her on TB! Or maybe the days are going so fast that it just seems like it.

Either way, I am still praying for her and her family, and if God has taken her to Him, then prayers are still winging up for her new life in Heaven. (((Hugs))) to WW!