CRIME Vegan Mother Found Guilty of First-Degree Murder After Toddler Starved to Death on Raw Food Diet


Veteran Member
Liberals can't help but force their agenda on everyone.

They both deserve to be locked up and fed a diet consisting mostly of raw pork.


Veteran Member
lol... Not all liberals are idiots, and not all idiots are liberals. I have known quite a few conservative idiots.

Idiots abound. Idiots are everywhere. Idiocy is merely one exreme of the human condition. Sometimes I believe it is not so exteme, but rather more common than not.
I have never known a non-idiot liberal.


lol... Not all liberals are idiots, and not all idiots are liberals. I have known quite a few conservative idiots.

Idiots abound. Idiots are everywhere. Idiocy is merely one exreme of the human condition. Sometimes I believe it is not so exteme, but rather more common than not.
No, just useful idiots