May be of significant interest to anyone who's thinking of: bugging out by boat, specifically canoe, going back to the land in Florida. Anyone who thinks the younger generation is only a bunch of snowflakes? May be in for a surprise.
Now they did have a purpose in mind for this particular vessel. It wasn't to design a tough, small, light weight, portable two person, marine BOV that could be sailed or paddled.... initially. Enjoy - OGM
Fair use.
300-miles On This Small Boat through Florida Wilderness - The Everglades Challenge Full Movie
Tula's Endless Summer
May 29, 2023
The Everglades challenge is a
300-mile unsupported, expedition style race for kayaks, canoes, and small boats. You must propel your craft by either man power or wind, and you must be able to push your boat off the beach yourself, all of these things making it one of the most difficult small boat races in the country. The Tallulah canoe seemed like a perfect fit and we wanted to see if we were up to the challenge. Come with us as we try to avoid pythons, gators, dead fish, and a big black wall of doom!!
run time 1:04:07