POL USA General Election 2024


Dot Collector
A supporter of President Trump's was arrested today for encouraging people to stay in the early voting line and cast their ballots freely in Pennsylvania.

This follows reports from across the commonwealth that voters are being turned away in conservative areas.

This is voter suppression from the left. Do not let them turn you away.


She was arrested for trying to NOT let them turn people away. What is the RNC and your attorneys going to do here?

It can't just be you arm chairing it like 90% of the GOP does. We want to see action, not words.
RT 20secs
View: https://twitter.com/LeoTheLion1964/status/1851037579975553355


Dot Collector
MSM TV...ABC, CBS and NBC news ‘most lopsided’ coverage ever:

Trump 85% negative
Harris 78% positive

“Since July, ABC, CBS and NBC have treated Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris to 78% positive coverage, while these same networks have pummeled former Republican President Donald Trump with 85% negative coverage,” according to the report from Contributing Editor Rich Noyes.

The bias is likely not surprising, though the percentages are. What’s more, the efforts by network anchors, such as CBS’s Norah O’Donnell, to push far past normal criticism of Trump have sparked anger on social media.

For his report, Noyes looked at the number of and the spin in stories that ABC, CBS, and NBC devoted to the candidates. It wasn’t hard to discover their hate for Trump and embrace of Harris and her early, though now dead, “joy” campaign.

He found that the negative-positive spread was bigger than in the past two elections, which also featured Trump as the GOP nominee.

In 2016, for example, Trump and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received mostly negative coverage, 91% and 79%. In 2020, then-candidate Joe Biden was treated to 66% positive coverage and Trump to 92% negative coverage.

Noyes said, “Since July, the big three have swamped their audiences with more than 230 minutes of airtime — virtually all of it negative — about an array of personal controversies surrounding the former president, yet provided extremely light coverage or altogether ignored many controversies involving Vice President Harris. Instead, Harris’s coverage has been larded with enthusiastic quotes from pro-Harris voters, creating a positive ‘vibe’ for the Democrat even as network reporters criticize Trump themselves.”
View: https://twitter.com/dcexaminer/status/1851084044819132477

Plain Jane

Just Plain Jane

Fetterman: Trump Support In PA Is 'Astonishing,' Musk Factor Is 'Going to Really Matter'​

by Tyler Durden
Monday, Oct 28, 2024 - 04:40 PM
Democratic Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman is working to help Kamala Harris win the Keystone State's 19 electoral votes, but can't help but marvel at the intense, highly-visible support for Donald Trump he sees across the pivotal battleground.
A decorated pickup truck promotes Trump's candidacy on Route 23 in Chester County, Pennsylvania -- one of the critical "collar counties" surrounding Philadelphia (Tom Gralish/Philadelphia Inquirer)

Agreeing "one hundred percent" with the idea that Trump has a special connection with Pennsylvanians, Fetterman told the New York Times that while Democrats may have trouble grasping it, the phenomenon is undeniable:
“There’s a difference between not understanding, but also acknowledging that it exists. And anybody who spends time driving around, and you can see the intensity. It’s astonishing.
I was doing an event in Indiana County. Very, very red. And there was a superstore of Trump stuff, and it was a hundred feet long, and it was dozens of T-shirts and hats and bumper stickers and all kinds of, I mean, it’s like, Where does this all come from? It’s the kind of thing that has taken on its own life. And it’s like something very special exists there. And that doesn’t mean that I admire it. It’s just — it’s real."

Trump won Pennsylvania by 44,292 votes in 2016 and lost it by 80,555 in 2020. While the 2024 race appears to be another close one, six of the last seven Pennsylvania polls tracked by RealClear Polling put Trump in the lead, by margins ranging from one point to three points. Polymarket bettors are bullish on a Trump win: As this is written, the prediction market gives Trump a 63% chance of winning the state. As for his odds of winning the nationwide contest, Trump has edged up to a 2024-campaign-high of 66.5%, while Harris has fallen to 33.7%.

Trump speaking at a June rally at Temple University, which is located in crime-ridden North Philly (AFP - Getty Images via New York Post)
Fetterman also acknowledged the formidable campaign power of Elon Musk, who's been sharing rally stages with Trump, holding his own town halls, and handing out million-dollar random prizes to registered swing-state voters who sign a petition:

"Now Musk is joining him. I mean, to a lot of people, that’s [Marvel Comics Iron Man billionaire alter-ego] Tony Stark. That’s the world’s richest guy. And he’s obviously and undeniably a brilliant guy, and he’s saying, 'Hey, that’s my guy for president.' That’s going to really matter."
Addressing a key election issue, Fetterman distinguished himself from many in his party by reiterating the importance of having a secure border so American communities aren't overwhelmed by people needing support.

Fetterman, who no longer identifies as a Progressive, chided fellow Democrats for being in a state of denial about the negative impact of a large and uncontrolled flow of destitute third-worlders. "[They're] trying to tell people, 'well, don’t believe your eyes, it’s going to be OK, it’s all working out.' It’s not," said the ever-slovenly Fetterman, who showed up for his video-recorded interview with the Times dressed something like a destitute third-worlder himself -- in a black hoodie and gym shorts.

Fetterman added:

"I’m the most pro-immigration guy there is. But that has to be compatible with a secure border, and I will never listen to anyone’s other side until you can explain, like, how? How do we take care of them? Where did those resources come from? And where do they go? Nobody could provide a serious answer to that."

View: https://twitter.com/charliekirk11/status/1850216346262630851?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1850216346262630851%7Ctwgr%5E621584355325b81e36d06d2507ea280441f9c39b%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zerohedge.com%2Fpolitical%2Ffetterman-trump-support-pa-astonishing-musk-factor-going-really-matter

Fetterman concluded the interview by predicting that Trump will lose an election that he says is more "visceral" than issue-driven: "I do believe enough people will choose Harris. But it’s going to be much, much closer than anyone would want."


Dot Collector
LET’S GO!!!!


STEVE BANNON IS BACK, and his return monologue is insanely powerful. "The four months in federal prison not only didn't break me, it empowered me.

I am more energized and more focused than I've ever been in my entire life."

Now you see why they silenced him before the election. His words hold more weight than Chris Christie Bannon went on to say that we need to "CRUSH" them at the polls next week.

He gave a big shoutout to @elonmusk and @charliekirk11 for the work they're doing.

Thank God for his freedom.
RT 9min
View: https://twitter.com/BehizyTweets/status/1851270581372518857

You Cannot Have Governing Party In This Country, Thats Calling Most Americans Nazi's @RaheemKassam
RT 2min
View: https://twitter.com/Bannons_WarRoom/status/1851281106667999656


Dot Collector
Arnold Schwarzenegger just announced he voted for Kamala Harris and has previously joined forces with John Podesta to tackle climate change, which they have rebranded as the fight against "pollution."

Wow he’s in deep.

Handler sitting next to him

Isn’t that the Spirit Cooking guy?

And of all people sitting next to him, Podesta.


RT 30secs
View: https://twitter.com/weenywaney/status/1851647693686223277

This you @Schwarzenegger?


They emailed him the “pics”.

View: https://twitter.com/LivesYet/status/1851653831735562492


Dot Collector
Jake Tapper and the Fine People Hoax.

For years Jake spread this divisive lie, always conveniently cutting off the video before Trump says that he is not talking about neo-nazis or white supremacists.

Fake, corrupt media have poisoned this country.

Truth is the antidote.

Here it is.

This video is extremely difficult to find.

#Please #share: @jaketapper clarifies the fine people hoax…
RT 2min
View: https://twitter.com/imUrB00gieman/status/1851661927333925014

Plain Jane

Just Plain Jane

Pennsylvania News Station Apologizes For Showing Presidential Election 'Results'​

by Tyler Durden
Wednesday, Oct 30, 2024 - 01:20 PM
Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Modernity.news,
A news station in Pennsylvania was forced to apologize for flashing up the US presidential election results in the state as part of a “test” that wasn’t supposed to be seen by viewers.

WNEP, an ABC affiliate, flashed up the results for Pennsylvania during its broadcast of the Formula 1 race in Mexico City and they were on screen for several minutes.
You’ll never guess who “won”.

Kamala Harris, of course, beating Trump by 52 per cent to 47 per cent of the vote.

View: https://twitter.com/BasedTorba/status/1851586061333344334?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1851586061333344334%7Ctwgr%5Ef2e86aed0d91a7169c9328da93f183139369289a%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zerohedge.com%2Fpolitical%2Fpennsylvania-news-station-apologizes-showing-presidential-election-results

According to the test run, Kamala received 3,293,712 votes compared to Trump’s 2,997,793.

After viewers expressed confusion at what they were witnessing, the news station was forced to explain what happened.

“Those numbers should not have appeared on the screen, and it was an error by WNEP that they did,” said the station.

“The numbers seen on the screen were randomly generated test results sent out to help news organizations make sure their equipment is working properly in advance of election night.”

“WNEP regrets the error and apologizes for any confusion. We have taken steps to ensure that it does not happen again.”

No votes are actually counted in Pennsylvania until after 8pm on election day.

WNEP is owned by Tegna Inc., the chairman of which is Howard D. Elias, a longtime Democrat donor.

Its President and CEO is Mike Steib, who donated to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign in 2020 and has also donated to several Democrat PACs.

Don’t worry though, it was just a test!

R/T 8:30

View: https://youtu.be/ncSMy0-zA7A


Dot Collector
Pennsylvania News Station Apologizes For Showing Presidential Election 'Results'
The amount of “mistakes” happening [NOW] in Pennsylvania already is beyond alarming.

As well as Colorado and Michigan

RedWave Press: Remember when Fox News called Arizona pretty much right away for Biden and then was forced to retract it? Yeah….I have a feeling history may repeat itself.

So many illegal activities nearing election day.

It’s almost like it’s meant to demoralize one side so they don’t vote. Almost

View: https://twitter.com/megasigler/status/1851704430820737388


Dot Collector
Barack Obama just said the election is about values.

Kamala Harris has the character, the leadership, and the vision to make our country better.

What's your response

Says Marxist communist Barack Hussein who in 2007 campaigned on “fundamentally transforming America” the 1776 America our founding fathers created.
View: https://twitter.com/BruceWorrall8/status/1851723838683496696

Barack Obama: An election is about values. Kamala Harris has the character, the leadership, and the vision to make our country better.

You are the most divisive president in US history, your opinion is irrelevant. Even the Black community is rebuking you.
RT 1min
View: https://twitter.com/GuntherEagleman/status/1851679037795766506


Veteran Member
I live in Yavapai county in AZ and can vouch that this will indeed be a problem on election day. The ballot is 2 pages long, covering both sides of the page. The candidate selection portion of the ballot comprised less that 25% of the categories on the ballot, with the balance of the ballot issues covering a wide range of questions.

Working at home on an early ballot, it took me the better part of 2 1/2 hours to get through the entire ballot.

All I can suggest is using the sample ballot, determine how you will vote the issues, and take the sample ballot with you when you go to vote. And, do be prepared for a longer than usual wait in line when you go to vote.

U.S. Elections

Arizona election officials prepare for issues with lengthy 2-page ballots​

By Craig Nigrelli (Anchor), Jodie Hawkins (Senior Video Producer), Jake Larsen (Video Editor )

Arizona election officials put out a unique warning about possible issues at polling places. Officials expressed concern with delays as a majority of voters will be filling out a lengthy two-page ballot.

Eight of the battleground state’s 15 counties will have two pages. Maricopa County’s ballot alone is 17 inches long and has 79 contests listed for local, state and federal races. It also features statewide ballot propositions.

Polling place concerns​

Aside from concerns about voters not sending in the entire ballot, officials are also concerned about the amount of time it will take people to fill it out, which will lead to longer lines at polling places.

They estimate it will take 14 minutes or longer on average to fill out the ballot.

Two-page ballots also mean there is a greater chance of paper jams when feeding the pages into machines.
Officials also worry that voters will make mistakes if they’re frustrated over the length of the ballot.

As many as 420,000 people are estimated to vote in person on Election Day, so they’re urging voters to cast their ballots early.

Election doubts in Arizona​

Since Donald Trump narrowly lost Arizona in 2020, there has been a lot of election skepticism in the state.
Now, Maricopa County election officials worry a second page on the ballot will fuel more criticism and misinformation.

Trump and his supporters said issues with electronic vote-counting machines were evidence of election fraud by Democrats.

Preparing for big turnout​

County officials say they’re prepared for the heavy turnout on Election Day. Officials have spent millions of dollars to buy more voting machine equipment.

They’ve also hired more workers and created more work shifts, including on Thanksgiving Day when votes might need to be recounted in close contests.


Senior Member
Ya know, I had a disturbing thought this afternoon. Suppose Harris loses to Trump by a landslide that cannot be cheated out of. Then suppose Biden gets the 25th amendment treatment because his comments "caused her to lose". That would give her about 6 weeks of the presidency.
What kind of mischief could she get up to in that 6 weeks?


Veteran Member
Good news so far from Idaho - this just released:

Idaho voter turnout is on track to reach historic levels this election.

The number of ballots cast in early and absentee voting for next Tuesday's election have already surpassed the total statewide ballots cast for the May primary election earlier this year, according to the Idaho Secretary of State Office.

Early voting continues through Friday and absentee ballots must be turned in by 8 p.m. on Election Day. Here's a breakdown of voting data so far from Idaho Secretary of State Phil McGrane:

  • Total Ballots Cast: As of Wednesday morning, 293,443 ballots had been cast in the Idaho 2024 General Election. This exceeds the total number of ballots statewide in the May 21, 2024 primary election, with 281,777 ballots cast.
  • By Party: Of the ballots cast in early voting and absentee, 63% were registered Republican, 21% unaffiliated,16% Democratic, Libertarian 0.6%, and Constitution 0.2%.
  • Early Voting vs. Absentee Voting: 155,113 ballots have been cast during early voting so far. 138,330 absentee ballots have been returned to elections offices, with a return rate of 73%.
“With Idahoans showing up in large numbers for early voting and absentee, we are on the path to a historic turnout for the November 5th General Election,” said McGrane in a news release.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Barack Obama: An election is about values. Kamala Harris has the character, the leadership, and the vision to make our country better.
Sounds good, but is only about 1/3 true. Couch a lie, in a truth, and it will sound good.

The biggest thing in any election is "policies", which in the case of Kamala, no one, not even Obama, know what they are. Character is having the wherewithal, to be truthful about those policies, and the backbone to back them up.

But you have to have policies first. So you know if the "character" of the person is a liar or honest.

all we know of Kamala is she laugh good.


Dot Collector
From the comments:

Happy to see Tulsi and Gaetz in President Trump's inner circle. He learned from his first administration that he's gotta have young, fresh, loyal people. Not retread RINOs / deep staters that only care about themselves. I really hope Gaetz gets a shot at being Speaker, he'd be a all time great one. Imagine how the libtard heads would spin with a President Trump, Senate leader Paul, Speaker Gaetz

View: https://fxtwitter.com/Dougyfressh/status/1851595765920985349?s=19


Dot Collector
UNBELIEVABLE: All you need to know about Kamala’s policies is that a long-time Democrat simping for her on national TV can’t name a single one he favors.

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy stumbles and gets cotton mouth while repeating talking points from the Democratic playbook, unable to answer CNBC’s Joe Kernen on issues that will shape the future of our country if Kamala gets into office.

Kernen: “Do you believe we should abolish the filibuster? How about getting rid of private insurance? How about taxing unrealized gains? How about nationalizing energy? How about mandatory gun buybacks like Australia? How about criminalizing illegal crossings, ending cash bail, or child gender reassignment surgery being paid for in prison? What about raising the corporate tax rate?

Murphy: “Joe, for a Jersey guy, you sound like you’re on the Trump campaign for crying out loud, c’mon, man!”
RT 6min
View: https://fxtwitter.com/ImMeme0/status/1851954170460315680?s=19


Dot Collector
DISGUSTING: Top Kamala surrogate Mark Cuban says no "strong, intelligent women" support President Trump.

They're now openly attacking the millions of strong, intelligent women fighting alongside President Trump every day to Make America Great Again.

Will @KamalaHQ disavow?
RT 06secs
View: https://twitter.com/TrumpWarRoom/status/1852016972797456882

Guess he missed this video of Trump behind the scenes...


Dot Collector
Washington DC Gullags are refusing to allow J6 Political Prisoners to vote in the 2024 election.

Democrats let non-citizens vote...The Dems are vile commies. The injustice is insufferable.

The Washington DC Jail Gulag is REFUSING to allow me & the rest of January 6 prisoners to vote in the 2024 election!!

Today was the LAST DAY for provisional ballots & voting for Federal Inmates ...

And the DC Jail Officials have refused to take us to the voting area!!!



Dozens of us Political Prisoners have been incarcerated for 4 years waiting eagerly to vote for Trump & yet again out voice is being taken from us!!!

This is so infuriating - but God is watching all these tyrants who would deny us this fundamental American Right!!!

Now the prison has retaliated against us further and cut off the water in our cells, I have nothing to drink & can't flush toilet ...


Never Surrender. Use your vote!!!

We have been stripped once again of our & remember the Jan 6ers when you go to the polls

View: https://twitter.com/Saritaregresa/status/1851741997234794777


Veteran Member
Friday, November 1, 2024

Jack Montgomery

Election 2024
Election Integrity

REPORT: Texas AG Opens ‘Criminal Investigation’ Into Dominion Voting Systems.

A sheriff’s office in Barry County, Michigan, says it has been referring suspected electoral crimes to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and that the America First law officer has opened a criminal investigation into Dominion Voting Systems.

“The Barry County Sheriff’s Office has an ongoing investigation into election related crimes since December 2020,” a statement from Sheriff Dar Leaf explains, confirming the Michigan law office “has made referrals for criminal ingestion to the Texas Attorney General’s Office.”

It adds that the Texas Attorney General has “opened a criminal investigation related to Dominion Voting Systems, Election Systems & Software (ES&S), Hart InterCivic, and SolarWinds, including specific subcontractors, agents, and employees.”

Sheriff Lar pledges to continue assisting Paxton as the investigation unfolds.
Dominion voting machines are already stirring controversy in the 2024 election amid ongoing early voting. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has confirmed that some terminals are experiencing issues nationwide with split-ticket ballots.


View: https://xtwitter.com/ChuckCallesto/status/1852033843697525206?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1852033843697525206%7Ctwgr%5Eba930dbf848227444aa186d1347c01769c271c97%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fthenationalpulse.com%2F2024%2F10%2F31%2Freport-texas-ag-opens-criminal-investigation-into-dominion-voting-systems%2F