US Congress leader Pelosi calls Bush 'a total failure'


LOL, Check out her photo at the link, that's how you can tell a true Demmie; there must be an index finger play book that I missed.

Seems to me she missed all the polls showing that public confidence in Congress is less than President Bush soooooooooo

By her own words, if Bush then is a total failure, she and all of Congress are even more of a failure.

What is more than total failure anyway :shr:

US Congress leader Pelosi calls Bush 'a total failure'
1 hour ago

WASHINGTON (AFP) — US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday called President George W. Bush "a total failure" who "has no ideas," in an interview with CNN.

Responding to stinging criticism from Bush on the Democratic leadership in both houses of Congress and the slow pace of the legislative agenda, as Congress prepares for its one-month summer recess in August, Pelosi let loose:

"You know, God bless him, bless his heart, the president of the United States, a total failure, losing all credibility with the American people on the economy, on the war, on energy, you name the subject."

Pelosi, 68, said the House and Senate were busy "trying to sweep up after (Bush's) mess over and over and over again ... The president knows it. He needs something to talk about. Because he has no ideas."

The speaker was especially critical of Bush's proposal to lift a ban on offshore oil drilling as a means to ease the current fuel price crisis, calling it a ploy to draw attention away from his failures.

"We have seven and a half years of failed energy policy by the Bush administration. We have a faltering, downturning economy. The president needs a decoy.

"So he's going out there, he even has the nerve to say the economy would be better off if we could drill in protected areas offshore," she said, adding the Democrats' proposal to free up the US strategic petroleum reserve, which she said is 91.5 percent full.

"And we're saying let's take 10 percent of that ... and use that to put on the market so that we increase supply, reduce prices, and when the price comes down, we can buy back the oil at a lower price."

cousin vinny

Contributing Member
Bush? Pelosi?

LOL, Check out her photo at the link, that's how you can tell a true Demmie; there must be an index finger play book that I missed.

Seems to me she missed all the polls showing that public confidence in Congress is less than President Bush soooooooooo

By her own words, if Bush then is a total failure, she and all of Congress are even more of a failure.

What is more than total failure anyway :shr:

Boy she has a lot of Damn Nerve! Who died and left her in charge. Talk about someone brain and full of themselves! The Congress and the Senate have no room to talk down about anyone! They are all a worthless bunch of S O B's

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea

Damascus Nancy has decided to stay in her lane. She is FINALLY talking about something she has intimate familiarity with. Failure.

Echo 5

Funniest guy on TB2K
Nancy Pelosi is easily one of the dumbest humans walking this Earth.

(Note to those who are here to argue: the above statement is not to be construed as a defense of Bush).


Has No Life - Lives on TB


  • Images pelosi-nozone.jpg
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Veteran Member
She says no to any additional drilling because it won't solve our energy problems.

But tapping into the strategic reserve totaling somewhere around 725 million barrels will solve all our price problems.


I guess looking in the mirror every day has totally familiarized her with failure.

Oilpatch Hand

3-Bomb General, TB2K Army
Given San Fran Nan's spectacularly feckless performance as Speaker thus far...'d think that she would be a little more careful about throwing around the words "total failure." :lkick:


Goin' where the lonely go
I'd like to know just what the hell this bug-eyed overbrow-plucked chicken legged looking piece of shi*** has done for this country?
Slide on some combat boots you wrinkled up old w*@*% or STFU because as I see it, YOU are the same as he. No good. Worthless. Your own agendi. Eff up this country.
Go home and bake cookies will ya?!:stfu::smkd:
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Well I tried to come up with less words than CFI to describe her.

That really says it all though.

I can't imagine a domestic life with this this this this this this this this this.......


3 Bombs for Hawkins
Heard on KFYI radio--

Pelosi, by her own admission, has just been outsmarted - again - by the dumbest prez in history. Two years ago she told us she had a plan to reduce the price of gas, which she blamed on Bush. But its higher now than it was then. Therefore Bush has managed to single-handedly increase the price of gas despite her "plan". Who is dumber?

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Veteran Member
Yes, but we must admit; the woman has great courage in light of Sir Winston Churchill's observation...

Winston Churchill
"Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm."

Others call it stupidity.
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TB Fanatic
Nancy must be...

Really dumb. She pretty much espouses anything anti-Bush without a legitimate thought in her head.

So her idea is to use the National Reserve to bring down the price of gas.

Two Questions.

1) That does nothing to address the root cause and as such is just a temporary solution. What does she think will happen when we run out of the National Reserve.

2) The National Reserve is for emergencies. What does she think will happen when we run out of the National Reserve AND we enter an oil crisis like a stoppage by OPEC or blocking of the Middlle East Oil in transit to this country.

She is an idiot who is spewing partisan garbage out her mouth without concern about the overall effect and solution.


God has a plan, Trust it! Kettle.

As of this week, Bush has a 28.5 approval rating, but Congress only has 17.3 approval rating. Seems to me that as leader of Congress, Pelosi is in no position to point fingers until she gets her own house in order.


Veteran Member
But tapping into the strategic reserve totaling somewhere around 725 million barrels will solve all our price problems.

I think the problem on getting some kind of near, close or maybe estimate on recoverable oil and cost and time to do so.

It ends up with every congress person having a point to prove or area to protect that the American people simply don't know who to believe. Bush couldn't tell the truth because it is foreign to his nature...but congress person's 'lie like a rug.'

This is one of the reason the USA is 'road kill' we simply have lied to one another so much that we have no idea of what the real truth may be.

If there is such a thing!

I forget...what does the Bible call those who have lost the capicity for telling truth from lies? Whatever...we are full of them.
