Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
Granted, this is a June story, however it definitely fits the "woke" criteria, with the same "oops" and a reversal and lame apology like with the Salvation Army. The other thing is I just TODAY got a solicitation from the Make a Wish Foundation asking for money. Well now. Granted, it may be December 13th, 2021, but some lame ass retraction ain't gonna cut it with moi. Here is a link to the story, which was dated on June 29th, and apparently the ban lasted for quite a while, possibly several months of SCREWING DYING KIDS OUT OF THEIR WISHES. WELL, F#$%%%^^^ YOU, YOU ASSHATS. How many dying kids went to bed crying and distressed cuz you asshats went woke. I have no idea how I ended up on my mailing list, but you can go to HELL, and you can NEVER do anything to reverse the EVIL you did to innocent children in pursuit of your Get Woke, and Go Broke. :poop: heads!

UPDATE: Make-A-Wish Reverses Ban On Unvaccinated Kids

In a previous story, Big League Politics reported on Make-A-Wish's decision to no longer grant wishes to any terminally ill children if either themselves or their family have not taken a COVID-19 vaccine.
"After a long sabbatical, Make-A-Wish Foundation will once again grant wishes for terminally ill children around the country. There’s just one catch – take the experimental COVID-19 vaccine or you’re out of the club.
“I’m excited to share that make a wish will resume granting air travel in the United States and its territories as well as granting wishes involving large gatherings for vaccinated Wish families as soon as September 15th of 2021. All wish participants, including your wish kid and any siblings, will be need to be 2 weeks past completion of either a one dose or a two dose vaccine.”
The full article can be found here.
Make-A-Wish appears to have now reversed its policy, updating its statement amidst backlash. The policy now reads: "Based on the guidance of these medical experts, Make-A-Wish plans to expand to also grant air travel wishes within the United States and its territories, as well as to grant wishes involving large gatherings for wish children and their families who have been vaccinated on September 15, 2021. We understand that there are many families whose children aren't eligible for the vaccine yet, and we also know that there are families who are choosing to not get the vaccine. We respect everyone's freedom of choice. Make-A-Wish will continue to grant wishes for all eligible children. Make-A-Wish will not require anyone to get vaccinated to receive a wish." As far as why Make-A-Wish suddenly reversed course, they did not say. Perhaps it was because of massive backlash and ensuing action to back it up, or maybe those in charge suddenly realized the little bit of humanity they still possess. Our money's on the former.