[unex] Art Bell's shadow people. Ever seen one?


Art Bell has been talking about shadow people for weeks now.

Seems a lot of folks have seen 'em. He has had numerous interesting callers on the subject.

Last night he had a lady guest who has studied this phenomena for years.

Wondered if any of you guys have ever seen such beings.

About 15 to 20 years ago, I might have seen one. Thought it was a ghost at the time.

We were spending the weekend at my folk's river house. Hubby and I were sleeping on twin beds in the guest room.

During the middle of the night, I awoke to see this four to five foot being enter the room and approach my husband's bed to look at him. The family cat that had been sleeping at the foot of my husband's bed, jumped up, and bolted, terrified like hell, out of the room. Then the shadow person (I could see no details but felt/sensed the "thing" was a female) turned and walked toward ME! I pulled the covers over my head and turned over and tried to get back to sleep. The cat was my confirmation that I was not imagining things.

Still don't know what it was.

Has anybody else here had a shadow person experience? Or know of someone who has?

Enquiring minds want to know.



How could you possibly go back to sleep after seeing such a thing?

I would have awakened my spouse and received some comfort, at the very least. Probably would have left the room for a while. Just pulling the blanket over my head and going to sleep (with the thing still in the room for all I know), is very unreasonable!

It could have been an ultrarealistic dream. That could explain your odd behavior. Most alien abduction stories follow this pattern. They occur while the "abductee" is lying in bed, believing themselves to be awake.


Scary. Do you think this might be related to the phenomenon that has been described on web sites where people will see "visions" while they are in a certain level of sleep? Sometimes they describe it as demons sitting on their chest, etc.
Personally, I saw what I am pretty darn sure was a demon (huge, jet black presence, that was the scariest thing I have ever seen and I know darn well I was awake) and I don't think it was a phenomenon because it was so terrifying that this woman's voice gave me Psalm 91 for the first time in my life.

These shadow people sounds almost like spiritual activity to me. You know, once in a while we get a glimpse of the spiritual dimension?


Membership Revoked
Don't you keep a revolver within arms reach? What if it had been a real intruder? Just make sure it isn't a family member before pulling the trigger, however.


CeeBee, I was really too afraid to do anything else at that instance. It was the lesser of all evils to me at that moment. Of course, I really couldn't go back to sleep readily. Just kinda pretended to. Somehow I did drift off for an hour or so. When I awoke, I turned on the nearby bed lamp. Of course, nothing was there, but the cat was still in hiding.

This river place had a lot of strange things going on. We didn't say anything to my folks because we did not want to alarm them unnecessarily. We thought it was kinda haunted. Our kids, especially our son, would wake up screaming from nightmares when we spent week-ends there.

At that time, we really believed the being to be a ghost who was just checking things out.

As far as alien abductions go, that theme was really not very well known about 20 years ago.

Thanks for your interest, CeeBee.


Live Oak

Strange that this thread came up. Not too long ago our local PBS radio station had an episode on their Sunday night Old Time Radio show about exactly this kind of thing. Pretty spooky too even if the characters in the show didn't act like they had too much in the way of brains.

A Maglight with fresh batteries is the answer to this sort of thing. A shadow person comes slipping into your room just put the light to him! They can only exist in the dark and can't abide the light.


Senses On

Could someone give more details about this phenomenon? Does Art see shadow people? When do they appear? How much substance do they have.

Recently I have been seeing “movement” with my peripheral vision, but nothing that holds up under direct scrutiny. We do have a ghost, but this is different. The only times I have seen the ghost have been on film. I see things move and find that the ghost has been busy opening doors, etc., but I have never seen it in real time.

chairborne commando

Membership Revoked
I've heard the radio program as well. One of my Jr. High teachers was thoughtful enough to play it for us one afternoon-in a totally darkened room. We couln't get the curtains opened fast enough! He also played one called "The Thing on the Forble Board" about an unwelcome visitor from the depths at an isolated drilling rig.

Are they real? Well, I think if Art started talking about herds of blue elephants tearing up the batchelor buttons in the garden, there
would be people who called in to say "I seen 'em!".
But are they real? I don't know. I've had so many wierd experiences that I'm extremely reluctant to discount much of anything. I think that the closer we get
to whatever is coming, that we will see
many strange things. The "veil" for want
of another word is getting thin. :eek:


Cuddlepuppy, I, too, know I really was awake during my experience. However, I did not sense evil from this being; nevertheless, it sure didn't give me warm fuzzies and did scare me.

What was the entity doing that you saw? This being that I saw was kinda doing a bunk check so to speak. Maybe she/it was searching for a particular person.

Glad you used the 91st Psalm. It's one of my favorites, too. Maybe the woman's voice you heard was your higher self urging you to pray.

And, yes, perhaps these shadow people could be some kind of spiritual activity, or maybe it's a thinning of the veil as Saro suggests. It also might be a frequency thing.

Ron, LOL, back in those days, I wasn't "packing." In addition to having young children in the house, I was totally anti-gun and wouldn't even let our son have a toy gun!

Needless to say, I've come around to a different point of view. Why? The children grew and so did rising crime stats, including car jackings, home invasions, robberies and rapes. That is what changed my mind. Law enforcement officers can't always be there to protect you and your family.

Guess I'll have to keep my little friend in one hand and a Maglite in the other, as Live Oak suggests, in case I have another wandering shadow entity come-a-calling.

Live Oak would love to have heard that PBS presentation, too.

SO, the movement in your peripheral vision showing forms of some kind could very well be those shadow entities. It seems that is what most people, but not all, claim to see. Like some of the others, my encounter was a full, direct view.

Art's guest, along with a lot of his callers, believe that since we are in a tv, computer, and digital age, our eyes are being trained in a somewhat different manner than in former times. Therefore, people are now seeing things that were not seen by most folks before.

Art says he has received thousands of letters and e-mails from listeners who have had shadow people encounters.

SO, the door opening thing and items being moved or mysteriously disappearing is the kind of activity that went on at the river house. Seems the house used to be a mini-fish camp of some kind used by a rowdy bunch of folk who, in addition to fishing and heavy beer drinking, used to enjoy shooting 'em up and arguing with one another. We found a lot of spent shells in the yard over the years. Guess over time, the rain washed them up out of the ground. So there was a lot of emotional type of goings on there at one time.

Brooks, it will be interesting to hear what old Ed Dames has to say about the shadow people. Remember what Dames said about a problem with milk production in the future? Now we've got BSE/MCD, F&M/H&M, and something old that is new again...Johne's Disease. A caller mentioned this yesterday on a GCN program. Guess I'd better start another thread to discuss that one.

Saro, what you are saying is very similar to what Art's guest said last night.

Now when it comes to those entities that sit on a person's chest not intending harm, that might be. However, couldn't it scare some folks to death by causing a heart attack? Yikes! How did you survive such an encounter?

Will check Art Bell's website to see if he still has the drawings of what some folks have seen and call shadow people.


Edited to add:

Art has an interesting e-mail and shadow people drawings from his listeners on his site. I'm not real good on linking yet. Go to http://www.artbell.com

Then be sure to actually "click" on "What's New?". (This will be on the left side of his web home page.) That will then give you a dated listing of items. (If you don't click, the listing kinda moves around on ya.)

On 5/31 is an interesting e-mail from a listener about shadow people.

And on 4/12 there are shadow people drawings.

[ 06-01-2001: Message edited by: Lurkess ]

Live Oak


"The Thing on the Forble Board", yep, heard that one too. Was an excellent "make the hair on the back of your neck stand up" program!

How about "The Rats in the Walls" and "Three Skeleton Key."

Man, I just DON'T like rats!


Sure wish they had radio programs today like they had in the forties and fifties...


About eight years ago when my son was eleven he claims to have seen one of these shadow people.

We were staying with my parents for the weekend and my son was sleeping my mom and dad. We had all just gone to bed and it probably wasn't five minutes after getting into bed that my wife and I heard my son say "dad... What are you doing?". I got up and went to the bedroom and turned on the light and asked him what he wanted. He turned white as a sheet and said that a dark shadow that looked like me was standing at the end of the bed just looking at them and it wouldn't say anything when he tried to talk to it. The poor kid was scared to death, but wasn't scared at first because he thought it was me standing there. He still talks about it once in awhile to this day.



Membership Revoked
Art Bell asked Ed Dames to try to remote view the shadow people. Ed will be on Art's show in a week or so, and Ed's results appear to be on the agenda for that evening.


Social ButterFly
this is just my take on this....accept or reject as you see fit,

Shadow people are real, could be a "shift" in the etheric vibrational frequency or a small overlap in the time space continunum.

Could be just plain "real" in their own right and inhabit a portion of our 3rd level density.

they are TOTALLY different from alien abduction experiences.

Lurkess, I understand completely about "covering your head and pretenting to be asleep. (I think many will do this because most would be/are too darn frightened to "check it out!"

who ever said about the demon thingies.....I have talked to many that have shared an experience of a "tasmanian devil" type entity sitting on them, or pinning them down. I have had that experience myself, and think it could be somethink from out primorial cortex in the brain stem...or it coulbe be an elemental imp....but I have never heard of one "hurting someone," other than scaring them.

S.O. I think the periphial "trails" images, ect. are from the other side of the viels, and for what ever reason, you are at that moment "seeing" through a thin portion of that ever thinning barrier.

I am not an expert...but just sharing what I believe to be so on this.

Now, if anyone wants to discuss this more privately, you can email me, I am waiting for the sat. hook-up guys..... so will be on and off today!