GOV/MIL U.S. report: Chavez moving to silence media critics


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U.S. report: Chavez moving to silence media critics

(CNN) -- The recent closure of 32 privately owned radio stations and a proposed law to punish "media crimes" are signs that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is moving to quash criticism of his government, according to a recent U.S. intelligence report.

Chavez's government is "moving forcefully to silence critics," said the unclassified U.S. analysis prepared by the Open Source Center, a government intelligence center.

The relationship between privately owned media in Venezuela and the leftist Chavez have never been rosy. Chavez has accused private television stations of supporting his brief ouster in 2002, and the president was a driving force behind denying a license renewal in 2007 to one broadcaster he said cooperated with the opposition.

But the decisions this month by the Chavez government to close 32 radio stations and two television broadcasters and to support legislation that would create prison sentences for people who commit "media crimes" have created a new level of scrutiny from outside Venezuela.

"The media crimes bill is the most blatant example of the government's steady encroachment on media freedom in an effort to establish a media monopoly and stifle freedom of expression," said the unclassified intelligence report, dated August 3.
The Venezuelan government denies that the media crimes law and the closure of the radio stations are related, and maintains that each initiative was grounded in Venezuelan law.

"As usual, much disinformation has shaped the debate surrounding these developments," the Venezuelan Embassy said in a fact sheet about the developments.

At the same time Chavez was extolling these two measures, supporters of his government attacked the Globovision television studio, one of few remaining networks that gives a voice to the opposition.

In the August 3 attack, more than 30 members of a pro-government party threw tear gas at the studio and injured three people.

The leader of the attack, ardent Chavez supporter Lina Ron, was arrested. Chavez condemned the incident, but last week, people alleged to be among his supporters attacked a group of journalists who were passing out leaflets in the street.

The leaflets that journalists from the private media conglomerate Cadena Capriles were passing out criticized an education bill that they said would hamper press freedom.

According to local news reports, a group of assailants threw the journalists to the ground and kicked them, sending 12 to the hospital.

Meanwhile, here in America:

Freedom of Speech Under Fire: FCC’s ‘Chief Diversity Officer’ Targets Talk Radio

Michael Vail
Monday, August 17, 2009

What in the world has happened to this nation? Eight years of the Bush Administration I had thought that I had seen it all. Politicians have always attempted to have their way with the common folk through verbal gymnastics, fear, ignorance and unadulterated apathy. Well this is a brand new low, an attempt to remove any dissent through harsh regulation of talk radio. Definitely not the Jim Jones cool-aid drinking kumbaya talk radio but real alternative talk.

Democrats and Republicans are two halves of a corrupt and decaying political system. Nothing that resembles real change can come from either. The gears in Washington need to come to a screeching halt in order to restore the luster of our lost republic. It is buried under a mass grave of closeted skeletons and secrets. Dissent is the only thing that keeps this country on the rails. Differing opinions and free-thinking Americans make this country great and yet the new Obama-Soros Communications Commissar will take dissenting voices off the air because might makes right in his mind.

The FCC’s Office of General Counsel according to their own website represents them in federal court as well as serving in an administrative capacity. Mark Lloyd the ‘chief diversity officer’ supports the fairness doctrine and has plans of regulating talk radio to support more ‘diversity’ and different viewpoints, this of course on the heels of the hate crime legislation and health care debate. Talk radio is a free market and those who support their local AM and FM stations should be the ones who demand content and not someone with an axe to grind under the auspices of the FCC

What is their idea of diversity? If there is a desire for a democratic media by the populace then there will be support for networks and talk radio hosts. A ground swell of support will grow organically but you have to have good content and be entertaining as well. Talk radio networks spring up all the time but instead of allowing Democrats to put their noses to the grindstone they will use the FCC as a vehicle to mandate change through force. Is that fairness?

It is plain to see that the Obama administration is in damage control after all of this strong debate on health care, bailouts and the rest. Mark Lloyd is from George Soros’s left-wing think tank Center for American Progress, this is their perfect chance to use the FCC has a weapon. A very Clinton-esque tactic if I may say so. The FCC will be revoking licenses from select stations across the nation and the only way to attempt to combat it is to get very litigious. The gloves have been taken off and the war over words has begun


Bucktoothed feline member
Yeah...interesting parallels between those two. They both seem to like nationalizing things as well.