COMMUNISM Twitter Reports $1.14 BILLION Loss in 2020

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic

Go Woke, Go Broke strikes again. In a good news, feel good story, it appears that Jack Dorsey, who really is as stupid as he looks: note to Jack, when you appear before a Senate Committee, it helps if you don't look and act like you are on drugs, or have a beard that makes you look like a crazed escapee from a mental institution. Even if you are a crazed escapee from a mental institution Jack, you should not highlight that on national media.

Twitter Reports $1.14 Billion Loss in 2020 – And that Was Before They Eliminated President Trump and His Top Supporters
By Jim Hoft
Published February 12, 2021 at 4:34pm

db cooper

Resident Secret Squirrel
Good news, yes. But those big tech elitists at the very top are still very rich and still very powerful at the end of the day. Such losses do not hurt them personally. Their goal is to control and such losses do not affect that type of power.

A good example is the MSM, they are trusted less and less each day and are shrinking in viewership/readership, yet they still wield massive power, enough to sway about half the US that Trump is evil.


TB Fanatic
they are all competing to see who loses the most money and gets the biggest federal bailout.
Facebook be like "Hold my beer and watch this"

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Remember, these companies are supported by the government as information gathering and propaganda sites. They could go $20 billion in the red and the government would keep them going. These companies get to violate the first amendment, where the government cannot. You people need to keep this in mind.

This is why those companies fight so hard to brutally suppress potential free speech competitors.


Living On A Prayer
Big business is no longer about making money. It's about shoving their agenda down our gullet.

They get woke, but have no concern about going broke.


TB Fanatic
I'm surprised they are still in operation with all the people closing their accounts, but we still have people going back and using them as a news source.


Veteran Member
Dennis is right. Losing 20 b's wouldn't be near enough. This is typical Atlas Shrugged kinda stuff; they're in like Flynn with dot gov and are now part of the essential economy.