FARM TSA-Vet Gropes Santa's Reindeer

image of groping incident at:

Whether you believe in Santa's reindeer or not this year you receive the gift of a new global protocol for animals tied up in a real pretty package complete with a big red surveillance bow. How many Constitutional violations can you see in the masterfully woven propaganda article? Let's drop in and see what the 'benevolent and jolly' global animal-controllers envision for the close of 2011 and standard operating procedures for 2012 and beyond:

AVMA president clears Santa's reindeer for Christmas flight​

The president of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) returned this week from a health check-up at the North Pole, declaring Santa's reindeer to be healthy, free of disease, and ready for their Christmas Eve flight.

"I can assure you that all of them are in healthy condition and are all ready to go for Christmas Eve," said Dr. René Carlson, upon her return to the United States.

In addition to supervising all of the business affairs of the association, the AVMA president serves as the official veterinarian of the North Pole. In this role, Dr. Carlson is charged with providing the yearly health exam for Santa's reindeer.

The reindeers' annual exam includes ensuring a health check about a month prior to their Christmas Eve flight to make sure they're healthy and not showing any signs of disease, such as brucellosis, tuberculosis, or chronic wasting disease, that can be transmitted to other animals.

"It's important that they don't have any diseases they could give to other animals during their trip around the world," said Dr. Carlson. "They also need to be healthy, so they're less likely to catch any diseases themselves on that long flight."

Once she determined the reindeer were healthy, Dr. Carlson filled out the official "North Pole Certificate of Animal Export" that provides Santa with the documents he and his reindeer need to travel.

Dr. Carlson will make a follow-up trip to the North Pole prior to Christmas to make sure the reindeers' feet and legs are in good shape to take off and land on the rooftops and that they're still ready for the flight. She'll also perform a nose-check on Rudolph to make sure it's good to glow.

During the flight, Dr. Carlson will be on call in case any emergencies arise. When they return to the North Pole, the reindeer will get one final exam to make sure they didn't injure themselves or get dehydrated on their voyage.

Dr. Carlson's next trip to the North Pole will come in the spring, when she and AVMA President-Elect Dr. Doug Aspros will provide the reindeer with their annual vaccines and perform any blood tests or other procedures that are necessary.

For kids who want to help the reindeer on their journey, Dr. Carlson recommended leaving a plate of graham cracker reindeer cookies, their favorite snack, for Santa to feed them between stops.

Dr. Carlson's role as official veterinarian of the North Pole is similar to many veterinarians around the world who work with livestock and other animals that travel across borders and around the world (even if they do so in a less flashy way than Santa's reindeer). Veterinarians play an integral role in insuring all of the world's animals are healthy, free of disease, and pose no risk when traveling.

10 Minute Citizen: Hint...the unconstitutional violations of your private property are underlined unless you voluntarily consent. Did Santa consent to the groping of his property or was he coerced by power hungry vet's with an agenda? Did this vet have probable cause and a warrant to conduct this 'groping' and invasive testing and vaccination? Leave a comment on the number of unconstitutional violations on the website ( and WIN a free bar of handmade goat-milk soap!


Faithful Steed
I think they have plans to check the wooden toys for infestation next. Oh, also to prevent entry of any tropical or subtropical endangered specie woods.

Lead paint hazard too on painted toys. Brake pedal function on pedal cars as well. The "check engine" light for these cars will be wired directly to the children themselves.

The plastic toys DO NOT count as part of the imported oil report for the day I understand.

Standards are being formulated to limit the amount and quantity of boxes that gifts are delivered in. Most of these are burned after Christmas and this will affect the carbon loading of the atmosphere unnecessarily. Of course this will limit the number of boxes that children play in on Christmas morning. Every progression has it's price.

For kids who want to help the reindeer on their journey, Dr. Carlson recommended leaving a plate of graham cracker reindeer cookies, their favorite snack, for Santa to feed them between stops.

And the vet will give guidelines to the maximum payload? If the reindeer eat ALL the cookies presented, they'll be unlikely to get off the roof for the return trip.

Tough job though. Glad I'm not a reindeer on Santa's sleigh. That hay wagon when it's full is challenge enough. Thank you.
