WoT TSA: Muleskinners Need Background Checks, Too

fruit loop


TSA: Mule skinners need background checks, too

Mule skinners are seasonal workers who dress in colonial garb at a historical park
Park has one boat pulled by two mules, park director says
Officials trying to work out 'common sense' solution

By Mike M. Ahlers

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A federal anti-terror law that requires longshoremen, truckers and others to submit to criminal background checks has ensnared another class of transportation worker -- mule drivers.

Mule skinners must abide by federal law and apply for Transportation Worker Identification Credentials, TSA says.

Yes, so-called mule skinners -- in this case, seasonal workers who dress in colonial garb at a historical park in Easton, Pa. -- must apply for biometric Transportation Worker Identification Credentials (TWIC), according to the Transportation Security Administration, which says it is bound by federal law.

The requirement has officials of the Hugh Moore Historical Park perplexed.

"We have one boat. It's pulled by two mules. On a good day they might go 2 miles per hour," said Sarah B. Hays, the park's director of operations.

The park's two-mile canal does not pass any military bases, nuclear power plants or other sensitive facilities. And, park officials say, the mules could be considered weapons of mass destruction only if they were aimed at something resembling food.

In December, Hayes wrote to Rep. Charles Dent, R-Pennsylvania, about the requirement. Dent, in turn, wrote to the TSA requesting a waiver, noting the mode of transportation involved was "mule-drawn canal boats."

In January, the TSA responded, noting the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 applies to all mariners holding U.S. Coast Guard-issued credentials.

"We encourage the crew members... who possess Coast Guard mariner credentials to obtain a TWIC at their earliest convenience to comply with these requirements and not risk suspension or revocation of their other credentials," the TSA wrote.

On Wednesday, the mule skinner debate reached Capitol Hill, when Dent asked new Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano about the necessity of conducting background checks on mule drivers. He displayed a photo of two mules, Hank and George, tugging a canal boat in the company of two park employee mule drivers in colonial working attire.

"Now Hank and George, while sometimes are ornery, they are not terrorists," Dent said. Napolitano said she would try to be flexible.

"Obviously this is a picture designed to say 'Hey, isn't it absurd that they be required to have TWIC cards.'" Napolitano said. "Um, let's work with you on this particular case, if we might."

Park officials say four or five park employees typically have Coast Guard credentials to operate the canal boat, and the extra expense of a TWIC card, which is at least an extra $100 on top of fees for Coast Guard credentials, is unwelcome.

"I think the rule was written and the policy was set up for all the big shipping, and they never even considered something outside the normal bounds," Hays said.

Dent said he will work on a "common sense" solution with Napolitano.


This is just the monkeys at TSA trying to expand their jungle domain. Next on the list will be the "requirement" that anyone driving to another state using a passenger car or light truck as part of their job (thus transporting themselves) will need to get TWIC credentials as well.

fruit loop

And don't forget those dangerous bicyclists!

Do you know how many kids riding trikes get backed over by cars? Chip those kids to protect them!


Veteran Member
Typical Government stupidity, one rule covers all, mentality and putting the little guy out of business, or overburdening them with such bureaucy to the point it is not worth trying to continue in busness,

same as with the new lead laws,

it has happened in agricultural, in on the farm raised products, and the list goes on and on.

mule skinner

My mule Ginny, works here on the farm, or did. She's retired now and just grazes here on the farm. Now, the government is planning some kind of chip requirement called NAIS or something like that for Ginny.
Will I have to get some kind of mule driver's license? I don't drive her anymore. She'll look silly with a license plate hanging on her tail. She won't stand for that.


Ever since TWIC came out, it's been idiocy at it's finest. Originally, it was going to REPLACE USCG licenses and merchant mariners documents (MMD's). Then, as with all government programs, it became it's own document and yiou had to get both. But, the date of requirement keeps getting slid back; right now I think it's April 15th. But, not one dock I've been to, including Galveston or Fourchon, has even had the scanner that can read these cards. So, since it costs about 140 bucks for 5 years, I've already seen one year go down the drain, with no return on investment, and no increase in security at the ports.

The worst part is that we have a very high turnover rate out here in the Gulf. You get kids that want the paycheck and then discover that it's not just a boat ride (seasickness sometimes makes them call for mama and threaten lawsuits...LOL). But, a person HAS to have that card, once the ports start using it, and it takes 2-4 weeks just to get it. So, what person is going to part with $140 bucks on the CHANCE of getting a job in a month?

TWIC's are a waste of money at a time when we have no money to waste, for a threat that, if it does exist, is not going to be stopped by a 6 foot fence around a port complex.