BRKG Trump’s home being raided by the FBI (OP Aug 2022}


Has No Life - Lives on TB

The Recount


The FBI seized 11 sets of classified documents from its Mar-a-Lago search, per
. Trump and his lawyers have until 3pm today to respond to the Justice Department's request to make the search warrant public.

Embedded video


12:55 PM · Aug 12, 2022


Veteran Member
Just before 3pm the Trump World released the warrant. Clearly indicating the level of secrets found in Florida.


Faithful Steed
Who reclassified the docs after they were declassified and never published it?

This the "declassification" process. Trump releases the classification. The document then goes around his staff and appointees and they get to either "nix" the declassification - or "redact" the release. Trump then sent the documents over to the DOJ to have them nix or redact.

The documents were never returned from DOJ. Meanwhile the Archive people bundled them up and all were moved down to Mar-A-Largo. Likely DOJ held to "hang" Trump with them once he left the White House.

Meanwhile, many, including interested equine, have speculated that Trump "retained" copies of the declassified documents - THIS is what the FBI raid was all about - to catch Trump with the copies, which is a violation of the process. "Mishandling" will be the term used.

Note that a VERY recent change has occurred in the National Archive leadership. This on August 4. 8 4 22.pdf?ver=CWYr4G43iTeFypvuNNBPvg==

While Trump has the retained copies - the DOJ can't go after him while he has them since they reveal so much about the Russiagate scam.

One imagines the Trump threat. "Go after me and you'll have something SERIOUS to defend yourself against."

We'll see. I may be speculative on some of this.

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Dot Collector

The warrant shows the Biden DOJ is investigating Trump for removal or destruction of records, obstruction of an investigation, and violating the Espionage Act

A grand jury has been empaneled in DC

I guess the 1/6 farce didn't poll well enough so they are quadrupling down.


Veteran Member
Lies, setups and entrapment of political opposition seem to be the MO of what used to be known as federal law enforcement.
So sad for America, the good folks left who have to work under such a corrupt regime, and the victims of the deep state enforcers.
BTW, is Swalwell (sleeping with the known chinese agent) still on the House Intel Committee. Hmmm?


Dot Collector

The Hammer

Has No Life - Lives on TB
The Great One @marklevinshow on investigating Trump for violations of the Espionage Act:

“You’d have to make the jail in Washington D.C. 100 times bigger to lock up all these former and current officials and members of Congress.. They’ll have to drag Hillary back too”
RT 2min
Not really. No one has done anything about these other officials to date. Why would they start now?

This is about the Elite vs. just one man (for now), Trump. And even the GOP will stand by and let it happen.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
If a grand jury is impaneled, then they are definitely going after an indictment. And in DC, that means a bunch of libs who would indict a ham sandwich based on feelz.

Per Constitution, he has to be tried by a Jury Of His Peers. I don't see a Constitutionalist / America Firster in that bunch, do you? In fact, the left calls MAGA folk Magats (maggots).

That Grand Jury?


Veteran Member
Without some sort of grand intervention, Trump's goose is cooked.

I don't know what sort of intervention could stop or prevent this indictment and grand jury trial to come.
The charges are High crimes and Misdemeanors, they set him up, and in the end I think he would prevail in a fair trial, but the election will be done and he'll be a frail old man, destroyed in jail, likely Epstiened.


Rich Fleetwood - Founder - author/coder/podcaster
This isn't about the FBI raiding 1 single person's home.

This is about a Department of Justice that is being weaponized against the American people for political purposes.

“This is about a Department of Justice that is being weaponized AGAIN…against the American people for political purposes.”

There…I fixed it for you…


Country exile in the city
Without some sort of grand intervention, Trump's goose is cooked.

I don't know what sort of intervention could stop or prevent this indictment and grand jury trial to come.
The charges are High crimes and Misdemeanors, they set him up, and in the end I think he would prevail in a fair trial, but the election will be done and he'll be a frail old man, destroyed in jail, likely Epstiened.

What's breathtaking is that they accuse TRUMP of "espionage"--

when Biden......Ukraine, Hunter, China, Afghanistan .....
when Hillary.....the hidden server ....
when Obama....Iran, and every Muslim terrorist govt in existence


This morning the Psalm for the day was Psalm 12.

I strongly encourage all of you to read it--it will help.


Veteran Member
From comments at another site:

1) On Mar 24, 2022 Trump filed a RICO lawsuit against Hillary Clinton, DNC where many many of the players we’ve heard of over last 6 years were named.

2) April 6, the original judge recused himself and was replaced by Judge Reinhardt.

3a) On June 22 DOJ/FBI reviewed the documents at Mar-A-Lago

3b) On June 22 Judge Reinhardt recused himself

4) On August 4 Trump submitted a motion to deny the request to dismiss the case.

5a) On August 5 Trump filed a Notice of Unavailability in the Trump v. Clinton et al. case in order to be in NYC for the harassment up there, and the first date of his unavailability was August 8.

5b) On August 5 magistrate Reinhart signed the order for the FBI raid.

6) The raid took place the August 8.

What did Judge Reinhardt “warn” the DOJ about… that Trump had the goods? Thirty guys searching for 9-12 hours? What is authorized by the language in the search warrant, it could not possibly be broader or less specific.
It was a fishing expedition that let them toss every single cubby and closet . The breadth of it supports the notion that they are really desperate to get . . . something, but without have to describe it in specificity.

The empty safe is a simple sign that they did not get what they were truly looking for.

“Fix this sh!t or we will all hang by nooses”, This is all about her.