DEEP STATE Trump should act now, time is running out.


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
I attempted to post something along thes lines but did not realize I was in the bomb shelter. Appears it could not be moved, I could not copy n paste, so I'll try again. Though it appears Trump may be on the same wave length already, or since my bs post. It's still up, and adds to this train of thought.


Time is running out. We must act now before the election cycle clouds the path further. It is time for Trump to go on the offensive. The silent majority knows the communists are all in on destroying America. It's time to name names.

Bill Ayers is the go to guy for understanding. He famously stated, "education is the motor force of revolution".

Let that sink in, as young dumb college kids take to the streets intending to cram communism down our throats. Not realizing the level of indoctrination they have been subject to. Definition of useful idiots.

When the Weather Underground failed, they went dark within education. Pledging their allegiance to the destruction of America. They became the fifth column in education. Few know they were mainly students studying to be educators.... hell bent on building a revolution...academic misconduct, sedition."

Bill Ayers introduced Obama to the world..........of politics.........and became president shortly after....why?

Other WU figures have also made there marks in the revolution. Basically to numerous to highlight. BLM is mentored by the WU. Racism, or the mechanism to make it overblown as it is, is also a WU construct.

I could go on, but plenty of others have documented such things.

Trump has to define the battle field now. He has to make it clear the nation is under attack from within, the swamp is real, and it's all in.

The list of crimes is expansive. It can not be overlooked any further. Trump must define the battlefield. It is within our borders, it is within our government. It is within our dept of education, our courts, and obviously the media.

Time to act. Way past time. Call a spade a spade, arrest the perps, unify the base, hang a few tyrants.

We are there. Save the nation, save the world. There is no tomorrow. No matter what happens, ww3 will.

Take the offense at em directly. The facts support hanging them, the paper trail is endless.

Trump must act now....I hope today's comments are a sign he is.


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
On Mark Levin's program this afternoon he was talking about how the "Social Justice" teaching>>>and there is an actual program for it, is being taught as young as Kindergarten>>>and is now being introduced into private schools also with threats that if they don't adopt it and teach it, they will have lawsuits and attempts to take their accreditation. As a result, the private schools are reportedly "caving" to the pressure.


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
Bill Ayers was the VP of Curricullum Stdies for the AERA, American Education Research Association. The largest entity of its kind.

Ayers guided curriculum from pre K to post grad. He and his fellow wanderers I should mention. They have infiltrated our systems, brought fellow travelers up the ladder behind them, and control it all.

Money talks, its how they control everyone today. Wait till the dollar collapses, controls out the ass will take effect. All the more reason for Trump to act quickly.

Common Ed in second grade.....techniques in third.........hang em all. Call their bluff. Man and woman......go back to the basics and throw the garbage into their them out.


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
I think doz has the motive to act now, before the tyrants levy our military guns upon the citizens.

Does anyone disagree with the dire position we face and the need to bring it to a head now.

At that point he needs to point out that the right has its fair share of folks who would levy fraud in voting for their own benefit. He needs to enforce the rule of law, and bring a fair and accountable vote back to the citizens. One day, paper. Cast all early votes out. Start over, make it simple with ample oversight.


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
If he does not enforce the rule of law now, how can he after a fraudulent election. The time to act is now. Before it's too late. Time is truly running out.


On TB every waking moment
Does anyone disagree with the dire position we face and the need to bring it to a head now.

I definitely agree that the situation is dire. I definitely disagree with the idea WE need to bring it to a head now. One of my old .mil friends says, "Good guys wait for the green light."

Well, legitimate green lights only come if the chain of command is intact and legitimate in its own right. There are some circumstances where a green light never comes. Sometimes independent action IS required. But independent action also requires independent decisions, and those should not be made precipitously.

Remember John Brown ....


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
I would say in reply, the only person who can lead our nation in this unprecedented attack is our Commander in Chief, President Trump.

He is the only path maker. He should declare the inditements live. Then he needs to talk to the God fearing Constitutional Patriots and make it clear he will need them to stand along side him, in this unprecedented time of fighting an enemy within and embedded throughout governments world wide... the deep state, the big swamp.

It is what it is, it's time to clean house.

As a nation, time is truly running out to correct our course. It must be done "yesterday". It must be started, I should say.


On TB every waking moment
It's PAST time to clean house. The housecleaning should have commenced in the 60s.

But it didn't.

So now we have filth accumulated over decades to deal with. And trad Americans face a host of enemies within.

Not a prospect to generate a lot of confidence as I see it. And I cannot for the life of me feel certain just whose side DJT is on. YMMV of course, but the betrayal game is the bread and butter of power politics.