GOV/MIL Trump Pick For Army Secretary: Citizens Should Have Same Weapons As The Government


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POLITICS 05/01/2017 04:35 pm ET

Trump Pick For Army Secretary: Citizens Should Have Same Weapons As The Government

What about nuclear weapons?

By Amanda Terkel
Views 1.4k
Comments 45

(2 videos, HC)

Tennessee state Sen. Mark Green (R), President Donald Trump’s nominee for Army secretary, strongly believes that citizens should be armed ― and not just with any ol’ guns. They should be able to possess whatever weapons the military has, because an armed citizenry is the “ultimate checks and balances” against the federal government.

“The Second Amendment, while it allows citizens to protect themselves from other citizens, goes well beyond just allowing us to defend ourselves from a criminal,” Green said at a pro-gun rally in 2013.

“The men who penned and ratified this document gave us the right to keep and bear arms as an ultimate checks and balances against the federal government,” he added. “When considering magazine size and weapon type, comments like, ‘You don’t need a 10-round magazine to hunt deer’ completely misses the point of the Second Amendment.”

There are plenty of other checks and balances in the Constitution, which are spelled out far more explicitly. Citizens can amendment the Constitution, Congress can impeach the president and lawmakers have to stand for re-election.

Green did not return a request for comment on when it would be appropriate for a citizen to take up arms against a federal official.

The Tennessee state senator also said that “the citizenry should be allowed to maintain whatever weapon the federal government has. If they can have an aircraft carrier, I ought to be able to have an aircraft carrier.”

Members of the general public then, presumably, would be allowed to possess nuclear weapons as well.

Watch Green’s comments in the video below, starting around 1:50.

Green is a West Point graduate and was an Army medic for the special operations team that captured Saddam Hussein in 2003.

His nomination has engendered significant opposition from lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer advocacy groups because of his long history opposing equal rights.

He recently sponsored legislation that would bar local governments from considering companies’ internal policies (such as whether they discriminate based on gender identity or sexual orientation) when doing business or giving out contracts. He has also said he believes being transgender is a disease and said part of the reason he opposes allowing transgender people to use the restroom corresponding to their gender identity is because he has a mission to “crush evil.”

If confirmed, Green would oversee a force that’s been fully integrated since June, when the Pentagon ended its ban on transgender people serving openly. If confirmed, he would stand in significant contrast to the previous Army secretary, Eric Fanning, who was the first openly gay person to serve in the position.

Green recently broke his silence on some of the criticism he’s faced, going after the “liberal left” for making him seem like a “hater.” He also said he believed “every American has a right to defend their country regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and religion.”

A group of House Democrats wrote a letter to Senate Armed Services Committee leaders last week asking them to oppose Green’s confirmation. A group of military historians and a former Pentagon official who worked under President Barack Obama also recently came out against him.

“The statements he has made on a number of fronts ― in particular to the LGBT community, to different minority groups, different religious groups ― are a great, great concern toward military readiness,” said Daniel Feehan, who served as principal deputy assistant secretary of defense for readiness from 2015 until earlier this year.

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Veteran Member
Amanda Terkel is beneath contempt....what anti American loonatic hires these people???

Oh sorry, just noted it was "The Huffington Post"...should have known...


Has No Life - Lives on TB

“The statements he has made on a number of fronts ― in particular to the LGBT community, to different minority groups, different religious groups ― are a great, great concern toward military readiness,” said Daniel Feehan, who served as principal deputy assistant secretary of defense for readiness from 2015 until earlier this year.


Its funny (in a sick sort of way) that when the shoe is on the other foot and flaming liberals are being considered for government positions the concerns of conservatives are, at best of no consequence but most usually are labeled as 'hate' and therefore dismissed out of hand without so much as a pretense of discussion.


Veteran Member
The idiots in Congress, especially in worrying times when you have countries like North Korea, and a lawless country like Mexico sitting across our southern border, is that in times of war, that a strongly armed populace aids in the security of the nation. The founding fathers knew this, because in their time, each community required participation in the local militia, with scheduled training and those that did not show up were fined. Some towns even provided arms to those too poor to be able to provide their own.

Today, those in Congress that are anti gun, and anti second amendment should be chastised openly for weakening the nation, as it is not only are they violating a constitutional right, but they are jeopardizing national security and putting it at risk for these very reasons.

Last Resort

Veteran Member
The idiots in Congress, especially in worrying times when you have countries like North Korea, and a lawless country like Mexico sitting across our southern border, is that in times of war, that a strongly armed populace aids in the security of the nation. The founding fathers knew this, because in their time, each community required participation in the local militia, with scheduled training and those that did not show up were fined. Some towns even provided arms to those too poor to be able to provide their own.

Today, those in Congress that are anti gun, and anti second amendment should be chastised openly for weakening the nation, as it is not only are they violating a constitutional right, but they are jeopardizing national security and putting it at risk for these very reasons.

The guy sounds like another decent pick, and if the flaming LGBTWTFBBQ white racists at HuffPo hate him, that's a bonus. I'll be happy when the law and my wallet allow this:


Bubble Head

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Oh yeah. I agree 100% with this Senator. I think the State gun of Tennessee is the 50 cal.? Not many States have an official State Gun.


On TB every waking moment
I've changed my mind about liberals/progressives/socialists/communists.

They are a cancer upon the body politic, and need to be totally eliminated from humanity.


What about nukes? An individual must be responsible for the use of his weapons and their effects. Sort of leaves nukes out.


On TB every waking moment
Heck at a minimum take the modern equivalents described in the original Militia Act as written by Washington and Knox....


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
Sad when a man declares verbally what we all know to be the truth, gets fired... His stance is on the right side of the issue's. Politically correct verbage is still the order of the day, little has changed. Trump should invite him back and tell the snowflakes to find a new more illogical climate somewhere else....

Trump really should make this guy an issue. He'd score points amongst his base to draw this guy back in.... screw the snowflakes