POL Trump Floats 15 week limit on Abortions

Henry Bowman

Veteran Member

Trump Floats 15-Week Limit on Abortions​

By Michael Katz | Friday, 01 March 2024 03:16 PM EST

Former President Donald Trump, the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, suggested he may be in favor of a national ban on abortion after 15 weeks, but added he has not made up his mind.
Trump has yet to offer specifics on the campaign trail regarding a national abortion ban should he return to office. In September, he criticized Florida's six-week ban signed by GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis "as a terrible mistake" and said he would seek a position acceptable for Republicans and Democrats.

But Politico reported Friday that Trump said in an interview after his visit to Eagle Pass, Texas, on Thursday that "more and more, I'm hearing 15 weeks, and I haven't decided yet. Also, we got it back to the states where it belongs."

Trump's appointment of three conservative Supreme Court justices affected a ruling that ended the federal right to abortion in June 2022. That decision prompted many GOP-led states to enforce bans even more restrictive than Florida's. But Democrats seized on the issue in the midterm elections to thwart a Republican takeover of Congress.

"Largely they're coming in with a certain number of weeks, and the number 15 is mentioned," Trump said, according to Politico. "I haven't agreed to any number. I'm going to see. We want to take an issue that was very polarizing and get it settled and solved so everybody could be happy."

President Joe Biden's re-election campaign is focusing on making it a choice between Democrats who pledge to protect abortion and contraception and Republicans who have called for further restrictions, according to Politico.

Last week, the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos can be considered children under state law, which could affect in vitro fertilization treatments. Trump said after the ruling he strongly supports the availability of IVF and called on Alabama lawmakers to preserve access to the procedure.

"A lot of states are taking very strong stances," Trump said Thursday, according to Politico. "You look at Kansas, Ohio, and it's going to be the law within the state. And they have gone much different than a lot of people thought."



Veteran Member
As a woman, I want abortion to be legal and safe. It should be between the woman and her doctor and her God. Not the government at any level when it comes to that decision.

I would like to see clear laws banning the sale of baby parts and harsh punishment for all those involved. No one should profit from abortion.

When it comes to paying for it, I only want my tax dollars involved for incest, rape and other instances when the woman is a victim or when the fetus is so obviously disfigured, brain dead and multiple birth defects that it would not be expected to live after birth.

However, if it's a biological man who needs an abortion, then we automatically throw in a free emasculation. Don't need that stuff reproducing.


Senior Member
WHY can't they just stop engaging on this?

The Supreme Court sent it back to the states as it should be, but you never hear these so-called conservatives say that. They keep reacting to claims that they want to "take away a woman's choice" like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football, never mentioning the state's rights part. They never explain that nobody took away anyone's rights!
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Veteran Member
Never, as long are unborn humans are being murdered before birth.
Or, instead of playing right into the hands of the democrat, they could keep their mouth shut until they get elected and then maybe actually do something other than just meaningless vote losing statements