BRKG Tractor Supply supports LBTGQRS

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Let's Go Brandon!
black -
its not an ingenuous question at all.

very simply put - its a bit disquieting when anyone takes ONE SENTENCE out of an ENTIRE BOOK and use it to suggest that checking to be sure the organization(s) you (and your church) choose to support are in line with the same biblical principles you yourselves espouse is somehow "against what Jesus said". I've been sitting under an independent fundamental baptist preacher for nearly 30 years and EVEN I am not that narrow in interpretation.

as BCD states:

so the terminology "giving alms" is quite likely implying the instance where one individual is giving directly to another- and doing so at a time when the individual receiving that help is himself very likely known to the giver. clearly not universally true - but likely.

do you honestly not recognize the intent of this is simply to be sure you (as in "group") are not furthering evil? isn't that pretty close to what you said above?

lets address the "monsters" as you call them via REAL LIFE EXAMPLE right here at home. there was a charity our church (and several other local churches) supported in the mountains - a "boys home". it was discovered after supporting them - and doing so for a number of years, that there was an individual in the employ of this group home - a relative of one of the principals in the organization that had been abusing some of these kids. there had been several "incidents" of sexual abuse that had gone unreported to authorities. in the main these incidents had gone unreported because these kids were castaways without someone to standup for them and those who questioned the "allegations" were belittled and criticized for questioning the "overall good works" of the organization. the long and short of it was that there was KNOWN inappropriate conduct occurring and WE were supporting it. we and several other churches found that unacceptable and STOPPED supporting the home with our donations.

lets face it - there are MONSTERS lurking about everyplace we'd care to look today. there's a thread on the board right now regarding one that supports kiddi porn and another that supports "assisted suicide". the catholic church lost HUGE numbers of its followers given its refusal to prosecute pedophile priests - or even to condemn them at all.

I've come to realize the difficulty you and I seem to have agreeing on things from time to time are rooted in a tendency to make blanket and seemingly all inclusive statements made from a position of a very small segment of an incredibly large work - often seemingly at the exclusion of the remainder of it. to be completely honest its difficult for me to rationalize that perspective.

I'm interested in what you have to say about it. having no direct knowledge of the events surrounding the example I gave above, I honestly believe you misinterpreted the intent of the initial post (#20)

ETA: as regards post 20 above - I do need to state that UNTIL that real life example concerning the boys home occurred for us personally it had NEVER DAWNED ON ME the importance of actually bothering to "check" what "soil" the children of my pennies were being sown to. I can tell you that I do so now with great regularity

Maybe I did misinterpret something. I've certainly been keeping up with Southern Prepper 1 and all the videos where he suggests not giving to individuals because they're likely trying to get money for drugs.

The only problem with such a stance is that there's no way to know whether or not that's the case. So when you give, you've done right by God. You really don't have to try and "vet" where your gift is going. Because that's on the person who took the gift. There's two parts to any alms giving. You give something, someone else gets something.

By giving, you've done the part you need to do. You really don't need to "research" the person involved. The giving is your end of the deal. Which is why I referenced the part of the Bible. You give in a fashion that no one outside of you--and clearly the person who receives--knows what you're doing. Maybe you also get a receipt to use for your taxes to limit the amount of money the Beast System gets. That's optional.

But the point is, that you're giving is good enough. What someone else does with what you give them can't be on you. It's on whoever was given the thing in question. Just to really amplify the point, every good thing we get is the result of God's gift to us. If we misuse God's gift, is GOD responsible for "furthering evil"? No. Because God gave. That's where it stops, and starts. How can it be any different for us?

Night Owl

Veteran Member
Well it’s kinda an accident. Tractor supply has a contract to hang their banner to advertise at the local stadium. The sign was at the stadium and they don’t know what is booked to use the stadium. It was hanging there with all the other banners advertising. The Waco manager didn’t even know that there was any activity or what it was until Panera on You Tube called to ask what the story was to support LBTGORQ whatever.

Now, I do believe that this was taken out of context without fact checking. And the companies policies do not stand for anything political or woke advertising.

So it’s their fault, but it could of happened to any one of us in business that advertises at sports arenas or for an individual artist that would come out after they had the sponsor. mistakes happen and an apology I’m sure will be coming out know that they know that this happened and their base of customers are pssst.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
What patriotgal says is obviously true. If it is a nation-wide corporation then it likely follows whatever the Dem party says. I'm sure there are a few exceptions but not too many. Hobby Lobby comes to mind.
Where is everyone going to shop?
Your local stores buy much of their stuff from large corporations because I don't see how they have any choice. So yes, you can put a middleman in there so you can feel better.
Everyone here sure seems to love Amazon. Who could be worse than they are?

Absolutely! Amazon is the "cream of the crop" for supporting everything Left/Woke, but everyone here apparently loves/uses them.

Sometimes, I just have to shake my head.
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Retired, practising Curmudgeon
Which wouldn't happen. They'd dump several dozen cashiers before turning on the C-suite.

Most large corps follow that protocol even though the attitudes of the top tier set the tone of the overall operation.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We have all heard the phrase " get woke, go broke ". there is truth in that. The original company can suffer from mismanagement, and it can take result in many forms.

One, the original company can suffer enough sales loss that they go bankrupt and go out of business & go into the dustbin of history

Another is that the original company might get bought by a stronger company. The new owners can swiftly reform the company, fire as they deem best, reorganize and operate the company on a better business plan, without the offending, non profitable ways .

Another is the new owners can sell off the assets, fire all previous "C-suite, and other employees, turn everything to cash and walk away.

In some of these, the "wokesters" may have a golden parachute, and some may not. but in the end, it is over ! Some innocents may get hurt, but it will all be caused by the wokesters!



Faithful Steed
Well it’s kinda an accident. Tractor supply has a contract to hang their banner to advertise at the local stadium. The sign was at the stadium and they don’t know what is booked to use the stadium. It was hanging there with all the other banners advertising. The Waco manager didn’t even know that there was any activity or what it was until Panera on You Tube called to ask what the story was to support LBTGORQ whatever.

Now, I do believe that this was taken out of context without fact checking. And the companies policies do not stand for anything political or woke advertising.

So it’s their fault, but it could of happened to any one of us in business that advertises at sports arenas or for an individual artist that would come out after they had the sponsor. mistakes happen and an apology I’m sure will be coming out know that they know that this happened and their base of customers are pssst.
It's easy to throw out a baby with the bathwater here.

Owner generally has adopted a policy of "buy local" when he can.

Sometimes buying local means paying more. And Owner will "eat" this if indeed it is local - what is spent around - comes around.

But a lot in Owner's mind comes to "convenience" - and pricing.

A lot on Amazon IS from China. If you're careful you'll be steered into the "Chinese Equivalent" on Amazon. I've seen Owner "re-start" an Amazon search and instead look for brand-name rather than the item - and drill in from that.

But sometimes that doesn't work. Many things are now NOT AVAILABLE except as overseas source. Owner recently bought an "E-Light" for installation in the Pre-School of a client. Lithonia is the brand name - they are probably the largest supplier of Exit lights world-wide. They are part of Georgia Based Acuity Brands (American Company) which is a conglomerate.

Owner says the box he just bought says "Made in China." And there is no question as the instructions inside are published in no less than FIVE different languages.

And - if you think of it - marketplace IS a "meeting of the minds." One imagines that the Chinese are as good as they are because of sacrifice on their part. Not to mention Inflationary US Money Supply.(TM) They are doing their best to offer the lowest possible price in order to attract Lithonia and through them the American Consumer.

The danger lies in China becoming the SOLE SOURCE for things. Think Taiwan Chip Manufacturers. Think Shanghai Drug producers. Think Harbor Freight and tools with little elephants imprinted on the knobs and controls. For MANY items there are no other sources than China.

If you wanted to END Chinese import - run a balanced US budget for about 10 years and see what happens to American investment, American Jobs, American know-how. THIS is "Trumpism." As the situation stands now the Democrats would inflate the US dollar into non-value - and then the Chinese would have not only competitive advantage, but also currency advantage.

You know this is what they want. To "Sell out" America.

Your dollars going overseas to support Chinese Business does not make your dollars worth less. If anything, it makes them worth MORE because once they're over in China, they're not here destroying your value. Inflation is a surplus of dollars relative to goods. China provides the goods to "swallow-up" dollars.

Once the dollars are there, China has to "do" something with the dollars. They have been investing BACK in the US using those dollars.

Once the goods are here, the US has to "do" something with the goods. We have been "conserving" our own dollars thereby.

So if it were simply a matter of Chinese Imports - the situation would "level out" in time. They produce to satiated market, we conserve to satiated market. At some point the curves "cross."

That is until Congress decides to press the "Inflation" printing press button. THAT is what is killing American Competitiveness.

Somewhere I have read that for every dollar that the US creates - it makes the equivalent of THREE US dollar equivalent for China. But that is what happens when the balance of trade/value is lost between countries.



Let's Go Brandon!
Too late. I edited it just for you, LOL.

Then once again I have saved the day for minor, niggling points of rhetoric. I'm heading for the tub!



Veteran Member
You all know, Jesus wouldn’t have been crucified if it weren’t for a tyrannical government and other societal conditions we are witnessing today.

History repeats and rhymes.

Sucks, but we’ve been here before multiple times throughout history.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
It's easy to throw out a baby with the bathwater here.

Owner generally has adopted a policy of "buy local" when he can.

Sometimes buying local means paying more. And Owner will "eat" this if indeed it is local - what is spent around - comes around.

But a lot in Owner's mind comes to "convenience" - and pricing.

A lot on Amazon IS from China. If you're careful you'll be steered into the "Chinese Equivalent" on Amazon. I've seen Owner "re-start" an Amazon search and instead look for brand-name rather than the item - and drill in from that.

But sometimes that doesn't work. Many things are now NOT AVAILABLE except as overseas source. Owner recently bought an "E-Light" for installation in the Pre-School of a client. Lithonia is the brand name - they are probably the largest supplier of Exit lights world-wide. They are part of Georgia Based Acuity Brands (American Company) which is a conglomerate.

Owner says the box he just bought says "Made in China." And there is no question as the instructions inside are published in no less than FIVE different languages.

And - if you think of it - marketplace IS a "meeting of the minds." One imagines that the Chinese are as good as they are because of sacrifice on their part. Not to mention Inflationary US Money Supply.(TM) They are doing their best to offer the lowest possible price in order to attract Lithonia and through them the American Consumer.

The danger lies in China becoming the SOLE SOURCE for things. Think Taiwan Chip Manufacturers. Think Shanghai Drug producers. Think Harbor Freight and tools with little elephants imprinted on the knobs and controls. For MANY items there are no other sources than China.

If you wanted to END Chinese import - run a balanced US budget for about 10 years and see what happens to American investment, American Jobs, American know-how. THIS is "Trumpism." As the situation stands now the Democrats would inflate the US dollar into non-value - and then the Chinese would have not only competitive advantage, but also currency advantage.

You know this is what they want. To "Sell out" America.

Your dollars going overseas to support Chinese Business does not make your dollars worth less. If anything, it makes them worth MORE because once they're over in China, they're not here destroying your value. Inflation is a surplus of dollars relative to goods. China provides the goods to "swallow-up" dollars.

Once the dollars are there, China has to "do" something with the dollars. They have been investing BACK in the US using those dollars.

Once the goods are here, the US has to "do" something with the goods. We have been "conserving" our own dollars thereby.

So if it were simply a matter of Chinese Imports - the situation would "level out" in time. They produce to satiated market, we conserve to satiated market. At some point the curves "cross."

That is until Congress decides to press the "Inflation" printing press button. THAT is what is killing American Competitiveness.

Somewhere I have read that for every dollar that the US creates - it makes the equivalent of THREE US dollar equivalent for China. But that is what happens when the balance of trade/value is lost between countries.

Dobbin, what you say is true. One must also remember the Chinese also use US Dollars to buy us farmland, US companies, US tech, and other assets, oh and many, many US politicians.

We sell China the means to destroy US

Yes, sad but true

:hmm: :hmm:


Res ipsa loquitur
Maybe I did misinterpret something. I've certainly been keeping up with Southern Prepper 1 and all the videos where he suggests not giving to individuals because they're likely trying to get money for drugs.
we've also had that occur at church . . . in our instance it was a closet alcohol. we eventually realized we were "enabling" and NOT helping. yet another example of "good seed sown to bad ground". none the less I do get the intent of your last post.

as for the church here - its a small, older congregation - we tend to give LOTS to support local area concerns and organizations - particularly local individuals in need. we don't believe in "collecting and accumulating" beyond what may be needed to make repairs - lots of which we (building and grounds committee) do ourselves unless it HAS to be done by outside others (we pulled the steeple once to fix a roof leak) but re decked and reflashed it all ourselves.

ETA: as regards post 20 above - I do need to state that UNTIL that real life example concerning the boys home occurred for us personally it had NEVER DAWNED ON ME the importance of actually bothering to "check" what "soil" the children of my pennies were being sown to. I can tell you that I do so now with great regularity
you may not have seen ^^^this last^^^ when you were responding to mine earlier - which is why I've included it here. it was a hard lesson and to this day I'm very careful about where and to whom I will give
I detest Amazon. I do not buy from Amazon. But I have given Amazon millions of dollars.
How? My stories are sold on Amazon. I make thousands and they make millions.
I could remove my stories but who does that hurt? Me.

There is nothing you can do. Boycotting usually only hurts the individuals.

I do clearly get that hi - I also understand that it gives me the opportunity to stand on my principles - for better or for worse. absolutes in most things are problematic but so is perpetually giving up ground. its whats brought us as a society to where we are today.
I've long been someone unafraid to stand on principle. even when it means I'll bear the brunt of the effects of my own effort.


Res ipsa loquitur
Absolutely! Amazon is the "cream of the crop" for supporting everything Left/Woke, but everyone here apparently loves/uses them.

Sometimes, I just have to shake my head.

"Loves" them? Or just uses them?
I will confess that I do and have used AMAZON. as much as I hate to do it there are times when its unavoidable. a similar example is using LOWES or HOME DEPOT . . . we know they are very gay friendly. at some point it comes down to buy that pallet of pavers to match the existing stone or tear it all out and redo the ENTIRE thing.

it would be just as foolish to think that we can STAND ON OUR PRINCIPLES 100% of the time as it would be to COMPLETELY ABANDON them

Night Owl

Veteran Member
:siren:So UPDATE…..BLACKROCK owns major stock in Tractor Supply. The mission statement of Tractor Supply is all in on the new society changes. So even though it seems like a simple mistake which is how the management of the Waco store was assuring people, it looks shadier because BlackRock pushes the agenda and so Tractor Supply does give to LGBTQ whatever.

The COE, of Tractor Supply saids they knew it was a ESG…. a LGBTQ whatever and was told it was a family event and they then found out it was a drag Queen storytime, so they mopping up the problems of complains.



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Has No Life - Lives on TB
I will confess that I do and have used AMAZON. as much as I hate to do it there are times when its unavoidable. a similar example is using LOWES or HOME DEPOT . . . we know they are very gay friendly. at some point it comes down to buy that pallet of pavers to match the existing stone or tear it all out and redo the ENTIRE thing.

it would be just as foolish to think that we can STAND ON OUR PRINCIPLES 100% of the time as it would be to COMPLETELY ABANDON them

Oh, I agree. No one has mentioned boycotting Walmart, either. They probably come in second place to Amazon when it comes to supporting everything Left/Woke.

If there were a list of every business/corporation that supports Left/Woke that we should boycott, there would be no where to shop.

I shop at TSC and Walmart. Sometimes, one has to pick their poisons.


Res ipsa loquitur
BLACKROCK owns major stock in Tractor Supply.
seem that its becoming progressively more impossible to avoid "dancing with the devil" (figuratively speaking) . . . more and more difficult to follow the principles we stand (stood?) for . . . "come out of her" easier said than dun . . .

and now over to Sammy boy for his wisdom and comments on the latter . . .


Veteran Member
Tractor Supply seems to support ESG goals.

See also their "Climate Change" broadsheet at

Methinks they are "very woke" - in a self-interested sort of way. One imagines it's hard to get financing, business relationship, government tolerance without "woke."

Face it. Government makes your life difficult if you don't at least "appear to bend the knee."

And NO WHERE are social goals part of the Constitution.

Otherwise known as "governmental over-reach."

Yep! ESG scores are why soon everyone will be in lock step with this stuff, because if they don't they will be penalized by their banks for stuff like loans, shunned by suppliers, etc.


Neither here nor there.
I can easily boycott Starbucks, and I do, but TS, Fleet Farm, and Lowe's (etc) are necessary stores for me as I work on my house. I will look further into these allegations. I would rather not boycott TS. We don't have that many farm stores near me.

There are two in Boone, which isn't far from you, there are three here in town. Not all sure what's in Des Moines, but I suspect that Madrid may have a farm store. Orschlen's is a nice little store and Bomgaars has a lot of tools, etc.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Yep! ESG scores are why soon everyone will be in lock step with this stuff, because if they don't they will be penalized by their banks for stuff like loans, shunned by suppliers, etc.

No one may buy or sell without the mark of left-wing approval ... not even the corporations.


Veteran Member
No one may buy or sell without the mark of left-wing approval ... not even the corporations.
Particularly the corporations. it's social credit for the corporations not for individuals, that's what makes it so insidious because even if you wish to vote with your wallet you won't find any business able to operate outside of it.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I shop Walmart. Not in the stores but online and have shipped. There are no other choices. Really it makes zero difference where you shop. Maybe most of you live near many different stores while some of us do not.
And like I said above, even local stores buy from bad corporations so really what difference does it make.


Absolutely! Amazon is the "cream of the crop" for supporting everything Left/Woke, but everyone here apparently loves/uses them.

Sometimes, I just have to shake my head.
I detest Bezos, but the web designers, the IT people at Amazon, have done an INCREDIBLE job. You have to admit it's the smoothest running, close to flawless, retail operation on the net.

That's why I buy from Amazon. Every other retail web experience is clunky to downright infuriating.
And their replacement of broken items is fast and no questions asked.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I detest Bezos, but the web designers, the IT people at Amazon, have done an INCREDIBLE job. You have to admit it's the smoothest running, close to flawless, retail operation on the net.

That's why I buy from Amazon. Every other retail web experience is clunky to downright infuriating.
And their replacement of broken items is fast and no questions asked.

I have no problems with people using/shopping Amazon, Walmart, Starbucks, Nike, Tractor Supply, Disney, or any other woke organization. Some here, though, will bend over backwards to boycott one organization, and see nothing wrong with not boycotting the others. That was my point. That's what leaves me shaking my head on threads like this.

Pretty soon, if not already, all corporations and private business will be Woke. Where will we all shop then? We'll either have to grow it or make it ourselves, or barter with others, in order to stay away from all businesses that are Woke. Who's going to be able to do that!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I detest Bezos, but the web designers, the IT people at Amazon, have done an INCREDIBLE job. You have to admit it's the smoothest running, close to flawless, retail operation on the net.

That's why I buy from Amazon. Every other retail web experience is clunky to downright infuriating.
And their replacement of broken items is fast and no questions asked.
And Bezos being the owner is why I don't buy from Amazon. Don't want to support WAPO either.

However I understand your point.

But my experience has been vastly different. Nothing I bought on Amazon, which is a front for other businesses, however small, has panned out. When I eventually did get it, it was broke. Amazon was good enough to refund my money, thankfully. Threw the thing in the garbage, and then 6 months later the business wanted me to mail it back to them. I mean really, 6 months later????? And they didn't provide even an address label.

Like SB said it's pick your poison.

Cuz Walmart online is much the same. Have had a little trouble, which was quickly settled. And in most cases suggestions noted on the board, as to good products like for instance Keystone meats. I went directly to their web site, by passing all the inbetweens and ordered direct from them at the same or cheaper price.

But ordered some cheap shoes, which in going to several places would only take paypal which I refuse to use long before their social standing and removal of money from your account, ended up back at Walmart who takes cards. Ordered a pair for me and a pair for SB, and both are coming from different places, on different days. So am waiting to see if I have to go into Full Metal Jacket Drill SGT mode, on the appointed day. I already have their number.


And Bezos being the owner is why I don't buy from Amazon. Don't want to support WAPO either.

However I understand your point.

But my experience has been vastly different. Nothing I bought on Amazon, which is a front for other businesses, however small, has panned out. When I eventually did get it, it was broke. Amazon was good enough to refund my money, thankfully. Threw the thing in the garbage, and then 6 months later the business wanted me to mail it back to them. I mean really, 6 months later????? And they didn't provide even an address label.

Like SB said it's pick your poison.

Cuz Walmart online is much the same. Have had a little trouble, which was quickly settled. And in most cases suggestions noted on the board, as to good products like for instance Keystone meats. I went directly to their web site, by passing all the inbetweens and ordered direct from them at the same or cheaper price.

But ordered some cheap shoes, which in going to several places would only take paypal which I refuse to use long before their social standing and removal of money from your account, ended up back at Walmart who takes cards. Ordered a pair for me and a pair for SB, and both are coming from different places, on different days. So am waiting to see if I have to go into Full Metal Jacket Drill SGT mode, on the appointed day. I already have their number.
I have NEVER had Amazon or Walmart ask me to send something back that arrived broken.

And virtually everything I buy there I carefully look first at reviews etc, knowing that every product garners some negative reviews. If read carefully, a great many negative reviews are from user error, lol.
But when people say they used something for a few months and then it broke, I move on to a product that has positive reviews that span one or more years.

Most everything I own now has come from the internet, either buying online or from research.
I spend an inordinate amount of time reading and researching online. Not everyone can.


Let's Go Brandon!
seem that its becoming progressively more impossible to avoid "dancing with the devil" (figuratively speaking) . . . more and more difficult to follow the principles we stand (stood?) for . . . "come out of her" easier said than dun . . .

Probably a lot easier done when it was said. Today it's approaching impossible.


Veteran Member
I would love to boycott every company that is woke, coddles to the left etc but I have come to the conclusion that it’s impossible to do so since I myself pay fed income taxes that supports abortions, anti Christian movements, woke crap, and Satan himself.

So to not be a hypocrite I would I not have to get completely out of the monetary system and not support all that crap in any form?

We can choose to deny business to companies, such as Target for example, that sets up gay promotions for kids inside their stores but unless we completely extract ourselves from the system, that includes the medical system too, we are supporting it all of the beast in some form. So do the best you can.


Res ipsa loquitur
I keep waiting for @Samuel Adams to pop in here - "come out of her" is his cuppa tea . . . interesting to see what he'd have to say about the difficulties we've pointed out doing just that - at least on the retail side of it. we already know his standpoint on taxation


Veteran Member
I am not cutting off my nose to spite my face. Nor am I driving 3 hrs in one direction for the little shopping I do. I know for a fact that some of the business owners in both Mountain Home and West Plains are beyond shady. I buy what I need at the best price. I shop Amazon. I watch Netflix on occasion. God is more than able to funnel my money where He intends for it to go.

I have friends who are gay. I have friends who don't worship God like I do. They are solid friends. God is their judge. Not me. They get exposed to him cuz He is a big part of my life.

Right now, our daily lives are so chaotic we just want to survive. I shop online at midnight. I don't have time to pick and choose. I don't have the luxury of removing myself and staying home, away from the world. I have "christian" friends who are wringing their hands in fear and lapping up every doom warning that makes the news. Life is too short for that sh*t.

I live my life each day the best that I can cuz I may not get another day. I pray for everyone but I don't have the time or energy to sort out all their corporate souls. /rant off
Bravo. Life is to short and time to precious to spend it on researching every business before making a transaction. Our time here on this planet is short and I refuse to waste it researching who to boycott next because they see the world differently than me.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
we've also had that occur at church . . . in our instance it was a closet alcohol. we eventually realized we were "enabling" and NOT helping. yet another example of "good seed sown to bad ground". none the less I do get the intent of your last post.

as for the church here - its a small, older congregation - we tend to give LOTS to support local area concerns and organizations - particularly local individuals in need. we don't believe in "collecting and accumulating" beyond what may be needed to make repairs - lots of which we (building and grounds committee) do ourselves unless it HAS to be done by outside others (we pulled the steeple once to fix a roof leak) but re decked and reflashed it all ourselves.

you may not have seen ^^^this last^^^ when you were responding to mine earlier - which is why I've included it here. it was a hard lesson and to this day I'm very careful about where and to whom I will give

I've long been someone unafraid to stand on principle. even when it means I'll bear the brunt of the effects of my own effort.
Raggedy, I truly salute you for standing on principle !!! That is absolutely too rare these days !!!

I have always been leery of those that will throw away their principle, as they are not trust worthy, and will fall for anything !!


Samuel Adams

Has No Life - Lives on TB
I keep waiting for @Samuel Adams to pop in here - "come out of her" is his cuppa tea . . . interesting to see what he'd have to say about the difficulties we've pointed out doing just that - at least on the retail side of it. we already know his standpoint on taxation

My last 25 years have been spent learning to do without…..much.

Salvage has been my mainstay…
Hardware, building materials, livestock equipment, farm machinery, parts…..

I do very little retail, and that usually through a conservative run business who owes me favors or $$.

I know that for many, minimizing everything is not an option, but that bit where Messiah says….if thy nose, eye, hand etc., cause thee to stumble…..better to enter the Kingdom maimed….

Always consider alternatives and consequences.

A pure ATTEMPT at the walk is often excruciating.

Every day goes by I feel less and less compatibility with my earthbound peers.

I’m sure many here are coming to know the feeling.
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Has No Life - Lives on TB
I have NEVER had Amazon or Walmart ask me to send something back that arrived broken.

And virtually everything I buy there I carefully look first at reviews etc, knowing that every product garners some negative reviews. If read carefully, a great many negative reviews are from user error, lol.
But when people say they used something for a few months and then it broke, I move on to a product that has positive reviews that span one or more years.

Most everything I own now has come from the internet, either buying online or from research.
I spend an inordinate amount of time reading and researching online. Not everyone can.
Different experiences offer different reviews.

The solar panel was broke when I got it, I contacted Amazon, and 6 months later the dealer wanted it back what can I say? It happened. Just because it never happened to you doesn't mean it didn't happen to me.

And I buy a lot of stuff online. So much so, that I know all the delivery guys and gals. Ask how their children are doing in school, and yesterday at a delivery the UPS guy drove up in a U-Haul. I asked what was up with that, he said they have rented all the truck in two cities, to get the deliveries out. I told him not to worry it's only going to get worse. And it looks like he will be back today. But I gave him a heads up, to be prepared for several more stops.

But like I said I go direct to the franchise and not second dealers, except for walmart on occasion. Just placed another order with them, which last time in ordering a book, was a mess. This is their 2nd chance, if they screw this up, then I'll just pay the higher price at Barnes and Noble.

In my book the headache of screwed up orders isn't worth the discount. To each his own.

And on the subject of the thread, boycotting doesn't have any effect of the company in the long run. I boycott places to have 1)less headaches as noted above, and 2) to have a clear conscience, even though other places may be doing the same thing. In one place it bothers me, and in others it doesn't.

Nike for instance bothers me. The name is the name of the Greek god of war. So right off the bat that bothers me, and while law suits were going on over it, Nike sold a rapper 666 pairs of shoes who put human blood in them. And suit isn't over the representation of Satan's shoes, but rather after the stunt went public and there was a back lash did Nike say Ooops. Nike wanted the PR and sales in the beginning. Selling your soul (so to speak) for sales, is something that bothers me.

Part of the reason for ordering a book from walmart is Barnes and Noble has drag queens reading to children. The other is price.

And while that is bad for B & N to put that on, the real culprit in all that is the parents who take their kids to that. And B & N is doing it for sales, if the parents didn't take their kids to it, and they lost the in house crowd over it, then they would probably stop.

Some people can eat meat offered to idols with a clear conscience, purchased in an open market, and others can't. If you can't then don't, but don't make it a doctrine that those that can eat meat offered to idols are going to hell.

Because as Paul said an Idol is not a god, it's just wood or stone.

That's how I see it.


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
Before you pass final judgement, please watch the video by Appalachia Homestead with Patera referenced on page one of this thread.....OR call and talk with management.

Talking with management is an EXCELLENT option, because it gives them feedback from a MASSIVE number of their customers!!

The number for management is:

cat killer

Senior Member
A rural king opened up a half hour from me several years ago.

Once that happened, rural king took 99.5% of my business from TSC.

I buy very little from them now.

If I look at my average expenditures in the "farm and fleet" stores, it's roughly 20k annually.

(RK has a gun barn and good prices on freedom seeds.)

Looks like I don't have to step foot into TSC for any reason whatsoever.

Besides look at these prices.......

View attachment 381263
In the mid to late 50's tractor supply sold long guns, I bought a couple there. Don't have any idea when they quit.
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