[TIP] Confused by int'l measures and ingredients? Author - Old Git


Crash Test Dummy
If you've tried to make an old British recipe (the kind in pounds and ounces as opposed to metric), you will, no doubt, have tripped up over the spoon measures. British teaspoons and tablespoons are approximately one-third larger. That gill of milk? It's 5 fluid ozs. And if you've tried to make a recipe written in metric, you may have given up in disgust, especially if it called for "aubergine" or "swede." Here's a handy page with conversions for all those strange measures and translations for those weird vegetable names:

Conversion and ingredient information


Crash Test Dummy
this will really come in handy
specially since i've started watching The Naked Chef, on food tv network

he's GREAT....but sometimes uses terms and measurements that i don't understand


btw.....good board kath....lots of good info!
: )


Crash Test Dummy
Thanks Old Git for the link..... I have a chart that doesn't cover all the things the link does and also have one french cook book I like to throw because of this. Maybe it may have a few less pages lost from the binding because of this link....