CHAT Time again to tell everyone...


Faithful Steed
...about me. I have done this variously on the Board for various humans and at least once globally on the "old" board, (which I don't find now.) But we're all pretty "new" here now on the "new board" and I've gotten questions from at least three of the newbies on what I am and how I do it.

Yes, an equine. Part Clydesdale, part something else. A quick look says clyde, but I am taller, a bit less muscular, and more mobile than a Clydesdale. I prefer to think of myself as a "War Horse" being larger than most riding equine, but retaining some of the agility of the smaller breeds. "Sturdy" is Owners description.

Currently about 2300lbs and 17-1/2 hands. I have plowed, was bought by Owner for that purpose back in the 1990s, but now more "stately" in age I'm called "field decoration" by Owner. I still help Owner do his seasonal "hay rides" on the property which he conducts for his paying customers who want to knock off by a campfire/Toddy in the cooler weather. Owner is a "jack of all trades" managing a farm - one turns a buck if and when one can. My plowing days are pretty much over but Owner sometimes finds something to be pulled or make our family way to church on Easter Sunday, Christmas or other notable times for his church.

Some have asked how I am able to do what I do and understand: Sentience all began with Owner's Wife teaching her children how to read seated just outside my fence. She started with the usual children's books from her childhood, including "Dick & Jane", "Amelia Bedelia", "Where the Wild Things Are", and worked her way up into the classics, including "Alice in Wonderland,""To Light a Fire, ""Moby Dick," Ever the inquisitive equine, I followed along with her finger as she measured out the words repeating with her voice what her finger saw. (heh, I write this funny!)

It wasn't long before I was reading in MY mind ahead of Wife's finger - wishing she would move her dern finger FASTER!

"Faster" I nudge Wife's finger out of the way. The three caught on to what I was doing when daughter haltingly read a passage and asked me to "nose" where she had just been reading.

After repeating this a few times over a few days with both Son, Daughter, and Wife, Daughter brought me her "Laptop" (IPad then) and a piece of stiff straw to hold in my mouth: "Can you print YES?" she said. She circled it for me in her book. Which I did and which the machine showed on the screen. "Can you print NO?" similarly. Which I did. Do you know how to print "Dobbin?" "No" I replied. So she showed me! By the end of that session I had my name in print - done by me - and on command! We did their names over the next three days.

I worked my way up through sentences with her, conversed with her at first haltingly but later with more speed and assurance, and the two of us had a grand time learning about each other. And she revealed to me some of the dynamic that makes the human side of the family "tick." Son did some of this too, but he was older and less patient. Daughter seems to have a natural gift for teaching. Today she makes her living teaching "Special Needs" children. I guess this make me her first "special need"child?

After I had made some progress, Owner asked the three what all the attention being paid to Dobbin was about. So Owner was showed what Dobbin could do. Unfortunately an argument between the four of them ensued, with the take-away being Owner did not want to be involved! In a way I was heartbroken - I LIKE to talk with humans! And Owner was and is my MOST favorite human of all. He and I have an understanding that transcends words and to me it seems like words could only add to that relationship? But Owner would have none of it, made it plain that he did not intend to play "Dr. Dolittle," and could we all keep in mind Dobbin is a TOOL to be used as necessary on the farm?

Pretty much Owner has stuck with that thought - at least outwardly. But more and more there are his lapses. He talks to me more than he ever used to - and not as an equine but rather a partner. Which he was before with our more ordinary wordless relationship, but now with his words it is that much deeper.

I find that Owner "vents off" on me. He seeks me out. If his relationship with his wife is strained, I'm the one who hears about it. If he's happy, I'm the second one to hear about it, his wife being first. If he's sad, its a toss-up between Owners Wife and I who hears first.

The computer has expanded for me from merely a means of communication to a full blown four-in-hand carriage of ideas. About 2010 the WiFi Internet was left on once when I was left alone to respond to Daughter's Email, and I found that Owner had logged into TB2000 previously - and the cookie was still active and I could respond as "Joe" (his name) with no password. This I did henceforth on-and-off for perhaps a year. If one looks back one finds "Joe" as Owner responding until about 2007 - then a gap. Owner somehow got pissed at the board and took a vacation? Then I pick it up as "Joe" about 2010 as I have described. Since then I have changed Owner's board name to mine, and corresponded as myself more or less regularly. Owner has not returned to the board in person, probably never will in fact can't with his name, but I know for fact that he reads here quite frequently. I hear about it from him "later." He may be keeping track that I don't reveal too much?

More on this later.

A piece of straw works as a way to push computer keys for only a short time. In my learning period Owner had "Stableboy" (UNH Agricultural Student) here at the Farm to help out. Stableboy was another human who knew and accepted what I could do, and in fact he and I communicated regularly then and now about life on the farm. I would do Internet Searches for him as an aid on his papers. Stableboy played Chess and taught me the game. He brought me discard books from the Town Library. And - most importantly - Stableboy whittled the first of the many wooden "stylus" I now use to push on the computer keys. Shaped like a "T" and made to fit my Interdental Gap, the wooden stylus is about as good a device as can be made for this purpose. The stylus do have a life, however. The last two have been made by Owner - under his "faux duress" - as Stableboy has graduated UNH and now works at a farm "rent to own" situation down in the Connecticut River Valley. We Email less often now.

Owner has laid down a law. I can continue to use the Internet and TB2K as I see fit, but I can't mention anything which might "locate" either me or the Farm to the curious. We are located in Seacoast Cow Hampshire as a nearest locator. Owner's words: "We can't have the only horse in the world that can actually communicate - do you know what a stir that would make?" Owner values his privacy, understands the risk and how it might affect his family, and doesn't want the notoriety. And I don't blame him. "For you to become known will change EVERYTHING about your life here Dobbin" he says. And he is right. I am happy here among those near me who love me, those further away who read me, and all of you who share my deep respect for humanity and admiration of the human spirit. And wouldn't change it for all the Duncan Donuts Coffee in the world. And Owner certainly doesn't want his own "Mr. Ed."

I respect that.

Don't get me going on Mr. Ed!

And my neck is TIRED.

Your board equine,
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passin' thru
Oh kindly horse, you do light the night with your silver bells & tongue!
.. I never know whether to get you a ghost writer, or a psychotropic drug prescription ; )

But I know to always leave the french vanilla on the fence post, and tuck the season's sweetest
apples in your flakes of alfalfa! Such delightful whimsy deserves far more, alas, I am but a poor
lil lass w/ few gifts to give.


Designated Grumpy Old Fart
Always have enjoyed your posts Dobbin. Reminds me of the first book series that I read as a kid from cover to cover through the entire series.....the original Doctor Dolittle books. I've been blessed with a couple of four legged companions that I swear could read my mind and totally understood whatever I said to them. Just wish I could have communicated with them as Doctor Dolittle did with his friends. Maybe someday we will.


Canadian Loonie
You are very tall and handsome, so I hope you are also dark...... and a good grammarian.

Do you enjoy donuts with your Dunkin coffee, or has Owner put you on a diet - you know seniors tend to put a little weight on when they don't have to plow any more. :)


Faithful Steed
Do you enjoy donuts with your Dunkin coffee, or has Owner put you on a diet - you know seniors tend to put a little weight on when they don't have to plow any more.
Um. Mostly diet. Sugar is bad for my hooves and creates "Laminitus" which can be hobbling. Humans get the same effect for the same reason (too much sugar) with "split nails." After a minor bout of this and direction by Rusty the Farrier, Owner limits the sugar.

My donut of choice used to be BOSTON CREME. However, the last couple have been "Apple Fritters" called by some a "Bearclaw." Best ever. I think my last was when there was still snow.

And of course Dunkin Donuts Medium French Vanilla, double cream and sugar, served in a paper cup with snap-lid - opened. And set on the fence post preferably with Owner's back turned.

The small is a quick wash. A large is too large and flimsy for it's size and the cup collapses in my "mouthing" it.

Thanks for asking.



...about me. I have done this variously on the Board for various humans and at least once globally on the "old" board, (which I don't find now.) But we're all pretty "new" here now on the "new board" and I've gotten questions from at least three of the newbies on what I am and how I do it.

Yes, an equine. Part Clydesdale, part something else. A quick look says clyde, but I am taller, a bit less muscular, and more mobile than a Clydesdale. I prefer to think of myself as a "War Horse" being larger than most riding equine, but retaining some of the agility of the smaller breeds. "Sturdy" is Owners description.

Currently about 2300lbs and 17-1/2 hands. I have plowed, was bought by Owner for that purpose back in the 1990s, but now more "stately" in age I'm called "field decoration" by Owner. I still help Owner do his seasonal "hay rides" on the property which he conducts for his paying customers who want to knock off by a campfire/Toddy in the cooler weather. Owner is a "jack of all trades" managing a farm - one turns a buck if and when one can. My plowing days are pretty much over but Owner sometimes finds something to be pulled or make our family way to church on Easter Sunday, Christmas or other notable times for his church.

Some have asked how I am able to do what I do and understand: Sentience all began with Owner's Wife teaching her children how to read seated just outside my fence. She started with the usual children's books from her childhood, including "Dick & Jane", "Amelia Bedelia", "Where the Wild Things Are", and worked her way up into the classics, including "Alice in Wonderland,""To Light a Fire, ""Moby Dick," Ever the inquisitive equine, I followed along with her finger as she measured out the words repeating with her voice what her finger saw. (heh, I write this funny!)

It wasn't long before I was reading in MY mind ahead of Wife's finger - wishing she would move her dern finger FASTER!

"Faster" I nudge Wife's finger out of the way. The three caught on to what I was doing when daughter haltingly read a passage and asked me to "nose" where she had just been reading.

After repeating this a few times over a few days with both Son, Daughter, and Wife, Daughter brought me her "Laptop" (IPad then) and a piece of stiff straw to hold in my mouth: "Can you print YES?" she said. She circled it for me in her book. Which I did and which the machine showed on the screen. "Can you print NO?" similarly. Which I did. Do you know how to print "Dobbin?" "No" I replied. So she showed me! By the end of that session I had my name in print - done by me - and on command! We did their names over the next three days.

I worked my way up through sentences with her, conversed with her at first haltingly but later with more speed and assurance, and the two of us had a grand time learning about each other. And she revealed to me some of the dynamic that makes the human side of the family "tick." Son did some of this too, but he was older and less patient. Daughter seems to have a natural gift for teaching. Today she makes her living teaching "Special Needs" children. I guess this make me her first "special need"child?

After I had made some progress, Owner asked the three what all the attention being paid to Dobbin was about. So Owner was showed what Dobbin could do. Unfortunately an argument between the four of them ensued, with the take-away being Owner did not want to be involved! In a way I was heartbroken - I LIKE to talk with humans! And Owner was and is my MOST favorite human of all. He and I have an understanding that transcends words and to me it seems like words could only add to that relationship? But Owner would have none of it, made it plain that he did not intend to play "Dr. Dolittle," and could we all keep in mind Dobbin is a TOOL to be used as necessary on the farm?

Pretty much Owner has stuck with that thought - at least outwardly. But more and more there are his lapses. He talks to me more than he ever used to - and not as an equine but rather a partner. Which he was before with our more ordinary wordless relationship, but now with his words it is that much deeper.

I find that Owner "vents off" on me. He seeks me out. If his relationship with his wife is strained, I'm the one who hears about it. If he's happy, I'm the second one to hear about it, his wife being first. If he's sad, its a toss-up between Owners Wife and I who hears first.

The computer has expanded for me from merely a means of communication to a full blown four-in-hand carriage of ideas. About 2010 the WiFi Internet was left on once when I was left alone to respond to Daughter's Email, and I found that Owner had logged into TB2000 previously - and the cookie was still active and I could respond as "Joe" (his name) with no password. This I did henceforth on-and-off for perhaps a year. If one looks back one finds "Joe" as Owner responding until about 2007 - then a gap. Owner somehow got pissed at the board and took a vacation? Then I pick it up as "Joe" about 2010 as I have described. Since then I have changed Owner's board name to mine, and corresponded as myself more or less regularly. Owner has not returned to the board in person, probably never will in fact can't with his name, but I know for fact that he reads here quite frequently. I hear about it from him "later." He may be keeping track that I don't reveal too much?

More on this later.

A piece of straw works as a way to push computer keys for only a short time. In my learning period Owner had "Stableboy" (UNH Agricultural Student) here at the Farm to help out. Stableboy was another human who knew and accepted what I could do, and in fact he and I communicated regularly then and now about life on the farm. I would do Internet Searches for him as an aid on his papers. Stableboy played Chess and taught me the game. He brought me discard books from the Town Library. And - most importantly - Stableboy whittled the first of the many wooden "stylus" I now use to push on the computer keys. Shaped like a "T" and made to fit my Interdental Gap, the wooden stylus is about as good a device as can be made for this purpose. The stylus do have a life, however. The last two have been made by Owner - under his "faux duress" - as Stableboy has graduated UNH and now works at a farm "rent to own" situation down in the Connecticut River Valley. We Email less often now.

Owner has laid down a law. I can continue to use the Internet and TB2K as I see fit, but I can't mention anything which might "locate" either me or the Farm to the curious. We are located in Seacoast Cow Hampshire as a nearest locator. Owner's words: "We can't have the only horse in the world that can actually communicate - do you know what a stir that would make?" Owner values his privacy, understands the risk and how it might affect his family, and doesn't want the notoriety. And I don't blame him. "For you to become known will change EVERYTHING about your life here Dobbin" he says. And he is right. I am happy here among those near me who love me, those further away who read me, and all of you who share my deep respect for humanity and admiration of the human spirit. And wouldn't change it for all the Duncan Donuts Coffee in the world. And Owner certainly doesn't want his own "Mr. Ed."

I respect that.

Don't get me going on Mr. Ed!

And my neck is TIRED.

Your board equine,
Horse shit background. Can you shoot?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Dobbin, I loved reading this post !!!!

One of my neighbors breeds & raises horses. Tenn Walkers I think. Beautiful animals !!!

I so wish they had at least one like you! Some times when I am at my gate, one will come to the fence. If I go over and pet on it, scratch its neck, chin, throat, shortly there will be two or three wanting their turn.

Years ago I worked at the phone co with a guy that kept & showed quarter horses. When DD was only about 4 yr old, took her over to his place. He guided us into his barn, where he had one tied up, been brushing it. He got a kick out of her being in such awe. He picked up DD and set her on the horse, and man, the smile she had was worth a million dollars.
This horse had a long mane, and she loved feeling it

When got home, she was motor mouth with DW, and DD told DW that her hair was just like buddys horses hair !!!
We all laughed so hard about that. And now, 31 years later, the family still laughs about that !!! :groucho:

Thought you would get a kick out of that story !!

Dobbin, take care & God Bless !!!!

Regards, No Dandy


Faithful Steed
God bless you, is sir? correct???
Still fully equipped. I have not been bred formally, although Owner made a deal with an Amish woman who kept equine at an agricultural show - she "knew all the tricks" with the Mare she brought into the next pen - and two large black plastic trash bags.

Almost TMI here. I wish I could say I was speechless afterwards - but I don't talk.

Since then there has been talk about getting another equine - but talk is cheap - and so is Owner.

But I seem well adjusted and certainly at ease - if kept to myself and those I know.

Somewhere in Pennsylvania there may be an equine who "surprises" humans?

Hard to say. I have accepted the fact that what I can do is "singular" - and certainly Maker's gift.

I am blessed.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Horse shit background. Can you shoot?

At 2300 pounds, 17 1/2 hands, hooves the size of dinner plates, and sharp teeth, and an intellect that rivals most smart humans- I don't think he may need to.

Dobbin, I have always valued your wise Equine council. It is a light in the darkness.
You need to write your autobiography one day. A longer version of what is written here. Perhaps schoolteacher Daughter would assist?

Epona, the Godess of Horses, has blessed you, my friend.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Dobbin, I loved reading this post !!!!

One of my neighbors breeds & raises horses. Tenn Walkers I think. Beautiful animals !!!

I so wish they had at least one like you! Some times when I am at my gate, one will come to the fence. If I go over and pet on it, scratch its neck, chin, throat, shortly there will be two or three wanting their turn.

Years ago I worked at the phone co with a guy that kept & showed quarter horses. When DD was only about 4 yr old, took her over to his place. He guided us into his barn, where he had one tied up, been brushing it. He got a kick out of her being in such awe. He picked up DD and set her on the horse, and man, the smile she had was worth a million dollars.
This horse had a long mane, and she loved feeling it

When got home, she was motor mouth with DW, and DD told DW that her hair was just like buddys horses hair !!!
We all laughed so hard about that. And now, 31 years later, the family still laughs about that !!! :groucho:

Thought you would get a kick out of that story !!

Dobbin, take care & God Bless !!!!

Regards, No Dandy

All the country girls used to have such beautiful long manes. I asked once what they shampooed their hair with? Mane and Tail shampoo, straight from the feed store. Now, it is main stream and in with all the other hair products for women at Wally World.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
All the country girls used to have such beautiful long manes. I asked once what they shampooed their hair with? Mane and Tail shampoo, straight from the feed store. Now, it is main stream and in with all the other hair products for women at Wally World.
Thanks for the info. I will pass that on to DW



Faithful Steed
Our own version of Mr. Ed... For those "of an age".

Ooh. Don't get me going on Mr. Ed.

NOT an equine. No interest in Wilbur other than regular care. Non-empathic Hollywood sitcom invention. Devious, condescending, and self-centered.

And "Bamboo Harvester" (Mr. Ed's "real" name) ended up euthanized "secretly" and his whereabouts today is unknown.

Lighter note:
Owner uses Mane & Tail on me, usually Thursday Bath starting with the curry and ending with the fine brush. Right now I have "feathers" but earlier depending on Owner's mood and the workload he has cut them off. They do take more work to maintain.



Canadian Loonie
My donut of choice used to be BOSTON CREME. However, the last couple have been "Apple Fritters" called by some a "Bearclaw." Best ever. I think my last was when there was still snow.

And of course Dunkin Donuts Medium French Vanilla, double cream and sugar, served in a paper cup with snap-lid - opened. And set on the fence post preferably with Owner's back turned.

The small is a quick wash. A large is too large and flimsy for it's size and the cup collapses in my "mouthing" it.

Thanks for asking.

We have the very same taste in donuts...... exactly. Do you get much icing stuck on your big teeth? It must be hard to floss. I am surprised that I am talking to an intelligent horse who is brighter than 99% of the human population. I am honored.


TB Fanatic
...about me. I have done this variously on the Board for various humans and at least once globally on the "old" board, (which I don't find now.) But we're all pretty "new" here now on the "new board" and I've gotten questions from at least three of the newbies on what I am and how I do it.

Yes, an equine. Part Clydesdale, part something else. A quick look says clyde, but I am taller, a bit less muscular, and more mobile than a Clydesdale. I prefer to think of myself as a "War Horse" being larger than most riding equine, but retaining some of the agility of the smaller breeds. "Sturdy" is Owners description.

Currently about 2300lbs and 17-1/2 hands. I have plowed, was bought by Owner for that purpose back in the 1990s, but now more "stately" in age I'm called "field decoration" by Owner. I still help Owner do his seasonal "hay rides" on the property which he conducts for his paying customers who want to knock off by a campfire/Toddy in the cooler weather. Owner is a "jack of all trades" managing a farm - one turns a buck if and when one can. My plowing days are pretty much over but Owner sometimes finds something to be pulled or make our family way to church on Easter Sunday, Christmas or other notable times for his church.

Some have asked how I am able to do what I do and understand: Sentience all began with Owner's Wife teaching her children how to read seated just outside my fence. She started with the usual children's books from her childhood, including "Dick & Jane", "Amelia Bedelia", "Where the Wild Things Are", and worked her way up into the classics, including "Alice in Wonderland,""To Light a Fire, ""Moby Dick," Ever the inquisitive equine, I followed along with her finger as she measured out the words repeating with her voice what her finger saw. (heh, I write this funny!)

It wasn't long before I was reading in MY mind ahead of Wife's finger - wishing she would move her dern finger FASTER!

"Faster" I nudge Wife's finger out of the way. The three caught on to what I was doing when daughter haltingly read a passage and asked me to "nose" where she had just been reading.

After repeating this a few times over a few days with both Son, Daughter, and Wife, Daughter brought me her "Laptop" (IPad then) and a piece of stiff straw to hold in my mouth: "Can you print YES?" she said. She circled it for me in her book. Which I did and which the machine showed on the screen. "Can you print NO?" similarly. Which I did. Do you know how to print "Dobbin?" "No" I replied. So she showed me! By the end of that session I had my name in print - done by me - and on command! We did their names over the next three days.

I worked my way up through sentences with her, conversed with her at first haltingly but later with more speed and assurance, and the two of us had a grand time learning about each other. And she revealed to me some of the dynamic that makes the human side of the family "tick." Son did some of this too, but he was older and less patient. Daughter seems to have a natural gift for teaching. Today she makes her living teaching "Special Needs" children. I guess this make me her first "special need"child?

After I had made some progress, Owner asked the three what all the attention being paid to Dobbin was about. So Owner was showed what Dobbin could do. Unfortunately an argument between the four of them ensued, with the take-away being Owner did not want to be involved! In a way I was heartbroken - I LIKE to talk with humans! And Owner was and is my MOST favorite human of all. He and I have an understanding that transcends words and to me it seems like words could only add to that relationship? But Owner would have none of it, made it plain that he did not intend to play "Dr. Dolittle," and could we all keep in mind Dobbin is a TOOL to be used as necessary on the farm?

Pretty much Owner has stuck with that thought - at least outwardly. But more and more there are his lapses. He talks to me more than he ever used to - and not as an equine but rather a partner. Which he was before with our more ordinary wordless relationship, but now with his words it is that much deeper.

I find that Owner "vents off" on me. He seeks me out. If his relationship with his wife is strained, I'm the one who hears about it. If he's happy, I'm the second one to hear about it, his wife being first. If he's sad, its a toss-up between Owners Wife and I who hears first.

The computer has expanded for me from merely a means of communication to a full blown four-in-hand carriage of ideas. About 2010 the WiFi Internet was left on once when I was left alone to respond to Daughter's Email, and I found that Owner had logged into TB2000 previously - and the cookie was still active and I could respond as "Joe" (his name) with no password. This I did henceforth on-and-off for perhaps a year. If one looks back one finds "Joe" as Owner responding until about 2007 - then a gap. Owner somehow got pissed at the board and took a vacation? Then I pick it up as "Joe" about 2010 as I have described. Since then I have changed Owner's board name to mine, and corresponded as myself more or less regularly. Owner has not returned to the board in person, probably never will in fact can't with his name, but I know for fact that he reads here quite frequently. I hear about it from him "later." He may be keeping track that I don't reveal too much?

More on this later.

A piece of straw works as a way to push computer keys for only a short time. In my learning period Owner had "Stableboy" (UNH Agricultural Student) here at the Farm to help out. Stableboy was another human who knew and accepted what I could do, and in fact he and I communicated regularly then and now about life on the farm. I would do Internet Searches for him as an aid on his papers. Stableboy played Chess and taught me the game. He brought me discard books from the Town Library. And - most importantly - Stableboy whittled the first of the many wooden "stylus" I now use to push on the computer keys. Shaped like a "T" and made to fit my Interdental Gap, the wooden stylus is about as good a device as can be made for this purpose. The stylus do have a life, however. The last two have been made by Owner - under his "faux duress" - as Stableboy has graduated UNH and now works at a farm "rent to own" situation down in the Connecticut River Valley. We Email less often now.

Owner has laid down a law. I can continue to use the Internet and TB2K as I see fit, but I can't mention anything which might "locate" either me or the Farm to the curious. We are located in Seacoast Cow Hampshire as a nearest locator. Owner's words: "We can't have the only horse in the world that can actually communicate - do you know what a stir that would make?" Owner values his privacy, understands the risk and how it might affect his family, and doesn't want the notoriety. And I don't blame him. "For you to become known will change EVERYTHING about your life here Dobbin" he says. And he is right. I am happy here among those near me who love me, those further away who read me, and all of you who share my deep respect for humanity and admiration of the human spirit. And wouldn't change it for all the Duncan Donuts Coffee in the world. And Owner certainly doesn't want his own "Mr. Ed."

I respect that.

Don't get me going on Mr. Ed!

And my neck is TIRED.

Your board equine,

I sincerely hope you are house broken...Dobbin.


Veteran Member
I never knew the back story but have always liked your posts. Thank you for sharing your story, I love it, it is just charming!!!! I have four horses and I know horses are so much more than most people think, amazing, insightful, wise animals you all are.


Veteran Member
So nice to hear your story, Dobbin! I love horses! I had several years ago. I gave them up when I couldn't give them the care they needed. It was one of the hardest things I ever did! When the buyers came to get them, I was on the other side of the house, crying so hard I couldn't talk. It took me months to get over losing them.

Horses have always been special to me, and that includes you, too. That's why I love reading what you write about. You are a special creature and we at TB2K are blessed to have you and your wit and your experiences and your knowledge with us! You are awesome!


Where I am supposed to be.
Still fully equipped. I have not been bred formally, although Owner made a deal with an Amish woman who kept equine at an agricultural show - she "knew all the tricks" with the Mare she brought into the next pen - and two large black plastic trash bags.

Almost TMI here. I wish I could say I was speechless afterwards - but I don't talk.

Since then there has been talk about getting another equine - but talk is cheap - and so is Owner.

But I seem well adjusted and certainly at ease - if kept to myself and those I know.

Somewhere in Pennsylvania there may be an equine who "surprises" humans?

Hard to say. I have accepted the fact that what I can do is "singular" - and certainly Maker's gift.

I am blessed.

Thank you for your gentlemanly reply, it was a poor attempt of humor on my part. You are much loved❤


Faithful Steed
Uh... tell me, Dobbin. Are you "horse broken?"
Um. Yes. "The Gentleman" is my former owner/trainer. Advocate of "horse whispering" although he didn't whisper, more like you listen because if you didn't you got your face mashed into the ground. The movie shows it, but considerably sanitized for viewing audience.

Ropes on horse statues is not my fave.

George Floyd does come to mind although the cop didn't know when to quit, or didn't care.

Gentleman says timing is EVERYTHING. He was good - and gentle once you got to know him.



Glad to finally know your backstory, Dobbin. I sometimes tell my husband about something that the horse on the board (you ) has posted and he just looks at me like I've lost my mind. He just doesn't get it.

I wish you could have given writing lessons to my old dog, Jake (now passed on), who had his own Facebook page. All he did was post poetry about his butt on it and after awhile it got a little gross.