WAR THOUGHTS ON THE BOOGALOO - by Jesse James, from AmericanPartisan.org


Veteran Member
Posted for fair use and discussion.
Original article also has embedded videos and a link to their Patreon channel.

Article by Jesse James, from AmericanPartisan.org
h/t Matt Bracken


Posted by Jesse James | Sep 20, 2020

Since AP has been posting articles on the evolution of the American Maoists’ tactics over time, I’d like to share some of my own thoughts on what Boogaloo will be like.

Thought #1: The Battle for Suburbia

This will probably be something of a surprise at first, but it’s not so illogical in retrospect: boogaloo will be a suburban phenomenon for the short- to mid-game (the late-game will be in the cities if the forces of light win, and in the rural areas if the forces of darkness win). America is not dominated by urban or rural areas, but by its suburbs, and has been so since the late 1940s. The suburbs are unique because they have many of the connectivity benefits associated with towns and urbanism, but are spread apart and harder to centrally control. This is why the left desperately wants them eliminated: like the jungle, they’re neutral terrain, and that means any attempt by the left to fight there requires that they win without the deck stacked in their favor. The left’s ranks, like those of the KKK during both Civil Rights Eras, are filled with men who are only brave when they can’t lose.

Fighting in the suburbs will not be fun. There are few bulletproof or fireproof structures, plenty of space for the enemy to maneuver, and defending forces will constantly be understrength. Yet, there are also many advantages: freedom for the enemy to maneuver is freedom for the forces of light to maneuver, and the former don’t have any more bulletproof protection than the latter. Defense in depth is possible, crossfires/defilade are easy to achieve between houses, and sniper hides are plentiful. Bicycles will be extremely valuable in this environment as they are quiet, speedy, can carry baggage, and are able to traverse ground that automobiles cannot. Thus, even the most fanatical porch sniper should possess a bicycle and ride it often to avoid obesity. Another benefit of the suburbs is their space for gardening. If the supply chain collapses, suburban yards can readily be converted into permaculture gardens, which will provide sufficient sustenance on a shoestring budget. It won’t be perfect or convenient, but it will prevent starvation or malnourishment. Fences and chicken wire will be indispensable for preserving this system from animals, while also providing the benefit of inhibiting attackers’ free movement


Every river depicted here is ultimately controlled by the owner of New Orleans

On the flip side, the notion that boogaloo will take place in the wilderness is less plausible. The left isn’t afraid of people in the hills because they can be safely ignored. Scattered bands of men hiding in the hills with no plan aren’t an existential threat, and the lack of resources and infrastructure will mean many will starve or freeze to death before striking any meaningful blows. The Maoists can afford to wage scorched-earth tactics on any poverty-stricken rural regions they find uncomfortably close, and can counter infiltration with wire and blockhouses since the hill men possess no artillery. Nor are the hills indispensable to controlling most of the nation: the left controls the coastal ports and can thus utilize rivers for transportation instead of roads, forcibly urbanizing small towns along these secure routes or abandoning them to starve. Considering that the Mississippi River dominates the continent, the Rockies/Appalachians now appear sandwiched, rather than the coastal regions

Thought #2: Police and Military Resources

So if boogaloo is taking place in backyards rather than backwoods, then that changes the equation dramatically. Now, instead of fleeing the golden horde, the overarching strategy is to turn the suburbs into the Teutoburg Forest: let the Maoists enter, ensure they don’t leave alive. Sharpshooter-spotter buddy pairs are the backbone of such a strategy, but these must be combined with good intelligence. As such, many patriots will necessarily join a larger organization like the Oathkeepers at the national or state level. This winnowing will separate the liabilities from the worthies: refusal to submit to a hierarchy will demonstrate that one cannot be relied on in a life-or-death situation.

As locales defund their police forces, former officers can supply a source of recruits for political pushback, and attempts should be made to encourage remaining officers to mutiny if they are given unlawful orders. Remember: from the officer’s perspective, if he refuses to follow an unlawful order today he’ll simply be arrested and someone else will do it in his place. In a mutiny, the officer now has a way to eliminate the source of his unlawful orders and their ability to ruin his life for doing the right thing. Right-wingers should also look into joining reservists (both police and military) to get formal training. Without formal training, any attempts at using force will be a massive gamble. With formal training, however, right-wingers can supplement their existing level of training and get paid to do it.

Thought #3: Offensive vs Defensive Shooting

At the tactical level, the first step is to counter the swarm tactics currently being employed. Once these are defeated, the Maoists will likely shift to a strategy of assassinations and raids, and step 2 will be to defeat these, along with any sympathetic county/state governments. It is in this first stage that we will talk about the difference between offensive and defensive shooting.

Kyle Rittenhouse is a perfect example of defensive shooting. He was trying to leave the area, waited until he was attacked, and stopped shooting the instant his attackers stopped attacking. This is appropriate for many circumstances, and has the advantage of retaining the moral high ground as far as the courts are concerned. Since Americans overall are highly neutralist by temperament and attitude, the principle of non-aggression is easier to argue when shooting defensively. The main drawback, however, is that it allows the Maoist aggressor(s) to maintain the initiative. Eventually, circumstances will arise in which ceding the initiative is the worst possible response.

Offensive shooting is much more violent and aggressive than its defensive counterpart. Jeff Cooper recounts a story in his book “Principles of Personal Defense” of a student who had very little situational awareness and was ambushed by 4 men with revolvers, but aggressively turned the tide by firing 22 shots in 20 seconds, scaring them off. An aggressive shooter in Kyle’s situation would have fired many more shots than he did, in quicker succession, and tactically counterattacked even as he made a strategic withdrawal. After shooting pedo-man in the genitals and Glock-man in the arm, an aggressive shooter would have continued shooting: he likely would have followed up his arm shot with a headshot, killing the third Maoist, and he would have continued shooting, likely targeting the cameramen if no one else charged at him. Since mobs’ reaction to gunfire nowadays is to pull out their cameras rather than flee, the camera-wielding Maoists would be considered fair game. A traitor with a camera is still a traitor, and their pseudo-defiant “standing their ground” inspires those around them; thus, they are contributors to the mob’s psyche, even if passively. A sudden, violent spray of bullets at such close range is loud and frightening, and when the camera-wielders realize that they are being deliberately targeted by men shooting to kill, they will feel this same fear and run. In other circumstances, the fat feminists providing human shields to the soyboys throwing rocks and fireworks would be gunned down without hesitation, and the shooters’ only mental efforts would be to try hitting multiple bodies with one bullet. The only ones who will be deliberately spared by an aggressive shooter are those that run away. One of the biggest drawbacks of relying on numbers (as all evil forces do) is that crowds are prone to mass panics. The students at Kent State did not run when tear gas was fired at them, they ran away when the National Guard fired 69 shots into the mass, killing only 4 students. Instead of charging the National Guard, the students fled. A mass casualty event in a BLM/Antifa protest would send even bigger shockwaves, and all it takes is for one man to break and run: his fear with be infectious.

Thought #4: Aim for the Earbuds

During the revolutionary war, a common order given to riflemen acting as sharpshooters was “aim for the epaulettes.” The epaulettes, of course, were the mark of an NCO or officer, who played critical roles in ensuring fire discipline and unit cohesion. By deliberately targeting these men, the American rebels were able to take away the biggest advantages possessed by professional soldiers (i.e., being able to function smoothly under fire). In the 21st century, the Maoists do not wear epaulettes, but their thrall masters rely on radio communications to coordinate an otherwise uncontrolled mob. Their officers/NCOs will be recognizable by earbuds and other communication devices, as well as leadership-style actions such as pointing. Sharpshooters should therefore focus their fire onto these individuals once more immediate dangers are killed, because killing the thrall-masters will destroy the mob’s ability to move and act as a single unit. Actions will become piecemeal and confused. Moreover, when the cowards see their inspirational leaders killed in front of them, they will flee 9 times out of 10. Killing these men and women will also gut the Maoists’ core cadre, and the quality of replacements will decline over time.

On the operational level, offensive tactics to counter the Maoists would be to target their picket lines rather than the central mob. A typical riot has vehicles, guns, and radio operators acting as sentries for the main body, and can provide a handy cutoff force should their targets wander inside the perimeter. However, if these units can be spotted and wiped out from afar, then the Maoists lose their eyes and ears, as well as their backup. Picket duty will become a death sentence, and present a lose-lose situation: either sacrifice lives or protection. Even worse, these men and women on sentry duty will be picked from better-quality recruits, and the loss of these will ensure the Maoists’ best and brightest are killed first, before moving on to the disposable hordes. The Thebans defeated the Spartans using this very same principle at Leuctra.


In short, boogaloo will be a suburban phenomenon, and the authors of “A Failure of Civility” were right to focus on it. Wilderness skills are not useless in a suburban environment (quite the opposite), but they are not the complete picture. Bicycles will be as important as rifles, and if we’re really lucky the police/military will mutiny rather than enforce illegal orders against us. Whether they do or don’t, as many patriots as possible should volunteer to join their local police/National Guard forces to get formal training.


Knuckle Dragger
Overall, a decent assessment.
Some geographical and social assumptions made here are black & white, were reality is a very broad grey band.

I don't think things will devolve far enough for this to be a factor.
the left controls the coastal ports and can thus utilize rivers for transportation instead of roads,

Don't bet on it.
When they get pissed and go hunting, it will be a commies nightmare. A lot of "hill people" are used to functioning on the fringes of cities.
They have migrated to outer suburbia for work, but haven't lost the woodsy ways.
Scattered bands of men hiding in the hills with no plan aren’t an existential threat, and the lack of resources and infrastructure will mean many will starve or freeze to death before striking any meaningful blows.

Patriots are thick with people who can do this, with a vengeance. There will be no way to put that genie back in the bottle, once it starts.
Offensive shooting is much more violent and aggressive than its defensive counterpart.

Once this happens, it will be the beginning of the end for the commies.
Once these are defeated, the Maoists will likely shift to a strategy of assassinations and raids, and step 2 will be to defeat these, along with any sympathetic county/state governments.

This will be the key to stopping this crap.
The hard part will be learning to pick them out of the crowd, at least for newer teams.
Their officers/NCOs will be recognizable by earbuds and other communication devices, as well as leadership-style actions such as pointing. Sharpshooters should therefore focus their fire onto these individuals once more immediate dangers are killed, because killing the thrall-masters will destroy the mob’s ability to move and act as a single unit. Actions will become piecemeal and confused. Moreover, when the cowards see their inspirational leaders killed in front of them, they will flee 9 times out of 10. Killing these men and women will also gut the Maoists’ core cadre, and the quality of replacements will decline over time.


Knuckle Dragger
I don't know what it will be

I don't know where it will be

I don't know how it will be

I only know that while there is an ON switch, there is no OFF switch short of total victory or total submission to communism. And targets are self designating.

How fast and how far will it spread?

The commies really, really don't grasp the scope of how much pisstivity is being suppressed by The J6P Nation...or the skillsets they will bring to the party.


On TB every waking moment
People keep missing the point. The goal is the obliteration of the Joe Sixpack culture. Any sort of civil shoot out would do it. They win.

BTW, if you are going to root out the source of all our cultural problems, you go to every college and execute all members of the Ed dept and the adm of the college. All of them to the wall, every college. Otherwise they will breed again and we will be back here in another generation.

With their clearance from the culture, possibly Joe Sixpack can be resuscitated although I doubt it.


Knuckle Dragger
People keep missing the point. The goal is the obliteration of the Joe Sixpack culture. Any sort of civil shoot out would do it. They win.

Unless they don't win.

It is already a civil shoot out, we just haven't really responded.
See the part about offensive vs. defensive shooting.

We are rapidly reaching the break point where J6P won't give two shits about what the press, euroweenies, the UN or any other commie .orgs OR their supporters think.

WTF are the commies going to do when they are being hunted down like rabid dogs? This includes the press and and anybody else who wants to promote this revolution.

You keep missing the point that it's almost Kill or Be Killed time.

If they are dead...they don't win.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I wouldn't say there is no infrastructure in rural areas. It's merely DIFFERENT than urban/suburban folks are used to. But honestly, I don't feel like giving any more detail than that.

The problem I find with scenarios - any of them - is that one's brain latches on to the whole pattern, which doesn't leave room for the unexpected surprise, or unintended consequences. And the brain is usually loathe to give up what it "thinks" it knows... to accept what the actuality of a situation is, in time to respond or counter it... or be one step ahead.


People keep missing the point. The goal is the obliteration of the Joe Sixpack culture. Any sort of civil shoot out would do it. They win.

BTW, if you are going to root out the source of all our cultural problems, you go to every college and execute all members of the Ed dept and the adm of the college. All of them to the wall, every college. Otherwise they will breed again and we will be back here in another generation.

With their clearance from the culture, possibly Joe Sixpack can be resuscitated although I doubt it.

I have no problems with such housecleaning.

Bill Ayers has position #1 IMO


Knuckle Dragger
The problem I find with scenarios - any of them - is that one's brain latches on to the whole pattern, which doesn't leave room for the unexpected surprise, or unintended consequences. And the brain is usually loathe to give up what it "thinks" it knows... to accept what the actuality of a situation is, in time to respond or counter it... or be one step ahead.

This is key.

The commies are the personality types that need to be told what to do and have difficulty deviating from whatever they were programmed to do. By nature, they are not problem solvers.

Dude who hunts, fixes things and solves problems is already accustomed to working in a dynamic environment.

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
How fast how far will it spread??

Let's look at the Kent State experience. WITHOUT the 'Net, WITHOUT Social Media, it took the NEWS under 18 hours to spread to virtually EVERY college town in the country. Organized demonstrations took another 12 hours to spread Nationally. UN-organized demonstrations took less than 3 hours to spread.

Factor in the 'Net and all, you can expect UNORGANIZED activity to happen within 6 hours NATIONWIDE of an "incident".
ORGANIZED demos will take not much longer (1-3 hours or less. Organization being highly variable).


On TB every waking moment
Unless they don't win.

It is already a civil shoot out, we just haven't really responded.
See the part about offensive vs. defensive shooting.

We are rapidly reaching the break point where J6P won't give two shits about what the press, euroweenies, the UN or any other commie .orgs OR their supporters think.

WTF are the commies going to do when they are being hunted down like rabid dogs? This includes the press and and anybody else who wants to promote this revolution.

You keep missing the point that it's almost Kill or Be Killed time.

If they are dead...they don't win.
What makes you think you are going to like our 'win'. History shows we likely end up with a Lenin, Napoleon or similar.


On TB every waking moment
How fast how far will it spread??

Let's look at the Kent State experience. WITHOUT the 'Net, WITHOUT Social Media, it took the NEWS under 18 hours to spread to virtually EVERY college town in the country. Organized demonstrations took another 12 hours to spread Nationally. UN-organized demonstrations took less than 3 hours to spread.

Factor in the 'Net and all, you can expect UNORGANIZED activity to happen within 6 hours NATIONWIDE of an "incident".
ORGANIZED demos will take not much longer (1-3 hours or less. Organization being highly variable).
You have a good point that I have wondered about. Although I use historical analogies, I am not really sure they apply because of what you detailed.

It is claimed that Hitler would not make it today because he could not be a TEEVEE personality. A JFK with the instincts of a Lenin might. I used to watch O wondering, but he never pulled the trigger. But he may have laid the ground work.

We live in interesting times.


Veteran Member
The main thing that worries me is foreign intervention. If the conflict just stayed between J6P and the domestic commies I don’t have much doubt that we will win. But history shows that these commie revolutions almost always have foreign sponsors funding and training the insurgents.

Once things really kick off and the military is no longer able to effectively defend our borders we will see the real power behind this movement, China. I don’t know if they’d actually try putting boots on the ground here, but they could easily get a beach head in commie California. I could see them using aviation assets in support of the insurgents.

Just something to think about before we get to over confident.


Knuckle Dragger
The main thing that worries me is foreign intervention. If the conflict just stayed between J6P and the domestic commies I don’t have much doubt that we will win. But history shows that these commie revolutions almost always have foreign sponsors funding and training the insurgents.

Once things really kick off and the military is no longer able to effectively defend our borders we will see the real power behind this movement, China. I don’t know if they’d actually try putting boots on the ground here, but they could easily get a beach head in commie California. I could see them using aviation assets in support of the insurgents.

Just something to think about before we get to over confident.

How many times have you watched Red Dawn?

This week? :D


Veteran Member
If the river ports are controlled by Blue cities, then they might try to block exports that travel down-river to those ports. Thus New Orleans might block farmers from selling grain, and New Orleans could also block imports that travel by river. As to using the rivers to invade areas upstream, I find that much less likely. Such forces could face annihilation in the hinterboonies.


Veteran Member
In my view, Mexico is far more likely to be the source of a foreign invasion than China. There is already a shared border, Mexico has motive, means, and opportunity, and they also have tens of millions already here on the ground, including gang members that are basically paramilitary organizations.

If there was a Chinese invasion, some of it might actually filter through Canada, which also has a long shared border.

There are quite a few military bases on the West coast, and some of them likely have nukes. It might be dicey for the Chinese to attempt that route.

Nevada, although tempting with its gold mines in central Nevada, also has the Nevada Test Site, Nellis Air Force Base, and Fallon Naval Air Station.


Veteran Member
The rural areas might be susceptible to hit-and-run arsonists, depending on the specifics of the locale. Certainly, most rural areas from the Rockies westward are fire-prone during the dry season. However, once rural communities are on their guard, there might be road blocks or check stations of various kinds to deter, detect, and defeat any intruders.


On TB every waking moment
History also has this country's founding documents.

Many patriots have sworn an oath to defend them....Foreign and Domestic.

I have....Have You?
Yup. But by the time the dust settles, they may be so shredded as to be unrecognizable. (Metaphor there)


Candy’s dandy, but a back rub is quicker.
From the Original Post:
"The left’s ranks, like those of the KKK during both Civil Rights Eras, are filled with men who are only brave when they can’t lose."

I agree with this, and offer this slight mod:
"The left’s ranks, like those of the KKK during both Civil Rights Eras, are filled with men who are only brave when they ARE WEARING MASKS."

Laws requiring wearing masks in public serve the Libtard/Dem/Commie interests in enabling Antifa/BLM warfare. We need to pivot to making it illegal to wear masks in public.


On TB every waking moment
In my view, Mexico is far more likely to be the source of a foreign invasion than China. There is already a shared border, Mexico has motive, means, and opportunity, and they also have tens of millions already here on the ground, including gang members that are basically paramilitary organizations.

If there was a Chinese invasion, some of it might actually filter through Canada, which also has a long shared border.

There are quite a few military bases on the West coast, and some of them likely have nukes. It might be dicey for the Chinese to attempt that route.

Nevada, although tempting with its gold mines in central Nevada, also has the Nevada Test Site, Nellis Air Force Base, and Fallon Naval Air Station.
"..they also have tens of millions already here on the ground, including gang members that are basically paramilitary organizations. ..."

For some reason or other, I have the feeling that a significant number of those have no interest in joining Mexico or creating a Mexico here. They have had experience with both and would rather stay with Uncle Sam.


Veteran Member
"..they also have tens of millions already here on the ground, including gang members that are basically paramilitary organizations. ..."

For some reason or other, I have the feeling that a significant number of those have no interest in joining Mexico or creating a Mexico here. They have had experience with both and would rather stay with Uncle Sam.

Yeah, sure, that's why they hate displays of the American flag and have large demonstrations where multitudes are waving the Mexican flag.

Pull the other one, why dontcha. Geez...


Veteran Member
Scattered bands of men hiding in the hills with no plan aren’t an existential threat, and the lack of resources and infrastructure will mean many will starve or freeze to death before striking any meaningful blows.
This article really had my attention...right up til the above statement. I realize it's slightly out of context but this guy is overlooking a whole bunch of people who live the lifestyle without even caring that there's a name for it and to state further down that they won't have the ammo to fight is a naive assumption. These people will most likely be the last to fall. On the other hand, I'm glad everyone underestimates the abilities of the common hill folks...they cultivate that harmless persona in this day and age. They have computers and internet and are as tuned in as the urbanites but with honest to goodness skills honed over a lifetime and all those folks he assumes will be invading their territory with nothing to bring to the table...pretty sure that wont work out for them.


Membership Revoked
What makes you think you are going to like our 'win'. History shows we likely end up with a Lenin, Napoleon or similar.
Could be a Franco, Pinochet, or whatever generals took over in Turkey and Greece. Those would be way better than any Democratic Party officeholder.


Membership Revoked
This article really had my attention...right up til the above statement. I realize it's slightly out of context but this guy is overlooking a whole bunch of people who live the lifestyle without even caring that there's a name for it and to state further down that they won't have the ammo to fight is a naive assumption. These people will most likely be the last to fall. On the other hand, I'm glad everyone underestimates the abilities of the common hill folks...they cultivate that harmless persona in this day and age. They have computers and internet and are as tuned in as the urbanites but with honest to goodness skills honed over a lifetime and all those folks he assumes will be invading their territory with nothing to bring to the table...pretty sure that wont work out for them.
Agreed. All such men would have to do to make a big difference is attack electric lines, pipelines, water treatment plants, block or snipe trucks along roads, set fire to crop fields, screw up rail lines, snipe river barge crews, kill cattle/pigs/chickens, etc. to have huge effects.


Veteran Member
The opening moves in the small rural and suburban areas will have to be the elimination of the meth junkies and their enablers such as the lefty school teachers and social worker types. These people are treacherous scum in times of plenty.....they will absolutely stab any and all in the back at the first opportunity.

There is no way anyone will be able to focus on external threats to the community if every waking minute is wasted dealing with thieving scum from down the block.


I spent weekends for a few years playing in the woods with what was then called Third Phase - the graduation exercise from the SFQC (Special Forces Qualification Course) called Robin Sage. Similar exercises have gone on in various places since early along in SF training, previously called gobbler Woods or Cherokee Trail. Friendships and relationships are forged in the course of these exercises. Potentially useful items sometimes get stashed here and there in secure spots for long term storage. I won't address that little detail any further....

I have encouraged members here to watch this mid-1960s training film several times before... Now might be an especially good time to absorb some of the lessons portrayed here, if you do not know them already.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63Kq0lwYu2o

GUERRILLA USA - Army Prepares for Civil War in America w/ Training Exercise
RT 27:58


Firearms Manufacturer
Much of the current spec ops, and regular military training has shifted to "Peer on peer" or "Peer to near peer" fighting. A large portion of it is due to the Chinese "Belt and road" program.

The current focus has been on S. American operations, not the middle east. Per a contact on one of the teams, the expected causality rate from this type of adversary is higher than anything we have experienced in decades. If "They" decide to make a more aggressive move on S America or come to play here it will be very bloody.

Chy-na is moving all around in S America. It will be the new front, CWII here or not, it will only change the timing of their advance. The more we fight ourselves, the faster they can infect S America as they are around the rest of the world. They are piled up in Canada also.