POL This is NOT what we want for America! IS IT? (Ayers kill plan)


TB Fanatic

It is not fear that grips me… only a heightened sense of things.
Video: Undercover FBI Informant Who Infiltrated Bill Ayers’ Weatherman Underground Exposes Their Plans of Re-Education Camps & Genocide

I asked, “Well what is going to happen to those people we can’t reeducate, that are diehard capitalists?” And the reply was that they’d have to be eliminated.

And when I pursued this further, they estimated they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these reeducation centers.

And when I say “eliminate,” I mean “kill.”

Twenty-five million people.

I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people, most of which have graduate degrees, from Columbia and other well-known educational centers, and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people.

And they were dead serious.

Where have we gone wrong?

How can so many people be so misguided?

The America I knew fought monsters like this, not it puts them in power.

What is WRONG with people that they have put radicals in charge?

More importantly, how can we get back on course?

Let's see a show of hands:

Who here thinks Hitler was a wonderful leader for exterminating 6 million people?

How about Stalin?

Mao anyone?

Who here thinks it is OKAY for one group to decide who lives and who dies?

It's tempting, I mean if I could push a button and get rid of radicals I would be tempted to do it but it is NOT for me to judge.

THIS IS AMERICA and while they are entitled to their opinion, WHY ISN'T the majority of American's rallying and fighting this nonsense?

Where have the values gone?

If you do nothing about the problem then you are part of the problem but many of us don't know what to do, how to combat this mental disease or how it happened in the first place.

Personally, I don't want to be associated with a genocidal murderer.

I don't want to be one of the Germans arcing my hand into the air shouting Heil Hitler! I'm sure there are many decent Germans who were mortified when their beloved leader went over the bend and just started killing people.

We CAN NOT allow that kind of mentality to occur in this country or not only is the country lost, but we will be lost with it.

Do you put appoint a pediphile to run a daycare center? I think not.

Do you allow radicals to be in positions of power in our Government? I think not.

It's time to do a radical RECALL.


TB Fanatic
One other comment about the radicals.

These are the people that Obama has associated with, has sought out and has surrounded himself with.

Once again, is that the future we WANT for AMERICA?

Jeff Allen

Well, I really think we need to help our clueless fellow citizens realize our future is pretty yucky if we don't get a grip with history....we are following a path that has been tread before by millions of hapless folks who think like us.

10 years from now could be a very ugly time...and most of us could have already been "re-educated" by then...permanently.



Such things are often easier said than done. We shall see. It might be better to be eliminated than to have to live in their brave new world.


It's past time for ropes and rifles!!

We can get it done, but with each passing moment, we're gonna need more lead and rope!!

Better get to killing Communists!!


Veteran Member
Ah, the Bureau of Future Crime.

Free speech is a bitch when everyone has the right. There's stuff on this site that would be criminal, if it was actions and not words.


Read the document at http://www.beaufortobserver.net/pageimages/STORMSummation.pdf ...


Van Jones and STORM should scare the daylights out of every American
if you don't know who/what Van Jones is you need to find out

September 01, 2009

Most of our readers know full well that President Barack Obama has appoint dozens of "czars." We don't think the title means much but how they were appointed and where they fit into the constitutional structure of Washington does concern us, as well as Sen. Robert Byrd, the longest serving Democrat member of the U. S. Senate.

The concern we have is accountability. The American government is built on the concept of a "balance of powers." The way the Founders envisioned that balance working included the joint appointment of top government officials. That is why the president cannot simply name someone to the Supreme Court or to be a cabinet secretary. He can do so only with the "advice and consent" of the Senate.

When an executive branch official is appointed by the president and it requires Senate confirmation the committee(s) that oversee that executive office review the qualifications of the appointee and recommend whether or not the appointment should be approved.

None of this happens with these "czars" that President Obama has appointed. He selects them without any review by anyone. They are accountable only to him and they serve at his pleasure. So the process means he does not have concern himself that the Senate will review the person's background or qualifications nor does the appointee have to answer questions about his qualifications or plans while in office.

Worse still these appointees have "executive privilege". If subpoenaed before Congress to answer questions or provide information they can refuse to go. Nixon used this very effectively, as have all recent presidents, but none like the current administration.

Van Jones--Green jobs czar
The problem with that system can be perfectly illustrated by one Van Jones. Click here for details.

If you would like to read the "Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement" (STORM) Reclaiming Revolution Click here.

To hear Mr. Jones, in his own words, click here.


We think this appointment is a perfect example of the mistake President Obama is making in these appointments. They should be vetted. And that the Democrat party officials, particularly in the Senate, do not demand that they be is a perfect example in and of itself of the danger of one party controlling both the executive branch and the legislative branch.

But beyond the theoretical, the fact that President Obama would appoint Van Jones to anything is deeply troubling. Either he made a colossal mistake or he knew this man's background when he appointed him. Either way it is bad news.

We have felt since the Obama team took over that the President was not being served all that well by his advisors. Examples of that are legion. And here we have a superb example of what we're talking about.

The American people need to offer the review and screening of these officials that has obviously not been sufficient.

It is time the people woke up and took control of this situation. It not only needs to be stopped, it needs to be rolled back.


TB Fanatic
Ah, the Bureau of Future Crime.

Free speech is a bitch when everyone has the right. There's stuff on this site that would be criminal, if it was actions and not words.

Right! Especially when the person issuing that speech was a member of the radical group that loved blowing things up and stating he had no regrets, he wished he'd done more.

Don't you wish you lived next to a guy like that?

Free speech doesn't mean you can yell FIRE! FIRE! in a theater.

And while I wasn't advocating arresting him, I was pointing out people had better be looking at the POTUS associations and keeping a close watch on things or the speech about killing 25 million Americans could become a reality.


* Winter is Coming *
Read the document at http://www.beaufortobserver.net/pageimages/STORMSummation.pdf ...


Van Jones and STORM should scare the daylights out of every American
if you don't know who/what Van Jones is you need to find out

September 01, 2009

Most of our readers know full well that President Barack Obama has appoint dozens of "czars." We don't think the title means much but how they were appointed and where they fit into the constitutional structure of Washington does concern us, as well as Sen. Robert Byrd, the longest serving Democrat member of the U. S. Senate.

The concern we have is accountability. The American government is built on the concept of a "balance of powers." The way the Founders envisioned that balance working included the joint appointment of top government officials. That is why the president cannot simply name someone to the Supreme Court or to be a cabinet secretary. He can do so only with the "advice and consent" of the Senate.

When an executive branch official is appointed by the president and it requires Senate confirmation the committee(s) that oversee that executive office review the qualifications of the appointee and recommend whether or not the appointment should be approved.

None of this happens with these "czars" that President Obama has appointed. He selects them without any review by anyone. They are accountable only to him and they serve at his pleasure. So the process means he does not have concern himself that the Senate will review the person's background or qualifications nor does the appointee have to answer questions about his qualifications or plans while in office.

Worse still these appointees have "executive privilege". If subpoenaed before Congress to answer questions or provide information they can refuse to go. Nixon used this very effectively, as have all recent presidents, but none like the current administration.

Van Jones--Green jobs czar
The problem with that system can be perfectly illustrated by one Van Jones. Click here for details.

If you would like to read the "Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement" (STORM) Reclaiming Revolution Click here.

To hear Mr. Jones, in his own words, click here.


We think this appointment is a perfect example of the mistake President Obama is making in these appointments. They should be vetted. And that the Democrat party officials, particularly in the Senate, do not demand that they be is a perfect example in and of itself of the danger of one party controlling both the executive branch and the legislative branch.

But beyond the theoretical, the fact that President Obama would appoint Van Jones to anything is deeply troubling. Either he made a colossal mistake or he knew this man's background when he appointed him. Either way it is bad news.

We have felt since the Obama team took over that the President was not being served all that well by his advisors. Examples of that are legion. And here we have a superb example of what we're talking about.

The American people need to offer the review and screening of these officials that has obviously not been sufficient.

It is time the people woke up and took control of this situation. It not only needs to be stopped, it needs to be rolled back.

And a bttt


Ah, the Bureau of Future Crime.

Free speech is a bitch when everyone has the right. There's stuff on this site that would be criminal, if it was actions and not words.

Not sure what your point is. However, Ayers & Co. are free to speak as they wish. When you combine that with some of their other actions, it is reasonable to conclude any number of things.

Similar to Sen. Kerry. He was party to discussions about assassinating US elected officials. He met with enemy combatants as a private citizen, but while holding a commision in the DoD and a security clearance.

Free speech is wonderful. Accountability for words and deeds is also.


Veteran Member
Twenty five million is probably close to the number that Stalin exterminated, through planned famines and liquidation of the kulaks. I'm sure that Ayers and Strong Delusion (Barack Hussein Obama) are both aware of this historical fact, and have no problem with what Stalin did. Their goal is to bring this nightmare to America.

The only realistic option is to impeach the Red President, just as soon as we can get a sane majority inaugerated in Congress next January. We must demand impeachment, and no pussyfooting around with Rinos and 'reaching across the aisle.'

If not, we are doomed.


TB Fanatic
Communist Russia!!

This sounds so much like Communist Russia it's not funny, They pioneered and fine tuned social engineering and programing of the masses and anyone that did not fit in to their agenda was removed by a number of ways, (even found dead) and never seen again. Our government has used this programing on us allot more then many know and they get the biggest kick out of how successful its been, like even telling you they did it to the whole country and even after telling you this you still would not believe it could be done. The TV Broadcast is one of their favorite tools and the schools is another place they use.
Killing commie's should be a sport!

It's past time for ropes and rifles!!

We can get it done, but with each passing moment, we're gonna need more lead and rope!!

Better get to killing Communists!!

Killing communists as far as I am concerned would be a
privilege,commie's are sub-human and I would gut shoot
them just so I can listen to them scream in pain as they
die in agony.The only good(modern liberal,progressive
socialist)commie is one that is DEAD!
25,000,000 people huh?
How easy it would be for people like FOD and me to turn those numbers around and force feed them their own medicine. One 69 grain pill at a time.
I've seen Communism, up close and personnel - East Germany and Chechoslavakia (sp).
It sobers your ass up real quick.


25 million? Heh. What a bunch of lazy slackers. That's nothing compared to the real NWO. Their target number is 5.4 billion. Have a nice day!