Phishing This Is A New One To Me. Anyone Else?

day late

money? whats that?
8:23 A.M. I'm taking out the trash and my phone signals 'text'. I'm on duty this morning so I look to see what it is, expecting it to be a call. Nope. I got a text telling me there have been substitutions to my Walmart order. I only have until 8:40 to check it and see what's going on. The thing is, I don't have a Walmart order. Between that and given such a short time to make corrections, it has got to be either a wrong number or a scam. Since Walmart wants my money I can't see them saying I have to do it right now.

Anybody else getting these kinds of things?


Veteran Member
I always assume it's all scams.

And by chance I do have an order open (I've gotten this regarding my "Amazon" order, I only go to my ipad and the amazon app to check directly, never through a link. But it's frequent and now I just delete texts about any of that. I do a once every couple of days Amazon or check on my stuff directly on the app.

These are also coming thickly in my email. Even email I don't use. It's a scam.


TB Fanatic
Tons of “scam likely” calls lately, and a couple texts with links.
Delete immediately and block that caller or text!
I’m got on the no call list for Indiana, now need to finish the national one

day late

money? whats that?
I never click on the link they send. I'm using an older phone (Iphone 7) so I don't know if blocking them is even possible. With the e-mail, if they get in the incoming box I mark them as spam and then the next time that's where they go. What's amazing to me is how many times a day I've been warned that my McAfee subscription is about to expire and click here to renew. I don't even have McAfee.

db cooper

Resident Secret Squirrel
It's a scam. I get similar texts about Amazon Prime. We do not have Amazon prime. If you get a text you know nothing about, it's a scam. Delete and move on. Anything of any importance will be a verifiable call or a letter.


TB Fanatic
I never click on the link they send. I'm using an older phone (Iphone 7) so I don't know if blocking them is even possible. With the e-mail, if they get in the incoming box I mark them as spam and then the next time that's where they go. What's amazing to me is how many times a day I've been warned that my McAfee subscription is about to expire and click here to renew. I don't even have McAfee.
You can block a caller on that phone.
I used to have an iPhone 6 and used that function just fine.
Do you know how?

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Or - it COULD be that the “remote shopper” sent the legitimate text to the wrong number. Or the number was given incorrectly to the remote shopping app. Things happen. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
If its not Walmart issues, there's a problem w/ my FedEx delivery or Sam's Order, Zappo's or Prime or what ever; its always something the middle class or lower might have an account with. I don't recall seeing one for Dillairds yet; maybe if we start shopping there .....

Mine mostly come in my personal email but there have been some texts. I check w/ my wife & if neither of us have outstanding orders, I BLOCK, mark as SPAM and delete in due course.

I'm sure most folks know the hover over the link trick but if any don't, put your cursor over the link & watch the bottom left corner of the screen; if the displayed link doesn't match the purported sender, delete as you see fit.

NEVER Respond, NEVER click a link you're not sure of.


Veteran Member
"ALERT - someone just charged $500 to your Amazon account - please give us your account # and password and we'll fix it!"

I've had that call.


Faithful Steed
Anybody else getting these kinds of things?
All the time getting Emails telling me my Amazon account has been "suspended" and click the box below to resolve this issue.

Or Paypal. Or Netflix. Or the IRS.

I have no credit card hence no Amazon, Paypal, or Netflix. And the IRS is only interested in those who get W2s (or are human with an EXCEPTIONAL lifestyle and yet no income to support it.)

Called "phishing." Pull in someone who doesn't know the scam, get you to fill out a bunch of information which they then use to tap your accounts, or other dastardly deeds.

Ignore them - ANY response from you only confirms your phone number as a "potential sucker" - and is worth money to them simply in "resale" of your number to others like minded.



Veteran Member
Yes, seen similar texts.
I don't open unsolicited texts.
I don't check my personal e-mail.
Unless Ed McMahon is reincarnated, I wouldn't open the door for a publishers clearing house camera crew.

I got caught in a corporate fishing expedition by our IT department at work about 6 months ago. A tricked out phishing email to catch any security slackers.
I haven't checked my corporate email voluntarily since.

Knuckle draggers aren't missed in the corporate email world.


Veteran Member
I pay my electric bill online and I am very careful using my Proton VPN and turn off WIFI.
I paid the bill earlier this week, 5 days early, the next day I get a text from Duke Energy, it states my address, due date and the exact amount due next week. They provide 2 different websites I can remit payment both are suspect &, which are obviously fake.

When I pay online, I do not provide a phone #, and they have never texted about a bill.

So I call the company an hour later to inform them they have likely been hacked. The young woman at Duke couldn't give a crap. I urged her many times to tell her boss or the billing dept that they have been hacked and there is a potential of many of their customers being scammed. Her reply was...there are many scams out there. She is obviously a dumbass who is addicted to Fakebook.

She reviewed my account and saw that I paid the day before. She acknowledged that the sites given by the text were not correct. But, it was obvious she wasn't going to tell anyone else they have been hacked.

I checked my email later, and a fake email came in telling me the same info with a different website to go to to pay my bill.
It was very close to Duke's real site.

My point is, all my contact info and account info could only be known by evil doers if they hacked Duke's billing department.

Be careful out there.
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Veteran Member
I often get scam emails after ordering from Amazon or eBay. Often mis-spelled words in the title. I just delete them without opening them.

fish hook

I get all of this as messages on my home phone (because i didn't answer an unknown number ). Just a variation on a theme. With email i just park it in spam. Not getting many on my cell.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Or - it COULD be that the “remote shopper” sent the legitimate text to the wrong number. Or the number was given incorrectly to the remote shopping app. Things happen. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
This is a possibility.

I have done Wal-Mart pickup and I do get a message once in a while telling me there are substitutions and I need to okay them by a certain time. I generally then go to the email that was also sent and check them out there.


Veteran Member
I get texts and my phone will let a spammer ring once and hangs up on them. The texts are porn type dating sites and thots cheating sites.
Then there are the lose weight sites. I do get emails on stuff like the OP


I get scams all the time on my cell regular and my wife's cell phone from a lot of different places if they are recordings I hang up and block the number. I get alot on my computer after checking with Amizon I gust forget about them. They are spam and if I do get something I send them back. I have had two while typing this. Ralph