WTF?!? 'Theybies': 'Boy or girl?' Parents raising 'theybies' let kids decide


Veteran Member
Ragnarok caught this in pone of his epic posts, but I think this deserves it's own derision.

TLDR: Parents don't tell anybody the gender of their children, including the chidren themsleves, i order to avoid "gender stereotypes". The "joke" is on the poor kids when they hit pre-school or kindergarten!

F*** THESE PEOPLE! They don't have a philosophy, they have a religion - one that requires human sacrifice of their own children! And they are down for it! They are f***ing proud of themselves! It's a way to virtue-signal!

These people shouldn't be allowed to breathe, leave alone drive, vote, or reproduce!

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Three-year-old twins Zyler and Kadyn Sharpe scurried around the boys and girls clothing racks of a narrow consignment store filled with toys. Zyler, wearing rainbow leggings, scrutinized a pair of hot-pink-and-purple sneakers. Kadyn, in a T-Rex shirt, fixated on a musical cube that flashed colorful lights. At a glance, the only discernible difference between these fraternal twins is their hair — Zyler’s is brown and Kadyn’s is blond.
Is Zyler a boy or a girl? How about Kadyn? That’s a question their parents, Nate and Julia Sharpe, say only the twins can decide. The Cambridge, Mass., couple represent a small group of parents raising “theybies” — children being brought up without gender designation from birth. A Facebook community for these parents currently claims about 220 members across the U.S.
“A theyby is, I think, different things to different people,” Nate Sharpe told NBC News. “For us, it means raising our kids with gender-neutral pronouns — so, ‘they,’ ‘them,’ ‘their,’ rather than assigning ‘he,’ ‘she,’ ‘him,’ ‘her’ from birth based on their anatomy.”
Raising 'theybies': Letting kids choose their gender
Parents in the U.S. are increasingly raising children outside traditional gender norms — allowing boys and girls to play with the same toys and wear the same clothes — though experts say this is happening mostly in progressive, well-to-do enclaves. But what makes this “gender-open” style of parenting stand out, and even controversial in some circles, is that the parents do not reveal the sex of their children to anyone. Even the children, who are aware of their own body parts and how they may differ from others, are not taught to associate those body parts with being a boy or girl. If no one knows a child’s sex, these parents theorize, the child can’t be pigeonholed into gender stereotypes.
This type of parenting received widespread attention in 2011, when a Toronto couple announced that they were raising their child, Storm, without gender designation, sparking a media frenzy. Progressive parents, who see their child’s gender as fluid rather than binary, took notice. A Brooklyn couple runs a blog featuring their 2-year-old, Zoomer, and offering advice on how to navigate the world while raising a “theyby.” Others have taken to Instagram to share photos and support.
Some developmental experts see gender-open parenting as a noble goal, but they also wonder how it will hold up once kids enter a gendered world that can be hostile to those who don’t fit clearly into categories. Gender-nonconforming children are more likely to be bullied. Last year, 10 states considered “bathroom bills” requiring people to use bathrooms aligned with the gender assigned to them at birth (none passed).
“Once your child meets the outer world, which may be day care, or preschool, or grandparents — it's pretty much impossible to maintain a gender-free state,” Lise Eliot, professor of neuroscience at the Chicago Medical School and author of “Pink Brain, Blue Brain,” said in an email. “And depending on how conventional your community is, you could be setting your child up for bullying or exclusion.”
Parents like the Sharpes understand these realities — but they’re determined to shield their children from them for as long as possible.
Deciding to raise a ‘theyby’
The Sharpes, both mechanical engineers in their early 30s, say their decision to raise their twins without designated genders evolved from a mix of research and personal experience. When Julia found out she was pregnant, she felt conflicted about learning the sex of the twins. As a female engineer in a male-dominated profession, she understood the constraints of gender expectations firsthand.
“It's taken a lot of work for me to feel confident in my designs and my suggestions, and to really stand up for myself,” she said.
At first, Nate didn’t understand why Julia wanted to wait to find out the babies’ sex. But after the couple began researching how stereotypes affect a child’s development, he changed his mind.
“We read about how from when they're 20-week fetuses, they're already starting to be gendered, and people are calling the little girls ‘princesses,’ and buying certain things for different children,” Julia said. “We wanted to prevent that, so that's how it started. And then about a couple weeks before they were born, Nate just said, ‘What if we didn't tell people ever?’”
When the Sharpes arrived at the hospital for the delivery, they asked the staff not to announce the twins’ sex. Even after the newborns were put in their arms, their anatomy remained a mystery for several hours.
“It just wasn't something that was interesting,” Julia said. “It was all about meeting the children and interacting with them, and just not something that we focused on at all.”
Now toddlers, Zyler and Kadyn aren’t focused on it either. On a recent morning, they were busy playing with large cardboard blocks. They constructed a tower, then a robot.
“Look how tall it is!” Kadyn declared.
“If you put one more block on it, it will be taller than you!” Zyler squealed. “We can get it up to the ceiling!”
Their Cambridge home is littered with toys that come from both the girls’ and the boys’ aisles — a dollhouse, a play gym, a bedroom full of stuffed animals, a basket of dolls. Their parents want to foster an environment of openness where the twins feel loved whether they grow up to identify as LGBTQ or not. That means learning to see their children simply as “kids” rather than as “boys” or “girls,” and encouraging others to do the same.
That’s not always easy, or comfortable, in a gendered world. Family, friends and day care workers struggle with they/them pronouns, and not everyone understands the Sharpes’ decision to keep the children’s sex private.

“We definitely got more pushback from co-workers, who were like: ‘Wait, you're not going to tell me what you're having? You're not going to tell me what your kids are?’” Julia said. “I’m like, ‘I’m telling you they're children.’ But they got really, really frustrated that we wouldn't tell them what their genitalia was, which is kind of a weird thing when you think about it.”
Kadyn and Zyler still have little understanding of gender, according to their parents, but have started to pick up on it. One day recently, Zyler asked Julia what “she” and “he” mean.
“Since we've tried to avoid really getting into gender until they're old enough to understand it, I answered that ‘he’ and ‘she’ are pronouns and you use them to make sentences simpler, so instead of saying someone's name over and over in the sentence, you'll say ‘he’ or ‘she’ or ‘they’ instead,” she said, “and Zyler got distracted after that and moved on.”
Is gender hard-wired?
At birth, reproductive organs reveal a baby’s assigned sex. Gender, however, comes later, around age 4, when children begin to identify as masculine, feminine or somewhere along that spectrum, experts say.
People tend to think that this gender identity is hard-wired, because most people identify with the gender that matches their sex at birth. But large-scale research suggests gender is largely influenced by a child’s environment, said Christia Spears Brown, a developmental psychologist and author of “Parenting Beyond Pink and Blue: How to Raise Your Kids Free of Gender Stereotypes.”
When boys and girls are born, their brains are virtually indistinguishable; while boys have slightly bigger brains on average, they also have bigger bodies. Studies suggest there are some minor observable differences in behavior early on. For instance, baby girls seem slightly better at regulating their impulses and attention than boys, according to a 2006 study from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Experts agree that girls tend to speak a few months earlier than boys, though it’s not understood why. “But in general,” Brown said, “the differences get larger as kids get older, which really suggests that it's society and culture that are shaping the differences that we see — not innate differences from birth.”
From the day they’re born, baby boys and girls are ushered into blue and pink worlds where they are dressed in different clothes and given different toys. As they get older, they begin to pay attention to gender-based marketing: Recent research shows that when a girl is given a toy that is pink, she is more likely to play with it, but when the same toy is blue, she’s less likely to.
Experts say the way parents interact with their children also shapes them from a young age. For example, parents are more likely to explain numbers to sons and use emotion-based words with daughters, according to The Handbook of Parenting, an authoritative collection of research on parenting. Parents also tend to encourage aggressiveness in boys and emotions in girls, the handbook says.

Really, it goes on and on and on. I know we're supposed to reproduce in full, but I think we really have enough here in order to despise it.


Veteran Member
Just wanted to highlight another piece of idiocy from that article.

For instance, baby girls seem slightly better at regulating their impulses and attention than boys, according to a 2006 study from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Experts agree that girls tend to speak a few months earlier than boys, though it’s not understood why. “But in general,” Brown said, “the differences get larger as kids get older, which really suggests that it's society and culture that are shaping the differences that we see — not innate differences from birth.”​

Really? REALLY? How about a little thing called PUBERTY, you stupid f***s? Maybe that's a big INNATE thing that can account for differences? Just maybe testosterone and estrogen do more than influence secondary sexual characteristics?

How do these people remember how to breathe each morning?


Stone Cold Crazy
These two "Engineers"? I don't want to ride or go into anything they have designed.


Disaster Cat
There is an Island in the Carribean where some people have a genetic mutation that has testicles descending at puberty; without modern DNA testing, the tradition was simply to raise any child that looked like a girl as a girl; and if the "girl" suddenly changes into a boy there is a brief ceremony where his hair is cut at the barber, he gives his school uniforms to his sisters or cousins and then is given a set of tools for his father's trade (usually farming) and that is the end of that.

Anthropologists and Scientists are both fascinated by this of course, but so far it looks like most of the new boys and men do just fine, they grow up, they marry they have kids; and they pass on the "mutation" (though my husband says from a medical viewpoint it isn't a defect but rather a better idea to physically protect the male genitalia from damage in childhood; he wonders why it isn't more widespread?)

Now I've thought there may be few issues because like many places this Island's culture is somewhat male dominated so the child is going from a lower social status (female) to a higher one (male); on the other hand he now has to learn all the tasks of being a man at 12, but it seems most of them do.

While I am totally NOT in favor of extreme sorts of "genderless parenting" (it can get really loony-toons and it has in that article) I am also quite open to letting kids explore their world and interest without a lot of traditional stereotyping.

But let a little girl who is crazy about carpentry and wants to be an electrical engineer go to science camp or a little boy who loves food learn to do the family meals because well - he's good at it; is one thing.

Telling children they have no gender is silly; I remember seeing baby boys when I was about four and knowing they had something I didn't; kids do figure this out.

Some of this seems to be inborn too - I remember a lady reenactor whose hobby was Norse sword fighting who said that they had to take her daughter away from the battles because she was a little "girlie girl" who thought Mommy was really hurt and wanted to wear all pink dresses and bows (which they gave her to wear as request but not at events lol).

Her sister was just like her daughter and her sister's little girl of the same age was a tomboy like her Auntie..

Some of the people in these articles are going to be in for a real shock if their kid's rebel by being super masculine or feminine as older teenagers.


On The Level
We'd call each other 'gay-bee' as kids, it was supposed to be more insulting than calling someone a baby. 40+ years later we have parents raising gheybies. My senior years are going to be a nightmare.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Until we are cyborgs or some other form of AI we will have genders and with only a very few rare genetic/mutational exceptions at birth....... you are born either a male of female for life.............period.

and these idiots need to know something............the more developed the brain the larger it is and the more connective tissue in it.....the longer it takes to develop and mature.

Men by a small margin have large brains and have a mean IQ slighter higher than women..........they take longer to develop and mature...........Einstein never said a word until he was over 2yrs old......they thought he was retarded.......but when he started to talk he did in full sentences............

Look I'm an atheist towards the idea a personal God exists.....and agnostic towards the possibility of a non-intervening deity creator.....

.....but I'm that way not because of any belief or ideology...........I'm that way from taking a scientific rational approach to reality that is subject to revision at any time based on evidence that I can validate through the scientific method.

These idiots who are social atheists that worship their ideology are out of their frickin mind with useless ideas.....

I would rather side with a faith based Christian any day than this morally corrupt so called social Marxist atheists..........they are sick.


Country exile in the city
“We definitely got more pushback from co-workers, who were like: ‘Wait, you're not going to tell me what you're having? You're not going to tell me what your kids are?’” Julia said. “I’m like, ‘I’m telling you they're children.’ But they got really, really frustrated that we wouldn't tell them what their genitalia was, which is kind of a weird thing when you think about it.”

these two are "MECHANICAL ENGINEERS"----

and yet they don't know enough plain elementary-school-level SCIENCE to know that

GENDER is DETERMINED in the DNA of EVERY CELL in those kids' bodies----

and is NOT a function of their "genitalia"?


...and those poor kids............

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
No, I didn't. The preferred pronouns these days for “gender fluid” (whatever the hell that means) people are:

xe (he/she)
xir (his/her)

Come on, catch up!


Country exile in the city
At birth, reproductive organs reveal a baby’s assigned sex. Gender, however, comes later, around age 4, when children begin to identify as masculine, feminine or somewhere along that spectrum, experts say.

People tend to think that this gender identity is hard-wired, because most people identify with the gender that matches their sex at birth. But large-scale research suggests gender is largely influenced by a child’s environment, said Christia Spears Brown, a developmental psychologist and author of “Parenting Beyond Pink and Blue: How to Raise Your Kids Free of Gender Stereotypes.”

When boys and girls are born, their brains are virtually indistinguishable...


This "doctor" knows NOTHING about fetal development, if she says the above.

At a certain point in utero, based on the DNA OF THE BABY, a HORMONAL change takes place that FOREVER CHANGES the brain of a boy from that of a girl.

A boy's brain experiences a "wash" of hormones (Testosterone) that (jokingly spoken here) "damages" the brain, in that it "turns off" many of the neuron-connections between the two halves (hemispheres) of the brain. In other words, the two hemispheres in a MALE brain, from that point, do NOT "communicate" as well with one another, BUT it strengthens the ability of each to work independently by "focusing" their power and effort.

From that point, a male's thinking becomes much more linear--think a "flow chart" type of thinking. It allows him to concentrate his brain-power (without distraction) on one area of effort at a time--focusing his entire brain's efforts like a laser-beam.

I heard it described (again, jokingly) once by comparing a man's brain to an old-fashioned adding machine--it does its job fast and well, but only one job at a time.

Women, on the other hand, do NOT have these brain-connections severed, because they do not have this "wash" of hormones. The two halves of the brain remain fully "connected" and communicating, and her brain has been compared more to the functioning of a super-computer that can draw simultaneously from MANY "data-bases" at once. It is this that makes a woman better at "multi-tasking" than a man (so she is supremely suited by her creator to be simultaneously watching things cooking on the stove, preparing other items for dinner, talking on the phone, listening to the radio on in the background, keeping an eye on the kids playing in the next room, and listening with her "mommy ears" for any 'unusual' sounds that indicate one of the kids is getting into any danger or doing something they shouldn't. Multi-tasking deluxe!)

This is why a man's brain is generally better-suited for math / science / engineering---ALL his brain-power is / can be focused on this one area whereas (not always, but 'generally' speaking) the woman's brain powers are diffused out over a broader area. It's like broadband, I guess---if you have only one computer running on it, then that computer is getting top speed; but if you have dozens on it at once, the whole system has to "parcel out" the power among the many competitors for it. (I know I haven't used the right "terms" there---I am no computer geek. You know what I mean. Pax. :) )

This same "one-thing-at-a-time" focus is what makes it hard (well-nigh impossible) for a man to both listen to his wife and do other things simultaneously (a common peeve of wives) and also to "switch gears" quickly from one focus (work) to another (you're HOME now--leave work behind). Which is why (I've learned) it's best not to (as my husband puts it) "hit him as he comes in the door" from work with a barrage of talk, issues / problems at home, or anything else, until his mind has had time to "power down" from work-mode and "power-up" in home-mode.

It also explains "women's intuition"---that (for men) 'irritating' aspect of women where all they can tell you is they have "a feeling" about something (usually a "warning bell" kind of feeling). They can't tell you LOGICALLY WHY they have this feeling--they can't lay out all the reasons like an attorney in court laying out his case--because their brain has drawn from a multiplicity of "data-bases" to come up with this ultimate "readout" of a positive or negative reaction to someone or some contemplated plan of action, but her brain does NOT give all the "sources" (memories, not-consciously-remembered data about persons or things, recall of data as minor as facial expressions, voice inflections, and body language of the person under consideration, etc.) from which it has drawn the data for its conclusion.

And this "doctor" thinks the brains of boys and girls are the "same at birth"?

Apparently the ONLY measure of "sameness" she is using is an MRI....

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
But large-scale research suggests gender is largely influenced by a child’s environment, said Christia Spears Brown, a developmental psychologist

I’ll buy that. Raised by fags, wanna be a fag. Raised by lezbos, wanna be a lezbo.


Disaster Cat
But large-scale research suggests gender is largely influenced by a child’s environment, said Christia Spears Brown, a developmental psychologist

I’ll buy that. Raised by fags, wanna be a fag. Raised by lezbos, wanna be a lezbo.

Not according the majority of the research in this area; there is a slightly higher percentage of kids raised by same-sex couples who admit to being homosexual or bisexual, but that is possibly because they know it is OK to come out to their parents if they choose to (the jury is still out on that one).

The majority turn out to be hetero like the vast majority of people; social things can influence how many young people may say they are "bi-sexual" or something but in general, the actual rate of homosexuality seems to be pretty consistent over the years.

Cultural will encourage or prevent people from having such relationships in public, but the numbers don't vary all that much.

Most kids of homosexuals and Lesbians grow up just like the young girl I help a friend raise (by having her over a lot and being an auntie) she's married now with three kids, has been with the same man for nearly 20 years and is quite happy.


Animals in the wild know what sex they are, and follow the assigned roles. A single male rooster will strut around, crow, and harass the hens even if he has never seen another rooster. Humans can mess up their kids, but I don't see how tossing cultural norms can fundamentally change anything. It isn't about choice. Hormone damage due to pollution and soy is another matter, but this isn't an issue of pink ribbons and toy trucks. I expect most of those "theybies" will more or less figure it out correctly.


On TB every waking moment
The preferred pronouns these days for “gender fluid” (whatever the hell that means) people are:

xe (he/she)
xir (his/her)

I just use ZIT for both.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
You can influence gender via environment about as much as you can influence IQ from environment...........and that's not saying much.


Disaster Cat
Animals in the wild know what sex they are, and follow the assigned roles. A single male rooster will strut around, crow, and harass the hens even if he has never seen another rooster. Humans can mess up their kids, but I don't see how tossing cultural norms can fundamentally change anything. It isn't about choice. Hormone damage due to pollution and soy is another matter, but this isn't an issue of pink ribbons and toy trucks. I expect most of those "theybies" will more or less figure it out correctly.

However, if you have no rooster but a flock of only hens; SOMETIMES one of the hens will start growing a comb and even crow! She, of course, can not fertilize her sister's eggs, but she can act like a rooster (and she does) providing some protection for the flock.

Sort of like female lions starting to grow manes in Africa, a mutation that seem to be an advantage in a world with many fewer lions.


Designated Grumpy Old Fart
Life can be hard enough as it let's just find a new way to totally screw with kids little brains.....IDIOTS!!!


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
Life can be hard enough as it let's just find a new way to totally screw with kids little brains.....IDIOTS!!!

The insanity continues to increase....

Way to many in our nation have lost their mental abilities and should be declared to be insane and instutionalized....



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Yep. The insanity in this country is growing like a plague. Nothing seems to be helping, so, maybe, we should institute more exorcisms.


Veteran Member
But large-scale research suggests gender is largely influenced by a child’s environment, said Christia Spears Brown, a developmental psychologist

Where do they find these people?

Some real scientists offered some young rhesus monkeys toy trucks and dolls.

The male monkeys played with the trucks. The female monkeys picked up the dolls and looked to see the dolls' gender.

It's the Rhesus Monkey Cultural gender stereotypes!


Veteran Member
These idiots who are social atheists that worship their ideology are out of their frickin mind with useless ideas.....

I would rather side with a faith based Christian any day than this morally corrupt so called social Marxist atheists..........they are sick.

I'm with you on this.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The majority of trans are clinically depressed, use drugs, and attempt suicide. It's child abuse to try to encourage a child to join such a group!


'Theybies': 'Boy or girl?' Parents raising 'theybies' let kids decide

The job that God has given the parents is to raise them and not to simply crank out babies and be a sperm donor. Kids learn because they are taught things. You think kids are screwed up now wait until we have kids growing up that simply don't know if they are a boy or a girl and/or how these sexes should behave and the norms the parents should be teaching them. I wouldn't want my son to decide to wear dresses and panties and I wouldn't want my daughter to be sporting a butch haircut and decided to take male hormones because she wants to grow a beard.


Saved, to glorify God.
Soooo, HOW do they POTTY TRAIN these "theybies"?
Do they teach the little "theyby" that they ALL MUST "sit down to pee?", so the little "theyby" without a "hose" (penis) won't "feel disadvantaged?"
It won't take long before their little "theyby" discovers how OTHERS like him were taught and STOPS trusting his "parent's" advice and teaching!! And RIGHTLY SO, their parents ARE not to be trusted!

So, HOW do they intend to PRESENT THEMSELVES to their child? Are they themselves going to present themselves as asexual and take on a FALSE, LYING ASEXUAL appearance/behavior ONLY around the kid? Yeah, right, he will really appreciate THAT once he later discovers the deliberate LIE to mislead his perceptions.

Will he be told he has NO MOTHER? NO FATHER? only two "parents?".

God, HOW they are going to deliberately SCREW UP the mind of their own, most likely NORMAL, child in order to prevent him from being a little unhappy should he be one of the extremely rare, genuinely sexually confused kids!


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
Just another battle front on the war of sanity, overwhelming our sanity....cloward pivens to the extreme


Veteran Member
I have a creepy feeling about what could happen when a brother and sister are raised together with no sexual instruction or moral guidance. Does anyone remember "The Blue Lagoon? :o


Veteran Member
There is an Island in the Carribean where some people have a genetic mutation that has testicles descending at puberty; without modern DNA testing, the tradition was simply to raise any child that looked like a girl as a girl; and if the "girl" suddenly changes into a boy there is a brief ceremony where his hair is cut at the barber, he gives his school uniforms to his sisters or cousins and then is given a set of tools for his father's trade (usually farming) and that is the end of that.


that doesn't make sense. even with undescended testicles, you can still tell if the kid is a boy or a girl. i'm not getting this


Veteran Member
ok, now i am understanding, but that is a little different than an undescended testicle. that is a different condition.


Disaster Cat
I am sorry I posted a link to a totally banned source when I have more time I will try to find another science reference to this story but I don't have time right now.