FASCISM There won't be unemployment checks for Maine health care workers who refuse a COVID vaccine


Senior Member
I fired an employee for threatening to stab someone in the eye with a pencil and they were awarded Unemployment Compensation. Apparently, that is acceptable but if you don't want something injected in your body you're out of luck.

PORTLAND, Maine — Maine health care workers who are not yet fully vaccinated ahead of the deadline at month’s end shouldn't count on unemployment benefits as a safety net.

The Maine Department of Labor said Thursday that refusing to comply with an employer’s policies, including a health or safety policy, typically disqualifies a person from benefits.

Already, a small number of workers have quit rather than be vaccinated ahead of the deadline at month’s end. There’s a medical exemption but not religious or philosophical exemptions.

There won't be unemployment checks for Maine health care workers who refuse a COVID vaccine


On TB every waking moment
I was pretty sure Biden had specified that no UE would be allowed for those refusing the vax.

Maybe it was just implied, but immediately after, I heard on TV and read that others around the country would not be able to, also, I read that some were not going to be able to be hired for other jobs. (that one was someone in California, but don't remember exactly what he did. firefighter? ems? mechanic? )


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I fully understand that some people, mainly because of their personal economic situation, will get the vax. That does not make them stupid or slaves or any other bad thing. It is just the way it is.
But if they can hold out for a little while they might be able to better their economic situation. I heard right now some hospitals are offering nurses a $25,000 sign-on bonus. Hold out a little bit and maybe you can just get a new job at a different hospital with a very large sign-on bonus and higher pay besides. Yes, you would still have to take the vax but at least you would get paid something for it.

Kathy in FL

They better check that attitude before someone takes them to court. They have to follow the law same as everyone else and if they've allowed the precedent that anyone fired or not gets UE compensation then they are going to have to eat those words, especially given the controversy of trying to force private businesses to enforce a nonexistent XO.

von Koehler

Has No Life - Lives on TB
I fully understand that some people, mainly because of their personal economic situation, will get the vax. That does not make them stupid or slaves or any other bad thing. It is just the way it is.
But if they can hold out for a little while they might be able to better their economic situation. I heard right now some hospitals are offering nurses a $25,000 sign-on bonus. Hold out a little bit and maybe you can just get a new job at a different hospital with a very large sign-on bonus and higher pay besides. Yes, you would still have to take the vax but at least you would get paid something for it.

Isn't your life worth more than $25,000?

Taking a bio-weapon is suicide.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Isn't your life worth more than $25,000?

Taking a bio-weapon is suicide.
And would it be better to lose your home and car because you could not make the payments?
What about your kids? Granted you could likely get food stamps and feed them but obviously their life would change a huge amount and they would suffer, at least emotionally from it.
And is the vax a "bio-weapon"? Is it something that you, yourself, have tested and confirmed?
I prefer facts. The fact is that many people will have little choice. They either take the vax or they will suffer through possibly extreme economic strife for them and their family.

Disclaimer: Neither I nor my wife will ever take the vax. But for us it is optional.


Veteran Member
Isn't your life worth more than $25,000?

Taking a bio-weapon is suicide.
But so is starving.
I get your point
It’s beyond immoral to force this type of life or death decision on someone
I was sweating my cataract surgery that I might have to take the jab. As I told wife. I’m no gosh good for anything if I’m blind

lots of younger people must look at thiswholistic

von Koehler

Has No Life - Lives on TB
And would it be better to lose your home and car because you could not make the payments?
What about your kids? Granted you could likely get food stamps and feed them but obviously their life would change a huge amount and they would suffer, at least emotionally from it.
And is the vax a "bio-weapon"? Is it something that you, yourself, have tested and confirmed?
I prefer facts. The fact is that many people will have little choice. They either take the vax or they will suffer through possibly extreme economic strife for them and their family.

Disclaimer: Neither I nor my wife will ever take the vax. But for us it is optional.

This is precisely what the evil people behind the Great Reset want.

Yes, they have created a desperate situation for many, by design. No jab/no work/no money.

They are attempting to "channel" people into what they want them to do.

The question of whether or not the "vaccine" is a bio-weapon has been discussed elsewhere in detail.

I have seen enough online reports to personally believe that it is not a harmless "vaccine."

Even the official death count from the covid-19 "vaccine" is in the thousands.

Ultimately, it is up to each person to make their own mind up about taking the jab or not.

I personally feel that taking the jab is suicide-its just a matter of time.

Yes indeed very bad times are here but there weren't made by the un-vacc'ed.

No one ever said resistance would be easy, or without a price to be paid.

Yes, refusing to take the jab will likely cause your family grave financial harm. But your dying in a couple of years wouldn't that cause even more suffering?

The reason why I use the word suicide is because a person should know now what the consequences of taking the jab are. I can't blame all the millions who took the jab when this first started.

No one knew what was in the jab, and they trusted the government.
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On and On, South of Heaven
They better check that attitude before someone takes them to court. They have to follow the law same as everyone else...

They sure do!

Fired for refusing the vaccine? Don't count on unemployment benefits

Can a Worker Who Was Fired for Refusing a Vaccine Collect Unemployment?
"Unemployment is available to employees who lose their jobs through no fault of their own," explained Lindsey Self, an attorney with Eastman & Smith in Toledo, Ohio.

In most states, employees are not eligible for unemployment benefits if they are fired for violating a company policy, because it is considered misconduct. So if a company has a vaccination policy and the consequences for violating that policy are clear, Self said, the employee may be ineligible for such benefits unless the worker was exempt from the policy for medical or religious reasons

Won’t Get The Covid Vaccine? If You’re Fired, You May Not Get Unemployment Benefits

von Koehler

Has No Life - Lives on TB
They sure do!

Fired for refusing the vaccine? Don't count on unemployment benefits

Can a Worker Who Was Fired for Refusing a Vaccine Collect Unemployment?
"Unemployment is available to employees who lose their jobs through no fault of their own," explained Lindsey Self, an attorney with Eastman & Smith in Toledo, Ohio.

In most states, employees are not eligible for unemployment benefits if they are fired for violating a company policy, because it is considered misconduct. So if a company has a vaccination policy and the consequences for violating that policy are clear, Self said, the employee may be ineligible for such benefits unless the worker was exempt from the policy for medical or religious reasons

Won’t Get The Covid Vaccine? If You’re Fired, You May Not Get Unemployment Benefits

Tightening the screw some more?

In years past, before covid-19, no one ever got fired for not taking a flu shot no matter how many people died from it.

Why are they so eager to punish non-vaccinated now now?


TB Fanatic
They better check that attitude before someone takes them to court. They have to follow the law same as everyone else and if they've allowed the precedent that anyone fired or not gets UE compensation then they are going to have to eat those words, especially given the controversy of trying to force private businesses to enforce a nonexistent XO.
I love your no nonsense posts lol!
They make me feel better, Kathy :)


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Makes no sense. There changing the conditions of your employment.
Say you worked as a cashier in a grocery store, if they said your now the janitor. You could quit and collect without an issue.
Same as if they cut a full time 40hw job to 10. You can quit and collect.


TB Fanatic
I was pretty sure Biden had specified that no UE would be allowed for those refusing the vax.

Maybe it was just implied, but immediately after, I heard on TV and read that others around the country would not be able to, also, I read that some were not going to be able to be hired for other jobs. (that one was someone in California, but don't remember exactly what he did. firefighter? ems? mechanic? )
He can not enforce that one. It is a state by state issue.


In the crazy robot man reservation
I was pretty sure Biden had specified that no UE would be allowed for those refusing the vax.

Maybe it was just implied, but immediately after, I heard on TV and read that others around the country would not be able to, also, I read that some were not going to be able to be hired for other jobs. (that one was someone in California, but don't remember exactly what he did. firefighter? ems? mechanic? )

Funny how the nurses and medical workers were the heroes that got rubbed in our faces when people just wanted to get back to work. And then they paid out all the crazy unemployment bonus money for a year plus. People getting $2400 a month to not work. Now these same hospital/health care workers are thrown to the street and on their own.


Talk is cheap
I was pretty sure Biden had specified that no UE would be allowed for those refusing the vax.

Maybe it was just implied, but immediately after, I heard on TV and read that others around the country would not be able to, also, I read that some were not going to be able to be hired for other jobs. (that one was someone in California, but don't remember exactly what he did. firefighter? ems? mechanic? )

Oh yeah, he is honest and ethical and trustworthy. (sarc off).


Senior Member
I fired an employee for threatening to stab someone in the eye with a pencil and they were awarded Unemployment Compensation. Apparently, that is acceptable but if you don't want something injected in your body you're out of luck.

PORTLAND, Maine — Maine health care workers who are not yet fully vaccinated ahead of the deadline at month’s end shouldn't count on unemployment benefits as a safety net.

The Maine Department of Labor said Thursday that refusing to comply with an employer’s policies, including a health or safety policy, typically disqualifies a person from benefits.

Already, a small number of workers have quit rather than be vaccinated ahead of the deadline at month’s end. There’s a medical exemption but not religious or philosophical exemptions.

There won't be unemployment checks for Maine health care workers who refuse a COVID vaccine
How communistic of them - you can get it for any other reason


Has No Life - Lives on TB
A crisis of consciousness.......

Look at any serious study of the impact of population growth over the integrity of biosphere sustainability of oxygen breathing species on this planet including of course us humans and it appears that we have a problem..............humans are outstripping the planets renewable resources and at the same time making a mess out of our bed.

The problem has two major dynamics ...............we have too many people......... and/or we are consuming too much per capita.................now at this point the majority of people causing the population serge (mostly POC in third world countries) aren't the high consumers but if Western consumer countries export our lifestyle to the rest of the world well then we are going to compound the whole situation.

Regarding the elites.......I'm with them on this..........we have to manage our population planetary wide in a more prudent fashion.

Where I break camp with the elites is how it is done..............wars?.......pandemics?....

and in the case of this message board thread.......perhaps a bioweapon of sterilization masking as a vaccine??

Could this be what the vaccine is all about?...............a way to lower that population worldwide if not outright by death in the next 5 to 10 years (I really find this a hard strategy to accept because of all the problems that would cause in itself for society and the elites)................or is the vaccine a non-consenting way to push sterilization worldwide to a majority of the population?

I would have liked the world's population to be shown the evidence of our challenges and institute voluntary programs in which humans would partake in such population reduction on the own rather than have it forced on them through deception (if in fact this is the case).

Folks every study and every single projection I've researched from MIT to NASA and any other organization has the enviable here......we are using up the planet like a bacteria expanding on the growth of a sugar solution in a petri dish and when the sugar solution is exhausted?.................bam...........everything collapses.

2030 to 2050 has projections for a critical mass of this reality...................now I know some of you are convinced its all a scam and a ploy for the left to take control and enslave all.................

But the regardless of the methodology and reasons for that claim...........is the reality of the evidence there beyond what the left try to claim it is???............and if so...... will it force us against our denial of it to participate on our own collapse in order to fend off the left?

So is this vaccine in part an attempt to address that issue and malevolently by the left used as a deceptive bioweapon of sterilization?

The real problem to all of this...........................outstripping planetary resources........destruction of the environment........or worldwide commie enslavement of the masses either using the aforementioned as a ploy or a possible real reason.

.......resides in the fact that by the time we can actually know what the true is...........it might just be too late.

If society is like driving a car............you can look in your rearview mirror to see if you missed the person you tried to avoid hitting, but if you see that they are mangled and dead then what can you do to bring them back at that point?


Veteran Member
Regarding the third world population growth
I have always ranted about Sally Struthers and her commercials from the 80’s
My basic premise was feed the children to keep them alive long enough to breed and then rinse and repeat
Just follow that logic a moment
Us 1st worlders with our sense of compassion helped create this third world over population even as we aborted our potentially productive 1st world white babies into the afterlife

we did this


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Regarding the third world population growth
I have always ranted about Sally Struthers and her commercials from the 80’s
My basic premise was feed the children to keep them alive long enough to breed and then rinse and repeat
Just follow that logic a moment
Us 1st worlders with our sense of compassion helped create this third world over population even as we aborted our potentially productive 1st world white babies into the afterlife

we did this

Yeah ........like the program "Doctors without foresight......er I mean borders"


Veteran Member
The solution is straight forward. If one is fired they all walk. It is self preservation as the remaining will be forced to take on the added work load.

Henry Bowman

Veteran Member
One would wonder what would happen if once denied unemployment those who are standing up for themselves and their beliefs chose to deny the deniers from drawing future breath.

It could even be those that support them as well. Maybe being forced by an out of control Government to take a life threatening concoction is enough for enough people to say...well enough is enough.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Follow me here: Back in the day cops would avoid giving doctors and nurses tickets because they didn't want to wind up in the ER and see the doc or nurse they ticketed. Could make for a tough situation for the over zealous cop.

Hey health care types, whatcha gonna do when a politician or .gov bureaucrat comes in? :dvl1:


Membership Revoked
Follow me here: Back in the day cops would avoid giving doctors and nurses tickets because they didn't want to wind up in the ER and see the doc or nurse they ticketed. Could make for a tough situation for the over zealous cop.

Hey health care types, whatcha gonna do when a politician or .gov bureaucrat comes in? :dvl1:

I told my doctor this last week. Told him that doctors are in the position to shut down politicians and their cohorts in the government if they would just grow some scrotum, which they don't have. Told him they looked ridiculous walking around with a God complex and no balls to go with it when it mattered. Stung the hell out of him when I said that cause he knew it was true. He asked what could they do? Told him it's simple, have his doctors announce that they would no longer treat politicians or their family members because of the harm they have done to patients and the medical community as a whole. Then let one politician's kid get sick and no one will treat them and they will back right down pronto Tonto. He said that would never happen, I replied 'then carry on you ball-less godling and keep protecting your phony baloney jobs until they make it so difficult for you to even open your practice.' He said we're already there. I agreed.

Doctors for their large yet fragile egos, are generally cowards when it comes to reality.

Barry Natchitoches

Has No Life - Lives on TB
I told my doctor this last week. Told him that doctors are in the position to shut down politicians and their cohorts in the government if they would just grow some scrotum, which they don't have. Told him they looked ridiculous walking around with a God complex and no balls to go with it when it mattered. Stung the hell out of him when I said that cause he knew it was true. He asked what could they do? Told him it's simple, have his doctors announce that they would no longer treat politicians or their family members because of the harm they have done to patients and the medical community as a whole. Then let one politician's kid get sick and no one will treat them and they will back right down pronto Tonto. He said that would never happen, I replied 'then carry on you ball-less godling and keep protecting your phony baloney jobs until they make it so difficult for you to even open your practice.' He said we're already there. I agreed.

Doctors for their large yet fragile egos, are generally cowards when it comes to reality.
One problem with that scenerio: LAWSUITS.

Many politikos are lawyers, and they wouldn’t hesitate for a single moment stringing up your doctor, his nurse, and their hospital by the very balls you referenced, if a doctor did that.

Now, maybe if they provided less than their best care to the politikos and their families - without them knowing it - and at least there would be some push back.

And the other thing - screw with the medical care of the politikos? OK with me.

But deny the innocent child of a politiko good medical care because of their parents?

I have more trouble with that one.

Sad as I am to say this - I do understand where the medical people are coming from in this. They are damned if they do, and damned if they don’t.


Membership Revoked

One problem with that scenerio: LAWSUITS.

Many politikos are lawyers, and they wouldn’t hesitate for a single moment stringing up your doctor, his nurse, and their hospital by the very balls you referenced, if a doctor did that.

Now, maybe if they provided less than their best care to the politikos and their families - without them knowing it - and at least there would be some push back.

And the other thing - screw with the medical care of the politikos? OK with me.

But deny the innocent child of a politiko good medical care because of their parents?

I have more trouble with that one.

Sad as I am to say this - I do understand where the medical people are coming from in this. They are damned if they do, and damned if they don’t.

Let me expand on the idea a bit on the idea.... IF doctors made this announcement, it would have an immediate impact, first locally, then regionally, then nationally. The idea is to let politicians know that they no longer have access and cannot force it. It takes BIG BALLS to do what I suggest, no half-assed measures. That's how national ideas and conversations are created and spread among the populace. Let them sue while their children suffer, it'll drive home the idea that they don't care about people, including their own children, only care about controlling others. It takes balls as big as our Founding Fathers to stare down the enemy and mean it, it's not in the realm of cowards to do so. And people willing to do that are not scared of lawsuits and that is a most powerful enemy to have.

I know it will never happen because the bravery that it would take does not exist in America anymore. We're run by the coward, for the coward and of the coward. Doctors could do this but they treasure their paychecks and status above all else. People want answers and I give them answers that would work, not answers that make them feel special. People rather feel special than actually do anything that is above and beyond what is needed for false worship and for that reason among many others, I believe America is and will fall. Hard.
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