Story The Truck the Witch and the Blacksmith


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Turning around Oliver jumped, “Now what did you forget? You keep coming back every five minutes.”

Jim replied, “Yes, but it has been a few weeks for us. I’m going to fix that. I need you to get me two calendars. I’ll make up a schedule so you’ll know when I’m coming, and I don’t muddy up the time passage. I’ll keep one for myself and leave one with you. Then I know when to come so I don’t come twice at the same time, and you’ll know I’m coming.”

Oliver turned his back to Jim and went into the backroom. Then he returned with two calendars with pictures of the Coin shop on them. Oliver handed them to Jim as he explained, “I put them on the counter at Christmas time. Good advertising and Tax write off.”

Jim went on, “I need you to go to Home Depot and get us two DeWalt 2 Gal cordless wet-dry vacuums. If this works we might need a pallet after what we saw on a mountain.”

Oliver laughed, “What am I going to do? Give away a Shop-Vac a purchase.

Jim insisted, “Whatever it takes Oliver, but we hit a hive and it was big”

Oliver replied, “I don’t even want to know what you’re talking about. Do I?”

Jim smiled, “You’re a Demon Hunter now Oliver. Like it or not you’re stuck.”

Oliver requested, “Bring the girls next time. Then I’ll have something not so scary to look at.”

Jim laughed, “Sure Oliver, I’ll do that. Let’s say the day after tomorrow at closing time. Let’s go Albert.”

Albert put his hand on Jim’s arm and they blinked out. Appearing in Jim’s shop the sheet of plate steel was on the sawhorses. Albert ran his hand over the sheet and said, “If I didn’t see and feel it for myself I wouldn’t believe it.”

Jim rolled the plasma cutter to the sheet. Then he got a peace of angle-iron leaning against the wall, and laid it on top of it. Then Jim pulled a piece of paper from his pocket, and set it on the steel plate. “17.1/2 Inch x 13 Inch x 12.1/2 Inch”

“This is the size of the Ghostbuster Machine. I think we should make the box a 24 inches long by 16 inches high and 16 inches wide. That will give us two boxes per sheet of steel. This is what I have laid out here.”

Hod-Box.jpgThen Jim picked up the plasma cutter torch head and drug it across the top of the steel sheet. Then he explained, “This is all you do is pull this trigger and hold it down and drag it across the part you want to cut. Just like shooting a gun. Point and pull the trigger.”

Then Jim went and got two C-clamps a tape measure and a peace of soapstone. He made a mark at 16 inches on both sides of the sheet. Then lined up the angle-iron and clamped it down. Looking at Albert Jim explained, “Now we flip this switch here on this box. Then we push the cutter head against the angle like this, and pull the trigger.”

A stream of sparks shot out the bottom of the sheet, as Jim dragged the cutter head across the sheet. Then it fell to the floor with a bang. Jim bent down to pick it up as Albert yelled, “Hot! It’s hot Jim!”

Jim tipped the plate up on end holding it buy the cut and insisted, “Touch it Albert.”

Albert touched it and jerked his hand away fast, and then grabbed ahold of it. Looking at Jim Albert commented, “How can that be? You just melted it in two, and it’s not hot. I saw the melted metal shooting out of it.”

Jim asked, “Is that easy or what?”

Albert replied, “No, that’s amazing,”

Jim handed Albert the tape measure and insisted; “Now you do it.”

Albert marked the sheet and clamped down the angle. Then he made the cut. Jim praised, “Good job Albert. I’m going to go check on something. Go ahead and cut the rest of the sheet that way.”

Albert insisted, “I got the hang of this. Don’t worry.”

Jim put his hand on the Book and announced take me to Kathy at Fort Vancouver in 1874. Jim appeared on the dock next to the Sternwheeler, and there was Kathy sitting on her box. She looked so sad, and Jim’s heart pulled at him. There she was sitting on a fortune and yet she was broke. She had lost everything that mattered in her life. This was a trip of desperation which resulted in extreme behavior, and made her do something so desperate that it made her blind to the dangers.

Jim just stood and watched as his heart hurt. This made him think about her living in the little shed all alone. Then Jim couldn’t take it and went to see the shed. He put his hand on the book and commanded, “Take me to Kathy’s dwelling in1854.”

Jim was standing in front of the shed and looked around. Then he saw her across the Mill carrying her water bucket. He watched as she stopped at a group of men stacking lumber. Then he looked in the shed. There was a mat on the floor with the impression of the 12 year old little girl, and a little stove about the size of a five gallon bucket. She had nothing just the close she had on and one blanket. How could they let her live this way? Then the door started to open and Jim blinked out.

Appearing back at the shop he saw Albert making a cut. Walking over he saw they had enough to start a box. When the peace of steel dropped to the floor Jim requested, “Take one of the pieces you cut off, and cut it in half. Then we can start a box

Albert replied, “Doing it now.”

welding-s.jpgThen Jim showed Albert how to use the wire feed welder, and they put a box together.

After the box was all welded they set the top on it and Jim explained, “Now when we get a Demon. We bring it here, and put it in this box. Then we weld the top on and drop it in a deep river. I checked out the place today. You’ll like it I hope, but it made me kind of sad.”

Albert questioned, “Sad about what?”

Jim mumbled, “You’ll see.”
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Then Jim blinked them back to Kathy’s Homestead to get the horses. On the ride home Albert revealed, “It must be nice in your time to be a Blacksmith. I would have had to make angle-iron and rivet all the seams together. It would have taken me days to do what we did today.”

Jim explained, “This is true Albert, but not just anyone can do that. The only reason I have that stuff is Suzan got it for me. That box for cutting the steel and the welder are expensive. Then you have to pay the power company every time you use it, and buy gas and welding wire. In the end you might do the job twice as fast, but it cost you twice as much.”

Albert replied, “I don’t care its better, and I worked less. That must make it worth the extra cost.”

Jim mumbled. “You might be right.”

At The Livery the stable boy met them to get their horses. Then Henry appeared questioning, “Did you finish the fencing yet?”

Jim replied, “No, but it’s getting close.”

Henry replied, “Good, now I get to charge you for another weeks boarding.”

Albert teased, “Let’s go James. Henry can walk by himself. We’re not good enough the walk with the upper class.”

Henry walked with them saying, “You aren’t getting rid of me that easy.”

That night in bed with Suzy Jim confided, “You know that Hive of Hooded Demons on Devils Mountain. I think Albert and I are going to try to take one out tomorrow. We’re going to go pick up two more Ghostbuster Machines from Oliver. He wanted me to bring you and Kathy when I come. I guess Albert and I scare him, or so he said anyway.”

Suzy warned, “I know they freeze when time is stopped, but I want you to be careful. You know when you touch them they come to life. When you use the knife it’s like me with a ball of bright flashing colored light. I have to hold it in them for it to work. If I just throw it at them it only has a stunning effect. Remember Henry’s horse. It brought it to life and it didn’t refreeze. I know they can’t harm us, but I think they can send things to do it for them. Like the Fly’s and Spiders. Who knows what else they can send. The man that tried to kill Mable could have come from them.”

Jim whispered, “I know, at the first sign of trouble I’ll blink us out, but I think my plan will work. Njal would stop us if we shouldn’t do it. I’m sure this is what we’re here for.”

Suzy insisted, “I’ll bring Kathy down to the Jail after we do the morning dishes.

In the morning Victoria was sitting in her chair, and Suzy was sitting on the edge of the porch. The bread was baking in the oven and the Bird ate the bread Suzy tossed out. Then Victoria questioned, “Has Mable talked to you about her near death experience.”

Suzy replied, “She told me she thought she went to heaven and they sent her back.”

Victoria went on, “When Henry took me to see Mable the bruise was black, and looked bad. I could see the man’s hand and fingers in the bruise. I think he was trying to kill her. Why do you think he did it?”

Suzy suggested, “I think he was Evil. I don’t think anyone understands why Evil does what it does.”

Victoria urged, “It’s time to check the bread sweetie.”

Suzy went and started Mable’s tea as she thought; I wonder what kind of man will be the father of her child?

Mable spread the Jam on her Toast as Emily came to the table. Jim sat next to Albert across from Mable an Emily. Then Rebecca and Henry came in and Emily informed, “A buyer for the Hudson’s Bay Company is coming next week to buy Fur’s. We had two trappers in the store yesterday. The Mountain Men are a mean bunch. Hank said they went to the Saloon, and it reminded him of the breaking of the chairs and the stabbing. He told me to remind you what happened the last time the Hudson’s Bay Company buyer came.”

Albert looked across the table as Kathy took a seat and insisted, “I want you Girls to stay off the street until the buyer leaves town. If you need to go out James and I will escort you. That’s an order by the Sheriff. You hear that there in the Kitchen?”

Victoria replied, “How about Mable? She was going to start working at the Dress Shop next week.”

Albert barked, “Not now! Mable will just have to keep bringing the stuff home.”

Mable mumbled, “Its ok I’ve been worried about going back. I needed some more time anyway.

Emily walked with Henry, Jim, and Albert as they went to work. Albert revealed, “I’m opening the Blacksmith Shop, and I’ll watch it from the Jail window. Some of the Mountain Men bring their Mule’s to be shod. (This is what it means to shoe an Animal. “shod” Google it.) Unlike the people that live around here. They don’t know I hang out at the Jail unless I have a job.”

In the Jail Jim was sweeping and Albert complained, “Open the door or something. You got so much dust in the air I can’t breathe. Oh the hell with it I’m going outside until you’re done.”

From the old loading dock porch Albert complained, “You know when you’re done all that dust is going to settle back on everything.”

After the place aired out Suzy and Kathy showed up. Then they stopped time and Jim blinked them to the Coin Shop. Oliver jumped and scolded, “You have to quit doing that at closing time. You know that’s when I get robbed most times. The safe is open and they can get to everything. Start using the backroom then walk out here like a normal person.”

Suzy went up and wrapped her arms around Oliver, and gave him a big hug and kissed his cheek. Then stepped back and took his arm asking, “Is that better?”

Kathy took the other arm and insisted, “I think we got the best Jem in here Suzan.”

Oliver pulled away and insisted, “I have to get the trays in the safe.”

Pulling out the tray with the Diamond’s Oliver held it in front of Kathy and questioned, “See anything you like?”

Kathy replied, “Nope, they don’t have any color. I like things with a color to them.”

After putting the trays away Oliver looked up from the safe, “Do we need anything from in here?”

With no response Oliver closed the safe and spun the dial. Then assured, “I stopped and got what you wanted on my way to work this morning. I took them out of the boxes and put the Batteries on the chargers. I assumed there’s no power where you’re taking them, so I charged them up for you.”

In the back room Oliver continued, “This is my private desk back here. This is where I opened the letter you sent me. Boy has that been a ride. I still get a reporter hounding me about that now and then.”

Suzy and Kathy hung on Oliver’s arms as Jim put the Battery’s on the Ghostbuster Machine’s. Then he flipped them on and off to check them. Oliver questioned, “What are you going to do with them?”

Jim looked up and said, “Ghostbuster Machine’s.”

Albert cut in, “I’m the one that gets to use it as a Demon sucker.”

Suzy whispered, “He likes using movie saying’s to refer to things. He thinks he’s Clint Eastwood too.”

Oliver claimed, “I like Clint Eastwood, but Albert looks more like the Clint Eastwood type.”

Jim replied, “You want me to take you on a vacation Oliver? How about I take you to the middle of a tribe of Headhunters in Africa?”

Albert insisted, “James don’t forget he’s our only connection to this time, and he has Kathy’s money.”

Suzy whispered in Oliver’s ear, “Don’t worry Oliver he can’t do that. He’s forbidden. He can only kill Demons that are pure Evil. If he tried something like that a Giant Viking Warrior would come down and slap him around, and set things back to the way they were.”


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Kathy added, “Don’t worry Oliver, Suzan and I will protect you.”

Jim insisted, “We got what we needed it’s time to go.”

Suzy kissed Oliver on one cheek and Kathy kissed the other. Then they slipped away and blinked out with Jim and Albert. At the Jail Jim put his Ghostbuster Machine in the back of the truck, and Albert stood ready with the other one.

Jim insisted, “Kathy make us invisible so we can see the Hooded Demons.”

Suzy questioned, “We’re all going right?”

Jim replied, “Well…”

Suzy cut Jim off, “I sad we’re all going. Right!”

Jim grabbed Suzy’s arm and blinked out. Albert looked at Kathy and admitted, “I think we stay out of this one.”

Kathy agreed.

Jim and Suzy appeared in their room with Jim explaining, “I don’t care if you come but when Albert and I go to put the box in the river. I picked out a steam boat that Kathy’s on, and we can’t take her there. It was just the easiest boat to find with the book. I just had it take me to Kathy on the boat in 1874. We’re going to throw the box off in the middle of the river.”

Suzy said, “Well then we wait at the shop, and you meet us back there when you’re done.”

Jim replied, “Ok,” and blinked them back.

Appearing in the Jail Jim announced, “Kathy make us all invisible and fade out. Then we huddle together, and when we hear out hearts beating I’ll blink us out. They were huddle together in dead silence. Then Jim blinked them out, and they appeared at the old building. The Hooded Demons were still surrounding it. Jim pointed to the closest Demon, and Albert knotted.

With that Jim pulled his knife, and went and stabbed the Hooded Demon in the eye. Then the Demon crumbled into a pile of ashes on the ground, and Albert drop to one knee with the Ghostbuster Machine, and sucked up the ashes. Then they blinked out. Then they appeared in Jim’s Shop. Albert put the Ghostbuster Machine in the box he made, as it raddled around. You could hear it knocking against the sides of the box as the Ghostbuster Machine jumped around. Albert put the top on the box, and Jim flipped the switch on the welder. Albert flipped down his hood and started welding, as Suzy covered Kathy’s eyes. Then Suzy turned her around saying, “You can’t watch that. It can make you go blind if you don’t wear a hood like Albert.

After the lid was welded on Jim took Kathy’s hand and looked in her eyes. Then he revealed, “I wasn’t going to take you, but I’ve been thinking it over. We’re a team and it wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t ask you first, so here it goes. We’re taking the box to the first Steam Boat you took to get to us. We will be on the other side of the boat on the lower cargo deck. Most all the passengers will be on the upper deck, but you know you were on that lower deck. You will be able to see yourself on the other side of the boat, but you have to stay with us. Do you want to go?”

It got quiet and everyone stared at each other. Then Kathy replied, “We’re a team, and if I’m a part of this team then I do what the team dose.”

With that Jim put one foot on the box, and they all held hands around the box. Then Jim blinked them out, and they appeared on the steamboat. It was all loaded and they were casting off the lines. Right across from them was Kathy sitting on her box.

steam-bs.jpgAlbert acknowledged, “No one even knows she’s sitting on everything she owns.”

Jim mumbled, “Yah, and old wore out blanket, some socks, and a dress that don’t fit.”

A tear slipped down Kathy’s face as Suzy pushed Love into her. Then Kathy whispered, “I was so scared back then. I didn’t even know where I was going.”

Soon they were in the middle of the river heading to the Cascades Rapids. Jim insisted, “Now Albert,” and they pushed the box off the boat, and watched it go down like a rock. Then Suzy insisted, “Since we’re invisible I have to do something.”

Then she walked across the boat and pushed Love into Kathy sitting on her box. Kathy whispered, “I knew it.”


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Chapter Twenty

Njal worried for Jim and had to do something to stop him. What he was doing wasn’t good for him. Njal knew at some point not only would Jim be watching her, but he’d be watching himself watch her. Njal had to put an end to it. He thought of restricting his ability to go some places, but he had to let Jim have freewill.

Then one day when Jim was watching Autum hang clothes. Time stopped and Njal appeared with Autum next to him. Njal bent down on one knee and looked at Jim at his level. In a soft voice Njal asked, “Why do you come here my Time Lord? I made a Love Goddess for you that has everything you need.”

Njal stood and pulled Autum in front of him and commanded, “Tell him.”

Autum revealed, “You see my Love. I picked her for you. I sent your aunt to the White family, and I placed your Love Goddess in your aunt’s home. I felled her with my love, and guided her to you and you to her. The Love this Goddess wields came from me. I’m the one that made her a Love Goddess, and put the love in her. I did this for you, but it came at a price. You and Suzy became Demon Hunters. This was the only way I could give my love to you. You see I’m in the Love Goddess, and make her what she is. You’re with me every day, and sleep with me every night. Now quit going to the past to see me and open your eyes. You’ll see the Love Goddess in her is me.”

Autum looked up at Njal and questioned, “Does he understand?”

Njal replied, “Only time will tell my child. Your Love Goddess has been filling him with Love for a time, and I thought he would know by now.”

Autum reached out and touched Jim and he awoke in bed next to Suzy. Jim’s head was spinning as his thoughts ran wild. He remembered Autum tell him in a dream, “I’m here for you, but she can help you now.”

Jim remembered when Autum came to him in a dream and said, “Jim! I don't mean to make you frown, but you just need to slow down and find comfort from inside. I’m here for you, but she can help you now.

It echoed in Jim’s head, “I’m here for you, but she can help you now.”

Jim thought, Autum has been telling me all along she was with me in Suzy. Why couldn’t I accept that?

Then Jim remembered the dream where Autum told him, “Everything you do changes much more than you’ll ever know, but don’t worry Love always wins.”

Jim realized Autum was telling him everything all along. He just wasn’t seeing it. Then he heard Victoria in the Kitchen, and Suzy stirred and awoke. After she got dressed and left Jim jump from the bed, and blinked out. He blinked back and got dressed, and left again. Then he was back, and went out to the table. He was the only one there. Suzy looked at Jim and questioned, “What are you up so early for? We don’t even have the coffee made yet.”

Jim insisted, “I can wait.”

Victoria instructed, “Go ahead and slide the pot onto the heat sweetie.”

Suzy slid the pot over and put the bread dough in the oven. Then she went outside with Victoria. Jim went to the kitchen window and watched Suzy feed the Bird. Then he went back to the table and looked at the one page Newspaper. Something he hadn’t read caught his eye. “President Grant authorizes the issue of a twenty-cent piece and signs “The Page Act of 1875,” this will be the first restrictive federal immigration law in the United States, which effectively prohibits the entry of Chinese women, marking an end of open borders.

Soon they came back in and Victoria checked the bread, “It needs a little longer Sweetie. You want to make the Gravy or the Biscuits this time?”

Suzy replied, “I believe it’s my turn to make the Biscuits Victoria.”

Victoria went to Jim with a cup in one hand, and the Coffee Pot in the other. Poring Jim a cup Victoria whispered, “I think it’s your anniversary.”

Jim’s head went into a tailspin as he thought, Anniversary!

Dress.jpgJim looked at the Newspaper, “March 18, 1875.” Then he realized it was the 22nd of March. This was the day Suzy put the check in his pocket. His mind flashed back to the aqua dress with little white hearts all over it, and a white belt with lace around the neck, sleeves, and hem. He remembered her looking like she just stepped out of a 1950’s magazine. Then he thought, What am I going to do? Anything she wants she can buy.

Then Jim knew what he was going to do. He would share the best time of his life with her. No amount of money could buy that, and it was a part of him. Then he took his coffee out to the porch, and sat in his chair. The Crow flew down and walked around Jim’s feet and he talked to it. Jim explained, “You know Bird. I’ve saved a few people and their life was traded for another, and I’ve been thinking about that. I was never told not to do it. Just that there was consequences. I think it’s like if you are the only person around, and you’re in the middle of the desert and someone needs help. Then if you don’t help them what does that say about you. You have to do it.”

The Crow flew to Jim Shoulder as Suzy watched out the window. Then the Bird rubbed its head on the side of Jim’s face. Jim’s emotions ran wild, as he thought about Suzy. Jim enjoyed a deep intense feeling of affection and pleasure. He knew that this was the feeling of love, and knew what to do.

The crow Jumped down and squawked at Jim and flew to the tree. Jim just sat on the porch all through breakfast. Then when Albert and Henry came out to walk Emily to work Albert asked. “Are you coming James?”

Jim mumbled, “Today is our anniversary. I’m spending it with Suzan.”

Albert replied, “Well happy anniversary James, just don’t do something stupid like give her an axe or something.”

Emily whispered, “Stop by the store I’ll help you pick something out James.”

Henry insisted, “Let’s go they won’t even remember this day in twenty years.”

As they walked off Jim heard Emily say, “Henry you got a heart of stone.”

Jim just sat out on the porch waiting for Suzy. Then she came out and questioned, “Are you eating breakfast? Everyone has already eaten but you.”

Jim smiled, “I was waiting for you. You always eat with Vitoria after everyone has eaten. I wanted to eat with you this morning.”

Suzy insisted, “Then get to the table. I might even sit next to you.”

At the table Jim revealed, “I’ve planned are entire day. I’ve given this a lot of thought and this is our day. I thought we could share our most memorable moment with each other. Not one we have with each other but before we knew each other. I get to go first. I’ll take us there after we do the dishes.”

Suzy just stared at Jim not saying a word and Jim questioned, “What are you thinking?”

Suzy replied, “I’m picking out one I want to share with you.”

After the Dishes were done they went to their room and Jim blinked them out. They appeared in Jim’s farm field. His Tractor was at the other end coming at them. Suzy blurted, “You’re not the one driving your Tractor at us are you?”

Jim replied, “Nope, he’s the only one to ever drive my Tractor but me, and he wouldn’t be driving it if not for you.”

Suzy insisted, “You said it had to be a memory before we knew each other.”

Jim replied, “It will be. Just wait and see.”

The Tractor came to a stop about twenty feet in front of them, and Steve climbed out of the Tractor as Suzy and Jim walked up.

Steve questioned, “You come to bitch me out Boss?”

Jim replied, “No, I just want to take the Tractor for a lap around the field. I need to make sure I don’t forget how to drive it.”

Steve laughed, “It’s all yours”

Jim looked Suzy in the eyes and said, “You're like a dream to me, so I want to share that dream with you.”

Then he helped her up into the Tractor. He got in and pulled Suzy up on his leg, and wrapped her arms around him. Then he put the tractor into motion and revealed, “I took Autum for a ride like this when I first got the Tractor. Then she would ride with me on the first lap every year. This is the most memorable moment in my life. I thought I had it all back then.”


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Jim cleared his throat and continued, “Close your eyes and hold my hand. Do you feel my heart beating? I know I’ve felt like this before, but now I’m feeling it even more. Since it came from you I know it’s true. Do you feel the same, or am I only dreaming? Is this burning an eternal love? I believe we’re meant to be, will you marry me? Now I tell you that you have my heart so don't hurt me.”

Suzy squeezed Jim and disclosed, “I’ll give you an answer after I share mine with you.”

Jim came to a stop and they climbed down as Jim yelled, “It’s all yours Steve.”

Then Steve took over plowing and Jim question, “Where now?”

Suzy Replied, “My farm in the spring when I was 12 years old.”

Jim blinked them there in front of the barn where she put the check in his pocket. Then Suzy directed, “Way down there by that tree in the field.”

In an instant they were standing next to the tree. The ground had been plowed around the tree with care. Suzy pointed down the field way off in the distance and informed, “See those three tractors plowing the field. My Grampa is driving one of them. He told me about this tree. In the old days a farmer would leave a tree in the middle of the field. This was so he could eat his lunch under the tree in the shade. I’ve sat here every year at plowing time and ate with Grampa.”

Jim questioned, “Is this what you brought me here for to see this tree?”

Suzy confessed, “Oh no. It’s that old truck coming from the house.”

Jim looked and an old Dodge Truck from the sixties was coming down the dirt road alongside the field. A dust cloud floated up in the air behind it. Then Suzy announced, “That’s me taking my Grandpa his lunch. I started driving that sitting on Grandpa’s lap. When my lags got long enough to reach the pedals he let me drive it by myself. That was when I was 12, and I took him his lunch everyday he worked in the field. I knew every pothole rut and bump in that old dirt road. This was the best days of my life. The shifter was on the steering column and I was the king of the road. Look I’m going by right now.”

Jim put his arm around Suzy as he watched the little girl drive by. Then Suzy insisted, “Now take us to the 4th of July in front of the barn.”

old-truck-s.jpgIn an instant they were standing in front of the barn and Suzy instructed, “Get in the truck. There is no one here. We’ve all went to a Church Picnic. So I can live my dream. Suzy jumped in the driver’s seat of the old truck, and Jim got on the other side. A big smile came to Suzy’s face as she pulled the keys from the visor and started the truck. Looking at Jim she insisted, “Get over here next to me. I spent all my teen years dreaming about this day. Driving this old truck down the dirt road with the one I love.”

Then she Lifted up on the shifter and pulled it down in to gear. Revved the motor and spun the tires as she fishtailed onto the old dirt road yelling, “Yee-haw! Your answer is yes! You silly guy you. You know by living together and sleeping in the same bed we’re already married. Marriage in the Bible simply consists of a man and woman, with the consent of the woman's father or guardian, living together and attempting procreation. No vows, no priest, no ritual, no prayer, no pronouncement, no license, no registration. This is quite different from how we define and enact marriage today. But according to the Supreme Being in in Genesis 1:26-27 and 2:18-24, God commands man and woman to leave father and mother and become husband and wife through uniting in a one-flesh act that seals their love, and which can bring forth children. We’re already married as long as one of us is not committing adultery.”

Surprised Jim questioned, “How do you know this?”

Suzy revealed, “I ask my Pastor about it back when you were building our Truck. He told me once you live to gather and share the same bed. In God’s eyes you’re either married or living in sin. It’s all about your intentions. Hang on! Here it comes.”

Then Suzy stepped on the gas and the truck leaped into the air. Jim felt the butterfly’s in his stomach as Suzy asked, “Do we need to go back and get your stomach?”

Jim asked, “How long did it take you to learn that?”

Suzy revealed, “The first summer.”

Suzy took the truck back and drugged Jim to sit in the old Army Truck. Suzy had him sit in the driver’s seat and she sat next to him. The cover was still on the seat, but he could feel the springs through it. Suzy cuddled up to Jim and asked, “How does it feel to sit in the Truck like this?”

Jim replied, “Like I’m living your dream. You know one day this old truck will take you places you never dreamed.”

Suzy whispered, “I know. I’m there now. Do you need a ceremony to feel married?”

Jim muttered, “No, I think we were married the day we moved in together. I just thought you would want me to ask.”

Suzy whispered, “You did and I said yes. Now there is no doubt about it.”

Suzy leaned her head on Jim and asked, “Was there somewhere you wanted to go?”

Jim admitted, “I would like to talk to your friend Oliver at the Coin Shop. I read about a coin they made I didn’t even know about. I want to find what its worth.”

Suzy insisted, “Then get out of this old thing and let’s go.”

In no time they were in the backroom of the Coin Shop. Oliver was waiting on a customer, so they waited until the customer left. Then Suzy’s Voice rang from the back room. “Hay, Tricky old man I have a question.”

Oliver replied, “Customer’s come to the counter.”

Jim winked at Suzy and they appeared at the counter. Then Jim questioned, “What does the Tricky old man know about a 20 cent piece?”

Oliver replied, “They only made them a few years in the 1800’s. Why?”

Jim questioned, “I was wondering if we could make some money on them?”

Oliver walked over to the desk and typed on the computer. Then he read, “A 20 Cent Coin from 1875 in circulated condition is worth between $80 and $650. However, on the open market 1875 S 20 Cent Coins in pristine, uncirculated condition sell for as much as $65,000. But the coin was only released for circulation two years, 1875 and 1876. The CC Mint Stamp witch is the Carson City Nevada Mint and very few are known to be in circulation. Most of the 1876 coins from the Carson City Mint were never released, and were melted down.

The 20 Cent Coin was abolished 3 years later. The Twenty Cent piece never caught on, in large part because of its similarity in size and appearance to the well-known Seated Liberty Quarter Dollar. Merchants had a habit of giving them to unsuspecting customers as a Quarter. This made the Merchant an extra 5¢ on the sale.

After the first year, in which over a million were minted, there was little demand, and the denomination was abolished in 1878. At least a third of the total mintage was later melted by the government.”

Jim asked, “So what do you think we can get for them?”

Oliver hypothesized, “Maybe ten grand on a fast turnaround if there in pristine condition.”

Jim questioned, “That would mean that I took one of my five dollar gold piece’s, and turned it into twenty five 20 cent pieces. We could get like a quarter million, or 125 ounces of gold at your price? That would be $2,500 in our time.”

Jim’s head was spinning. Thoughts were running through his head as Oliver informed, “I’m not even half way through the Silver dollars you gave me.”

Jim put out his hand and bargained, “How about Fifty Fifty on the 20 cent pieces after expenses?”

Oliver shook his head, “Damn it, you know I can’t turn down a deal like that. If I end up in jail over this you have to come get me out. Deal?”

Jim replied, “My hand is still out.”

Oliver took his hand and they shook on it. Then Oliver reached in his case and pulled out a Blue Oval Sapphire Broach and insisted, “This is for that friend of yours Suzy. It would be worth about five grand if it was real, but unfortunately its glass. I wasn’t even going to buy it, but I got it for ten bucks. It is her kind of thing, so I got it.”

Suzy took the Broach and exclaimed, “I’m sure she’ll love it Oliver.”

Jim announced, “It’s about time we should go. Oh yah, let me know if you see a Septic truck for sale.”

Suze hit Jim in the shoulder and scolded, “You and your poop truck! Let’s go.”

Jim replied, “It’ll work,” as he blinked them out.


Veteran Member
Back in Dention Hank had restricted Emily to the backroom and upstairs, and moved the shotgun next to the doorway to the back room. Just as Albert thought, he already had two shoeing jobs lined up, and was doing one of the Mule’s.

MuleShoe-s.jpgThe town was empty except for a Mule tided to the hitching post in front of the General Store.

Down at the Livery things were picking up, and Henry was running out of stalls to rent out. He moved some of his horses to a Corral, and walked over to see Albert. Dropping a hot horseshoe in a bucket of water Albert questioned, “What can I do you for Henry?”

Henry inquired, “You know where James went?”

Albert replied, “Nope, he’s been pretty tight lipped about it. I think he just wanted it to be him and Suzy having a good time. For all I know they might be spending the day in there room. You know if you make a baby now. It will be here about Christmas time. That would be the best time to get gifts for the baby.”

Henry started laughing so hard he couldn’t talk. Then started choking, and dropped to his knees, as he snorted, “Where do you get this stuff from Albert. No one thinks like that.”

henry-stables.jpgAlbert Insisted, “Sure they do I just did.”

Henry went on, “If you see Jim tell him I would like to move his team to the Homestead. I need the space to pay for his boarding.”

Albert replied, “Sure I’ll tell him you’re trying to trick him into helping you make more money.”

Henry assured, “We need to get as much of this fur money as we can. I see you’re not turning anyone away.”

Albert agreed, “I’ll tell James when I see him.”

At that moment Jim and Suzy blinked into the Old Feed and Seed next to the truck. Jim questioned, “Lunch at the Horseshoe?”

Suzy replied, “That works for me. Then I can see how Oral is working out.”

1-2.jpgThey went around and came in the back door to the Jail, and there sat Liam at the desk. Suzy questioned, “Liam what’s happening?”

Liam replied, “Law man make shoes for Trapping Man’s Mule. I watch Jail, and learn to read. Teacher man at School gave me this book to use. I learn when Oral work.”

Suzy insisted, “You let James or I know if you need help. We’d be glad to help teach you.”

Liam explained, “I just learn letters now.”

Suzy admitted, “We’re going to have something to eat and see how Oral is doing.”

Liam went on as they went out the door, “Boss lady say she do good.”

It was busy and Oral was working hard. Jim and Suzy had the special Beef and Onion Gravy over noodles. They took their time eating, so they would be in the restaurant when the rush was over. When it got slow Oral cleared and wiped the last of the tables.

Then she stopped to talk to Suzy, “I have do dishes. Then we talk.”

Martin saw Jim and Suzy through the Kitchen door and came out announcing, “They don’t pay Oral. Josette insists James never pays.”

Oral acknowledged, “This I know. Josette tell me. James no pay.”

Martin went to the table and questioned, “You come to see how she’s doing?”

Suzy replied, “We hope she’s working out.”

Martin went on, “She’s doing great. Oral get over here and sit with your friends for a few.”

Oral insisted, “I have dishes.”

Martin assured, “We’re not busy right now the dishes can wait a few. Now get over here.

Then looking at Suzy Martin maintained, “Josette wouldn’t have taken off and let Oral run the Dining Room if she didn’t think Oral could handle it.”

Jim and Suzy visited with Oral. Then they went to the Blacksmith Shop. Albert was shoeing another Mule when they walked up. Albert announced, “Henry was looking for you. He wanted to know if you would move your team to the Homestead.”

Jim replied, “Not what I wanted to do, but if he saddles up a couple of horses for Suzan and I. We’ll do it.”

Then Jim and Suzy went to the Livery. They got a couple of Horses and Jim tethered Patty to his horse. Suzy got Charlie and tethered him to her horse, and they were off.

two-reds-s.jpgThis was Suzy’s first time to the Homestead since Jim and Albert got the fence up. They took the horses to the creek for a drink, and set Charlie and Patty free. They took off running across the field, and Jim exclaimed, “I think they like it.”

Suzy replied, “How would you feel if you were cooped up at the Livery, and then someone set you free. Look at them out there nosing each other. Their happy and I can tell it.”

Jim put his arm around Suzy and whispered, “The Highest Power commanded me to be your hope, your dream, your every wish, and your fantasy. I just want you to know I love you more with every minute of every day, and I will be faithful to the end.”

Suzy hugged Jim tight and pushed love into him. Then a warm feeling rushed through her. Her body tingled all over, and Suzy felt like she was floating. Her mind was filled with all the happy times with Jim. Flashes of the night in the shop with Jim ran through her mind. She knew Love and wanted to push it into someone.”

Then Patty nosed Suzy and she made a ball of bright flashing colored light, and pushed it into her. She jumped up and ran around, and Charlie chased her.

Jim revealed, “We need to get going. By the time we get back it will be dinner time.”

Suzy insisted, “Just blink us to the edge of town. I want to stop at the store before it closes.”

They held hands and put their other hand on their horse and Jim blinked them to the edge of town. Appearing on the road an east wind was blowing in their face. Off in the distance they could see a dark brown dust cloud rising in the air over their town. They walked the horses into town, and by the time they got to the Livery they could hardly see a thing. It was real bad, and they could only see a little over six feet or so. Jim was holding his shirt sleeve over his face to breathe. Suzy had tied her bandana over her face. Jim pounded on the Stable door, and the Stable Boy let him in. Shutting the Stable door the Boy insisted, “This is the worst I’ve ever seen. We get dust storms going through town, but nothing like this.”
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Veteran Member
Jim and Suzy pulled the saddles from their horses, and hung them on a rail. Then they helped the Stable Boy put the horses in stalls as Jim asked, “Where is Henry?”

The Stable Boy replied, “He went home with the Sheriff when the dust storm started.”

Jim took Suzy’s hand and pulled her outside. Then Jim blinked them to the porch next to the door. Jim opened the door pulling Suzy in and shutting it behind them. Victoria instructed, “Put the towel back in front of the door. I had to put a wet towel at the front and back door. The dust was blowing in under the door.”

Jim looked over and everyone was sitting at the table waiting out the storm. Kathy got up and walked to Jim and whispered in his ear, “Come to my room I want to show you something.

Hooded-gs.jpgKathy Grabbed Jim’s arm as he looked out the window. Jumping back from the window Jim yelled, “By the power of Njal I command time to stop.”

Suzy barked, “I want to see!”

Suzy stepped to the window and Kathy touched her arm and Suzy hissed, “Oh crap!”

Jim yelled, “Albert get back here!”

Albert came down the hall questioning, “Why did you stop time?”

Jim insisted, “Look out the window at the street.”

Albert looked as Kathy touched him he insisted, “Their after us. I thought they couldn’t hurt us.”

Jim replied, “I think it means they can’t physically hurt us. That doesn’t mean they can’t torture us. I think the next step is to send a Demon possessed person to harm us.”

Albert declared, “We only have one box we can put together.

Jim revealed, “I think I need to steal a poop truck. I’ll jump the truck to the river and blink out. We just need to come up with a plan to take them out without all of them coming to life. The way there are huddled together I think if one comes to life they all come to life.”

Suzy explained, “Kathy and I have been working on some things. We found if I give Kathy an energy ball and she throws it and I shoot it little Lighting Bolts shoot from the stars. I think that swirling rainbow thing she dose changes stars when they pass through it, but I don’t know if it will have an effect on the Hooded Demons.”

Albert insisted, “All we can do is try. If it doesn’t work they can’t kill us. We just have to blink out and try again.”

Jim insisted, “Suzy you and Kathy go to the playground and practice that thing, and Albert and I are going to steal a Poop Truck.”

They all got together in a circle and Jim blinked them to the Playground. Then Jim and Albert blinked out to get a poop truck. In the future Jim went to his shop and had Steve call to have the septic tank pumped. Steve informed, “Friday between ten and twelve.”

Jim and Albert went into the Shop and Jim blinked them to Friday morning. They waited for what seemed hours then the truck pulled in. Albert watched the man get out of the truck and stopped time.

Then Jim and Albert got in the truck and Albert started time and Jim blinked the truck out. They appeared at the playground, and Suzy and Kathy approached the truck. Jim and Albert got out and Suzy questioned, “We ready to go?”

Jim replied, “Hell no, I don’t even know how this thing works.”

Albert insisted, “We’ll figure it out just give us a few.”

After some trial and a few errors they learned how to work the PTO and what valves to open and close. Jim looked at Albert and insisted, “When we’re done we close this valve and that one down there. Then turn off the PTO and their trapped.

Looking at Suzy and Kathy Albert insisted, “Kathy make us all invisible. Then load up, we’re out of here.”

Albert hung from the back of the truck and Suzy and Kathy hung from the running-boards as Jim blinked the truck out. They appeared on the road in front of the Hooded Demons.

1-3.jpgSuzy jumped from the truck and met Kathy at the back by Albert. Then Suzy made an Energy Ball as Kathy twirled her hand in the air making a spinning Rainbow. Suzy handed Kathy the Ball and she threw the Ball over the spinning Rainbow. Suzy shot it with a Lightning Bolt and little stars rained down over the Rainbow.

They came out blue throwing Little Green and Blue Lightning Bolts all over. The Bolts started hitting the hooded Demons. It was like electricity was arcing all over in-between the Hooded Demons. Then they turned into ash and floated to the ground.

Jim engaged the PTO and Albert started sucking up the ashes. Jim got out of the truck and stood by one valve waiting for Albert. Finally Albert sucked up the last of the ashes, and ran and closed the valve as Jim did his. Then turn off the PTO and Blinked the truck out. Landing in the Columbia River Jim blinked back.

Unknown to Jim the truck did not sink. The tank on the back of the truck made it float. About a foot of the back of the tank was sticking up like a fishing bobber as it floated down the river.

Back at the road Suzy teased, “You and your poop truck. I guess we all go back to where we were and start time.

Out in the filled Steve saw the police car at the house. He stopped the tractor when he passed the barn and went to check it out. In the driveway the Officer questioned Steve about seeing someone driving off with the truck. Steve insisted he never seen a thing. The driver insisted, “I don’t know what happened. I got out and was going to the house to tell them I was here. Then the Truck just disappeared.”

Steve just shrugged his shoulders and explained, “There is a curse on this house, everyone around here knows about it. Just ask anyone.”

The Officer replied, “I know about the curse, but I thought it just killed women.”

Steve replied, “Guess you just have to add Poop Truck to that.”

The Officer just shook his head as Steve walked away.


Veteran Member
They all awoke at a road side Diner. The Truck was parked in the gravel parking lot facing the door. Jim was in the driver’s seat next to Suzy with Albert sitting on the hood. Kathy looked passed Albert holding the wench cable in his hand, and saw an empty road side Diner. Kathy mumbled, “All I see is the waitress in there.

Suzy replied, “If I was to guess this is about some time in the 1950’s or 60’s. This looks like a truck stop back then. Let’s check it out. We were sent here for a reason.”

Jim insisted, “I’ll watch from here.”

Kathy got out and Suzy slipped out behind her. Walking past the front of the truck Suzy questioned, “You coming Albert?”

Albert Replied, “No, I assume I have the winch cable in my hand for a reason. I’m just going to wait here.”

Kathy and Suzy went into the Diner. They took a seat and the Waitress came with Coffee and Menus, as she asked, “Would you like coffee?”

Suzy turned her cup over and Kathy asked, “Do you have Hot Chocolate?”

The Waitress replied, “One Hot Chocolate coming up. Is your boyfriend coming in, or is he just going to sit out there on his truck.”

Suzy smiled, “He does his own thing.”

With that the Waitress went for Kathy’s Hot Chocolate.

Suzy was watching out the window as the truck pulled in the gravel lot. The man seemed strange as he got out of the truck and walked to the door. Then Suzy knew what he was. He was powerful taking control of women and draining them of their love. He would take all they had to give then leave them helpless with no hope. Stripped of all they valued he would throw them out like the trash. Then move to the next victim.

He walked in to the room looking hansom and dashing. His power radiated from him making all look to see his beauty. Suzy felt his evil love fill the room. It made her tingle. She knew it was pure evil disguised as love in an instant.

He set his sight on Suzy and walked to her. Kathy revealed, “Suzy that is…”

Suzy replied, “I know I feel it.”

Kathy insisted, “I see it for what it is.”

Suzy stood and questioned, “Who do you think you are? I’ve learned to live half alive. I know I can't take one more step towards you. You just run around leaving scars and collecting hearts. Tearing love apart is what you do, so don't come back for me. My love is not what you want. You broke all your promises, and now you're back. You don't get to get me. I get to send you back. I’m love and this time I’m coming for you!”

With that Suzy made a ball of bright flashing colored light. Then she leaped at him pushing pure Love into him yelling. “Back to hell you demon love sucker!”

There was a bright flash and little stars filled the room, and faded away as the Demon disappeared. Then a black cloud in the shape of a hideous monster slipped into the floor, and the man turned into a hideous beast. His face was like that of a dog covered with enormous red pimples. They covered his entire head protruding like little mountains. His shoulders were stretched out wider than normal, and his legs were like that of a horse. His arms had claws like that of a bird with long sharp nails coming to a point. It had a tail like a whip with a spike on the end of it.

The waitress screamed and ran to the kitchen. A big burley man came from the kitchen yelling, “What’s going on out here!”

One look at the Demon as it roared, and he darted back into the kitchen. It turned to Suzy and snapped at her as the muscles in the Demons jaws bulged. Suzy stepped back and shot the thing with a Lightning Bolt. It had no effect, so Kathy made a swirling black cloud turning in on itself. Then she leaped at the thing slamming it on its head. Kathy jumped back as it flung around. Whipping its tail wildly the Demon was knocking down chairs and tipping over tabled as it spun around.

Suzy threw a ball of bright flashing colored light at the beast. It quivered a little and turned to face her. Then Albert came in the door dragging the winch cable from the front of the truck, he whipped it over the black cloud on the Demons head. Then he yelled, “Clutch pedal in Winch P.T.O. Reverse High, Clutch out.”

The cable snapped tight and the winch groaned under the strain as the beast fought. It grabbed the cable kicking and spinning whipping its tail as it busted the door off its hinges. Albert jumped out of the way as it went through the door. Kathy yelled, “It won’t die!”

Suzy called out, “By the power of Njal I command Wind Walker and Bird Man to appear.”

Suzy threw a ball of bright flashing colored light at the beast and it quivered, as she handed a ball to Kathy. Then the pounding sound of the helicopter filled the air, as Kathy threw the ball at the beast. It exploded throwing streaking sparks from it. Then a burning red spot appeared where it hit.

The helicopter swooped down and Wind Walker leaped from the Bird. Landing next to Suzy Wind Walker exclaimed, “I see you found a bad one. Let’s combine our powers and shoot Lightning Bolts at its chest until it quits moving. That stopped it from flinging around and it quivered for a short time.

Then Wind Walker declared, “Don’t anything scare your team?”

Suzy looked at Wind Walker and revealed, “The Supreme Being, and Njal.”

Wind Walker smiled, “You got me. See you at the farm.”

Then Bird Man landed behind the truck. Wind Walker got on standing on the landing rail and they Blinked out.

Suzy threw a ball of bright flashing colored light in the air, and shot it with a lightning bolt. Thousands of little flashing stars rained down on them as Jim blinked them out.

At Bird Man’s farm Wind Walker questioned, “What took you to the 60’s?

Kathy replied, “I was going to have a cup of Hot Chocolate, but that ugly thing showed up.”

Bird Man revealed, “That is one of the Demons of Asmodeus. Asmodeus was considered the demon of lust. It is believed November is the month in which Asmodai's power is strongest.”

Kathy Joked, “I think he’s the strongest when you order Hot Chocolate.”

Bird Man laughed as Albert and Wind Walker drug the beast to the barn.

Suzy revealed, “This was one of those times when the overseers just put us there, and we had no idea what was going to happen. Then all hell broke loose.”

Bird Man agreed, “Well that is where that thing came from.”

Suzy snickered, “I guess so. You getting out Jim?”

Jim replied, “I got the window down I can hear you.”

Albert walked back to the truck announcing, “We ready to go?”

Bird man stepped back and Suzy threw a ball of bright flashing colored light in the air, and shot it with a lightning bolt. Thousands of little flashing stars rained down on them as Jim blinked them out.

The next morning Suzy and Victoria were sitting on the porch as Suzy fed her Bird and said, “I heard you talking to Emily yesterday about Samael. Who is that?”

Victoria choked, “If you must know Samael married Wanda about ten years ago. He was a trapper, and word came that Samael had drowned in the Snake River. This left Wanda all alone with a two year old child. Their homestead is about 15 miles south of here. Wanda remarried to a settler after hearing of Samael’s death.

I think the boy is about eight by now. He’s never been to the school probably because they live so far away. Emily almost never sees her. Her new husband dose all the shopping.


Veteran Member
Anyway yesterday Samael came in the store and shocked the hell out of Emily. At first she thought it was just someone that looked like him, but then he asks if she had seen Wanda. Emily acted as if she didn’t know who she was. Hanks wife Johan worked at the store back then, but everyone in town knew Samael. He was the king of all demons, and some called him the angel of death. Though never proven it’s believed he killed three men when they left the Saloon. They beat him up and the next morning they were found dead beat to death. There were some other roomers of people he killed, but they might be just roomers. We’ll never know.

Emily is worried he came back to claim his wife and Homestead. If this is true I believe her new husband will just disappear.”

Suzy held out her hand and called, “Bird.”

The Crow flew to her arm and Victoria insisted, “You know it just amazes me how you do that.”

Then Suzy said, “Show me,” and the Crow jumped to her head. Suzy gasped as she saw the man watch a woman and man with a little boy. He was at the top of a hill squatting behind a tree watching the cabin.

The Crow jumped back to the ground, and Suzy exclaimed, “It’s time to head in and check the bread.”

In the house Suzy thought about what happened with the Crow. She knew it hadn’t happened yet, but it wood be soon. What should she do?

Then it was back to making the pancake batter. Life was kind of upside down, because of the fur buyer coming to town. Today was the day he would arrive, and in a few days things would be back to normal. Mable’s Sewing Machine was coming any day. This would change her world.

Soon everyone started coming to the table. Somehow the talk about good and Evil came up. Rebecca announced, “I need to write about the Fur Traders coming to town. Any thought on the good and bad points about it happening here.”

Jim explained, “I see it as Good meats Evil. You can’t have one without the other. I think it’s like a Star. It’s in a fight with itself. It has a nuclear reaction throwing matter off, and gravity holding it together. Too much gravity and it implodes. Too much nuclear reaction and it blows apart.”

Then Jim notes everyone is staring at him as Emily asks, “What is a nuclear reaction?”

Rebecca questioned, “Did you just make that stuff up James?”

Jim realized he was telling stuff no one knew about yet and replied, “We’ll it sounds important even if it doesn’t mean anything.”

Albert admitted, “A nuclear reaction is what happens when I kick James on the backside.”

Jim insisted, “No really, I know a lot of bad comes into town with Mountain Men, but it brings a lot of money that we need. You can’t get the good out of it without the bad. They just go hand and hand. It’s only for a week anyway.”

After breakfast Albert, Henry, and Jim walked Emily to the store. Then they headed to work. On the way down the street they saw the Fur Buyer coming into town. He was driving a six horse team with two wagons hitched together.

Jim declared, “A lot of wagon for so few Furs.”

Albert explained, “He makes a big loop. He takes steamboats up the Columbia and Snake River then starts at Fort Boise. Then he works his way up through Spokane and across the Northern Territory and back down to Fort Vancouver.”

Jim acknowledged, “Then he’s just getting started.”

Albert agreed, “Oh yes, most of his fur trade comes from the trappers up north. Here help me open the Blacksmith Shop. It’ll get busy when the Trappers get some money in their pockets. ”

After Jim helped Albert get the forge fired up. He went to the jail. There was Liam looking at his book. Jim questioned, “How is the book going Liam?”

Liam replied, “Just listen I read. Book has pitcher for word and letter. A is for Ant. B is for Bee. C is for Cloud. D is for Due. E is for Egg, and F is for Fish. The book just goes like that.”

Jim replied, “It sounds like you are doing good Liam. Keep it up and you’ll be reading in no time.”

Liam revealed, “Oral learn too. I show her at home.”

Jim smiled and headed out to walk the street. He walked up past the Fur Buyer and to the store. Inside he saw Hank running the counter, and got a bottle drink. Then went and sat on the bench in front of the store. The Trappers were staggering in a few at a time with loads of Furs on their Mules. Jim saw the line backing up down the street.

The Fur buyer was setup next to the store. He looked each Fur over and made an offer. A lot of haggling went on at the table the buyer had set up, but this took time. Jim stood up at the edge if the boardwalk so the Trappers could see a law man was watching over things. He knew this was the time a fight might break out, but most were just telling stories. Each one was trying to outdo the other guy’s story. One guy pointed to a Bear skin and claimed he wrestled the Bear down and gutted it as the fight went on. Another claimed a Mountain Lion Jump at him from a tree, and he sliced it right down the middle in the air.

Jim was trying hard not to laugh as he listened. They were a rugged mean looking bunch, and this was an untamed land. Jim knew there was most likely some truth in the stories.

Most of the men went right in the store after selling their furs, and loaded there Mules up with supplies. The rest went down the street to the saloon.

By dinner time Jim could hear the saloon was going wild with hoot and hollering. They were having a wild time, and the line of traders still went past the Barber Shop to the Restaurant.

Albert came walking up and asked, “What do you think James?”

Jim disclosed, “I’m worried the Buyer won’t make it through the line by dark, and if some of them don’t get money then what?”

Albert exclaimed, “Then we do what we get paid for.”

Jim mumbled, “That is what I thought. I’m going to see if the buyer and his partner want me to get them something from the Horseshoe.”

Jim talked with the Buyer and went to see Josette. The place was full and people were waiting to get in. Both Josette and Oral were working the Dining room. Jim squeezed his way in, and Josette told Jim to go see Martin and take the food out the back. She was afraid it might start a fight if he walked through the Dining room and out the door with it.

Jim got two Special’s and headed back.

Then it was starting to get dark, and Hank hung a lantern in front of the store. The Buyer told the last two Trappers he would look at their Furs first thing in the morning. Jim and Albert offered to buy them Dinner at the Horseshoe, but they went their own way.

Walking back to the house Albert uttered, “It went better than I thought. I have at least two more jobs for tomorrow.”

It was loud as they walked passed the Saloon, but seemed under control. Albert acknowledged, “Jack brought in some extra Girls from Lambert for the week. There should be enough women to keep them happy.

Coming in the door Suzy jumped up saying, “I’ll get your food. I’ve been keeping it warm.”

Then Suzy told Jim and Albert about Samael. Albert exclaimed, “Damn, I didn’t see him. He must be dodging me. I’ll have to watch for him tomorrow.


Veteran Member
When did Jim and Suzy become married?

(A) In the little house in Lambert?

(B) In Jim’s Shop their last night in the future?

(C) When they traveled through time? (Suzy put on the Ring)

(D) Their first night in 1874?

(E) Their first night in the Boardinghouse?

(F) The first time Suzy pushed Love in Jim’s back so she could feel Love?


Veteran Member
The truth is I don’t know the answer. I revealed Jim had a Detective look into Suzy’s background and revealed that in the book, but I didn’t deeply cover it. It was just a blip and some people never caught it, and thought I was writing “Incest” in the story. Here is what I wrote, “Some of the farm money I used that you asked me about. I spent on a detective. He found you were adopted when you were days old. No Hanson blood pumps through your veins.”

That opened the door for me to lead you on about their affair. Was it or wasn’t it? I dragged it through the book but never revealed when it crossed that line. We all know it did, but when will just have to be a mystery.




Miss. Victoria Tomson



Veteran Member
Chapter Twenty One

After shoeing a Mule and pounding out some more hanging hooks. Albert got a horse and headed out. With most of the Trappers gone Albert left Jim to watch the town, and he rode out to Wanda’s.

Samael squatted behind a tree and watched the cabin. He saw the man and the boy leave with rifles. Then Samael looked his approach over. Then heading down the hill Samael stopped and looked at the house, and decided to sneak up behind the chicken coop. He stopped and looked at the chickens. His mouth watered at the thought of eating fried chicken. Then something caught his eye. He stared at Wanda in the window, and lust started to take him over.

He worked his way around the side of the house. He looked in the window, and didn’t see anyone. Then he moved to the next window, and he still only saw Wanda. He started to think she was the only one there, so he moved to the door. He checked the door and it was locked, so he gave it a hard kick. But it didn’t give at all, so he raised his sawed-off shotgun and blew the door open. He came out in the kitchen, and there stood Wanda.

With his mind overtaken by greed and lust, all he really wanted was to possess her. He backed Wanda to the kitchen table with the sawed off shotgun. It was powerful and light, a formidable killing instrument.

She felt her emotions consume her. Her muscles were tense, her breathing shallow, and she was having constrictions in her stomach. She knew she was feeling fear, and it was taking control of her. She turned pale, and her body started shaking. With her desire to strike out, she pushed him back from her.

Dizzy with anger at her defiance, he knocked her down to the floor with his free hand and briskly tore off her dress. Her naked beauty nearly took his breath away. He had forgotten how magnificent her body was. Beholding the vision of her lying weak and defenseless before him, his lust welled up into a mighty force. Without a thought, he dropped the weapon, and lifted her small body. With his great strength, he placed her easily onto the table. Pinning her down, he violently forced himself on her. As he thought of the irony of this situation, he grinned with pleasure. Drunk with madness he was about to take her on the table.

With great effort, she pulled herself back from him, as he forced himself upon her, but it only stimulated him further. He had just raised his hand to strike her when he heard the noise. He turned his head, only to discover that his own overpowering lust had trapped him. Albert’s face would be the last thing he would see before his lifeless body fell to the floor.

Wanda rolled off the far side of the table, and fell to the floor. Albert kept on shooting, and walked towards Samael as his body staggered and fell to the floor. Wanda watched the shells fall to the floor as she heard Albert reload the gun. Then Albert spun all around and shouted, “Is there anyone else?”

Wanda tried to talk, but the words wouldn’t come. Looking around Albert shouted again, “Is he it, or is there another one?”

Wanda couldn’t get out a word. Her mind was telling her to talk, but her mouth wouldn’t move. It was as if she was trying to scream, and someone had their hand over her mouth.

Picking up the torn dress, Albert thru it over the table and commanded, “Put this back on well I check the place out.”

Albert checked the other room in the small house. After he cleared the house, he returned to find Wanda sitting on a chair in a daze. She was in shock and Albert knew it. He stomped his foot and cursed himself, “Damn it how could I be so stupid. I knew I shouldn’t have waited so long to come.”

He took her arm and softly said, “Come on Wanda. You need to get dressed.”

He led her to the bedroom, and set her on the edge of the bed. Wanda sat there staring as if in a trance. She didn’t speak a word or move an inch, as Albert pulled clothes from the dresser. Setting the clothes on the bed Albert mumbled, “What the hell was I thinking. I should have known.”

Wanda sat on the end of the bed staring, and Albert had to dress her. After putting on her shoes, he guided her to the door, and out to his horse. He lifted her tiny body on the horse and called out, “Truck on. By the power of Njal I command James to appear.”

In a flash Jim was standing in front of Albert. Then he barked, “I have one with read glowing eyes on the floor in the Cabin. I need the truck.”

Jim blinked out and came back with the truck. Albert wasted no time and grabbed the winch cable. Then he barked, “Clutch pedal in Winch P.T.O. low, Clutch out.”

Albert pulled the cable up over his shoulder, and dragged it to the Demon. Getting to the Demon he wrapped the cable around its neck and hooked it to itself. Then Albert yelled, “Clutch pedal in Winch P.T.O. Reverse High, Clutch out.”

With that command the cable pulled tight and pulled the Demon to the front bumper of the Truck. Albert walked alongside the Demon as it dragged out of the Cabin. A black cloud in the shape of a hideous monster rose from the Demon. Then it was sucked into the ground as Albert exclaimed, “Back to hell with you Demon.”

With the Truck door open Jim stood on the running board and yelled, “I got this call Suzan.”

Then he blinked out and appeared at Bird Man’s and Wind Walker’s farm.

Albert called out “By the power of Njal I command Suzan to appear.”

In a flash Suzy was asking, “What do you need?”

Albert explained what happened. Then Suzy made a ball of bright flashing colored light, and pushed it into Wanda. Albert headed into the cabin and started cleaning things up. Suzy came in and asked, “Where’s the boy and her husband?”

Albert replied, “I don’t know. They were gone when I got here.”

Suzy stuttered, “Do you think he killed them?”

Albert replied, “I’m not sure, but it could have happened.”

Suzy insisted, “I’m going to fly around and see if I can see them.”

Then Suzy went out the door and jumped in the air. She flew around in a circle around the Cabin. Then did a bigger circle and bigger until she saw them. They were lying behind a log by a creek watching a deer trail. She flew back, and insisted, “Help me get her in the house, and I’ll finish cleaning up. Then you can get her Husband when James gets back. Her Husband is just south of here by the creek. He’s with their son watching a deer trail. They’re hiding behind a log, so you’ll have to look for them.”

Albert pulled Wanda from his horse and informed, “I’ll wait to start time until I find them.”

Albert laid Wanda in the bed, as Suzy looked at her dress. Then she pushed more love into Wanda announcing, “Oh crap this dress will never do. James needs to take it to Mable and get it fixed.”

Jim finely showed up and Suzy ordered, “James put out your hand. These are the buttons I found on the floor, and this is her dress. Take then to Mable, and get Rebecca’s neckless and put it on Mable. Then have her fix the dress and bring it back.”

Albert barked, “Hold up, here is the little bolt to give to Rebecca until I get back. Now go.”

Jim blinked out appearing at the Boarding House and Rebecca questioned, “What’s going on.”

Jim gave Rebecca the little bolt and explained, “I need your neckless for Mable. She has to sew up this dress.”

Jim dropped the dress on the table then the buttons. Kathy slipped the neckless from Rebecca’s neck and put it over Mable’s head. Jim leaned over the table looking in Mable’s eyes as she came too Jim explained, “The sheriff just shot a man tearing this dress off a woman. We need you to fix it up right away. We want to have it back on her as soon as possible. Mable dropped the blouse she was working on and checked the dress. Rebecca picked up one of the buttons and insisted, “If you start on the tear I’ll start putting on the buttons.”

Mable pulled a needle with thread from her pincushion and handed it to Rebecca, and started on the sewing on the tear. Then Mable questioned, “Is it Wanda?”

Jim mumbled, “I think that’s her name.”


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Mable went on, “That pore thing. Her life has just been a living hell. I hope Albert killed the bastard.”

Surprised Jim barked, “Mable!”

Mable insisted, “Well it’s true James. I hope you and Albert killed the bastard that tried to kill me. I couldn’t live thinking the sick bastard was still out there and did this.”

Jim assured, “Don’t even think that Mable. Albert and I made sure he would never come back from where we put him. Only God himself can bring him back. We know that’s not happening.”

Making a knot on the inside of the dress and stitching through it a few times Mable announced, “Hand me that last button so we can get this done.”

With the dress fixed Jim leaned over the table and assured, “We Love you Mable.”

Rebecca grabbed the washer on the neckless and slipped it over her head, as she froze.

Jim took the dress and blinked back. Laying the dress on the table Jim questioned, “How are we going to stage this?”

Suzy explained, “Albert is going to go find the Husband and Boy, you and I are going to put her dress back on her. I’m going to pump her full of Love, and set her at the table. Then you’ll take me back and we’ll get back in our places, and like always start time. James you need to use your book to blink to Albert to tell him to start time. Then Albert you’ll have to wait for Jim to blink back and start time. What do you think?”

Jim and Albert agreed it sounded like a good plan. Then that is what they did. Albert road off looking for her Husband, and Jim and Suzy put the dress back on. Then they put away the clothes Albert put on her. Then Jim blinked Suzy back to the Boarding house, and blinked to Albert. He was standing just up the trail form them. Jim revealed, “Rebecca told me her Husband’s name was Dave, so that’s who you’re looking for.”

Albert replied, “Got it,” as Jim blinked out.

Jim appeared back in front of the store and sat back on the bench waiting for time to start. Albert called out, “Truck on! Dave are you out here? This is the Sheriff I’m looking for you.”

A voice rang out, “Over here Sheriff. We’re over here.”

Albert walked up with his horse holding the rains questioning, “Are you the Husband of Wanda?”

Dave looked worried and asked, “Is something wrong.”

Albert revealed, “A man attacked Wanda, and I had to shoot him. My Deputy took his body away, and I came looking for you. She needs you right now. She’s not responding to us. Take my horse and go. The boy and I will walk back.”

The boy cried out, “I need to go! Mom needs me!”

Dave put out his hand and pulled the boy up behind him and Albert slapped the horse on the butt. Albert watched them ride off as he picked up the boy’s gun.

At the cabin Dave cursed, “Damn it how could I be so stupid. I knew I shouldn’t have left her alone.”

The boy ran to his mother and wrapped himself around her crying. Dave knelled next to her and tried to talk to her, but she was unresponsive. Wanda just sat staring off in space. Dave didn’t know what to do.

Albert showed up and explained, “I’m going to have someone stay with you to help out. It might take some time to get over this. You would be proud of her she fought hard to stop him when I showed up he had just cornered her. I emptied my gun in him. Look at your door; you’ll have to fix that. The gun he used for that I put over there in the corner. If he’d shot her with that there would be no hope. I’m just glad I decided to visit when I did. I just wish I was a little sooner.”

Holding Wanda’s hand Dave replied, “I just thank God you came by at all. I didn’t even know we had a Sheriff. I only get to town about two or three times a year. I just thought you were the Blacksmith.”

Back at the Boarding House Suzy and Kathy went to find James. He was still sitting in front of the Store. Suzy asked, “What are we going to do about Wanda?”

Jim replied, “I don’t know what to do. She’s in shock and just needs to get over it. I’m sure she’ll recover in time.”

Suzy insisted, “I think Kathy and I are going to fly out there.”

Jim questioned, “You want me to blink you there?”

Susy insisted, “No, we like to fly together. We’ll be fine.”

Suzy landed on the little hill by the cabin and they walked in. At the cabin nothing had changed. Wanda was still completely unresponsive and staring into space.

Suzy jumped in, “Well if you’re going to eat someone needs to get something cooking.”

Looking around Suzy found a sack of beans. She put some in a pot and got the water picture. Poring the last of the water in the pot she exclaimed, “We need water.”

The Boy jumped to his feet and grabbed a bucket. Then he ran out the door as Suzy barked, “Someone needs to fix the door.”

Putting some salt in the pot Suzy questioned, “We have any meat?”

Dave replied, “That was what Mark and I were doing. We were trying to get some meat.”

Suzy ordered, “Albert see if you can find us some meat.”

Albert went out the door and called out, “Truck on.”

Then he yelled, “Suzy get your ass out here.”

Suzy came to the door and questioned, “What?”

Albert insisted, “You want me to shoot something. Go find it.”

Suzy grabbed the rope from Albert’s horse and flew off. Albert watched her until she was out of site. Soon Suzy returned and pointed into the woods, “Get on your horse going that way and I’ll guide you to it I have it tied to a tree. When we get there give me time to get back to the stove. Then start time and shoot the deer. I’ll be waiting.”

Albert followed Suzy to the deer and thanked Artemis before taking it.

Back at the cabin Suzy complained, “Don’t you have any Flour?”

Mark pointed, “Mom grinds up the Crabgrass Seeds from that bucket to make Flour.”

Suzy took one Look and mumbled, “Oh hell no.”

Just then Albert rode up with the Deer on the back of his horse.

Suzy went to the door and shouted, “Truck on!”

Albert gave a strange look and replied, “Oh, Truck on. What’s the matter?”

Suzy replied, “I can’t cook like this. They have nothing.”

Albert replied, “We just went through a bad winter. Look over there they have a good garden started, by fall they’ll be all stocked up.”

Suzy gave Albert a mean look as she called out, “By the power of Njal I command Jim to appear.”

Jim appeared and Suzy insisted, “Take me to the store.”

Jim smiled, “For a kiss I’ll do it.”

Suzy stepped next to Jim and made a ball of bright flashing colored light in each hand. Then she wrapped her arms around him locking onto his lips, as she pushed the Love into him. In a flash they were standing on a beach with a light wind blowing in the sunshine. Surges of Love raced through her. Her mind raced as the surges turned to a tingling. The waves were softly rolling up to them. Then slipping back out to sea as Suzy whispered, “This doesn’t look like the store?”

Jim guessed, “I think it’s an Island by the equator somewhere. You over amped me and who knows where we are.”

Suzy gave him another lip lock then insisted, “The store please.”

At the store Suzy walked behind the counter, and got Flour and a can of baking powder. Then she announced, “I’ll fly this back and you need to get the team from the homestead, and load a James special on it. Then bring it out to that cabin.”


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Jim whined, “It will be dark by the time I get there.”

Suzy replied, “Then get it loaded and Blink the thing out there. I don’t care what you do just get it there, and don’t forget to tell Hank about the Flour and baking powder.”

Then she went out the door and flew off. Back at the cabin she had Albert start time. Then she went to work making Biscuits. Dave was skinning out the deer, and Albert talked to the Boy about his life and not going to school.

Mark disclosed, “When you go to School they teach you to think like they want. At home I learn to think for myself. My mom teaches me to read, and Dad teaches me my numbers and man things.”

Albert put his hand on Mark’s shoulder and questioned, “What do you think about what’s happening with your mom.”

Mark insisted, “It’s because she’s a girl. She wouldn’t be like that if she was a man.”

Albert went down on one knee and pointed out, “This is something you haven’t learned yet. What is happening is a form of, “Shell Shock.” It happens to men too. Even strong brave men and a lot of men came back from the war that way. I just want you to understand this can happen to anyone. We just have to help her work through it.”

Mark whispered, “I will.”

Jim loaded up the supplies and headed out to the cabin. About a mile out of town he jumped the wagon most the way there. Pulling the wagon up to the cabin Jim announced, I’m back.

Dave had taken off what was left of the door, and was working on it. Mark and Albert started unloading the supplies. Susy pushed more love into Wanda as Kathy sat with her.

After eating and setting Kathy up for the night Albert tethered his horse to the wagon, and they headed out. Once they got to the road Suzy threw a ball of bright flashing colored light in the air, and shot it with a lightning bolt. Thousands of little flashing stars rained down on them as Jim blinked them just outside of town.

Jim parked the wagon next to the Livery. They put the horses in the Livery and headed home in the dark. Coming in the back door a dim light came from the table. Then it was turned up and got bright. There sat Victoria questioning, “What happened?”

Albert revealed, “It was bad. I had to kill Samael and Wanda has the worst case of Shell Shock I’ve ever seen. I wasn’t in the war, but I never seen anyone this bad before. We left Kathy there to help out.”

Victoria divulged, “I knew it was going to be bad when I heard you had Mable do a rush job on her dress. How’s the Boy?”

Albert replied, “Strong, he broke down a little at first, but he’s taking it like a man.”

Victoria insisted, “When you go back out there take the stuff so Kathy can make a Soda Bread. That stuff is like eating cake. The Boy will like it, and it will make the place smell nice too.”

The next morning Jim took Rebecca to the store and got the stuff for the Soda Bread. Then he blinked her to the cabin.

Kathy took them outside and gave an update, “I don’t know what to do. Wanda hasn’t changed since Dave showed up yesterday. Suzy tells me its trauma-induced shock, and it could turn into regressive shock. If that happens, she’ll never come back. Not as the person we knew anyway. She still just stares, and won’t eat on her own. I have been feeding her, but it’s not going good. Sometimes she just spits it out of her mouth, or she won’t swallow at all.

Suzy spent the day with Mable. The Sewing Machine came, and Hank hired two men to set it up in the dress shop. Then Suzy and Mable spent the rest of the day learning to use it.

The next day Wanda shocked Kathy. She got out of bed, and sat at the table. She still hadn’t said anything, but she did eat on her own. Dave sat next to her almost all day, and rubbed her back and held her hand. Kathy felt so sorry for him. She wished Wanda would yell at him or something. Kathy thought it would be more than she could stand. She didn’t know how he kept holding on.

After three days Jim took Suzy to see Kathy.

Kathy explained, “Dave has lost it and he blames himself for what happened. It’s the worst case of guilt I’ve ever seen, but I can’t even think of what he’s going through. He sat next to the bed holding her hand all night. This morning he checked out the Wagon, I think he went over every part two or three times. I think something like this would tear anyone apart. I know it would me.”

Suzy asked, “What about the boy.”

Kathy confessed, “After crying his eyes out the first day he doesn’t talk. He just keeps doing things. He’s been cutting and stacking wood, keeping the wood box full for the stove, and even doing laundry. He’s been doing everything his mother should do. He’s the exact opposite of what Dave is doing.”

Suzy insisted, “It’s time to bring in the doctor. Jim, go visit Patrick and bring him here.”

Jim replied, “I’ll see what I can do. Then Jim blinked them out. Appearing in the alley the drunk exclaimed, “You’re back.”

Jim pulled a Silver Dollar from his pocket and flipped it to the drunk and bellowed, “Go get a bottle Anvil.”

Then he walked to the Doctors office. Going in the door the little bell over the door rang. Patrick’s voice rang from down the hall, “Be right with you.”

Jim took a seat in his surgery room. Finely Patrick appeared questioning, “What can I do for you James? Or is it Deputy today?”

Jim replied, “It’s both, I need a doctor to look at a woman that has had a traumatic experience. She’s affected emotionally and physically.”

Then Jim went onto explain what happened. Patrick questioned. “How long it this going to take? You said she’s about 15 miles out of town and its 20 miles to Dention. That would be 35 miles. This could take all day.”

Jim insisted, “Just get your buggy Doc. I’ll have you back in a couple of hours.”

Jim and Patrick went to the livery and got his buggy. Then just out of town Jim Blinked them to just down the road from the Cabin. At the cabin Patrick examined Wanda and asked Suzy, Kathy, and Jim to come outside. Dave got up to come out and the Doctor insisted, “You need to sit with her and keep doing what you’re doing. That is the best thing for her now.”

Outside Suzy questioned, “What did you find Doc?”

Patrick cleared his throat, “I have no medicine for this. This comes in many forms. It can be nightmares where they live the event over and over. I can give something to help them sleep for that, but that is just one symptom.

Sleeplessness and anxiety are the most common result of the trauma, but it comes with negative changes in beliefs and feelings. They feel keyed up or as it’s called hyperarousal, which is to over-reactive to situations that are triggered by experiencing trauma. For those experiencing trauma-related symptoms following the war, there was no real treatment available. They called it neuroses. What most people did was to leave them to their own devices or put them quietly away in an asylum.

There are no asylums out here. Which means someone would have to take her back east to one. I recommend avoiding situations that are reminders of the event. You need to focus on both preventing stress and promoting recovery. Lots of love and praise for what she does should help. What would they do in the Future?”

Jim replied, “In our time it’s called PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder) and they don’t really have a treatment for it yet. They give them drugs that turn them into a Zombie. Then they walk around feeling nothing. It sad but some respond to a Service dog. They’ve had good results addressing symptoms, such as applying pressure to alleviate anxiety and nudging to interrupt flashbacks. The dogs are known to reduced severity of symptoms, improved mental health and improved social interactions.”

Patrick replied, “That is genius. You know they say a dog has senses that we don’t have and knows things before they happen. I think that might be the best treatment. We should try it.”

Suzy insisted, “Then that’s the plan. We get a puppy and try that.”

Patrick insisted, “Now you should go in and send the Husband out. I’ll tell him the puppy is our best bet, and give him some advice.”

Suzy revealed, “His name is Dave and the boy is Mark.”

Inside Suzy pushed love into Wanda and Kathy. Then they sat on each side of Wanda and told her about getting a dog. Mark broke his days of silences and boasted, “I had a dog once but he died. His name was Cooter, and we did everything together.”

Then a tear slipped down the Boys face. Seeing this Suzy made a ball of bright flashing colored light and pushed it into the Boy. Thin she softly whispered, “You need to think up a name for the Dog. We can’t just call it dog you know.”

Then Jim took Patrick home, and Suzy flew back to be with Mable. In the dress shop Suzy found Rebecca was getting the hang of the Sewing Machine. She had it humming like it had an electric motor. Suzy insisted, “You’ll have to slow down or you’ll be out of work in a week.”

Rebecca replied, “Nope that just means I can charge less and get even more work. Hank already wants me to make shirts for the store.”

Suzy went on, “I have to go to the school today to fine if one of the kids has any puppies. I need to get a dog for Wanda. The doctor thinks it would be good therapy, and help her recover.”

Mable replied, “The Jensen girl Cindy has puppies. I don’t know if any are left, but she was trying to find homes for them a few weeks ago. They live just south of town.”

Suzy insisted, “I’ll talk to her.”

The days went by and Kathy came home. Mark named the dog Angel, but if it would have been a boy it was going to be Copper. Wanda was slowly getting better, but gunshots still sent her in a rage. The dog would lick her face to wake her every morning to be let out, and she talked to the dog a lot. This helped her and made Mark happy.”
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Chapter Twenty Two

They appeared standing in front of the Truck with Najl standing in front of them. They were in a strange land as Najl echoed, “Word has come from Texican that an Evil Witch has cast a spell on the town of Mesquite. To get there you must cross the mighty Walbash filled with danger. The Witch is hidden deep in the land of Ted. Things are all catawampus in this land. Nothing dose what it should, and most things work backwards. You’ll have to find Dreamer to guide you through this land. He’s your only hope of finding the path to Mr Bill and the tunnel of Doom.

Then Najl disappeared and a raft appeared on the Walbash River sitting in front of them. Albert Jumped up on the hood and announced, “I guess we’re using this raft to cross the river. Clutch pedal in shifter second gear low range. Clutch pedal out. To the left straighten it out.”

Raft2-s.jpgAlbert guided the truck on to the raft, as Jim and Kathy looked for some polls to push it across the river. Suzy watched the raft sink into the water as Albert drove the heavy Truck on. It seemed a little unstable to her, but they didn’t have much chose. Kathy found one ten foot pole in the tall grass, but Jim found nothing.

Jim picked out a small tree and had Suzy shoot it with a lightning bolt. It started pulsating and exploded falling to the ground. Jim pulled it out and chopped off the small limbs with his knife. The raft rocked as they walked on. Suzy and Kathy stood in front of the truck, and Jim and Albert were on each side. They pushed their polls in the water and walked to the back of the raft. Then went back to the front of the raft and did it again. Approaching the middle of the Walbash River Jim shouted, “Hay, I can’t find the bottom. My Poles not long enough.”

Albert yelled back, “Me to!”

Now in the middle of the Walbash River the current swept them down the river. Then the raft jerked to a stop. It had hit something Jim tried to push his pole in the water, as the raft spun around. There was still no bottom to be found. Then they all heard it, Kathy knew the sound she’d heard the sound of a mighty river before. It was wild rapids. Then the rapids came into view, and they all clung to the truck. The raft twisted and turned as it hit boulders sticking up out of the water. The Truck rocked every which way, and the water was coming up around their ankles. With the raft sinking eels swam over the raft and started biting them on the ankles. Suzy pulled herself up on the bumper kicking her leg to shake off an eel. Kathy pulled herself up next to her. Jim and Albert retreated to the running boards.

Now in calm waters the raft drifted to the bank. Now on the other side of the Walbash River Albert barked, “I’m getting the Truck back on solid ground. Clutch pedal in shifter second gear low range. Clutch pedal out little gas.”

The truck jerked its way off the raft dropping in the foot deep water. It started to bog down and Albert barked, “More gas!”

Then the raft shot out the back of the truck and it bucked and bounced its way to the shore, as everyone held on for all they had.

Then Albert yelled, “Gas off, clutch pedal in, shifter neutral, break engaged.”

Jumping from the truck they saw a little girl sitting under a tree crying. Suzy walked over to her and questioned, “Why do you weep?”

Without picking up her head the girl replied, “An enormous bird swooped down and took my dog away.”

Suzy made a ball of bright flashing colored light and pushed it into the girl. She became angered and jumped up cussing at Suzy. Then she ran off in the woods. Jim insisted, “We must be in the land of Ted. Remember Najl told us Things are all catawampus in this land, and nothing dose what it should. Suzy tried shooting a lightning bolt at a tree.”

Suzy pointed her finger at the tree and shot it. Out came a stream of little sparkling stars hitting the tree. The tree pulsated and started growing a lot of branches. Suzy roared, “Oh no, now what?”

She threw a ball of bright flashing colored light up in the air, and shot it with a stream of little sparkling stars. Hitting the ball it shot out enormous lightning bolts wildly. Jim tried to blink out but Albert disappeared. Then Albert appeared in the truck. Kathy tried to make a Cloud, and when she did lightning bolts were shooting from it. She jerked her hands away, and the Cloud floated off shooting lightning bolts wildly.

Albert came back from the truck as Kathy tried to make a little spark, and everything turned green. Then they were knocked out, and Dreamer appeared.

Not knowing they were all laying on the ground knock out and dreaming. They stood before Dreamer as he informed, “I’m Dreamer and your guide through the land of Ted.

C2-s.jpgDreamer led them down a path where they came upon a giant evil monster. It had horns coming out of its head, back, and legs. Its mouth was like that of a rat, and its eyes bulged from its head. Its feet had claws like a lion, and the tale was like a spear. Albert tried to turn into a giant Lion, but turned into a kitten and went, “Meow,” when he tried to roar.

This scared the monster and it ran off yelping. Albert turned back and Kathy patted Albert on the back and teased, “Way to go Albert.”

A little farther down the trail they came out on a narrow ledge wrapping around the side of the mountain. It was straight up on one side and straight down on the other. It was just barely wide enough to walk on, and they had to turn sideways with their backs to the rock wall in places. Then a flock of large birds came swooping at them trying to make them fall. Kathy turned her back to the rock wall and screamed.

Then Kathy made a Cloud and pushed it away from her as lightning bolts were shooting from it. The Cloud floated off shooting lightning bolts wildly knocking the birds out of the sky.”

Finely they made it around the mountain, and came out in a meadow. Butterflies were everywhere. They swarmed around them landing on them. Then they started biting them and Suzy yelled, “Their biting Butterflies.”

They were all jumping up and down swinging their arms around. Suzy shot a stream of little sparkling stars. The stars hit a group of Butterflies knocking them down.


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Then the little stars bounced around the Butterflies and ricocheted from one to another. Soon all the biting Butterflies were gone.

Then Dreamer instructed, “Keep going we have to go through the Ghost Forest.”

They went across the meadow covered with wild flowers, and found the path at the edge of the Forest. It weaved its way around the big trees, and through the woods. The deeper they went the darker it got. Then they saw dark shadow demons lurking in the trees. Some looked like women with long dresses, others looked like the Devil, and some looked like a monster. They were all like black wispy shadows floating around. Then they could hear them talking to them calling out, “Over here, you need to come here, that’s the wrong way.”

Dreamer insisted, “You have to stay on the path. Don’t even look at them. They’ll lead you away and you’ll never find the path again.”

Just then Kathy yelled, “Hawking’s I’m coming.”

Suzy grabbed Kathy’s arm and pulled her into her as she tried to leave the path. They joined into one person. Then slipped apart, and continued down the path. Then they came to a spot that was covered with snakes. Dreamer warned, “Don’t step on any of them. If you do they will all swarm to you dragging you away.”

Albert went first and no sooner than he took his first step a snake slithered over the toe of his boot. It was hard and slow going. The path was like playing hopscotch with moving squares and no stone.

After what seemed like hours they made it to the edge of the trees. At the bottom of the mountain they saw the tunnel of Doom. It was just a little ways up the side of the mountain. Dreamer revealed, “My job is done. Now I tell you to awake.”

Then Dreamer disappeared and they awoke where they first met Dreamer. A swirling black cloud spun in front of them and a hole opened up in the middle of it. Then they were sucked in the hole with their Truck. They appeared at the bottom of the mountain looking at the tunnel of Doom with the truck behind them. They could see someone by the tunnel of Doom waving for them to come up. Albert guessed, “I think that’s the tunnel and Mr Bill waving for us. Load up and I’ll drive us up there.

Jim got in the truck and Suzy made him scoot over and got in behind the wheel. Kathy got in and sandwiched Jim between them. Albert got up on the hood and drove the truck up to the man.

Looking up at Albert Mr Bill insisted, “Move over I’m coming up.”

Sitting next to Albert Mr Bill ordered, “On word to the tunnel of Doom. It’s like a maze in there, so go where I tell you. One mess up and we’ll be going around in circles for years. Some have never found their way out.”

It was dark in the tunnel and Jim turned on the head lights. The tunnel twisted and turned back and forth. Then they cane to a Y in the tunnel and Mr Bill insisted they stay to the right. Albert guided the Truck to the right and the tunnel twisted around like a corkscrew down into the ground. Then it came out to another Y in the tunnel. Mr Bill insisted they stay to the left this time, and Albert guided the Truck to the left. Then the tunnel corkscrewed its way up. Passing a side shaft Albert asked, “What are the openings on the side?”

Mr Bill replied, “That’s the places you come back out if you take the wrong turn, but you never know which way to turn when you come out. You see all the tunnels corkscrew one way or the other to mix you up.”

Then they came out to a branch with three tunnels and Mr Bill directed Albert to the middle one. It weaved back and forth as hands came out of the walls trying to grab them. Mr Bill warned, “Don’t let them grab you. Bad things happen if you let that happen.”

Albert saw the tunnel was getting smaller as he saw the light at the other end. Mr Bill commanded. “Time Lord Blink us back to the entrance of the tunnel of Doom!”

With that Jim Blink them to the entrance, but they appeared out the end of the tunnel. There stood Texican waiting for them. Mr Bill jumped down saying, “Their all yours Texican.”

Texican climbed up next to Albert and praised, “Glad you could make it. We have a real mess down at the 2T2-Crash site. The Witch has cast a spell making a snake head beast. On word we don’t have much time.”

Texican guided them through the town of Mesquite to the mighty Walbash River, and pointed to the beast. Albert stopped the truck and cursed, “Oh hell no!”

Monster-5s.jpgThen he jumped down from the truck yelling, “Clutch pedal in Winch P.T.O. low, Clutch out!”

Suzy jumped from the driver’s door and threw a ball of bright flashing colored light in the air, and shot it with a stream of little sparkling stars. It spun around shooting lightning bolts at the beast. Kathy got out and made a Cloud with lightning bolts shooting from it, and pushed it at the Beast. Then she ran to the side and did it again, and around the back. Soon Kathy had Clouds with lightning bolts shooting the Beast all around it.


Veteran Member
Fight2l-s.jpgAt the farm in 1982 Wind Walker questioned, “Do you feel that?”

Bird Man replied, “Feel it, I see it. Look over there. That’s the worst fight I’ve ever seen. It must be multidimensional or something. I’ve never seen anything like that. We’re up lets go.

Albert made a loop in the cable and approached the beast. One of the heads snapped at him and Albert whipped the cable over its head and Jim shifted the Winch P.T.O. to Reverse High and let the clutch out. The cable snapped tight as Bike Man came flying up the back of the Beast throwing a ball of bright flashing colored light in the air, and shot it with a stream of little sparkling stars. It spun around shooting lightning bolts at the beast. Bike Man pulled the rope from his shoulder, and dropped a noose over one of the Beasts head jumping the bike off the Beast. He hit the ground spraying dirt at the Beast, as the rope pulled tight.

Then the pounding sound of the helicopter filled the air. Then it swooped in with Wind Walker hanging from the landing rail. He dropped a noose over two heads and jumped to the beasts back. Wind Walker started stabbing the Beast as Bird Man went up with the helicopter. The beast was fighting Bird Man and whipping the helicopter around some. Then a speed boat landed at the edge of the river and one of the Boat Twins ran straight at the beast with a rope, and the other went to Suzy. Standing next to her he threw a ball of bright flashing colored light in the air, and shot it with a stream of little sparkling stars. It spun around shooting lightning bolts at the beast.

The other Boat Twin lassoed one of the heads and ran to the boat. Jumping in the Boat Twin sped out into the Walbash River pulling the rope tight. The back end of the boat sunk in the water as he gave it all it had.

Then the Wagon showed up with the Horsemen and Fire Ball. The Horsemen grabbed a rope tied to the back of the wagon and ran at the Beast. One of the heads hit him knocking him back and snapped at him. He used this opportunity to lasso the head. He hung on with the beast whipping him around until the noose was tight. The he ran to the wagon and jumped on whipping the rains. The horses reared up pulling the rope tight.

Well the Horsemen was lassoing the Beast. Fire Ball went to Suzy and the Boat Twin and threw a ball of bright flashing colored light in the air, and shot it with a stream of little sparkling stars. It spun around shooting lightning bolts at the beast. The next thing they knew the Polar Bear was standing with them throwing a ball of bright flashing colored light in the air, and shot it with a stream of little sparkling stars. It spun around shooting lightning bolts at the beast. Then Wind Walker jumped from the back of the beast and threw a ball of bright flashing colored light in the air, and shot it with a stream of little sparkling stars. It spun around shooting lightning bolts at the beast. Now with all six Balls spinning around shooting lightning bolts the balls started to rotate around the Beast, as they shot Lightning Bolts at the heads.

Then Suzy and Kathy joined and turned into Autum. Then there was an explosion that sounded like pounding echoing through Jim’s dream. Autum faded away and Jim slowly awoke to the sound of knocking on his door. Jumping from his bed he grabbed his housecoat. Peeking out the living room window he saw her. She stood with her hair up in a bun, blue work shirt, blue jeans, and boots. Everything looked new like a construction worker on his first day of work. Fear came over Jim as he thought, “Oh shit! It’s that gal. Now what…”


Veteran Member
Did this just jump back to the beginning? I need a neck brace right now along with some pain meds...LOL

Thank you.
I found you a neck brace. It's adjustable, and remember things are not always as they seam. Sometimes the end is just the beginning of something different. You know this story has twists and turns to keep you thinking... Right?


Veteran Member
The Truck the Witch and the Blacksmith

New Beginnings
Chapter One

Wind Walker exclaimed, “What the hell was that? And how did we get back here at the Farm”

Bird man replied, “I think that was a time wake. I think time reset in the middle of the fight. Look, the multidimensional dome is still there. We need to get back in the fight.”

Suzy waved at Jim as he looked out the window. Then she opened the door questioning, “Something strange happened and we got threw out of the fight. We need to get back there.”

Jim replied, “I’m all confused. I thought that was all a dream.”

Suzy barked, “Get out of that robe and get some clothes on.”

Heading to the bedroom Jim yelled, “I’ll be right out.”

Then he slowed time and got dressed in a flash and appeared holding Suzy’s hand. Then he thought I can’t blink us to the land of Ted, but I can blink us to Albert. Then they disappeared and appeared at the fight. Albert was hanging on one of the snake heads stabbing it, but most of the Demon Hunters were gone. Then Bike Man came flying back noosing a snake head, and the pounding sound of the helicopter filled the air once again.

One of the Boat Twins came running up shouting, “We need more balls in the air shooting this thing. Then he started throwing balls of bright flashing colored light in the air, and shooting them with a stream of little sparkling stars. They spun around shooting lightning bolts at the beast, as Suzy and Fire Ball joined him. Then the Polar Bear showed back up and joined in. Bike Man and Wind Walker joined up and Wind Walker was throwing balls and Bike Man was shooting them with a stream of little sparkling stars.

Then all the balls joined together into one large ball shooting one giant lightning bolt at the beast. It started pulsating and exploded covering them all with slime and guts. Kathy jumped from Suzy smiling, “Glad I missed that one.”

Then they all grabbed her tossing her in the Walbash River as they jumped in to wash off. Popping up from dunking his head Bike Man revealed, “Remember when I said, “Their from a different time line. It hasn’t happened for them yet.” Well now there up to speed that last Time Wake put us all back in sync again.”

The Horsemen laughed, “Bike Man you’re all wet with that idea.”

Bike Man splashed water at the Horsemen and got the Eskimo. Then the fight was on and they were all splashing water on each other. Albert yelled, “Anyone got some soap?”

Then they all went after Albert, as Texican yelled from the bank, “Wow this is a mess! Are you going to clean this goop up?”

Everyone started laughing and blinking out. Wind Walker and Bird Man blinked to the helicopter, and the Horsemen and Fire Ball blinked to their Wagon. The Boat Twins got in their Boat, and the Eskimo and Polar Bear blinked out. Jim Blinked his team to the truck and Bike Man walked out of the river to his Bike mumbling, “I have to use my Bike to get out of here.”

Then they all started blinking out leaving Texican standing there with the mess.

Jim had blinked the truck to Downtown Dention in the future at a carwash. Then blinked out to the coin shop and got a roll of quarters from Oliver and blinked back. Jim set the roll on top of the coin box and picked up the wand, as Suzy started pumping the quarters in the slot. Jim sprayed Alberts butt as he yelled, “What the hell!”

To which Jim responded, “That’s what you get for sitting on the hood. We’ve got to get this slime off of everything or its going to smell like a dead fish in no time.”

Then Jim started washing down the truck, as Albert followed him saying, “That was the most intense fight we’ve had yet. I think I should be scared doing something like that, but once you start you don’t even think about that. You think about what you’re doing, and how you can do it. Then when it’s all done you think what did I do?”

Jim replied, “You got slimed is what you did.”

Albert insisted, “It was all those Love Gods and Goddesses that slimed us out. They blew that Beast up all over us.”

Jim declared, “Next time we’ll just wait for you to cut off all the heads with your knife. It should only take you about two days.”

Albert disclosed, “I was hoping a guy or gal with a sword would show up and do that for us.”

Jim heard a beeping as Suzy yelled, “Time is running out, and I’m out of quarters.”

The wand died and Jim hung it back on the holder. Suzy got in the truck. Then Jim and Albert hung from the running boards, as Jim took one last look around and blinked them out.

Back at the Jail with the truck Jim complained, “Suzy and I need to get a change of clothes. Not only did we lose our clothes on that trip, but we lost our guns and holsters. I’m blinking us to our room to change. Then we’ll be back.”

Albert replied, “Then you can take Kathy and me to change, but right now we’re going to clean our guns. That dip in the river to get the slime off did them in.”

Jim took Suzy’s hand and blinked out. Appearing in their room there were their clothes, gun belts, and guns lying on the bed. Suzy exclaimed, “I thought our clothes and guns were gone forever and here they are.”

When Jim and Suzy blinked back to the Jail Albert informed, “I have to redo my bullets that work when time is stopped. That dip in the Walbash ruined all my and Kathy’s bullets.”

Jim questioned, “Who wants to go first?”

Kathy insisted, “Ladies first you know.”

With that Jim took Kathy’s hand and blinked her to her room, and came back for Albert.

The Boat Twins parked their boat in the boatshed, and went to their attached boathouse. They we’re greeted by their live-in friends Jessica and Maeve the Hot Redheads from the Wrigley's Double Mint Gum Commercial. The year was 1974 and their home base was the back waters of the Mississippi River. Hidden away in a remote location they worked the dangers of the River. Most of their trips involved sidewheelers and sternwheelers from the 1820’s to the 1900’s. Theses Steamboats were a magnet for Demons.

Coming from the shower and flopping on the couch Ray relaxed as Maeve sat next to him and questioned, “Was it a hard rescue Ray?”

Ray replied, “It tied our heads in a knot. Right in the middle of the fight there was a time wake, and we all got thrown around in time. Then we had to find our way back to the fight. That Love Goddess and Spectrum Goddess on the new Team joined together, and I think that’s what made the time wake. The only one left there was the Hangmen, and he never stopped fighting. His hanging machine he calls the Iron Horse was the only thing keeping the beast there. Then all the Love Gods and Goddesses combined there power to take it out.

Phil came out and teased, “You bragging again Ray?”

Ray replied, “It’s not bragging if it’s true.”

Then Jessica came and hung on Phil’s arm and questioned, “What’s that stench? The smell is bad.”

Phil replied, “It’s our clothes. I don’t think it will ever come out. We need to burn them or something. The boat needs to get washed too. That stench is on everything.”

In 1888 in northern California the Horsemen pulled the Wagon out into the Sacramento River. They were just east of San Francisco in the town of Antioch. Fire Ball got down from the Wagon and got the Bucket from the back and started pouring water over the Wagon, as the Horsemen scrubbed with a brush. Looking at Fire Ball the Horsemen exclaimed, “We might have to park the wagon out in the filled until the stench goes away. I’m sure we should bury our clothes. We’re never getting the smell out of them. What do you think about that new Team?”


Veteran Member
Fire Ball admitted, “Suzy is nice, but I don’t think she has learned to control all of her powers yet. When she joined with the Spectrum Goddess the time quake started. I don’t even think she knows it was her that did it. That team has a lot of power but their still learning.”

The Horsemen went on, “I talked with the Hangmen in the river and found he’s a changeling. There has been a time or two we could have used that power. We’ll have to call on him when we need that.”

Fire Ball agreed, “Yes, they’re a good asset to have even if Suzy and the Spectrum Goddess are as one.”

Bike1-s.jpgDown in Texas Bike Man was at the carwash hosing off his bike thinking about the fight. It would be nice to have had a partner to help me. If I had a Time Lord on a bike we could have wrapped a rope around all the heads tying all the heads together. I guess Najl thinks having him to jump me around is good enough, and I do have my hands full with all the Demons in my own time. I like that new team. What a powerhouse they are.

Back in Dention Albert and Kathy showed back up at the Jail. Suzy was sitting at the desk when Albert asked, “Where’s James?”

Suzy replied, “Out back digging a hole to bury our clothes. I’m not even going to try to get that stench out of them.”

Albert replied, “I’m going to go help him. I need to add my clothes to that hole.”

Kathy insisted, “You better make it big enough to hold my stuff too.”

Later that day Josette came in the Jail announcing, “Albert Did you know the stage didn’t come in today. Clyde’s always here by noon and it’s almost dinner time. Rebecca is still waiting in front of the Restaurant to get the Newspapers.”

Albert barked, “James go to the Livery and get our horses saddled up. I’m going to go talk to Rebecca.”

Jim just stared at Albert as Josette headed back to the Restaurant and Albert called out, “Truck on.”

Time stopped and Albert questioned, “James can your Book find him?”

Jim replied, “I’ll try,” and he put his hand on the book saying, “Take me to Clyde.”

Coach-s.jpgThen Jim Blinked out and appeared at the Stagecoach. There laid Clyde with the Coach on his legs. The horses were gone except for one dead one, and the strongbox was busted open. There were no passengers with the Coach, but Jim didn’t know if there was none or they were gone. Jim blinked back to the Jail and told Albert what he saw.

Albert Acknowledged, “They shot the lead horse to stop the Stagecoach. That brings down all the horses making the Coach go out of control. It’s not uncommon for a Coach to flip and roll when that happens. I’m sure that is what happened. Who knows about the horses? They might have run off or the Robbers took them. The important thing now is we get out there and help Clyde. I’ll start time and we can hitch up your team and go get him. It sounds like we’ll need to take him to Lambert to see the doc.”

Jim agreed, “I’m sure of that. I think both of his legs are broke.

Albert started time and went to talk to Rebecca. Jim went and got the team and hitched them to the wagon. Then made sure there was a shovel and axe in the wagon. Albert showed up and questioned, “Did you get something to get the wagon off him?”

Jim replied, “I made sure the shovel was in the wagon, and I put an axe in to cut a tree. You know in case we need a lever. I thought we would stop time and I’d dig him out. Anyway that was my first thought.”

Albert agreed, “Sounds good to me let’s go.”

As soon as they were out of site Jim blinked them to the Wagon. Seeing Clyde lying unconscious Albert questioned, “Is he alive?”

Jim replied, “He was when I was here. He’s just out cold.”

Albert called out, “Truck on.”

Jim jumped down and went and checked Clyde. He put his fingers on his neck and he came to life. He was out cold, but he had a strong pulse. Jim yelled, “He’s good! Bring me the shovel.”

Albert tossed the shovel to Jim and looked over the wreckage. He saw a case in the Coach but couldn’t get it without adding weight to the Stagecoach. Then Albert picked up the Strongbox, the lock was gone and the box was empty. Then he started looking at the tracks of the horses. He had to follow the tracks back down the road. There were too many tracks around the Stagecoach to tell which ones were the outlaws and which were the horses from the coach. Finely Albert deciphered there were four of them, and one had a hook and notch on its shoe. He knew that horse would be easy to track, and would know it in an instant if it ever came to his shop.

Then Jim hollered, “How about getting over here and giving me a hand.”

Albert kneeled next to Clyde and questioned, “What’s the problem it looks like you can just pull him out.”

Jim replied, “I can, but I want to watch that he doesn’t hang up on something or start bleeding bad as he’s pulled out. If you can pull him I’ll watch down here.”

Albert slipped his arms under Clyde’s armpits and started pulling as Clyde came to life. He started moaning then yelled out in pain and passed back out. Jim yelled, “All clear. I think we can put him in the Wagon now.”

After getting Clyde in the wagon Jim blinked them to just outside of Lambert, and Albert started time. They took the wagon to the Doctor’s office, and Jim went inside to get the Doctor. Finding Patrick Jim explained about the Stagecoach and Clyde. Patrick went straight to the Wagon and checked Clyde. By this time a crowd was forming around the wagon. Someone mumbled, “It looks like Clyde.”

Then everyone started muttering things. “Someone needs to get the Marshal.” Another remarked, “The Sheriff and his Deputy are here. If they need him they will send word.”

Patrick felt Clyde’s legs and he started screaming and moaning. Patrick assured, “Hang on Clyde I’m going to get you something for that. James can you help me get the stretcher. I think we can roll him on his side push the stretcher under him, and roll him back on the stretcher. Then we can take him in to my treatment room.

With Clyde in the treatment room Bill walked in and waved Albert over. Albert walked over and asked, “What’s up Bill?”

The Marshal questioned, “Did the passenger survive?”

Albert replied, “There was no passenger when we got there. They shot the lead horse and the Stagecoach flipped over on top of Clyde. The strongbox was busted open, and the horses were gone.”

The Marshal went on, “There was a Government Official on that Stagecoach. He was headed to Spokane to negotiate a treaty with the Scqesciłni tribe.”

Then Bill turned to his Deputy and barked, “Deputy, put a posse together and get me that Indian tracker.”

Looking back at Albert Bill questioned, “Where’s the Stagecoach?”

Albert replied, “About a mile past the meadow just as you get to the trees. One of the horses has an identifiable shoe. It has a hook and notch on its shoe. Have your tracker look for it. He should be able to spot that one right away.”

Bill told Albert thanks and headed out. Patrick was still poring Morphine down Clyde’s throat so he could put splints on Clyde’s legs. Looking up Patrick requested, “Can I get one of you to go get me some ice? He’s starting to swell quite a bit.”

Albert replied, “I’m on it.” Then he went out the door. Outside the crowd was still waiting to hear word about Clyde. One man yelled, “What’s happening Sheriff?”

Albert announced, “He’s holding on, and the Doc is working on him. I need a block of Ice from the Icehouse.”


Veteran Member
ice-s.jpgA man replied, “I’ve got my Wagon right over there. I’m on my way.”

With that the man ran to his Wagon and went down the street. At the Icehouse he found Frank and told him what was happening. Frank insisted, “Go tell the Doctor I’m on my way.”

With that the man headed back to the Doctors office. Albert watched as he saw Bill and his posse leave town. Patrick came out and stood next to Albert. Most of the crowd had dissipated with only a few people waiting to hear what was happening. Albert questioned, “What’s the word doc?”

Patrick replied, “I need to give him some time for the Morphine to do its work, and I want to ice him down first. I need to try to get the swelling down before I set and splint his legs.”

Albert asked, “Do you think he’ll walk again?”

Patrick replied, “I don’t know. A lot of the recovery will be up to him. He has a long hard road ahead of him. It’s going to take two to three months for the bones to heal. It could even be longer. After that he’ll almost have to learn to walk again. I would guess about Christmas he’ll be getting around again.”

Then the Ice Wagon pulled up and Frank grabbed his Ice Tongs asking, “Where do you want it Doc?”

Patrick informed, “Right out front of the door. I need to bust it up into small pieces.”

Patrick went in and got a table cloth and laid it on the boardwalk, and Frank set the block on it. Then Frank got his Ice Axe witch looked like a one sided pick for digging out a rock, and busted up the block for the Doctor.

Patrick came back out with a bucket and filled it with Ice. Then he took it to his treatment room. Laying a towel over Clyde’s legs Patrick covered them with Ice.

With the sun getting low in the sky Jim and Albert headed to the Wells Fargo office to inform them where their Coach was. After leaving the Wells Fargo office they took the Horses to the livery, and went to get a room and dinner.

The next morning after braking camp Bill and his posse were back to tracking the robbers. The Indian tracker stopped and knelled next to a track with a hook and notch on it. He called Bill to come look at it, and asked, “What do you see?”

Bill replied, “Well look here the grass is bent down and hasn’t straitened up yet. If this track was from yesterday the grass would have straitened up by now. I’d say this track is fresh.”

The Indian nodded his head as he replied, “That is good and would be true, but remember when we woke up there was no dew. If there was dew it would have given the grass a chance of straitening up again.”

Then the Indian pointed to a spot, “See that doodlebug hole? Look at the grains of dirt around the hole you’ll see they weren’t made today. There not that fresh. I say this track is from yesterday. They have about a half days ride on us.”

Bill took the knowledge the Indian taught him and saddled up. Then they were off again.

Back at the Restaurant Jim and Albert were eating breakfast when the Wells Fargo Freight Manager came and stat at their table announcing, “I sent some men to go recover the Stagecoach, and a rider to Fort Boise to inform them what happened. I hope they send someone south to send a telegraph. I think the Army will be here tomorrow because of the Government Official.”

Albert replied, “I know the Army has authority over the Indians, but we don’t have Indian trouble around here. Their commander might send a few men to check things out, but I think they will let the Marshal handle this one.”

The Freight Manager went on, “Wells Fargo has been telling us the telegraph should be here by winter. That will change things a lot. We’ll be able to track our Stagecoaches like the Rail Road tracks their trains.”

Jim spoke up, “When the telegraph gets here things will start happening faster. It will only take a day for a merchant to put in an order. Instead of weeks like it does now. Even the Pony Express takes over a week to get something to New York.”

The Freight Manager insisted, “That’s why we need it. It will improve our Freight Line side of the company.”

samurai-s.jpgBack in Dention things were back to normal. The bread was in the oven, and Suzy was on the porch feeding her Bird with Victoria. Kathy was in her room, and she slipped into a deep sleep. The Ninja Warrior Princess came to her saying, “I bring you good news my child. I have planted a seed of Love, and it comes for you. He rides high up on a pedestal, but he will come down for you. He will lift you up there with him when you let him, and he will demand nothing from you. He will come and go, but he’ll be there when you need him. This is my gift to you. I’ve made his memory short of your power, so don’t hide it. He will only be able to hold the thought for a day. Then it will pass away. Now awake my child.”

The rider arrived at Fort Boise and relayed the information to the Station Master. Sieg over heard what happened and informed, “I’ll take Clyde’s rout. I can ride down there today and get the Stagecoach going again. I’ve filled in on that rout before, and know it well.”

The Station Master agreed to send Sieg to Lambert, and send Eddie to take Sieg’s return trip to The Dalles.

Wheel-s.jpgBack on the road to Dention Jim and Albert came up on the Stagecoach, and stopped and talked to the two men taking it back. They told them that a lot of spokes were split, broke, or cracked. They were going slow trying to limp it back to get it fixed.

As they were on their way Albert revealed, “That is why I never moved to Lambert when I got elected. The Blacksmith there is also a wheelwright. I could never compete with that. I decided to stay in Dention and it has worked.”

Jim replied, “I don’t think Dention could survive without a Blacksmith anyway.”


Veteran Member
Kathy got dressed and went to the dining room thinking about her dream. Suzy and Victoria were in the kitchen making breakfast. Thoughts raced through her head. If my Love comes how will I know him? What will he look like? What kind of man will he be? Will he be soft and gentle like James, or ruff, rugged, and strong like Albert?

Suzy set a pancake in front of Kathy and questioned, “Are you in there Kathy?”

Kathy replied, “I’m just thinking about a Man.”

Suzy perked up, “Who?”

Kathy replied, “That’s the problem. I don’t know who he’ll be. How can I tell when he comes along?”

Suzy’s eyes opened wide, “Wow! That’s a deep question so early in the morning.”

Then Suzy bent down and whispered in Kathy’s ear, “Maybe you should ask the Bird.”

Kathy smiled and replied, “That’s a good idea Suzan.”

Mable Sat across from Kathy as Suzy announced, “I’m dropping your toast now Mable.”

Then she took the tea to the table and mumbled, “Here Mable. Kathy is thinking about the man she hasn’t met yet this morning.”

Mable smiled, “I do that sometimes, but I don’t think that kind of man exists.”

Suzy replied, “Just keep looking Mable you’ll find him. I can guarantee Love will come to your life. You just have too much of it for it not to come to you.”

With that Suzy went back to cooking, and Kathy questioned, “What do you think Mable? Should I go looking for a man, or just wait and see what comes along?”

Mable got a serious look on her face and explained, “You need to use careful consideration and make sure he’s not demanding of you, and respects your likes and dislikes. There is a list of things you need to think about. When you fall in love you become blind to all the bad things. It’s like getting drunk. Everything seems good until you wake up the next day with a headache. Love is like that. You have to wait until the drunkenness wares off to see what he’s really like. I hope you understand that Kathy.”

Kathy mumbled, “I’ll have to think about that. This is starting to get complicated and I heaven even found a man yet.”

On the road Albert questioned, “Why don’t you just blink us to the outside of town?”

Jim replied, “I’m enjoying the ride. I haven’t driven this road for a while. I would like to see what I might have missed.”

Albert pulled his hat down over his eyes and complained, “Just wake me when we get to town.”

Jim laughed, “Nope right up here is the place I need you to check out.”

Him pulled the wagon to a stop and got down walking around looking at the ground. Albert questioned, “What are you looking for?”

Jim replied, “That track you found with the notch on it.”

Albert Jumped down and walked to a spot and pointed to the ground, “Right here. Why?”

Jim knelled next to the track and put one hand on the track and his other on the book and announced, “Take me to the last track made by this shoe.”

Then Jim disappeared and appeared in a barn standing next to a horse. He went and peeked out a crack between the boards and saw a house. He blinked next to a window and peeked in. He saw a woman cooking at the stove, and four men sitting at the table drinking coffee. Then he blinked back to Albert.

Albert questioned, “Did you find anything?”

Jim replied, “Well yes and no. I found the horse in a barn, and the men in a house. I have no idea where it is, but I can go back there.”

At the table the four criminals talked about hitting Nevada. One of them ordered, “Quit poking around and get some food in the pan. We need to eat and get out of here.”

Another one insisted, “I say we take the woman with us. The government man is a good hostage, but the woman can cook and do other things for us. If you know what I mean?”

One scrawny blond haired guy replied, “I could use some of that myself.”

The government man bound in the corner blurted, “You’re not going to get away with this. The Marshal has a posse chasing you down right now, and God help you if the Sheriff and his Deputy are coming after you. He always gets his man. In fact I hear most of then go insane from their capture. They’re the ones that caught the Shelton gang. They say they had gone insane, and were saying that the Sheriff and his Deputy were Witches from outer space. You do know his Deputy is the one that brought down the infamous Jack Callen.”

The biggest one of them responded, “Them are just made up stories. We’ve been chased by lots of posses. Most of them are just dumb farmers. Hay! Where’s the food!”

Back at the road Albert questioned, “You think we should go there. If I look around I might be able to tell where it is.”

Jim replied, “Nothing lost by trying. Let’s go.”

With that Jim blinked them to the barn. Looking through cracks between the boards Jim informed, “I’m going to blink us to that hill on the other side of the house.”

Albert looked through the crack and agreed, “Looks good.”

On the hill top Albert informed, “Well that’s not much better. I still don’t know where we are. That might be Bullman Creek, but I’m not sure. I know we’re way south. We might even be out of the county.”

Then Albert called out, “Truck on.”

Time stopped and Albert pointed to a ridge across the way saying, “Look I think that’s Bill and his posse.”

Jim blinked out then returned saying, “Yep, sure enough that’s Bill over there.”

Albert insisted, “We should defuse the situation by taking their guns. That would make the circumstances so that no one gets hurt.”

Jim replied, “Works for me.”

Then he put his hand on Alberts shoulder and blinked them to the front door. They went in and slipped the guns from their holsters and took them out the door. Then Jim blinked to the barn and got some rope. Blinking back Jim announced, “Tie them to the chairs. I’m looking around.”

Him looked in the one bedroom and walked around the house. Then came back in and informed, “I can’t find her husband anywhere.”

Albert walked over and touched the woman and she came to life with a gasp. Albert comforted her, “I’m the Sheriff. I need to know where your husband is.”

Turning and seeing his badge she exclaimed, “He’s out hunting Sheriff.”

Pulling her from the stove Albert barked, “Deputy, take her where it’s safe.”

Jim put his hand on her and blinked her outside explaining, “I know you’re in shock and things seem to be happening strangely, but it will pass. Right now I need you to run to the men on the hill over there. That’s the Marshal and his posse. The Sheriff is tying up the outlaws, but you tell them you did it. Say you knocked them out with a pan or something, but we were never here. Now run to him! Save yourself!”


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Then Jim let go of her and she froze. Walking back to the house Albert came out asking, “You ready to go James?”

With that Jim put his hand on Albert and blinked them back to the Wagon.

At the Boardinghouse time had stopped right after Mable and Henry left. Suzy, Kathy, and Rebecca were trapped waiting for time to start. Then the ticking of the clock over the fireplace was the clue time had started. Rebecca explained, “I need them to get back so I can finish writing the story. There might not be a Stagecoach until next week, and I don’t know who is writing the story in Lambert. I would like to know how Clyde’s doing. Albert told me James said it rolled on top of him. I don’t even know if he’s alive.”

Suzy complained, “I thought he would have blinked back last night to tell me what was going on but nope. He just left me hanging all night long.”

Bill called out, “We have a woman coming up the hill.”

They rode their horses to meet her. Coming to a stop Bill questioned, “What’s happening?”

The woman replied, “Their tied up in the house, and their guns are out in the yard. The Indian tracker put out his hand and pulled her up behind him, as they rode off to the house.

At the house Bill and his Deputy stormed the house with their guns drawn. Looking at the men tied to the chairs Bill chuckled, “Look what we have here. You guys are going to be famous being taken down by a woman.”

Then looking at his Deputy Bill ordered, “Untie the Government man.”

The man replied, “I’m Ethan.”

The Outlaws were complaining, “She’s a Witch or something. One minute we’re drinking coffee the next we’re tied up.”

Another man wined, “Something strange is going on around here.”

Bill replied, “Yah, it’s called Jail.”

They saddled and tethered the outlaw’s horses from the barn together, and put the outlaws on them. Then they headed back to Lambert.

Kathy went down to the Jail waiting for Albert and Jim to get back. Suzy went and hung out with Mable, and Rebecca went to the Horseshoe. At the Jail Liam was at the desk when Kathy came in. He was looking at a book and Kathy asked, “What are you reading Liam?”

Liam held up the book with a pitcher of a dog barking and explained, “Dog Bark.”

Kathy pointed the, “ing” on Bark and explained, “Barking Liam. Dog Barking.”

Liam replied, “Yes, “Barking” Dog Barking I remember. Thank you.”

Kathy assured, “You’ll get it Liam. I remember when Hawkins was teaching me to read. I thought I would never learn it, but then one day I was reading. It will happen to you to.”

Liam informed, “The teaching Man help me after the children go.”

Kathy asked, “Liam how did you know Orla was the one for you.”

Liam disclosed, “She tell me I only man for her and I know. You ask her? OK?”

Kathy smiled, “I guess she wasn’t going to let you say no.”

Liam agreed, “She always telling me what to do. I just let her think that.”

Kathy snickered, “Liam either you Love her a lot or she has you under her thumb.”

Liam asked, “What is this under thumb.”

Kathy smiled, “Love Liam, its love.”

Looking out the window Liam announced, “Sheriff is back.”

Kathy looked and Jim was parking the wagon. She rushed out the door and out to Jim. Helping him unhitch the team Kathy ask, “What happened”

Jim told Kathy about their trip and Clyde. Then Kathy told Jim about Suzy being mad at him and asked, “Do you like it better when Suzan wares a dress or pants?

Jim replied, “It doesn’t matter to me. It’s not the clothes that make her who she is. It’s the person that’s inside. That’s the one I love, and the rest doesn’t matter. I would be selfish to want anything else. Why do you ask?”

Kathy replied, “I didn’t know if I should wear a dress to find a man.”

Jim insisted, “Do both Kathy. But don’t let him make you do either one. You just do what you want, and if he can’t accept that. Then he’s not the one for you. You have to be the same with him. Don’t try to make him what you want. Let him be who he is, and if that’s what you want it will work. If not look for the right one, OK.”

Kathy walked Patty in the livery and put her in her stall. Then she ran to the dress shop to see Suzy. Coming in the door Kathy blurted, “Jim’s back. Maybe you could be nice to him. He loves you and lets you do what you want. You could just let him be him a little you know.”

Suzy’s eyes opened wide, “Kathy are you worried about our relationship are something?”

Kathy replied, “Nope, just want both of you to be happy.”

Mable cut in, “You can take the dress you got from Hawkins back home. Suzan and I put the last of the lace on your new one today. One more fitting and it’s done.”

Kathy bubbled, “Thanks Mable.”

Across the street at the General store Liam went to the counter, “I need a pound of coffee for the Jail.”

Then he put a quarter on the counter and Emily insisted, “Albert has an account for that.”

Liam advised, “I drink so I buy.”

Emily argued, “Don’t worry about it Liam. Albert will understand. Pick up your money I’m not taking it.”

Then Emily wrote it in the book and set the coffee on the counter. She pushed the quarter back as she smiled.

Liam put the quarter in his pocket and picked up the bag with the coffee. Mumbling, “I’ll never understand American people.”

At the Jail Albert leaned back in his chair and Liam came in with the coffee. He put it on the shelf by the stove explaining, “Store lady no take me money. Say you buy coffee. I pay you.”

Albert laughed, “No Liam, the coffee is for everyone. I don’t charge for it.”

Liam insisted, “But I drink every day.”

Albert replied, “Yes, but so do I, James, and everyone that comes in here. Don’t worry about it.”

Henry came in and sat in a chair and confessed, “I’ve been thinking about building a little Hotel with just four or six rooms. The Boardinghouse is full all the time, and the Saloon is full. When the Hudson's Bay Company buyer came to town he had to sleep under his Wagon. There wasn’t a room to be had in this town. The town has been growing, and I think it would pay for itself. It might not make money right away, but in a few years. I was thinking you and James might want to go in on it with me. You got that plot of land that came with the Feed and Seed building. With it being close to the Livery. We could offer free boarding with a room. Just want you to think about it.

Albert replied, “We could get someone like Liam here to watch over it when we’re not here, and his wife could clean the rooms once a week. It’s close to the Restaurant and I think that would be a great location. I’ll talk to James about it.”

Henry assured, “You’ll have to sale Suzan on it too. You know James don’t do anything without her approval.”

Albert mumbled, “Nothing slips by you Henry.”

Henry laughed, “I will never forget the first day I saw her, She call him a pompous ass.”

Liam spoke up, “Orla talks to me like that sometimes, but I know she loves me. That don’t mean no harm. It Irish thing. All redheaded women that way.”

Albert snickered, “Yep that’s why they make firecrackers red.”

Getting up Henry headed out saying, “Think about it Albert.”

On the trail Bill and the Indian hung back following the posse, as they guided the outlaws to Lambert. Bill exclaimed, “You know there’s something strange about that woman tying up the crooks. Ethan told me one minute she was at the stove and the next thing he knew she was gone, and the men were tied up.”


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The Indian Revealed, “I saw a Spirit Bird circling over the house. I believe the Great Spirit had something to do with it.”

Bill acknowledged, “That’s better than anything I would have come up with.”

The next day Bill led the posse through town to the Jail. After locking up the outlaws the men from the posse were on their way. Bill went down to the Doctor’s office. Finding Patrick bill questioned, “How’s he doing doc?”

Patrick replied, “He’s sleeping a lot. It’s because of the pain medicine. He’s got a long hard road ahead of him. The Wells Fargo station Master came by to check on him. They got the Stagecoach back to town. It’s down at the Blacksmith Shop. They sent a man from Fort Boise to oversee the repairs. I think his name is Sieg.”

Bill replied, “I know Sieg Rickhardt. He’s done the rout down here before. He’s a good man.”

Patrick went on, “The Army is here in town at the Hotel. They sent two men to check on the Government agent. They met with Sieg and got the agents belongings from the coach. I don’t know if they want the outlaws or not. Do you know if there are any wanted posters on any of them?”

Bill replied, “I was going to check that out after I went and cleaned up some, and put something in my belly.”

Patrick assured, “I’ll let you know if there’s any change.”

Bill uttered as he walked out, “Thanks Doc.”

At the Wells Fargo Office Sieg suggested, “Now that the Coach is fixed. I’d like to take a dry run to check things out. Do you think I should take it to Fort Boise or Dention?”

The station Master replied, “I would say Dention because the road is better, and you could deliver the Newspapers that didn’t make it Tuesday.”

Sieg agreed, “Then I’m off first thing in the morning.”

That night Sieg had a dream of Kathy when she shot the whole in the Coach. Then the next morning Sieg was checking over the Coach one last time. Taking a deep breath he ran his hand over the Bullet hole and felt a little light headed. He shook his head and yelled, “Hay what’s going on?”

His body tingled and it felt like he was walking on air. He told himself, “It’s alright I been doing this for years. This is just another trip.”

Sieg felt a little peculiar as he climbed up on the Coach and whipped the rains. It was like it was all a dream to him. He was off on a journey like none he been on before. The sun was cresting the trees as he left town, and made everything sparkle from the morning dew. The cool brisk wind on his face made him know he was alive, and gave him a feeling of satisfaction. This trip was meant to be, and he knew something special was going to happen.

At the Boardinghouse Kathy was the first to eat, and went out to the porch. She sat on the edge of the porch, and the Crow came down and hopped to her lap. Kathy petted the Crow and whispered, “Show me my love.”

The Crow cawed at her and flew to the tree. Sadness came to Kathy as Jim and Albert crossed the porch with Henry. Then Mable came out with Emily going to work. Emily stopped and questioned, “We missed you at breakfast. You doing all right?”

Kathy just forced a smile, “I’m fine I guess.”

Mable mumbled, “She has spring fever Emily.”

Emily insisted, “Come to the store. I’ll get you some Chocolate. You can have Suzan show you how to make Hot Chocolate. It will work. I’ll guarantee it. A couple cups of that stuff will snap you out of it.”

Kathy moaned, “A little later and I’ll be in.”

Then they went to work and Kathy went in the house. Sitting with Suzy as she ate Kathy asked, “Can we fly?”

Suzy whispered, “Where do you want to go?”

Kathy replied, “I thought we could fly out to the Homestead and check out the tent James has out there.”

Suzy revealed, “It’s nice. James and I spent the night out there when he first put it up. He did it for you. You know James thinks of you as his sister.”

Kathy replied, “I know..”

tent-s.jpgAfter the dishes were done they flew out to the Homestead. Kathy saw the tent and fell in love with it. She sat in the chair and laid in the bed. Suzy laid on the other side of the bed and exclaimed, “Jim wanted you to have a place to think. So what are you thinking about?

Kathy admitted, “A man, the Warrior Princess came to me and told me she was sending one. I don’t know anything about him, or what he looks like. How will I know when he comes?”

Suzy chuckled, “Oh you’ll know. You won’t be able to take your eyes off him. His touch will make you feel things you never felt before. The love I pump in you is not that kind of love. You’ll be bouncing all over the place. You bounce between exhilaration, euphoria, increased energy, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, trembling, a racing heart and accelerated breathing. Then when he’s not around you will experience anxiety, panic and feelings of despair. Oh believe me you’ll know.”

Kathy replied, “I feel some of that now. Emily told me Chocolate would help with that, and that you use it.”

Suzy insisted, “Yes Chocolate helps with that, but that’s not why I use it. I like it and it’s every ware in my time. You want to go get some?”

Kathy insisted, “Sure, I feel better now.”

Suzy pondered, “You think we should stop by the Jail first.”

Kathy replied, “That sounds like a plan.”

Back in Dention Sieg pulled the Stagecoach in front of the Blacksmith Shop, and unhitched the team. Then he walked them to the livery, as Rebecca came running across the street. Rebecca walked next to Sieg saying, “Sieg right? I haven’t seen you for about five or six years. Did you bring the Papers?”

Sieg replied, “Their in the coach with the mail bag.”

Rebecca yelled, “Thanks,” as she headed to the Coach.

Suzy and Kathy landed behind the Jail and went in the back door. Inside Jim and Albert were setting drinking coffee. Suzy asked, “You want anything from the store? Kathy and I are going to go get some Chocolate.”

Sieg walked in the door announcing, “I’m Sieg the Stagecoach driver taking over for Clyde. I need some Blacksmith work done.”

Kathy’s eyes locked on Sieg and it was all over. The strangest feeling she ever felt came over her. She was in a trance like state and froze in place. Suzy could feel it radiating from her and it went all black with no light at all. Albert shot straight up out of his’s chair and blurted, “Truck on.”

Jim yelled, “Kathy,” as Suzy reached out feeling for her. Touching Kathy Suzy felt tingly all over and made a ball of bright flashing colored light. Pushing it into Kathy Suzy shook her saying, “Kathy snap out of it!”

Light flooded back to the room, and Kathy was beat red. Suzy stepped in front of her putting her hands on her shoulders insisting, “You need to get it together.”

Kathy mumbled, “He’s the one, and I know him.”

Jim inquired, “What’s going on?”

Suzy replied, “Just hang on James she just got awestruck is all. You’re a guy you would not understand.”

Albert let out a sigh of relief, “Oh is that all. I thought a Demon just walked through the door.”

Kathy’s color was coming back as Suzy explained, “This is what we’re going to do. When Albert starts time we will walk to the door right past Sieg. Whatever you do don’t lock eyes with him. We’re going out that door and to the Horseshoe. You got it?”

Kathy took a deep breath and insisted, “Ready.”

Suzy said, “Everyone as you were.”

Then Albert called out, “Truck on. I can do that for you.”

Suzy and Kathy headed for the door. Sieg stepped further into the room and took the brim of his hat and said, “Lady’s.”

Without missing a beat Suzy drug Kathy to the door. At the door Kathy looked back as Sieg turned to see them leave. With one last strong jerk Suzy pulled Kathy out the door.

Heading to the door Jim announced, “I’ll open up the shop and start the fire.”


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Albert insisted, “Let’s see what you got?”

Sieg replied, “I got a worn-out tongue pin is what I got. I’d like you to make the new one a little longer too.”

Binding down and pulling the pin from the Coach Albert affirmed, “Its seen its better days for sure.

Across the street Kathy watched Sieg and Albert talking at the Stagecoach. Josette questioned, “You lady’s having tea?”

Suzy inquired, “Can Martin make us some Hot Chocolate?”

Josette replied, “I’m sure he can, but I’ll check to make sure.”

Kathy’s head was spinning trying to think of what to say to him. Watching Sieg out the window Kathy beamed, “What do you say to a man?”

Suzy chuckled, “Whatever you want Kathy. You already talk to a lot of men like Hank, Henry, and Liam. He is no different. You just feel different about him. You can take the soft and tender approach, but you’d need to go put on your new dress Mable made for that. Then you can just be you and tell him how it is.”

Kathy got up and announced, “I’ll be right back.”

Then Suzy watched her walk across the street to the Blacksmith Shop. Inside Jim was pumping the bellows to get the fire going, and Sieg was standing next to Albert by the anvil. Kathy walked up to Sieg and ordered, “You’re having lunch with me at the Restaurant I’ll be over there waiting.”

Then she walked out, and Albert looked at Sieg, “Guess you have a lunch date.”

Sieg replied, “I know her. She’s a crack shot. She put a hole on that Coach out there saving us. She’s just the way I remember her.”

Albert was doing all he could to keep from laughing and had to walk away.

Across the street Suzy asked, “What did you do?”

Taking a seat Kathy replied, “I went and told him I was waiting to have lunch with him.”

Suzy inquired, “Did he say yes?”

Kathy replied, “I didn’t give him that choice. I told him he was doing it and left.”

Suzy was stunned, “Wow, you have to be careful setting the hook like that. You can jerk it right out.”

Kathy replied, “I was going to put on the dress for dinner.”

Suzy asked, “Did he say he was taking you to Dinner?”

Kathy replied, “No I’m telling him at lunch.”

Josette set the Hot Chocolate on the table and informed, “Martin wasn’t sure how sweet you liked it, and he didn’t want to overpower the taste of the Chocolate with the sugar. Do I need to bring a sugar bowl?”

Suzy took a sip and remarked, “It’s perfect. Tell Martin he did good.”

Kathy took a sip and got a strange look on her face. Then took another sip and recalled, “It reminds me of the first time I had a drink in a bottle. It feels a little heavy in my mouth and the taste lingers. I do like the way it stays in your mouth a little.”

Suzy replied, “There is a better Chocolate in my time. It’s called Milk Chocolate, but we don’t have it here in America yet. I think you can get it in Switzerland where it was invented, but it hasn’t made its way here yet.”

Back at the Blacksmith Shop Albert was heating up a peace of steel. He moved it around in the fire as Sieg asked, “Dose Kathy have a bow?”

Albert laughed, “That’s my Deputy’s sister. No one dates her without our approval. To this time no one dare ask us to. You can ask James if you want to.”

Sieg questioned, “Are you the same one that took down Jack Callen?”

Jim replied, “That isn’t what you were to ask. You were supposed to ask can I take your sister to lunch. Sure, she ask you, who is going to be your chaperone? You want a man or a woman?”

Jim undid the loop over the hammer of his gun and did a fast draw and twirled his gun holstering it waiting for an answer. Sieg stuttered, “A Woman.”

Jim replied, “Good I’ll go tell my wife she’s having lunch with you.”

Then Jim walked out as Sieg looked at Albert pulling the white hot metal from the fire, and set it on the anvil. Then asked, “You ever jumped into a creek thinking the water was up to your knees and had your head go under?”

Albert Slapped Sieg on the back and informed, “Don’t worry Sieg Kathy is nice, and you’ll have a good time.”

Sieg inquired, “I need to get a room for the night. You know where I can get one?”

Albert stopped pounding and replied, “Everyplace is full up right now, but you can use the bed in the Jail if you wish.”

Sieg uttered, “Great going out with a gun slinging Deputy’s sister and sleeping in a cage. I can see it now. Wakeup with the cell door locked.”

Albert started laughing so hard he dropped the pin. Putting the pin back in the fire Albert composed himself and insisted, “Have a good time. Just don’t do anything inappropriate and you’ll be fine.

Jim came back in announcing, “All set, I paid for lunch and Suzy is watching over things.”

Albert revealed, “Sieg is sleeping in the Jail tonight, and he said he wants to sleep with the key in his pocket.”

Jim put his arm over Sieg’s shoulder and whispered in his ear. “You treat her like a princess, and I’ll treat you like a King. It’s that simple.”

Henry showed up and exclaimed, “Wow you’re doing work.”

Albert dropped the pin in the water bucket and asked, “Is it time to eat?”

Henry replied, “No, there was a roomer going around town you were working, and I had to see it for myself.”

Albert insisted, “Let’s go eat James, and you best get over to the Restaurant Sieg.”

With that they headed to the Boardinghouse and Sieg went to the Restaurant. Seeing Kathy Sieg went to the table and had a seat. Suzy was sitting across from Kathy, and Sieg had no choice but to sit between them. He sat on the far side of the table so he could see out the window. Sieg admitted, “I’m not much on talking.”

Kathy replied, “Do you need Whisky to get you talking? I remember when we had drinks you stayed up late talking to your friends.”

Suzy scolded, “Kathy! You drank Whisky with this man?”

Sieg assured, “It’s not like that mam. She needed it after shooting an outlaw. She was all shook-up.”

Kathy assured, “He was respectable Suzan.”

Suzy asked, “Are you heading back after we eat?”

Sieg revealed, “I’m spending the night and heading back tomorrow.”

Kathy insisted, “Good then you can come to dinner tonight and meat my family.”

Josette set their food on the table. Jim had ordered stake, potatoes, beans, and a roll. Josette asked, “Are you going to be filling in for Clyde.”

Sieg replied, “That’s the plan, but sad to say. By the Doc Clyde will be out until Christmas. The Doc doesn’t think he’ll be driving a Stagecoach again either. Wells Fargo is good about taking care of their people. I’m sure they will give him a desk job or something. I just don’t know how Clyde will take that. That’s not his kind of life.”

Josette looked sad and went to the kitchen. Then they ate some without saying a word.

Coming in the door at the boardinghouse Albert announced, “You’ll need to set another plate for a guest.”

Victoria questioned, “Who is coming?”

Jim replied, “Kathy’s new bow I would think.”

Victoria inquired, “Who is he?”

Albert replied, “He’s the new Stage driver replacing Clyde. His name is Sieg Rickhardt and he seems nice.”

Jim jumped in and said, “Kathy fell for him like a puppy finding his first bone.”

Mable complained, “You could have said something to me on the way home. Men, I tell you.”


Veteran Member
After having pie they headed to the store, in front of the store Suzy announced, “I’m going to head to the house. Think you can mind yourself Sieg?”

Sieg replied, “Yes mam.”

Inside Kathy said, “Two bottle drinks Emily.”

Emily quizzed, “Who’s the handsome man.”

Kathy replied, “This is Sieg he’s the new Stagecoach driver.”

Emily went on, “Nice to meet you Sieg. Rebecca told me you were in town. Don’t forget to get the mail bag before you leave town.”

Sieg tipped the brim of his hat saying, “Yes mam.”

Emily slid the bottles across the counter saying, “He’s nice you can keep him.”

Kathy dropped a silver dollar on the counter as Sieg insisted, “I can pay for it.”

Kathy barked, “No way. If you pay you own me, but if I pay I own you.”

Sieg’s eyes opened wide and he mumbled, “Oh that’s how that works.”

Emily smiled as they went out front. Kathy insisted Sieg have a seat on the bench and Kathy handed him a bottle. Then she sat next to Sieg slipping her arm under his and leaning her head on his shoulder. A warm feeling came over her and she started to tingle all over. She thought, I want to feel like this forever.

Sieg remarked, “People are seeing us.”

Kathy replied, “I know, I’m staking out my territory.”

Sieg was shocked and didn’t know what to say so he just let, “Oh,” slip out.

Kathy questioned, “See that lady across the street through the window?”

Sieg replied, “The one on the Sewing-Machine.”

Kathy informed, “That’s Mable. She made the dress I’m wearing at dinner tonight.”

Sieg advised, “I’ve never seen you in a dress. I’m trying to think what you would be like.”

Kathy replied, “I’ll look like me in a dress.”

Sieg smiled as he gripped her hand and a rush went through her body. Kathy was thinking this was the best day of her life. She paraded him down the Board Walk hoping everyone would see she was holding his hand. She felt like the winner of the grand prize at the carnival. Jim and Albert were waiting on the dock porch in front of the Jail. When Sieg and Kathy arrived Jim could tell Kathy was like a drunk trying to walk. She had no idea what she was doing, and Sieg was just sucking it all up.

Albert insisted, “Kathy you need to head home and get ready for dinner. I’m sure Suzan is waiting for you. Sieg and I have some business to do.”

Kathy slipped her hand from Sieg’s and gave him a sad puppy look. Sieg smiled, “Go on I’ll see you at dinner.”

Kathy walked back down the board walk with Jim and Albert watching her. Jim said, “She’s far enough she can’t hear us now.”

Albert started first, “It looks like Kathy jumped in the creek right next to you. The only difference is she doesn’t know how to swim. She’s in way over her head, and you’re not doing anything to pull her up.”

Jim jumped in, “At this point you’re pushing her further out, and I can’t let that happen. Now I give you a choice. Either get your horses from the livery and leave town, or make a commitment.”


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
Either get your horses from the livery and leave town, or make a commitment.”

It not like Kathy is star struck or something...

Thanks wacko for the chapters.



Veteran Member
Chapter Two

Sieg-s.jpgAfter Jim gave Sieg the ultimatum he went to his coach without a word. He climbed up and sat in the driver’s seat staring off into space. Then time stopped and the Ninja Warrior Princess appeared in front of the coach talking to Sieg. Jim and Albert couldn’t tell what she was telling him. Then she lowered her sward and hit Sieg’s head. There was a flash and thousands of little stars zipped around his head. Then she disappeared and time started.

Albert questioned, “What in the land of unknown Gods was that. Do you know what just happened?”

Jim replied, “Nope, but you could have walked over there and asked her?”

Albert replied, “Are you out of your mind. I noticed you didn’t do that.”

Jim replied, “Go ahead and summon her and ask.”

Albert replied, “You can blink to the bottom of an outhouse and tell me if it stinks. Some things are better left unknown.”

Jim and Albert went in the Jail and watched Sieg out the window.

Down at the boardinghouse Kathy came on the porch and was met by Rebecca. Taking her hand Rebecca insisted, “Let’s go we have a lot to do. Have you thought about your hair? Do you want it up or down? Suzy and Victoria are cooking up a special dinner and making pies. I have to tell you girl you put this place in a tail spin. Get your dress and come up to my room so I can start on your hair.”

Passing the kitchen Victoria blurted, “You better get going Girl. The next thing you know he’ll be coming in the door.”

Suzy inquired, “Should I set the table like we do on Sunday?”

Victoria replied, “You know it dear. We don’t want to put anything to chance. This is a Wells Fargo man. That’s the kind of man women dream about.”

Suzy worried, “I hope this works. I don’t know how she’ll take it if he doesn’t show up.”

Up in Rebecca’s room Kathy decided to ware her hair down in curls. Rebeca was doing Kathy’s hair when Mable came in. Rebecca looked up and asked, “What are you doing home so early?”

Mable replied, “Checking on Kathy. You know the whole town knows about Kathy and the Stagecoach driver.”

Kathy barked, “I’m right here. You can talk to me you know.”

Mable went on, “I know you’re here Kathy. Are you trying to put curls in her hair? You know you have to sleep in them to make that work.”

Rebecca snapped back, “Look I don’t tell you how to do your Bun. Don’t tell me how to do curls. This will work. If she wanted a Bun you’d be doing it.”

Mable replied, “I hope it works because Suzy and Victoria are knocking themselves out fixing things down there.”

Rebecca insisted, “Just make the dress look good and we’ll have a winner. If this doesn’t work then James will have to fall on plan B.”

Mable inquired, “What’s plan B?”

Rebecca joked, “Let’s Just say it involves the Jail and a shotgun.”

Mable laughed, “She’s not 15 you know.”

Kathy complained, “I wish you would quit talking like I’m not here.”

Mable insisted, “I was taught to not say something about someone you wouldn’t say to their face. Besides you’re the one that put the stick in the Hornet’s nest.”

Down at the Jail Albert and Jim were talking about Kathy. Jim went on, “I sure hope Sieg really likes her and is not just having a fling like she’s a Saloon gal or something. You know Kathy is like almost thirty years old. She’s not exactly prime marrying age. She has told Suzy she was afraid she would end up an old maid. I just hope she don’t feel desperate and is jumping at the first available man.”

Albert agreed, “If this doesn’t work we only have a few months to get her over it. Then the Wagon trains will start coming through and there will be a lot of available men around.”

Jim replied, “I know, but a lot of them are just looking for a wife to double their land grab. It will be twice as hard to find a good one out of that bunch. You’re the sheriff and you should know. You see it all over.”

Albert growled, “I see it too much. Some bruised up woman coming to town saying she fell down. I know a lot of them just want a bed partner, cook, and cleaning woman. I can hear them now, cook my food, wash my clothes, start the fire, and on and on. I’d like to harness them to a plow and whip their ass and see how they like it.”

Jim agreed, “Yes, she needs a give and take relationship. Some things are work, but we enjoy doing it. Look at Suzan she loves cooking with Victoria. Then there is me. I don’t really do anything. You’ve been to the future you know I just drove a tractor around. That would be like you driving the Iron Horse around. Would you call that work? It’s not like pounding out a peace of iron.”

At the Boardinghouse Suzy went to check on Kathy. Rebecca was finishing her hair and Kathy was mumbling, “I know you're out there somewhere. I know I’ll find you somehow and I’ll return to you. I can see my way to you and I’ve left behind my empty thoughts. The strength of my emotions is like the thunder in the air carrying your beauty to me. I feel the mystery of your soul, and the thoughts from my childhood are still true I’ve been looking for you. I’ve been searching everywhere for you, and this time it has to be true. I’m not mistaken I know it’s you. There’s none as blind as those who will not see you’re the one for me.”

Suzy was listening and got a strange feeling. Kathy had gone off the edge over Sieg. She had try to bring her back to reality and asked, “Kathy I’m not trying to hurt you but what if he doesn’t show up for dinner.”

Kathy spun around with a look that could cut someone in half and exclaimed, “I’ll make him invisible and blind him. He’ll be wandering around screaming for help. People will hear him but not know where he is. Then I’ll spend my spare time pushing him down.”

Suzy’s eyes opened wide and her mouth fell open as Rebecca bellowed, “Wow! I can’t believe that came from you. If I ever do something that hurts you tell me right away.”

Kathy went on, “Don’t worry he’ll be here The Warrior Princess sent him. He has no choice but to come. You can call her Suzy. Then you can ask her for yourself.”

Suzy replied, “Oh no, I believe you. You’re the only one that calls the Overseers out of the blue.”

Kathy-sd.jpgMable came to the door questioning, “Are we ready for the dress yet?”

Rebecca insisted, “I’ve done all I can do with her hair. We’ll just have to wait until the last minute to let it down.”

Mable instructed, “If you come over to my room I’ll help you with your dress.”

In Mable’s room Kathy wined, “Do I have to ware this thing? I didn’t have one when I went with Hawkins.”

Mable insisted, “The dress won’t puff out without a petticoat. You were a young girl then and it didn’t matter. You want to look your best don’t you?”

Kathy replied, “You know I do, but it don’t mean I have to like it. How am I going to sit in this thing?”

Mable replied, “Don’t worry I’ll show you. You’ll need to pull it up a little and sit on the edge of the chair. You won’t be able to sit all the way back. If you sit like that people will be able to see under your dress, and we don’t need that.”

Kathy moaned, “Now I know why I don’t dress this way. This might be the last time.”

Mable reassured, “I ware this kind of dress to the Dress Shop all the time. You’ll learn to do it. Here stand in front of my Mirror and see what you think?”

Kathy looked in the mirror and gasped. Then a tear came down her cheek. Mable blotted it off saying, “That’s enough of that. Sit here and watch out my window. You can see anyone coming from here. I’m going to go get Rebecca.”

Henry walked across the road to the Jail. Opening the door he questioned, “You going to close the Blacksmith Shop?”


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Albert replied, “Jim and I were waiting for Sieg to make up his mind about going to dinner. He has to decide if he’s going to dinner and meet Kathy’s family. That step means he’s going to court her. She’s even putting on a dress for him.”

Henry replied, “Well kick me in the butt. I’ve never seen her in a dress. Not even on Sunday.”

Jim informed, “Henry that’s because she didn’t even have one until a few days ago.”

Henry insisted, “Let’s close it up. I want to see her in a dress.”

Then they locked the Jail door and headed across the street. Albert and Jim closed up as Henry talked to Sieg, “You should come to dinner Sieg. You already know most all of her family. It’s the last house on the road at the other end of town.”

Sieg mumbled. “I know. Kathy pointed it out to me.”

Jim and Albert came out and they went down the road talking. Albert groaned, “Look Emily is bringing Hank to dinner. Sieg damn better show up. It’s going to piss me off if he doesn’t come.”

Henry revealed, “It’s always nice to find a woman that is vulnerable like Kathy. That is until someone calls you out on it. Is that what you did Albert?”

Jim replied, “Well Albert started it, and I finished it.”

Henry exclaimed, “Damn you gave him both barrels. He might be too scared to come.”

Kathy saw Emily and Hank walking to the house and her hart pounded a little. She knew the time was getting close. Then she saw Jim, Albert, and Henry coming. She got a little shaky as Rebecca came in the room commenting, “Oh Kathy you look gorgeous.”

Kathy replied, “Thank you. I saw everyone come home and Hank too, but I haven’t seen Sieg.”

Mable came in saying, “All the men are out on the porch, and I think we’re all set.”

Kathy took a deep breath and started to shake as Rebecca announced, “It’s him he’s coming up the walk.”

Mable insisted, “He’s coming to the front door. I’ll go down and let him in, and take him out back with the men. You need to finish Kathy’s hair.”

They could hear Mabel letting Sieg in, “Hi I’m Mable Watson. I’ll show you where everyone is at. Just follow me.”

Kathy mumbled, “I hope he likes how I look.”

On the back porch Albert pointed to the gun belts hanging on the porch post and instructed, “You need to hang your gun. We don’t ware guns in the house.”

Hanging his gun on a peg Sieg asked, “What do you do if something happens in there?”

Albert replied, “Anyone that tries something in this house will need the protection of the Supreme Being, because there not making it out of there unscathed.”

Sieg looked at Jim and explained, “I make a good living working for Wells Fargo. I’ve seen this job wreck a lot of marriages over the years. I spend a lot of time on the road, and would only be home a few days a week. Then if there is a breakdown, or robbery I might have to turn around with no day off. Wife’s get lonely and have affairs, or just runoff. If I was to court Kathy it would have to be a long courtship. I can’t just jump in to something like this.”

Hank butted in, “Then you better start swimming. I think you’re already in over your head.”

Sig requested, “And you’d be?”

Hank replied, “Oh I’m sorry. I’m Hank Stein the Store Owner and Mayor. I just came to see Kathy in a dress.”

Jim stepped up and insisted, “Let me tell you about Kathy. When she was a little girl a crazy Mountain Man named Jack killed her family, and took Kathy. He named her Crybaby, and forced her to scrape the skins of the animals he trapped. She was found with rags tied to her to cover her body. She was rescued when she was nine, and took in by a Mill Owner.

He gave her a little shed to live in at the Mill, and made her the Water Girl. She carried a water bucket with a dipper around the Mill every day for eight years, and yes she was still living alone in that little shed. Then the men started grabbing at her and slapping her on the butt. The same men she had to carry water for and eat with every day.

Because of this the Owner moved her to the sales office, and she ran the Mill. Then one day the Owner was killed in a Mill accident. Everyone saw her as the Owner’s daughter and looked to her to run the Mill, but a short time later the Mill Failed.

She decided to start her life over and came looking for a family. You should know you helped bring her to us. You’ll never know what it took for her to make it to your stage.

She’s lived with men, eaten with men, and drank with them. She’s seen men at their worst and their best. She’s seen them drunk, wild, and crazy. She knows men and hates most of them. She has never wanted anything to do with wife beating drunken stupid men. The only dress she had was one the Mill Owner got her when she was 13. Oregon became the 33rd state of the United States on February 14, 1859, and Hawkins took Kathy to Oregon City for the celebration. He got her a dress to wear on that trip.

That dress was in that box on your coach with her. Way too small for her to ware now, but our Dress Maker Mable copied it for her. This is the first time she has warren it, and first time any of us will ever see her in a dress. Why is she wearing a dress, because then came you and she knew. You are the only man she has ever looked at.”

Sieg looked confused and questioned, “I thought you were her brother?”

Jim looked in Sieg’s eyes and declared, “I am the one that will accidently discharge my gun in your foot. You will think about me with every step you take forever. Does that sound like her brother?”

Sieg replied, “Yep that sounds like what a brother would say.”

Jim went on, “Now we’re going to have a good time and eat dinner.”

Upstairs Rebecca was bringing Kathy down, as they got to the stairs Kathy complained, “I can’t see my feet or the steps.”

Rebecca insisted, “Just grab the hand rail and let your foot slip off the edge of the step. Just do that one foot at a time.”

Kathy whined, “This is the last time I’m doing this. I’m done with dresses after this.”

Rebecca backed down the steps holding Kathy’s free hand. Finely they made it to the hall and headed to the dining room.

On the back porch Hank saw Kathy through the kitchen window and disclosed, “Don’t look now, but our tomboy turned into a princess.”

Henry looked through the window and gasped, “She has hair! I’ve never seen her hair hang down.”

Sieg just stared not saying a word as he felt strange like the first time the Stagecoach got robbed. He was frozen in place looking through the window. Part of him wanted to go in to her, and the other part wanted to run. Then the thought went through his head, Oh hell, the entire town is her family. The Mayor, Dress Maker, Livery Owner, the Store Clerk, Sheriff, and no way she’s the News Reporter for the Lambert Times.

Sieg was snapped out of it by Jim pulling on his arm, “Time to go in Sieg.”

Looking around Sieg saw it was just him and Jim on the porch the others had gone inside and he hadn’t even noticed. In the dining room Kathy came to him as they locked eyes. Holding hands looking into each other’s eyes he was surrounded. Victoria, Mable, Rebecca, Suzy, and Emily surrounded him asking what he thought. Sieg jittered, “She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever been with.”

Then Sieg looked around the room taking it all in and Kathy asked, “What are you looking for?”

Sieg joked, “The shot gun or Preacher. That is the only things I don’t see here.”

Kathy latched onto Sieg’s arm giving it a pull she revealed, “You’re sitting over here next to me.”

Sieg pulled out Kathy’s chair and held it until she sat. Then he sat next to her as Hank stood at the head of the table announcing, “I’ll pray. We come to the great creator of all things giving thanks for this day. We pray for Clyde that you will comfort him in this time of need. We thank you for watching over us and bringing Sieg to us. We thank you for this food and pray you bless it to the health and nourishment of our body’s Amen.”

Emily spoke up, “You know that is a special dress. Every woman around here has been watching Mable make it. She put it right in front of the big window to work on, so we could all see it come together. I could see about every woman in town stand in front of that window from the store.”


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Rebecca added, “Now Mable won’t be the only one with a dress like that in town. Benjamin told me he’d see dresses like Mable’s all over New York, but out here things are more ruff and rugged.”

Sieg jumped in, “I hear down south around New Orleans women wear dresses like that. I’ve never been there, but would like to see it someday.”

The basket with the rolls came by and Sieg put one on his plate passing it on. It seemed like a flash in time and dinner was over, and they were eating pie. After they finished there was a knock at the door. Victoria went to see who it was. Opening the door there stood Josette, “You think I could see Kathy in that dress?”

Victoria instructed, “Come on in Josette She’s in helping clear the table.”

In the dining room Josette saw Kathy and called her over. Kathy spun around showing Josette the dress. Josette revealed, “I looked at that dress in the Dress Shop window a lot. I just had to see it on you.”

Kathy leaned over and whispered. “To be honest it’s a pain in the butt to wear.”

Josette argued, “It does make you look beautiful though.”

Kathy called, “Mable can you help me.”

Walking over Mable asked, “What do you need Kathy”

Kathy insisted, “I want to get out of the dress. Will you come help me?”

Mable reminded, “Sieg hasn’t left yet he’s still out on the porch with the men.”

Kathy revealed, “I know, that’s why I want to change. This dress is like a barrier around me, and I can’t get close to him.”

Mable agreed, “Ok I’ll help you, but that’s wat makes a man want you. They always want what they can’t have.”

Josette informed, “I have to go back and clean up and close the Restaurant. I can let myself out. Kathy followed Josette down the hall to her room. Then changed back to pants and a shirt, but didn’t put on her hat.”

Out on the porch Jim asked, “What’s it like being a stage coach driver?”

Sieg explained, “For a driver it is a 16 hour day if nothing goes wrong. Passengers are not always in a town. Sometimes they just wave you down on the road. Then I have to figure the ticket at 10 or 15¢ a mile depending on the terrain, and hope I’m not stopping to get robbed. For a passenger it’s 24 hours a day, with stops only to change out horses and driver. The passengers could get a lousy meal at the station while the horses are unhitched and hitched. It’s a really rough ride on horrible suspension. None of the passengers get a bath or fresh clothes for the entire trip. They are stuck sitting knee to knee with the passenger on the other side of the coach. Then there’s the mail bags and that Strong Box, and light Freight. That’s my job for the most part.”

Kathy came out to the porch and slipped her hand under Sieg’s arm and leaned close to him. Then Sieg put his hand on her hand in his arm and asked, “What happened to the dress?”

Kathy looked in his eyes and replied, “That dress don’t make me who I am. Who I am comes from inside of me, and I give that to you.”

Sieg was dumb founded and looked around. Hank mumbled. “Don’t look at me you’re in uncharted territory.”

Henry took a puff of his pipe saying, “Am I the only one feeling out of place?”

Jim informed, “There are four chaperones here and I don’t see anyone moving.”

Albert pulled the Jail key from his pocket and handed it to Kathy saying, “Kathy you need to walk Sieg down to the Jail and make up the bed. I’ll be down right behind you to walk you home.”

That was a moment of disbelief as Sieg looked around. Then Albert said, “Well put on your gun and walk the lady through town.”

Sieg put on his gun and walked Kathy around the house. Then Albert looked to Jim and said, “We’ll let them get a good head start and head down behind them.”

Hank informed, “I’ll walk with you as far as the Store. I’m not sure but I don’t think her feet are even touching the ground right now.”

Jim insisted, “I just hope she don’t crash when she comes down.”

Henry took another puff of his pipe and insisted, “That’s what all of us living here are for. It’s our job to catch her.”

Albert nodded, “Yep!”

Jim smiled, “The way we treated him. I think he thought he was headed to a shotgun wedding.”

Albert insisted, “Time to go.”

They walked out to the road and Kathy was a few hundred feet ahead of them leaning on Sieg.

That night in bed Jim revealed the plan he had. “You know Albert and I saw the Warrior Princess in front of the Blacksmith Shop today. She was talking to Sieg. Then she hit him on the head with her sword, and little stars sparkled around him. I think there is a higher power watching this.”

Suzy replied, “Kathy told me the Warrior Princess came to her telling her she was sending her a man.”

Jim insisted, “That dose it tomorrow I’m using that key I got from Wells Fargo.”

Suzy insisted, “I don’t think that will work that Coach is not in service.”

Jim demanded, “You and I are taking that coach to Lambert tomorrow. When I got that he said, “You and a guest can ride on any available seat on a Wells Fargo stagecoach wherever we go.” That’s a Wells Fargo stagecoach and it has available seats.”

Suzy muttered, “Sieg will decide that now let me get some sleep it’s been a big day.”

The next morning Suzy was in the kitchen with Victoria when Kathy came rushing through. Suzy blurted, “Where are you going in a hurry.”

Kathy stopped long enough to say, “To the Horseshoe to have Breakfast with Sieg. We talked about it last night on the way to the Jail.”

Then she darted out the door. Victoria noted, “There’s no stopping that girl. She’s going to get him no matter what it takes.”

Suzy replied, “I should tell you I think Jim and I are going to escort Kathy to Lambert today.”

Victoria agreed, “I think that is a wise move. We don’t need no surprise’s around here. The way she’s going she’d let that man do anything.”

Suzy teased, “Ok Grandma, I remember this talk when I was young.”

Victoria insisted, “You have over ten years of maturity on her when it comes to this kind of thing sweetie.”

Suzy replied, “That’s why we’re going.”

After breakfast Jim and Suzy headed down to the Stagecoach. Kathy was following Sieg around as he checked all the straps and rigging on the coach. Suzy stepped next to Kathy and whispered, “You want to ride with him?”

Kathy looked at Suzy and begged, “Oh can I?”

Jim stood next to Sieg and insisted, “I want passage on this Stagecoach to Lambert.”

Sieg stopped and exclaimed, “This Coach is not in service.”

Jim insisted, “That does not matter I have a key. I remember word for word what Wells Fargo said when they gave it to me. “With this key you and a guest can ride on any available seat on a Wells Fargo stagecoach wherever we go.” You’re going to lambert and there’s an available seat. Do I get to go or do I contact Wells Fargo and tell them you refused to accept their agreement.”

Sieg exclaimed, “Well when you put it that way. I guess I have no chose.”

Jim said, “Good, then my passenger is Kathy Davis, and I’m paying the two dollar fair for Mrs. White. Here is a five dollar gold peace if you don’t have change I can wait until we get to lambert.”

Sieg fished around in his pocket and pulled out three silver dollars, and handed them to Jim. Then Sieg opened the coach door. Suzy gave Kathy a push and insisted, “Get up there if you’re going. After Jim and Suzy got in Sieg climbed up next to Kathy and gave the rains a whip hollering, “Giddyup.”


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
Just how many chapters till Kathy and Sieg are hitched?

Wacko knows, but it better not be to many chapters...



Veteran Member
Just how many chapters till Kathy and Sieg are hitched?

Wacko knows, but it better not be to many chapters...

I normally do twenty pages in a word document at 14pt Font per Chapter. My outline has Eighteen Chapters, but that can change. You have to remember they are Demon Hunters, I have to have them doing that at the same time. Some of that is coming up in the next chapter.

Why do you think I’m dragging this romance out? I drug Jim and Suzy’s out for the first book and a half. You do know we are on book “Three” now, (Right) and I’m only two chapters in to it. Book One was Eighteen Chapters and 346 pages in a word document. Book Two was Sixteen Chapters and 300 pages in a word document.


Veteran Member
Tomorrow is my wife’s birthday and she never reads what I write, so I’m putting this here.

October 2023

I remember lying in bed at night, and thinking is there someone for me. What would she be like? Is she looking for me? How will I know if I find her? Will there be fireworks? How about bells ringing? I’ve heard about that, or maybe I’ll just walk by not even knowing. Will it ever happen I wonder?

I know you're out there somewhere, and I know I’ll find you somehow. Maybe I’ll hear thunder in the air, and you’ll be there. I’ve been searching for you everywhere. I see you in everyone I meet, but the secret of your beauty and the mystery of your soul elude me. I’ve though I found you, but it’s impossible to say. I must have been mistaken.

Then it happened. I remember the sky reflected in your eyes. The music played, and I heard the sound I had to follow. Right there beneath the stars love was ours. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, as a tingling surged through me with each beat. Everything disappeared but you and me.

The mist slowly lifted, and I could see I was with you. Then the time came to take you home. My old junk heap of a car could breakdown at any time. I would pray it would keep going, but not this time. I was thinking please breakdown. Oh I need you to breakdown, but it never happened. I had to let you slip away.

Now after all this time I dream of you. I was just wondering do you have wild dreams about me?

Remember when we were young, and love was all we knew? When time would stand still and love is what we would feel. There was joy, and there was hurt, but love would see us through.

Life threw us curves, but we came together with love in our heart. Life was hard, but we lived and learned. Life would change, but we would just rearrange.

I remember when we met. I kept looking at you. You were like a teenager on her first date. You were so soft and innocent. You made me feel like I was drunk without having a drink. All I needed was your touch, and everything was all right.

Now I put a flower in your hair, and remember being there.

♥ Love you Joe…♥

Ok I pulled the trigger and got my Wife this Dress and Petticoat for her birthday.
I just needed to tell someone. I don’t have anyone to brag to.