CORONA The top doctors in their respective fields discuss all things covid related


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Dr. Mobeen Syed's youtube channel with hundreds of videos. Interviews with the top covid doctors, answers all your questions honestly and with peer reviewed scientific data. He supports the use of human grade ivermectin as affordable, safe and effective.

Dr Mobeen Syed started serious studies on covid19 18months ago and objectively discusses everything he has uncovered. Using published scientific studies and reports and talking to the frontline doctors who treat covid patients to the doctors who have created protocols that work he shares all his information.

From WHO and CDC mismanagement, coverups, media duplicity and fraud he openly discusses Long Haul Covid, Vaccine induced Long Haul symptoms, vaccine related injuries (his wife suffered ill effects after receiving JJ vaccine but has since recovered). Because he honestly and objectively reports all his findings, he continues to fight the banning of his videos and has had to move all of his information to other platforms.

He is critical of the WHO, CDC, Dr Fauci, Big Pharma restricting access to low cost effective drugs that work, discusses the probability that this was a manufactured virus that may have escaped from a laboratory settimg. He recognizes the value of vaccines and shares the good the bad and the ugly of all the covid vaccines and in his opinion the best covid vaccine (novavax) is coming soon. He received the moderna vaccine with no problems, his son received the pfizer vaccine with no problem, his wife received J&J vaccine and suffered for months with issues but recovered. He acknowledges the problems with the current vaccines.

Dr Mobeen Syed discussion with Prof. Dr. Joseph Varon MD, FACP, FCCP, FCCM, FRSM is the chairman of the board of the united memorial medical center and united general hospital. He is a professor for medicine and surgery in many universities. He is a co-author of the MATH+ protocol for COVID. Let’s discuss COVID manage with him, especially management in the critical phase of the disease.
Prof. Dr. Joseph Varon Discusses COVID-19

Dr. Mobeen Syed uses published studies and discusses the effectiveness of
Ivermectin Remdesivir Leronlimab
RT 35:38

Dr. Mobeen Syed discussion with Dr. Paul Marik related to all things covid
COVID-19 Management With Dr. Paul Marik - Author Of MATH+ Protocol

Dr. Mobeen Syed discussion with Dr. Pierre Kory from FLCCC discusses Covid-19 management
Dr. Kory Discusses COVID-19 Management

Dr. Mobeen Syed discussion with Dr. Bruce Patterson spike proteins in immune cells and covid long haul
Spike Proteins In Immune Cells - Dr. Bruce Patterson Discusses COVID Long Haul

Dr. Mobeen Syed discussion with Dr. Purvi Parikh regarding allergic response and autoimmune issues
Dr. Purvi Parikh Discusses COVID-19 Management