ECON The Stock Market, Fatally Wounded By The Truth, Will Stumble and Crash

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic

I have long thought that Trump's real function was to expose the corruption, much as sunlight exposes and then kills off the infection. This is what all the "silver stuff' is really about, just as exposing Robinhood, and the hedge funds and the whole lot of them as frauds.

Here is Charles Hughes Smith take on what is likely to happen on Monday, when the "silver market exposure takes place." All aspects of American society, political, military, educational, media and economic have now ALL been seen, by any body with an IQ above 8 as totally rigged, totally corrupt, and totally without any hope of reform or cleansing. Collapse yes, but reform no.

The Stock Market, Fatally Wounded by the Truth, Will Stumble and Crash
It didn't have to be this way, but this is the reality we must now face: truth is fatal to fraud, and our entire financial-political system is a fraud.

The stock market has just been punctured by the thin blades of truth. It is fatally wounded but nobody dares notice. The wounds are barely visible, but the internal damage is mortal. The stock market is already stumbling and will soon crash.

The banquet's participants ignore the faltering market because the rules are we never reveal the truth, or acknowledge it, or discuss it, no matter how obvious, because truth is fatal to fraud. So the stock market's vital signs are in freefall but the conversation remains upbeat and light: stimulus, rapid growth in the second half, etc., all the patter of a carefully constructed illusion that fraud is forever as long as the truth never comes out.

Alas, the truth has emerged from the shadows, despite the silence of the insiders and the financial media. Here are the truths that have emerged like karmic genies:

1. The stock market is nothing but one giant fraud. The entire market is corrupt and rigged from the ground up. The fraud is systemic, designed into every tendril of the market. It was a useful deception to blame it all on "bad players," but now the truth has been revealed: the market is nothing but a rigged game enriching insiders.

2. The Fed is a fraud. All the Federal Reserve has accomplished in 13 years of goosing the stock market is unprecedented wealth and income inequality as the fraud of the Fed has boosted the fraud of the market, which has fatally undermined America's social and economic orders. Please read this short paragraph and let it sink in. Monopoly Versus Democracy (Foreign Affairs):

Ten percent of Americans now control 97 percent of all capital income in the country. Nearly half of the new income generated since the global financial crisis of 2008 has gone to the wealthiest one percent of U.S. citizens. The richest three Americans collectively have more wealth than the poorest 160 million Americans.

Thanks to the tightly bound frauds of the Fed and markets, the bottom 90% of Americans own essentially zero capital that produces income and the vast majority of all income gains since 2008 has been siphoned off by the top 0.1% (see chart below from the New York Times.) Three monopolists own more wealth than half the nation's citizens.

Yet the fraudsters in the Fed laughably insist their policies haven't created inequality on such a vast scale that is has destabilized the nation. The Fed's credibility is zero, yet the financial media tiptoes around, proclaiming the glory of the Emperor's illusory clothing.

3. America's system of governance is a fraud. What can we say when powerful politicians are worth over $100 million and are active participants in the most speculative excesses of the stock market, Buying More Than $1 Million In Tesla, Disney And Apple Calls In December? Do we even need to ask where their interests lie?

What can we say about a regulatory system that immediately bails out the most corrupt and destructive financiers / speculators but stands aside when the public loses trillions of dollars? The financial regulatory system is a complete fraud, devoted to bailing out the biggest insiders while ignoring the losses of the bottom 99.9%. America's financial regulations protect the corrupt, not the citizenry.

4. The wealth effect is a fraud.
The Fed's entire fraudulent policy holds that if the stock market is goosed higher by Fed rigging, the phantom wealth handed to the top 0.1% will magically trickle down and benefit the bottom 90% who own no productive capital.

There is no magic; the wealth effect is a fraud. If one $5 stock (GameStop) can be pushed up to $400 in a week, why not push every $5 stock to $400? This is the essence of the wealth effect: all capital is phantom capital, a fraud balloon awaiting a pin.

The wealth effect failed, the Fed failed, regulations failed, politics failed. But thanks to the Fed and the self-serving political class, the entire U.S. economy is now utterly dependent on this completely corrupt and destabilizing fraud--the stock market. If the stock market stumbles and collapses, the economy--now totally dependent on phantom capital --also stumbles and collapses.

It didn't have to be this way, but this is the reality we must now face: truth is fatal to fraud, and our entire financial-political system is a fraud. The stock market is pale, and blood is seeping through the tuxedo, but the insiders, politicos and their toadies and apologists are nervously averting their gaze.

The market's bleeding but it can't possibly die, can it? Yes it can, and yes it will: truth is fatal to fraud, and the truth has escaped and is now free. We can't unsee what's behind the curtain.



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Has No Life - Lives on TB
I'm not so sure the market is done yet. Honestly, where else can anyone put their money and hope for profit? The only real answer is the stock market. I think it will limp along for awhile yet. Maybe a year or so anyway (I didn't read the article, maybe that is what he said).


Fringe Ranger
Bullcrap. Wall street is fine.
Some folks got injured with short play.
Most will recover. Uncle will cover for them.

Pretty much. Wall Street just showed they don't want small investors who think for themselves. They want small sheeple, and there's more of those. The PPT will cushion any problems and it's back to business as usual.


Veteran Member
Pretty much. Wall Street just showed they don't want small investors who think for themselves. They want small sheeple, and there's more of those. The PPT will cushion any problems and it's back to business as usual.
This. It happened Thursday and Friday.


Resident Spook
Well, it looks pretty bloody at the moment...

Honestly, where else can anyone put their money and hope for profit?

In a business of your own? No wait, they are destroying that too.... and if your looking to invest in beans and bullets now, your too late.....

It is going to get damn ugly.

Honestly, I expected this house of cards to fall during the last 4 years. That is one of the reasons that I was amazed that Trump ran for President. He had to know what was coming, and I expected the DS to pull the plug while he was in office so it would be "his fault." Maybe that was what the Rona was all about. But now it is going to fall on Biden/Harris.

northern watch

TB Fanatic
Pretty much. Wall Street just showed they don't want small investors who think for themselves. They want small sheeple, and there's more of those. The PPT will cushion any problems and it's back to business as usual.
When the sheeple see their way clear (which means not selling at a loss), they IMO should get out


Veteran Member
What is to stop wallstreetbets ( which is now up to over 6 million members ) from doing this again and again?

Wall Street isn't "fine" until they quell the uprising.
exactly. and it isn't just people who belong to wallstreetbets that are getting in on this. we don't belong to their
forum, but we bought a few stocks. I know others that also bought some stocks that arn't part of wallstreetbets.
This is now a world wide movement to screw with the powers that be, using their system against them.


Veteran Member
Money and force.
The white hats have about .09% of the capital if the black hats.
The black hats have arrest powers
What are they going to do run around and arrest the millions of people that bought a few stocks?
good luck with that lmao. black hats don't have capital, they have a fed printing press and you can only
print for so long. I think we may be about to reach that limit.

db cooper

Resident Secret Squirrel
Predictions, predictions, predictions - - Time and time again anything to do with a weather, glow-bull warming, political polling or market predictions have proven to be a waste of reading time. We all have the right to offer opinions, but that's exactly what they are.


Veteran Member
What are they going to do run around and arrest the millions of people that bought a few stocks?
good luck with that lmao. black hats don't have capital, they have a fed printing press and you can only
print for so long. I think we may be about to reach that limit.
Don't need to arrest everyone.
1. Arrest the top one hundred folks in the money tree. Charge of manipulating markets.
2. Close down everyone's account that is evolved in buying.
3. Permanently end the buying of the stock.
4. Arrest the ring leaders.

Yeah they do have the capital. Anyone that says otherwise should not own a checking account.
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Veteran Member
Don't need to arrest everyone.
1. Arrest the top one hundred folks in the money tree. Charge of manipulating markets.
2. Close down everyone's account that is evolved in buying.
3. Permanently end the buying of the stock.
4. Arrest the ring leasers.

Yeah they do have the capital. Anyone that says otherwise should not own a checking account.
LOL all that will do is piss of people even further, it WON"T work. they are dealing with MILLIONS of people
who already feel they have nothing to lose. They have stolen people's jobs, destroyed the economy.
people are losing their homes. So they close millions of peoples accounts. so what? Anything
they try and do right now to stop this just reaffirms that the system is rigged and time to buy what you
can hold physically like gold, silver.


Veteran Member
Security and exchange can stop the trading of this stock. Anytime.

Since the shorts are whole, the stock owners get crushed.


TB Fanatic
Here is a key phrase from the article...We are literally living a lie.

It didn't have to be this way, but this is the reality we must now face: truth is fatal to fraud, and our entire financial-political system is a fraud. The stock market is pale, and blood is seeping through the tuxedo, but the insiders, politicos and their toadies and apologists are nervously averting their gaze.


Veteran Member
LOL all that will do is piss of people even further, it WON"T work. they are dealing with MILLIONS of people
who already feel they have nothing to lose. They have stolen people's jobs, destroyed the economy.
people are losing their homes. So they close millions of peoples accounts. so what? Anything
they try and do right now to stop this just reaffirms that the system is rigged and time to buy what you
can hold physically like gold, silver.
Yeah. You got them shaking in their boots.
Whatever will they do.

The likely answer is nothing.
No real need.

You're no threat to them.


Veteran Member
Here is a key phrase from the article...We are literally living a lie.

It didn't have to be this way, but this is the reality we must now face: truth is fatal to fraud, and our entire financial-political system is a fraud. The stock market is pale, and blood is seeping through the tuxedo, but the insiders, politicos and their toadies and apologists are nervously averting their gaze.

I take it back.

You showed them.

Billionaires are jumping out of the windows.
Markets are in free fall.

The dollar is collapsing.
Electricity is off everywhere.

You have convinced me.

Carry on.


Veteran Member
Yeah. You got them shaking in their boots.
Whatever will they do.

The likely answer is nothing.
No real need.

You're no threat to them.
I may not be, but millions of us are. My guess is you work for the powers that be since you
are trying so hard to convince us we can do nothing by doing this. But I can see and hear the fear
as they call what we are doing an insurrection and call for the police to do something. when all we are
doing is buying some stocks and holding them. they were the ones that shorted the stocks thinking we would
always just go along with it. But we now know together we can beat them at their own game. changing the
rules after the fact won't work.


Veteran Member
The masses can attack any of highly leveraged and shorted plays At any time. The elites will attempt to crush each play but these players are not necessarily in it to win it and that makes them truly unpredictable.

I have seen Gamestop move to Dogecoin move to silver move to XRP.

The more the politicians, regulators and big media/tech try to crush ‘the rebellion’ the more exposed they become.

And the sleazy politicians with their sweetheart insider deals and control of the regulators deserve as much or more of the blame and ultimate guilt.

Everybody seems to know we are in the late innings. The game was played out during the housing crash but the fed decided for extra innings.

As much as this little drama is causing tptb fits. The real problem starts when people decide to stop buying.

I don’t think this is a 6-12 month problem anymore. To clear out the garbage may take 12 years of pain. And think about the cries and wails when people wake up and realize their 401k is down 50% or their public pension only has assets and taxing power to pay 25 cents on the promised dollar. And then multiply the effects across the whole interdependent globe.


Veteran Member
The Atlantis Report
Jan 30, 2021

The GameStop, and the Silver squeeze is a paradigm shift that has rattled Wall Street to its very core.
Millions and millions of small investors attacking stock after stock, breaking every greedy hedge fund there is! I'm certain this is Wall Streets' worst fear right now! There's just no way to stop the millions of ants devouring everything that gets in their way!

Just imagine millions of pissed of people SHORTING Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, and other politically activist tech companies.
The Reddit WALLSTREETBETS triggered a run on silver, investors bought 28.3% of last year's ETF total in 1 day.
Meanwhile, the Market manipulators are the ones calling it market manipulation. Is that Not Ironic! When Wall Street wins, no problem. When Wall Street loses, suddenly we need more regulation. Only because they have lost control to manipulate!!

Rules for thee; not for me.
When a big firm blows out, there should be NO BAILOUT.
If the Millenials can squeeze silver, it's the end of fake Fiat currency. Those crooks changed our real money in 1971 to this fake fiat currency. We the people, are waking up to the corruption in a system that is tainted, broken, and controlled by unethical people.

If we all bought physical gold and silver and demanded delivery on the paper contracts we could bring this great Ponzi experiment called the markets to their knees. There is so much fake paper they couldn’t even cover 10% of it. It would ruin them all.

Wait until we all buy physical silver. Let the games start. Silver bullet into the heart of the banksters. WE THE PEOPLE.
On the first day since the Reddit WallstreetBets group started targeting the short position in the silver market, the amount of metal added to SLV was 14.7% of the entire investment supply from last year! It’s a stunning development, as at that rate, these investors would take the entire amount of silver that went to investment last year, in just 7 trading days!

SLV added 37 million ounces on Friday (according to their data) ! With short squeezes going on in the stock market, that have now spread to the silver market, the first reports are in. And the SLV trust is reporting that 37 million ounces were added in just one single day on Friday! ! Keep in mind that there are other silver trusts that likely added metal as well, and it seems like the Reddit WallStreetBets crowd certainly made an impact yesterday!

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
Au contraire, gang. You are forgetting the "full faith and credit clause" of not only the Federal Reserve fiat note/dollar. You are forgetting this GLORIOUSLY TOXIC BREW of Yellen, and bideypoop, and 30 TRILLION in Federal debt, and the kind of EXPLOSIVE DEMAND FOR SILVER AND GOLD IE PHYSICAL OZS WE WILL SEE ON MONDAY.
You know doctor fungcool, the younguns don't see what is involved here is a bank run, the silver and gold version.:poop:
What is the paper backed by? And Doomer Doug will take 2% behind the silver door, and the gold door and the fist federal reserve door. Sheesh, Ragnarok and doctorfungcool, if THAT is what happens Monday, which it looks to me, building steam, well go to and read some and then talk to me.

"They" can survive ANYTHING but a bank/silver run AND THAT IS WHAT IS BUILDING UP. It is about how much physical gold and silver exists to back the paper.
Yo, every retail store gets 50 people wanting to buy 100 ozs. n
What will happen when EVERY coin store is sold out?:hof:


Veteran Member
I may not be, but millions of us are. My guess is you work for the powers that be since you
are trying so hard to convince us we can do nothing by doing this. But I can see and hear the fear
as they call what we are doing an insurrection and call for the police to do something. when all we are
doing is buying some stocks and holding them. they were the ones that shorted the stocks thinking we would
always just go along with it. But we now know together we can beat them at their own game. changing the
rules after the fact won't work.
My guess is you are clearly a stock trader of the rocket-scientist class.
I have no doubts you have cleared 100rds of millions of usd, these week alone.

Clearly a genius of your class would be more than willing to share his/her trade receipts.
From this week.

I have no doubt we could learn from your vast experience.


Veteran Member
My guess is you are clearly a stock trader of the rocket-scientist class.
I have no doubts you have cleared 100rds of millions of usd, these week alone.

Clearly a genius of your class would be more than willing to share his/her trade receipts.
From this week.

I have no doubt we could learn from your vast experience.
I know fear when I see it. Don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that. Good luck shill :)