The Resilience Of America; & Trump As Lightning Rod


On TB every waking moment

Saturday, January 14, 2017
The Resilience Of America

**** This might strike my Gentle Readers as something of a “one-off,” a piece deliberately set at odds with most of what I write. I must admit, it’s come upon me all unawares, and from what source I cannot be certain. I can tell you only a few things about the context in which it’s being generated:

I’ve been in contact with a fellow blogger of equal lineage, about subjects of great import.

I’ve been listening to Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds.

My essential defiance has confronted the naysayers, raised its head, and bellowed “No! It shall not be!”

And yes, I’ve been drinking.

**** If you proceed hence, what you read might confuse you. I make no apology for that. Much of what I write requires more concentration than the typical reader is willing to give it and more erudition than the typical reader possesses...though in neither case does that apply to the Gentle Readers of Liberty’s Torch. What I’ll say in my own defense is that for the first time in decades I am hopeful. Even optimistic.

**** And I shall tell you why.

**** There’s a lot of political commentary here. That’s most of the reason for this site: I like to write about politics. But politics is not a primary of life. It’s very much a secondary consequence, something that arises and acquires importance from more fundamental sources. The primary considerations often demand that we ignore politics – that if we were to grant it the importance that the politicos demand, we would soon find that a decent life had become unavailable.

**** Americans have long cherished a view of political institutions as servants: agents charged with providing us certain services, rather than masters to which we are obligated regardless of any contrary inclination. The Left, of course, and much of the Establishment Right dislike that premise; they would prefer that we concede our subjugation to the State, that we might be more efficiently “managed.”

**** The 2016 election makes plain that a substantial fraction – probably a majority – of the people of this nation are unwilling to be managed. We defied the luminaries, the pundits, the bien-pensants, and in many cases our friends, relatives, and colleagues to elevate a Queens real-estate mogul to the highest executive office in the land...and it’s driving those aforementioned luminaries, pundits, bien-pensants, friends, relatives, and colleagues completely batshit.

**** “How could they have done this?” they wail. “We thought they understood!”

**** That’s their problem, you see. We did understand. We grasped, in sufficient numbers adequately distributed, what was being done to us. We decided we didn’t like it, wouldn’t have it, and reached for the sole available alternative. That alternative will be inaugurated this coming Friday.

**** The thunderous denunciations that have followed our clearly declared choice have only intensified our resolve.

**** I’ve said it before: I was dubious about the suitability of Donald Trump as president. Events subsequent to the election have greatly improved my peace of mind. But that’s the most superficial aspect of our current condition.

**** I’m here to tell you a thing you might not be willing to believe. It’s pretty grandiose. Many members of the elite would piss on it from a great height. “Who is he to say such things?” they might write. I’ll tell them who I am: I’m brighter, more knowledgeable, and above all more moral and ethical than the lot of them. And I intend to jam their presumptions right up their supercilious asses.

**** We are the inheritors of the Founding Fathers. We are the conservators of freedom.

**** And we will defy the self-nominated “better sort” as it pleases us.

**** We’ve endured quite a lot of chastisement – verbal, of course – from the “better sort.” They didn’t expect us to wave them aside. After all, we’d kowtowed to them regularly, even reliably, for decades. Their reaction to having been disregarded gives new meaning to the neologism butthurt.

**** Their consternation is equaled by our glee. We were uncertain, you see. We feared that they would find some way to punish us for “going off the reservation.” But it hasn’t happened. All they’ve ever had is their supercilious attitude and their words, and that has at last been made plain.

**** “You think politicians are important because the papers tell you so.” – Sir Fred Hoyle, The Black Cloud.

**** That goes doubly for the hangers-on that have supported them with their oraculations.

**** I sometimes wonder why anyone has ever heeded them. I wonder twice as intensely why I should have granted them the least amount of respect, when I could give the highest of them cards and spades and still make them look ridiculous.

**** The rebellion has begun. The bien-pensants have lost all traction. The Punditocracy is paralyzed with fear, its future having been made uncertain beyond all prognostications. The politicians themselves? They have no idea what’s coming. But of one thing we may be certain:

**** Their fate will be ours to determine.

**** The Europeans have accepted their yokes and fetters meekly. They’re accustomed to thinking of themselves as subjects unworthy of the privilege of self-governance.

Americans are of a different breed.

**** Fisher Ames, of the Founding Fathers the most disdainful of the common men of America, coined the phrase “The people are a great beast.” That has been reversed: We, the “beasts” whom Fisher Ames and his inheritors despised, have remembered that we are a great people – and we shall not forget it.

**** We have endured a century of creeping totalitarianism...and have opted to throw it off. We have been told that the process is irreversible...and have elected to reverse it. Our intellect and our sensibilities have been derided by the whole of the elite...and we have chosen to disregard them.

**** We mean to take this country back, to make it once again the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave...and we will.

**** Do your part.

Posted by Francis W. Porretto 3 comments: Labels: Americanism
Last edited:


On TB every waking moment

Trump as Lightning Rod--Not Just for Disaffected Progressives, But For Panicked Insiders
January 17, 2017

The Eastern Establishment fears and loathes Outsiders, and seeks to destroy them, usually via the mainstream media.

Political agnostics who are skeptical about Big Government "solutions," left or right, view the current hullabaloo about the Trump presidency with some detachment. What's remarkable to us is the extremism, not just of those bitter about Clinton's loss, but by insiders who are threatened by the possibility Trump may upset their insider skims and scams.

As an opening observation, I don't recall bitter Nixon supporters issuing death threats to performers at John Kennedy's inauguration in 1961--and the 1960 election was extremely close.

I also don't recall bitter Gore supporters issuing death threats to performers at G.W. Bush's inauguration in 2001--even though the 2000 election came down to a few hundred votes in Florida.

Trump is a lightning rod for a spectrum of people and organizations. Let's see if we can separate the spectrum into socio-political groups.

In times of turmoil, identifying a bogeyman/woman as the cause of the turmoil is a classic mechanism for shirking responsibility and agency. This is the psychological source of witch-hunts (it's all the witches' fault!), scapegoating, show trials, and so on: it isn't our fault things are falling apart, or the fault of our institutions--it's their bogeyman/woman's fault.

This transference/projection concentrates the blame and responsibility on The Other--a scapegoated group, or even better, one individual or a small group. Those making the accusation reckon pointing the finger at some target lets them off the hook: I am blameless, it's all his/her fault.

Trump is tailor-made for the part of Bogeyman--ditto the Russians. Decades of films depicting the heroic Americans besting the low-down dirty Commies seem to have seeped into the American Id: when in doubt, blame the Russians. If they are temporarily unavailable for scapegoating, then blame an Asian bogeyman.

For Progressives, symbolism is more important than substance. Never mind that the incomes, wealth and opportunities of the bottom 95% have steadily eroded in the eight years of the Obama presidency, or that an American neocon-neoliberal foreign policy was running amok globally. To Progressives steeped in the mythology of political correctness, the symbolism of the speech acts being uttered mattered far more than the substance or the consequences.

President Obama did not just promise hope and change--he was a legal-eagle master of delivering the symbolic speech acts that Progressives longed to hear, because they confirmed the world-view of legalisms, "rights," and all the other high points of the mythology of political correctness.

In other words, we don't actually have to threaten the status quo by changing anything, all we have to do is utter the correct phrases, and the erosion of civil liberties, opportunity and wealth will all magically vanish in the warm and fuzzy phraseology of political correctness.

No wonder Trump is like a fingernail on a chalkboard to progressives lulled into somnambulance by eight years of symbolic speech acts. Politically correct speech acts are out the window, and this refusal to wear the robes of correct mythology is deeply upsetting to those seeking the reassurances of symbolic speech acts.

Even more interesting is the reaction of the Eastern Establishment--you know, Washington, D.C., Yale, Harvard, the entire Deep State of Eastern Establishment cronies.

In the long narrative of American history, presidents are either Insiders or Outsiders. Insiders go the Right Schools, meet the Right People, work in the Right Companies and serve in the Right Government Agencies. Outsiders grew up in The Outside World, and did not meet the Right People or work in the Right Companies or serve in the Right Government Agencies.

Franklin Roosevelt was a classic insider, Harry Truman, a classic outsider. John F. Kennedy was a classic insider, Richard Nixon, a classic outsider. G.W. Bush and Al Gore were both insiders. Jimmy Carter was a classic outsider.

The Clintons masterfully worked their way into the Insider Circle, despite starting on the Outside.

President Obama also worked his way into the Insider Circle via Harvard Law, etc.
Once you understand this narrative, you realize the party affiliation of the candidate is simply a matter of convenience; what really matters is their standing within the traditional Eastern Establishment. Will they faithfully carry water for the Establishment, i.e. be a loyal Insider, or do they pose a threat to the power and wealth of the Insiders, i.e. an Outsider?

The Eastern Establishment fears and loathes Outsiders, and seeks to destroy them, usually via the mainstream media. That the corporate media targeted Nixon is well-known. Though few discuss it now, it was equally true that the corporate media ceaselessly bashed and ridiculed Jimmy Carter, "peanut farmer," goofy grin, etc. After he was safely out of office and couldn't threaten the Eastern Establishment's power, skims and scams, Carter was quickly rehabilitated.

Though his wealth and New York base suggests Insider to many, Trump is a classic outsider--someone the Establishment fears and loathes because he might diminish their power, their skims and their scams. The Establishment's skims and scams are rentier skims and scams--wealth and income that is skimmed from the productive elements of the economy by virtue of the Establishment's power to impose the gatekeeper's toll on virtually every aspect of American life.

The Establishment's fear and loathing is laughably obvious. Why else drum up the hysterical, absurd narrative that Russia is responsible for Trump's election? The entire media blitz was a transparent attempt to discredit the results of American democracy because the Insider unexpectedly lost. Now the Establishment--from academia to the C.I.A.--is in full-blown panic, because all their precious skims and scams are for the first time in decades, at risk of being throttled or reduced.

Trump isn't just a lightning rod for delusional Progressives who were happy to see their real-world fortunes erode away as long as the Insiders in charge kept muttering the desired symbolic speech acts; he is also a lightning rod for Insiders fearful that their Insider apple cart is about to be upended, and they might actually have to work for a living, or actually compete in the real world--something they know they are ill-prepared to survive.


On TB every waking moment

14 Jan 2017
Why the Left, Particularly the Hollywood Left, is Losing It Over Trump

Community of Fashion, Culture Wars, Donald Trump, Hollywood, The Establishment, Trump Derangement Syndrome

notjaffo on Reddit explains.
Why is Hollywood (in particular) freaking out so badly over Trump?
First, because he’s a Republican who might actually do the things he said he wanted to do. But second, because this is the first cultural victory the right has scored since Reagan stumbled into one in the ’80s.

The left is used to losing political battles. They scream and cry over these but they don’t truly panic, because they know that as long as they maintain their hammerlock on the culture, Republicans can’t really change anything.

Blue Team Progressivism is a church, offering you moral superiority and a path to spiritual enlightenment. As a church it’s got a lot going for it. It runs religious programming on television, all day every day. Every modern primetime program is like a left-wing Andy Griffith show, reinforcing lessons of inclusion, tolerance, feminism, and anti-racism.

Watching a 90-pound Sci-Fi heroine beat up a room full of giant evil men is as satisfying to the left as John Wayne westerns were for the right.

The Blue Church controls the HR department, so even if you don’t go to church, you have to act like a loyal churchgoer in every way that matters while you’re on the clock. And off the clock, on any kind of public social media platform.

Jon Stewart and John Oliver are basically TV preachers. Watching them gives the same sense of quiet superiority your grandma gets from watching The 700 Club. The messages are constantly reinforced, providing that lovely dopamine hit, like an angel’s voice whispering, “You’re right, you’re better, you’re winning.”

Hollywood award shows are like church talent shows – the skits and jokes aren’t really funny, but it’s fun to look at the pretty girls, and you’re all on the same team.
Red Conservativism is a business, selling a set of political products. They don’t make you feel good, they don’t appeal to your morality or your spiritual sense of self, but sometimes you really NEED one of their core products like security, jobs, or national defense. Their appeals to “freedom” and “family values” ring hollow these days, but when people are flying planes into buildings, you need a strong member of Conservatism, Inc. in the big chair.

And when it came down to the things that really mattered – welfare, Medicare, Social Security, and foreign policy, you knew Red Team couldn’t really do anything Blue Team didn’t approve of, or the Blue faithful would kick them out of office next time.
But Donald Trump didn’t sign that contract. And Donald Trump didn’t win by selling the same old conservative products. Donald Trump started his own religion, and he won a religious victory.

The Blue Church is panicking because they’ve just witnessed the birth of a new Red Religion. Not the tired old Christian cliches they defeated back in the ’60s, but a new faith based on cultural identity and outright rejection of the Blue Faith.

For the first time in decades, voters explicitly rejected the Blue Church, defying hours of daily cultural programming, years of indoctrination from the schools, and dozens of explicit warnings from HR.

We’ve been trained since childhood to obey the pretty people on TV, but for the first time in decades, that didn’t work.

Donald Trump won because flyover America wants their culture back, and Blue Team has not been rejected like that before.

The younger ones have grown up in an environment where Blue Faith assumptions cannot even be questioned, except anonymously by the bad kids on Twitter.

But now the bad kids are getting bolder, posting funny memes that make you laugh even though John Oliver would not approve, like passing crude dirty pictures under the table in Sunday School.

Meryl Streep is panicking because for the first time voters have rejected HER, and everything her faith has taught her to believe.

There is a new faith rising on the right, not an explicit religious faith like old-school Christianity, but a wicked kind of counterculture movement. We laughed at the hippies in 1968, but by 1978 they were teaching in classrooms and sitting behind school administrator desks.

Where will the hippies of 2016 be sitting after eight years of Trump? How many of the shitposting Twitter bad boys will start up alternative media outlets, until one of them becomes the new Saturday Night Live?

Sam Hyde tried it on Adult Swim, but that was just the early prototype, like Mad Magazine was for the left. There will be many others after him, and they won’t be stopped by network filters. They’ll come “out of nowhere” on the web, from the secret places that the inquisitors at Google can’t shut down.

And that’s what Meryl Streep is really scared of. She’s not truly aware of it, just like fluttering housewives couldn’t really understand the counterculture threat in 1968. But they feel that something is changing in their safe little world, and they know they have to fight it, because this threat isn’t just passing pointless budget resolutions and selling pointless platitudes about family values – these guys mean business, and they’re fighting on her turf.

Hat tip to Thomas Lifson.


Certa Bonum Certamen
All three of these essays are worthy of being passed along (and will be). Thank you for posting them.

From the first essay:

We are the inheritors of the Founding Fathers. We are the conservators of freedom.

And we will defy the self-nominated “better sort” as it pleases us.

Damn right.

Plain Jane

Just Plain Jane
There is a theme that is present in many war movies. An overmatched force of good guys is advancing under very terrible conditions in order the achieve the enemy's line of big guns. Their objective is to turn the guns around and start firing on enemy positions. As most war movies go, the good guys win after losing a few heart warming characters. I thought of this after seeing SAR01's post of Andrew Breitbart's portrait.

We are in the process of turning the big guns around but we are still taking fire. I am glad that Fran Poretto is optimistic since he has been a more astute observer of the battlefield. I am just not that convinced that we have reached that magic tipping point from which there will be no return. The events of Jan 20 may be that point, but I still think we have to keep our eyes on the institutions, Congress, and support media that support honest facts and commentary. That includes so-called conservative media.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Gaining ground or positions, isn't the same as winning the battle. Winning a battle, isn't the same as ending the war. (I'm not entirely convinced that there are clear winners/losers of any war. Everyone loses something; someone. But the reasons for finally "going to war", remain.)

I'm bumping this up because I wish I'd written Fran's piece. I just don't have the skill with words to express my own feelings & readings of the "lay of the land" - like he does, so clearly. I'm seeing the same things.

The "big single change" that happened as a result of the election that will impact the next years, is that a large group of hitherto dismissed, demeaned, and disregarded people of this country discovered that they CAN fight back against the leftist, progressive crap. They now believe in their ability to continue the fight, until that cultural snake has had it's head chopped off and it's hide stretched out to bleach in the sun. There's no formal "organization" necessary - it's like a form of consciousness; awareness - that the momentum of "battle" has shifted, even if it's not over yet. Even IF there are black swans, serious events yet to endure and overcome.

And this is incredibly important.