POL The Obama 'Nudge Unit' Rides Again - American Thinker


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February 10, 2024

The Obama 'Nudge Unit' Rides Again​

By Robert L. Kinney III

One of the things the Obama-Biden Administration is known for was its use of psychological tricks to get Americans to do what government officials wanted Americans to do. Some describe this method as a government “nudge” while others describe it as manipulation or coercion.

Politico described it as the government “using psychology on citizens” as a way for policymakers to change people’s behavior:

For the past year, the Obama administration has been running an experiment: Is it possible to make policy more effective by using psychology on citizens? The nickname is “nudging” -- the idea that policymakers can change people’s behavior just by presenting choices or information differently. […]
Nudging has gained a lot of high-profile advocates, including behavioral-law guru Cass Sunstein and former budget czar Peter Orszag. Not everyone likes the idea --“the behaviorists are saying that you, consumer, are stupid,” said Bill Shughart, a professor of public choice at Utah State University -- but President Obama was intrigued enough that he actually hired Sunstein, a law professor at Harvard who co-wrote the best-known book about the topic, “Nudge.”
The president officially adopted the idea last year when he launched the White House’s Social and Behavioral Science Team (SBST), a cross-agency effort to bring behavioral science research into the policymaking process. Now the team has published its first annual report on this experiment.

“Nudge” has been defined in this way:

A nudge […] is any aspect of the choice architecture that alters people’s behavior in a predictable way without forbidding any options or significantly changing their economic incentives. To count as a mere nudge, the intervention must be easy and cheap to avoid. Nudges are not mandates. Putting fruit at eye level counts as a nudge. Banning junk food does not.

Emphasis should be on changing people’s behavior “in a predictable way.” One of the major government promoters of nudging, Cass Sunstein (a President Biden National Security official), has unconvincingly suggested that nudging is not manipulative, coercive, secretive, or trickery.

It is reasonable to conclude that the scholars’ idea of “nudge” is likely manipulation, coercion, and/or trickery, at minimum, most of the time.

The term is based on the physical nudge, in which one person physically or forcefully pushes another in the direction desired by the nudger. The nudgee is able to sense both the nudger and the direction in which the nudger desires the nudgee to go.

In other words, it seems that physical nudges never occur without the nudgee’s knowledge of being nudged.

It seems that necessary conditions, then, for psychological nudges would include informing the nudgee that they are being nudged, by whom they are being nudged, the nudgee’s predictable response/behavior, the nudger’s desired response/behavior, and other relevant information.

Now, how many times did the government or others say something like, “President Obama and all of us in the White House’s Social and Behavioral Science Team are nudging you here to make this behavioral change which we used psychology to determine would be your predicted behavior. This is a nudge; you are still free to repel our nudge, though, and choose what you want.”

Or, how many Americans even knew that the Obama-Biden Administration had a Nudge Unit which used “psychology on its citizens” to get them to act in a predictable way? Probably not many. (Some might have known of former President Obama’s support for nudging but might not have known about the actual Nudge Unit labeled as the White House’s Social and Behavioral Science Team.)

The point is that government nudgers and other psychological nudgers most often act covertly and secretly, while a physical nudge and the desired response of the nudger does not occur secretly.

Thus, government nudges are likely manipulation, coercion, and/or trickery.

The Obama-Biden Administration started a “Nudge Unit” to “use psychology on citizens” in America and get Americans to act in a predictable way. The Nudge Unit was in the Office of Science and Technology Policy (a potentially significant fact in and of itself). The Trump Administration then eliminated the Nudge Unit. Then the Biden-Harris Administration re-commissioned the U.S. government’s Nudge Unit:

The Biden-Harris Administration formally rechartered the Social and Behavioral Sciences Subcommittee (SBS) of the Committee on Science of the National Science and Technology Council in April 2022. The SBS coordinates policy action to address pressing social issues and Biden-Harris Administration priorities using the tools and insights of the social and behavioral sciences.
The Biden-Harris Social and Behavioral Sciences Subcommittee functions to “advance the Biden-Harris Administration’s Agenda”:

The social and behavioral sciences offer unique tools for describing, understanding, and addressing societal challenges, and assessing and evaluating initiatives, programs, and policies. As described in its Charter, the SBS leverages these tools to advance the Biden-Harris Administration’s agenda, to carry out short-term, high-priority tasks, and to lay the groundwork for longer-term coordination of agency efforts related to the social and behavioral sciences.
Emphasis should be on both the use of the Social and Behavioral Sciences Subcommittee, or “Nudge Unit,” to “advance the Biden-Harris Administration’s agenda” and “lay the groundwork for longer-term coordination of agency efforts related to the social and behavioral sciences.”

The question then, should not be “is the Biden Administration using psychology on Americans?” but instead “how is the Biden Administration using psychology on Americans to advance the Biden-Harris agenda or a swiftly chosen replacement candidate?”

Regardless of opinions on the Super Bowl and celebrities, Americans should at least be aware of the government’s Nudge Unit which might be using psychology to nudge Americans and advance the Democrat agenda.



Disaster Cat
This isn't new. It goes back at least to CIA Bush Sr. and probably before. I was working for the Federal Government then and noticed them. Sometimes, government employees see right through them, but they can only make personal decisions to avoid them.

The idiots in charge of this nonsense did learn a lesson after both Gulf Wars. They tried to "force" nudging in Iraq based on a study in the US that women listen to their hairdressers. So they rounded up hairdressers and ordered them to give certain "messages" to their clients. It was so heavy-handed and so obviously propaganda (often embarrassing the hairdressers themselves) that it failed miserably, and "they" simply couldn't figure out why.

The reason is that a significant portion of any population will realize they are being manipulated and don't like it. No one likes it when it is obvious and in your face.

A lot of the general public will go along with nudges for a period of time, but the backlash when they realize what happened can be epic. We now see that with certain medical treatments and laughable economic messages. People are basing their views on the economy based on their personal circumstances rather than officially approved messages from the White House. Who knew? (sarcasm alert).


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Seriously … this is ”new”? Although FJB has a lot to learn then. Just multiple levels to their psyop campaigns and brainwashing.

Once they have all their nano bots in you … nudging will be (is) a weapon.

Like putting illegals in your cities … not such a little nudge. But a nudge … just wait until what comes later.

Lot of nudging going to be heaped upon us in 2024


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
I find it interesting to point out the propaganda and the nudges when I see them....which is often if the boob tube is on. It's everywhere, and consistent. Gay this, black that, inter racial this, racist that..............subtle, blatant, it's all there.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I noted that the article is about nudgers and nudgees but no where did it list those nudges by the government.

A list even if it was 1000 points would have been informative. Heck there are 458 nudgers in congress. But wait once the election is over the nudgees are out of the loop, so why should nudgers care what the nudgees think until the next cycle, when all is forgiven and they start over?

So the meaning is probably on social media, Karens nudging other Karens to scream louder, and shoot other non nudgees to even the score at the polls.


TB Fanatic
Just think of a nudge this way.
You have someone holding an ice pick 1/12 of an inch from your eye and someone nudges their arm.

The plan to convert to communism has been in the work for decades

They mean us harm.


Saved, to glorify God.
The Medicare "Advantage" program, which officually transfers you OFF the government MEDICARE rolls
To a private, "for profit " health insurance company,
has been the most intensely "nudged" behavior
modification program I have seen. It is NOT to your "advantage" to enroll in it! It limits your medical care much more than regular Medicare.


Faithful Steed
High energy prices are the government "nudge" to energy conservation.

Nordstream 1&2 could be the latest "double nudge" since it helps Ukraine as the intermediary ga$ transfer system, AND raises prices for the rest of northern Europe.

The fact that the "nudgee" is still not proved only lends credence that it was someone supportive of the "New World Order." That the US had the capability AND the interest under NWO dictates (The US is the NWO "policeman.") is not proof.

A proof that could result in "push-back."
