RACE WAR The Jungle Grows Back: November as a Trigger Point


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The Jungle Grows Back:
November as a Trigger Point

Tuesday, 14 July 2020
A couple years ago, I read a book, entitled "Clash of Civilizations," in which the author Samuel P. Huntington offers a controversial look at the rise and fall of civilizations. Huntington sums up a world in disarray following the decline of the United States, the unraveling of the world order, and ultimately, the fate of the West. Historians are likely to look back on November 2020 as the tipping point, in one direction or another, for the American civilization.

What's unique is that Huntington warned about this as early as the 1990s, when he wrote not just about the eventual decline of the United States as the world's superpower, but also the changing shape of conflict.
Civilizations, he writes, are bound by “common objective elements, such as language, history, religion, customs, institutions, and by the subjective self-identification of people.” And due to geography, competition for resources, and other factors, these civilizations regularly come into conflict.

Perhaps the most intriguing of his arguments is what happens to a civilization, in this case the West, after protracted moral decline and cultural decay. Citing historian Caroll Quigley, Huntington writes that decay occurs “when the civilization, no longer able to defend itself because it is no longer willing to defend itself, lies wide open to ‘barbarian invaders.'”
Huntington questions whether or not the West would remain viable, or if it could ever been renewed in the face of this decay.
But Huntington also writes about America's place in the world during this period of decline:
"All in all, the emerging world is likely to lack the clarity and stability of the Cold War and to be a more jungle-like world of multiple dangers, hidden traps, unpleasant surprises and moral ambiguities."
Yet this warning may also end up describing the domestic social and political order in years or decades to come.
We might say that, given the civil unrest, the cultural revolution and Far Left political insurgency, and a growing legitimacy crisis for the federal government, 'the emerging United States is likely to lack the clarity and stability of the previous period, and to be a more jungle-like world of multiple dangers, hidden traps, unpleasant surprises and moral ambiguities.'
There's some uncertainty over how permanent this period of social unrest will be. Some have predicted that there's no going back from here. Others say the anger, like the country experienced in 1968, will eventually subside and give way to a more peaceful era. There's little reason to believe that civil unrest will magically disappear after the November election, even if domestic conditions do simmer down through the summer.

Former Secretary of State John Kerry recently warned of a potential revolution if President Trump is reelected. Far Left activists have promoted protests and violence if Joe Biden wins because Biden has expressed support for law enforcement and police organizations. And there's the potential for accelerationist violence regardless of who wins.

Frankly, the biggest risk we face is a constitutional crisis stemming from disrupted November elections -- perhaps a failed or contested presidential election -- which could mark a point of no return for the United States.
Earlier this month, we reported to Forward Observer subscribers that the United States Postal Service had encountered delivery issues during state primaries earlier this year.

Some voters in Ohio, Indiana, New Jersey, Maryland, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Washington D.C. experienced a wide array of delays, “unintentional missorts,” missing ballots, postmark issues, and missed delivery deadlines during their primaries.
According to analysis done by The Intercept, some 950,000 mail-in ballots went uncounted in the 2016 elections. Accusations of voter fraud or voting irregularities are likely to be amplified this year due to the country's political and social conditions.
Given the likelihood for an unprecedented volume of mail-in ballots in November, there are already questions about whether the postal service can handle the increased load. In previous months, the USPS has suffered from decreased revenue, staffing issues, and bureaucratic mismanagement -- evidence that their efforts are likely to be strained during the election. There are a number of other issues, like a state's inability to quickly process large volumes of mail-in ballots, which have led to vote counting delays in primaries this year. And, of course, these conditions could spell delays for final counts in November, as well.

This is not to say that substantial voting issues are an inevitability, or that this will certainly lead to a catastrophic failure. But the evidence is stacking up that processing election results will be challenging and that results may be delayed.
The 2000 presidential election, for instance, wasn't decided until nearly mid-December after lawsuits ended with a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court. I question what the country's political and social agitators will do in the weeks following Election Day, in the event that the 2020 presidential election is litigated up to the Supreme Court.
That's just a lot of time for political maneuvering and strategic disinformation from both sides, which is sure to rile up political factions and maybe lead to political violence.

What happens in November may accelerate civilizational decay, and present both challenges and opportunities for its inhabitants. It's a possibility that we can see easily developing, and it's all the more reason to be prepared for our low intensity conflict to worsen.

Always Out Front,
Samuel Culper


Veteran Member
I imagine it will go from the soft civil war we have right now to a hard civil war after November. Neither side is going to be happy with the outcome. This is the build-up point still. Armies are assembling, leaders are rising, boundaries are being pushed, responses are being tested. It's bad now, what do you think will happen after November? Do you think they will accept a Trump victory? Will we accept a Biden victory? I'm not sure if it will go 'hot', but it is damn sure no longer 'cold' and we haven't even gotten near it yet. The scariest part for me and the part that tells me this is about something much larger then an election, is that nobody is really talking about the election. Normally we would be crushed with information about 'Trump said this' or 'Listen to this Biden gaff...'. And although we are getting fed those tidbits, it's almost like an afterthought now. I don't read the news looking for political intrigue now, I read it to see what atrocities occurred last night while I was sleeping.

Soft Civil War

Telescope Steve

Veteran Member
Selected quote from above -"Civilizations, he writes, are bound by “common objective elements, such as language, history, religion, customs, institutions, and by the subjective self-identification of people.”

In my opinion he should have added race as an even more significant 'common objective element'. It looks to me that race has always been a way to identify us versus them. Competing civilizations may have the same race as your own but appearance and skin color are such an easy way to identify one group from another.

When push comes to shove people connect most closely with family, then tribe, and then race.

That will be an ugly reality for many in places like America and Europe that have so many mixed races. But if and when things become unstable then it will be a wake-up call and divisions will be made.


Veteran Member
Unfortunately it might break down along racial lines, but I see this as more of a disintegration of a belief of borders, language, culture, or the commonality we once had in this country... :kaid:


Contributing Member
We may be seeing the end of “Peaceful Transition of Power” as in Democratic election and acceptance of the results. Something this Country was know for, in my lifetime I can’t recall such dissension and animosity amongst our fellow Americans.
In reality the people of this country have never been in accordance with a unity of purpose except during the Second World War.
Since then there has been a gradual, but constant decay of integrity, honesty, morality and rejection of religious belief.
This change in our culture has caused a division in our society causing segments of our population to seek out cadres or groups we can align with who hold ideals we can abide. This further separates people with unity in purpose, weakening our nation.
Which really amplifies this statement “when the civilization, no longer able to defend itself because it is no longer willing to defend itself, lies wide open to ‘barbarian invaders.'”
Our future, that, such as a SuprePower, may in fact be over.

The leaders of this nation are in such disagreement, they’ve become Ungovernable, they lack a unified objective, be it domestic or foreign policy, disarray abounds, hatred and animosity is rampant in our leadership.
Immigrants of all flavors in the last 50 years have not, nor will the assimilate and have now been elected in pocket areas of their concenration and push to establish THEIR philosophy in our culture...sad part, we’ve allowed it and cowered down to the minorities demands, thus “no longer able to defend itself”
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Has No Life - Lives on TB
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that a country/civilization built on a common racial and/or cultural makeup will be compromised to the point of fractal splits if it attempts to include other races/cultures that do not and/or are not capable of assimilating.

So far history as demonstrated that any attempt to construct a diverse society of race/culture leads to conflict and collapse.

The US is the first "empire" exposed to such a diversity at a truly worldwide level of influx and as a result should manifest such collapse at a more accelerated demographic rate than any previous empire in history has.

The idea that the world must live as one is a goal that ignores the current state of evolution with the human species which has created existing diversities that are incompatible to that goal at this time.........


Let's Go Brandon!
April 9th, 1865.

That date, the most horrendous day in all of ZUSA history,
holds the answers, to the reason for the apocalypse,
that the ZUSA is fast approaching.

There is absolutely nothing, that can be done to stop,
the ultimate demise, of the once great ZUSA.

Prepare as best you can.

Please be safe everyone.

Regards to all.


night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
If yer not dragging down Sam's FO thinking on a regular basis you are missing a HUGE information source as well as a DAMN FINE training series on situation evaluation and local/area/regional/state wide intel gathering and assessment.

Go read and LEARN THINGS (to quote King Pride from NCIS NOLA).

Mr. Peabody

Veteran Member
April 9th, 1865.

That date, the most horrendous day in all of ZUSA history,
holds the answers, to the reason for the apocalypse,
that the ZUSA is fast approaching.

There is absolutely nothing, that can be done to stop,
the ultimate demise, of the once great ZUSA.

Prepare as best you can.

Please be safe everyone.

Regards to all.


Justification for ^^^^ and that during the War of 1812 there were New England states that threatened secession due to severe disagreements with the fed gov, because it was constitutionally accepted as fact and they knew they COULD!

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

and to justify our modern dilemma:
...That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, (which is NOT what we see with our current gov controlled by the $ factions)--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends (which it is), it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

As stated above about races and ideologies, the gov and the system is totally fook'd and is definitely destructive to our rights, especially the BOR that are not given or granted by the gov. It violates virtually every aspect and the very foundation of the Declaration of Independence. In the spirit of raising a ruckus, we all agree they had cause in 1776, so what's different know?
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