OT/MISC The Hollywood Agenda (massively long read and tons of pictures)


Admins, I really don't believe this is Unex material. I think there's plenty of 'regular meat' here that will touch many people and many views, including religious people, to stay on Main, so I hope you'll let it ride. Just take a look and you'll see what I mean, even if you don't agree with the author's exact views. This is bound to evoke a lot of opinions on why the world is the way it is.

** I was about to post a link to just one page, thinking that was it, but then I found the index.... This seems to be a rather huge work, and I've only just skimmed a tiny bit of it, but I can see there's plenty here worth looking at.

I'm going to download the whole thing in case it disappears...

Grab something to drink, and don't expect to whip through this thing in short order. This might take a few days. This really can't be posted here; way too long and a zillion pics; gotta read it at the site. If anyone finds good quotes, etc., please bring them back here and let us know what you think.

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Btw, don't click on the "article title" link in the index. That seems to just resort the index out of order. Just start with the Preface.


After skimming a bit more, I can see this one is going to be much more controversial than I expected. I still think it's worth the read, but it's certainly going to upset some tummys.


Only human
I have heard this argument before. While there may be an over-arching conspiracy, an unseen one by Satan himself, there is not some hidden conspiracy among the actors and directors in Hollywood. These guys can't keep a secret. That's why when you see a new movie come out, you see two more exactly like it from competing studios. Word gets out.

You see patterns because these people are lost. If they do not belong to Jesus, they are puppets in Satan's great play. The blatant stuff has never bothered me. In a morality play of good vs. evil, I expect evil to do evil things and bad things to happen. What I watch for is this: Is There Redemption? Do the black hats win or do the white hats win?

Much, much more insidious to me are the more subtle messages. The ones they sneak in. This is why I don't watch much tv any more. I used to like Warehouse 13 until the next season began with yet another token gay character we are just supposed to embrace as Normal and Okay. Why is it nearly every show has a token gay character? Now THAT is an agenda, but it's obvious and no secret. I just do not subscribe. And you can believe I wrote letters, not so much to the studio, as to the sponsors to let them know that I do not appreciate that message and I will no longer by watching their commercials and will think twice before using their product again if that is what they wish to promote.

Also, another obvious, not secret agenda: All religious people are simple minded bigots that are secretly perverts, perhaps wanna be mass murderers. Religious people are a blight on the planet and the root of all evil in the world today. Religious people are secretly attracted to the same sex and they are afraid of it. Religious people are the dumbest of the dumb.

In Hollywood it's all about New Age and Liberalism. The people with the answers are the Natives (Native Americans, Aborigines, Dolphins and Whales, Bigfoot and probably Redwood Trees...NOT people who follow Jesus, although Jesus had it together and was okay...He would probably HATE all His followers if He could but face them today. This is Hollywood. Oh. Buddhism is en vogue for the moment (in times past it was EST, Reverend Moon, TM, etc.) so Buddhism is okay for the moment.

But these people do not plan and have meeting and discuss an over-arching agenda and make movies about it. Most of them are morons that are more interested in satisfying their own gratuitous lust for sex and violence than even money. Were it not so, they would make the more profitable movies that are in the PG-13 range than anything else. Their further motivation is that such scenes, they believe, make them cool at parties. It's all about out-doing each other with the outrageous so they will be invited to the next big party. They think it's art.

There is a vast conspiracy in which they are puppets. That is Satan's agenda to mind-numb people and desensitize them. Make them think socialism, liberalism, debauchery is cool and the way to be. Programming? Sure! But don't you see that coming a mile off? People who buy into it are those who've already bought into it. This is just affirmation. Confirmation.

There are some good people in Hollywood, including a few conservatives. They are the ones gossiped about in Hollywood that are given only grudging respect. Most of these survive by either keeping their mouths shut, or because they are mavericks, but they are still in the club known as Hollywood, if only just at the fringes.

What was posted in the article is much of the Hollywood UNoriginality, salted with Story. No one want to go to a movie to watch the ordinary. There is arch in a story, where we establish the MC's normal day, something happens or is revealed to show him/her something to shake their worldview, they face it (whatever that means...these days ACTION) and the MC winds up with a new worldview. Usually it's something he writer or director thinks is profound. Usually, it's not. It's just stupid. That's all the lines to those clips. You could do the same thing with books.
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optimistic pessimist

Veteran Member
In Hollywood nowadays it is all single men writing and directing for their target audience, young single men. The "audience" has become much narrower in scope...people are no longer really writing movies for families, and many married folks are no longer involved in producing. Take the group of single male producers/writers/directors, and have a good look at their value system. That is where it is coming from, and that is why I no longer watch much tv.


Girls With Guns Member
-Just promise you’ll listen.

-I’m listening.

-In other words, people tend to mistake the messenger for the message, and the representation of the thing for the thing-in-itself. (read that a few times to let it sink in, at least that's what I had to do)

.....from there down it gets interesting quick and down right scarey too. I had to take a break because basically what it tells me is we have been monitored and molded in certain ways our whole lives and the only difference between then and now is we are becoming aware of it.

So far so good Milky and I agree it is interesting. Some people can't handle the truth because they're not ready yet.

I'll pick up from...

--Well, people rarely notice things right in front of their eyes, don’t you find?

-Most people will never know anything beyond what they see with their own eyes.


Only human
In Hollywood nowadays it is all single men writing and directing for their target audience, young single men. The "audience" has become much narrower in scope...people are no longer really writing movies for families, and many married folks are no longer involved in producing. Take the group of single male producers/writers/directors, and have a good look at their value system. That is where it is coming from, and that is why I no longer watch much tv.

VERY true indeed. And once you hit 30, you're getting old! But sheesh! Do they have to write like 15-year-olds? Meanwhile, I've got screenplays collecting dust. Oh, well.