Blog The Healing Process: Retracing

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
I thought I'd post this informative article to remind everyone to let your central nervous system do what God created it to do.

(Post 1 of 2)

The Healing Process: Retracing​

Dr. C's Health and Wellness

The Healing Process: Retracing

The Healing Process: Retracing

As you have seen in previous articles (click to read), the Central Nervous System is the master system and it controls everything in the body, so it also ultimately controls the healing process. Your inability to heal before was due to the lack of full access and communication through the CNS and the rest of the body. Once restored, then anything is possible and it’s the immune system that plays one of the biggest roles on the construction site of the who/what/when/where/how of defense/repair/rebuilding/regeneration.

Your body is made up of trillions of cells and they can’t all be regenerated and rebuilt at once, so the way your body organizes and coordinates the “boots on the ground” workers, materials, supplies, parts, and tools, is through a process everyone is familiar with, but few understand— inflammation.

The immune system always has “boots on the ground” (WBCs) identifying all potential problems within your body, and once identified and reported to the foreman they will initiate the inflammatory process through the release of certain chemicals called ‘cytokines’. (Remember the discussion(s) about “cytokine storms” in people with COVID?) Think of it like a chemical cell signal, a flare in the night-sky, for materials/supplies/parts/tools and all the worker cells to come and perform a certain action—defense, protection, repair, or regeneration—depending on what is needed and where.

But what do most people think about inflammation?
Good thing or bad thing?

The majority of people would tell you that inflammation is a bad thing—but why? Because when inflammation is present, the area with inflammation will have pain and symptoms that we were all taught are signs and symptoms of disease. While this is somewhat true, what is also true is that these are also signs that the body is AWARE there is a dis-ease process and is currently doing something about it. The pain is a warning that there is a problem there (so don’t do something stupid), the type of pain indicates what may be happening, the intensity of the pain indicates the severity of the problem, and the symptoms (specific to each cell, tissue, organ, etc.) are a combination of the signs of dysfunction, damage, and/OR…. the healing and repair process.

When you have an infection you might get a fever, swelling, redness, and pain, and then some other unique symptoms specific to where it is, indicating your immune system is fighting it and repairing the damage. Nobody likes a fever, but your innate intelligence knows that if you turn the heat up on pathogens they can’t survive very well—thus giving your immune system the advantage.

When you do direct damage to a tissue, have an infection, or degenerate, you might see swelling, redness, and have pain. Depending on where it is you may also have some other symptoms of dysfunction indicating your body is damaged AND is repairing the damage.

Either way, this is showing you how your body uses inflammation, NOT TO HARM YOU, but to HELP YOU.

Inflammation isn’t a bad thing.

What’s CAUSING the damage or degeneration, or the inability to fully regenerate, resulting in chronic inflammation is the bad thing. If you are unable to repair tissue, fight off infection, or regenerate you are going to have chronic inflammation. This results in chronic pain and symptoms.

Inflammation is the immune system's response to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells, toxic compounds, or irradiation [1], and acts by removing injurious stimuli and initiating the healing process [2]. Inflammation is therefore a defense mechanism that is vital to health [3]. Usually, during acute inflammatory responses, cellular and molecular events and interactions efficiently minimize impending injury or infection. This mitigation process contributes to restoration of tissue homeostasis and resolution of the acute inflammation.”

Doctors know this to be true. They know.

Inflammation isn’t just necessary, it’s VITAL.

Our current healthcare system, despite knowing this fact, focuses on trying to control, limit, reduce, or shut-off the inflammatory process, and/or control, limit, reduce, or shut-off pain signals (nerves) and symptoms—WHY?

They think that the body has lost the ability to control inflammation and thus the inflammation is now the culprit or contributing to the damage and dis-ease you experience. Well, unless your DNA changed, the last time I checked your immune system is responsible for healing you, recognizes what our own cells are, and the body innately knows how to self-regulate, self-adapt, self-heal, etc.

So will shutting off inflammation actually heal or fix anything?


The main difference between inflammation being a good thing or a bad thing, is whether or not healing gets accomplished. You could be missing the communication, missing materials and supplies, missing parts and tools, be unable to eliminate infectious processes, continued and repetitive traumas, and/or have an accumulation and continued exposure to toxins or metabolic waste etc.—and usually a combination of the above— resulting in repair/healing/regeneration not being accomplished.

When you are NOT healing, your dis-ease, your symptoms, and your pain will stay in the same spots, will be constant in their intensities, and become chronic because you will have a chronic and constant state of inflammation.

When you ARE truly healing, you will notice that your symptoms and pain will move, fluctuate in intensity, and lessen because the WBC’s (white blood cells) regulate and adjust the inflammatory process according to what is accomplished and the next set of tasks in healing.

A lot of people are not regenerating or fully healing and they have become accustomed to their pain. They are so used to living with it that they just accept it as their new normal, and adopt it as part of their identity.

But after successfully receiving the “master-reset” the brain-body communication is returned to 100%. When the brain-body communication returns to 100% then the CNS will resume full control over your avatar again, 100% accurate reports of damage and dysfunction are able to get through to the foreman, and 100% reciprocal and proper responses will be sent by the foreman to all the workers on precisely what to do.

As well, the CSF flow will fully return to normal which means the full and proper transfer of neuroendocrine hormones and neurotransmitters can occur, the full and proper clearing of metabolic waste/toxins out of the CNS can occur, and even the brain will begin to heal itself from all the damage it sustained— Dr. Scott Rosa (last article) mentioned in his video-interview that the neurodegenerative lesions seen on MRI imaging near the ventricles begin to disappear within days to months after correcting upper cervical misalignment.

Here is what true healing really looks like:​

Fully restoring the neural canal leads to certain sensations in patients immediately following correction of UC misalignment:

When the CSF flow returns it is described as having a “cool water” “icy-hot” “fluid” sensation traveling up and down the spine, and into the head, presumably traveling to wherever CSF flows and all the places where it was previously shunted.

When the parasympathetic nervous system wakes up it is described as goosebumps, chills, feelings of temperature changes on different places on the body, and overwhelming relaxation/tiredness. Some people say their fingers and feet feel cold while their mid-line (head/face/chest/abdomen/pelvis) feels warm.

When any part of the peripheral (somatic) nervous system wakes up, just like when any limb that has “fallen asleep” before wakes up, it will experience “tingling” sensations.

When blood flow returns to any part of the body it is felt as an expanding and traveling “heat” sensation.

People routinely describe these sensations, many on the table immediately following the correction, and others later on during their appointment or later that day/week, each unique to the person’s specific condition .

People will have all kinds of interesting responses as their body and CNS connection is completely set free.

One thing that is the same across the board in all patients, upon sitting-up after the master-reset, is a sensation of “disorientation”, “woozy”, “light-headed”, or being “dizzy”, etc. Your brain is receiving new sensory information and is formulating (in real time) new reciprocal motor responses to balance and orient the body with the reality constants, like: your vision, vestibular senses, gravity, and mechanoreceptor activity causing a change in how you perceive reality and respond to it. This response subsides within 30 seconds and the body stabilizes enough to be able to safely ambulate and balance.

With re-establishing this connection you will see system-wide healing processes begin. This means that any cell, tissue, organ, or organ system that was, in any way, unable to fully reach homeostasis, or was dysfunctional, degenerative, or dis-eased due to the loss of this communication and control, will now undergo a healing process— starting for most people within seconds, if not minutes.

While the control AND the healing start immediately, the healing won’t complete itself overnight, just like it didn’t take overnight for the state of the dis-eased condition to occur. And the healing STARTS with inflammation. With inflammation, you will experience “pain and symptoms”.

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TB2K Girls with Guns
(Post 2 of 2)

However, the reason you know these are healing symptoms is because they will fluctuate in their intensity—up and down. Remember, before, when you were unable to fully repair damaged or degenerated tissues, your body still made an attempt using “inflammation”, but since full healing never occurred you had a chronic and constant state of inflammation. This results in a chronic and constant state of pain and symptoms. With healing, you actually make consistent forward progress in the repair process and thus have fluctuating levels of inflammation. This results in a fluctuation of pain and symptoms. For most people the fluctuations happen an hour at a time—in and out—while moving around on the body. For others it can take up to 48 hours before improvement on the pain/symptoms in a certain location are felt. It is exceedingly rare and uncommon, but still possible, for these healing symptoms to last longer than 48 hours in the same state of intensity without a fluctuation. Therefore, the only way to truly tell if the symptoms are healing or injury based is to check the alignment at the feet. If the feet are in alignment, no movement on any UC stress tests, then ANY symptom (not otherwise attributed to a new a trauma) is considered healing and will later be proven to only be temporary. In other words, for some this process won’t be a big deal, and for others it will be a bumpier ride—each person’s experience will be unique to them and based on their specific condition and state of dis-ease process.

Because of this, these healing pains and symptoms have a name: “Retracing”.

It’s called retracing because once the neural tube compression occurs, each person’s subsequent catabolic breakdowns, ergonomics, traumas, degenerations, dis-eases, and infectious processes, etc. add up as they take a very specific winding road each day in their own lives. Once this master-reset is successfully performed on them, they will “retrace” back through every single one of those processes (at lightening speed) all the way back to the beginning— unwinding the exact same way they wound up in the first place.

With the ability to fully clear the UC spine, and documentation of thousands of real-life patients going through their own unique healing processes, one thing consistently seen is that the body heals and retraces in 9-week cycles—like clockwork. Think of it as approximately 2 months at a time.

For many people, starting on Day 1 and going through Weeks 1,2,3, the body begins to reorganize and recalibrate, as baseline physiology begins to improve, and the body comes out of chronic injury status. This can involve an inflammatory process. People report that they feel drastic changes in their condition.

At Week 3, the Immune System modulation will kick back in to gear, and some people will actually get sick (20%) as their immune system starts to attack latent infectious processes previously left unchecked.

At weeks 7, 8, 9 (end of month 2) the body is about to start the first true “retracing cycle” and all of the old pain and symptoms will come back (even though the patient is still in alignment). These symptoms will fluctuate and move again. While this can be unnerving, especially after feeling good for a few weeks, these symptoms will not be as severe as they ever were before, and they WILL noticeably fluctuate.

These retracing cycles will continue in weeks 16, 17, 18 (Retracing Cycle 2), weeks 25, 26, 27 (Retracing Cycle 3), and then a major retracing cycle will occur during weeks 34, 35, 36, 37 (Retracing Cycle 4).

At weeks 12-13 (3 months) of maintaining alignment, the UC spinal ligaments and soft tissues have likely majority healed, and stability only increases from here, thus making it more and more difficult to misalign. Despite seeing this stability in the patients consistently, most people will make some sort of suggestion that they believe they may have “come out of alignment” during each subsequent retracing cycle, and in particular in Retracing Cycle 4, but upon examination they will very likely be found to be in alignment. These retracing symptoms are temporary and they will disappear leaving the patient functioning and feeling better each time.

People have reported having additional traumas (moderate)—car accidents, falls, direct traumas, etc.— and STILL hold their alignments in as little as 2-3 months after UC correction and stability. IF they are in alignment people also find that they heal astonishingly faster from these traumas and will usually openly comment on how they noticed they weren’t as bad as they thought after the trauma, and that they were surprised at how quickly they recovered.

This is why in true healing you can not rely on how you “feel”, or any symptoms, to tell you whether or not you are healthy or healing. The true test of healing is examination of the function, not the symptoms, of the body. If the function is, and has, improved but the symptoms are there, they are healing symptoms. And when you are healing it is best to step out of the way and not intervene as much as possible because the body knows what it’s doing and our efforts to interfere in the physiological processes are only slowing it down (except in certain circumstances).

Each time a retracing cycle happens, the signs and symptoms of retracing become “less and less” (minus retracing cycle 4 where they pick up a bit) to the point where people will stop noticing they’re going through retracing after cycle 4. If they do notice, they don’t care because the symptoms are so negligible, and their function so much improved, that it does not prevent or interfere with anything in their lives. The cycles will continue on in the background, despite the lack of conscious awareness of it, for much longer. People will continue to rebuild, restore, regenerate, and heal until everything that can heal does heal.

It is estimated that for every year someone had this UC misalignment injury, that following correction they will experience one month of retracing/healing. Not to point out that it will take this long to feel good (everyone already feels REALLY GOOD early on as symptomatic relief comes first), but that even as satisfied with what they’ve accomplished in healing and how they feel, the body isn’t done yet and will take them further than they thought was possible.

The only thing we need to concern ourselves with, that can effect the rate of repair/rebuilding/regenerating, is:

Do we have adequate hydration?

Do we have enough quality materials and supplies?

Do we have enough quality parts and tools?

Do we have chronic infectious processes or flora imbalances?

Do we have a dirty site filled with metabolic waste, toxins, heavy metals, etc and need to clean it out?

Are we moving, using, and stressing (good stress) our body and its systems?

Each of these processes can impede the healing process, prevent building at the construction site, prevent and hinder operations, and it’s usually more than one.

If we restored 100% control to the CNS and then addressed the rest of the construction site, what’s standing in the way of you fully healing?

The next article will cover : “Quality Materials and Supplies” and will be VERY informative, insightful, and logical, with information that (I promise) you’ve never heard before but is true.

What you eat plays a significant role in your health, and it doesn’t have to be some complicated diet plan.

If you listen to mainstream healthcare workers, participate in diet fads, etc. you are probably (still) very confused on what it is you can eat, are supposed to eat, and how to be healthy. I can tell you for sure, based on assessing the health of the average person, that they don’t have a clue on what to do. It is NOT about what you “look like” so much as it is about how you “function”. If your focus is on providing the body EXACTLY what it needs, instead of eating for entertainment or vanity purposes, you will look the way you are supposed to and be very healthy.

Not only can you not manufacture matter out of thin air (you must eat, and calorie restrictive diets are the opposite of what you want to do), but the quality of the materials and supplies you provide your construction site to build with makes the world of difference. What to eat IS NOT complicated, in fact it’s quite easy. It all depends on what state of dis-ease you are in and what you’re trying to accomplish. Understanding what you’re attempting to do and where you are starting from dictates what and how you eat.

I don’t “cure disease”—this is NOT what we do.

What we do is we restore the communication, control, and function of the human body, then give it the opportunity by providing it everything it needs, and then let the body come out of dis-ease and heal itself. VOILA!

Self-adapting, self-regulating, self-organizing, self-healing machine.

Once it’s healed, I will then show you how to USE IT in ways you were not aware of.

Access to the 4 doctors who can currently perform the Master Reset using this method of analysis and correction, as well as access to the protocols of resolving the rest of the conditions of dis-ease at the construction site, will be for paid subscribers. This is to protect these doctors, this information, and these methods from bastardization, to prevent people from making mistakes resulting in failure, and to individualize every patient’s unique set of conditions of dis-ease.

This process is affordable for virtually everyone, will not bankrupt anyone, is VERY gentle, safe, and allows the body’s own innate intelligence to do the work.