PLAY The Hajj and Ebola


The Hajj and Ebola
The Hajj, a pilgramage to Meca, is required of every Muslim.

Ebola is Allah's gift that keeps on giving.

May the two meet and join.

The data of the Hajj can't be determined in advance because of the Islamic Lunar Calendar....Hum they brought us the "zero" but can't do simple astronomical calculations...But it will be (should be) between October 2 and 7 2014.

And people say I am stingy......

Can't you just feel the love?



Terry, care to elaborate for those of us dealing with head colds and are therefore a little foggy today?


During the Hajj, the faithful are crammed together much tighter then any western would endure on an elevator....
Like really packed in, barely room to shuffle...Like 4 people per square meter packed...with limited sanitation...
(Why do they cut the right hand off thieves in Islamaland? Because they don't have toilet paper and use the left hand....)

Now if a member of the faithful just happened to have Ebola......

Now before anyone accuses me of having some sort of evil plan or something, I would never, ever, really never, send someone who hates my guts, my culture, and views my religion as evil, who was infected, to celebrate, and infect, several hundred thousand of his closest ideological brethren...brethren who have flown airplanes into civilian buildings, plant bombs along a marathon, or wage Jihad against me and everything I believe in...

But if it did happen, instead of millions of Muslims dancing in the streets, I suspect that at least a few of us evil, apostates might be out dancing.

I view the Hajj and Ebola as both equally evil and if one used the other to.... well, do I have to spell it all out??

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Disaster Cat
And you think for one second it would stay in one community or one place? I suspect the Saudi Government and the CDC in Atlanta; in fact health professionals all over the planet are aware of the danger of this or any other large gathering of people in Africa or the Middle East; or really any sort of gathering anywhere but those where they KNOW people are likely to attend from Africa - including say conferences of medical doctors or other service personal who might come into contact with the disease are going to be carefully watched.

Thankfully, at this point, it is still not airborne; but those sitting next to an infected person on an airplane or unsuspecting medical workers caring for someone in the early stages who then go home to their families not knowing they have been exposed to anything other than a severe flu (something that is a occupational hazard, just ask my husband and his entire med school class including instructors a couple of weeks ago).

Yep, you would get a lot of death at the Hajj; also in every major city in the entire world including the United States; at the very least killing hundreds of people and hospital staff with the best emergency medical and isolation beds in the world; and thousands (if not millions) in places like the Indian Sub-Continent and or even Southern and Eastern Europe.

Or would you just consider all those people "collateral damage?"

On second thought, please don't answer that question because frankly, I don't think I want to know...


And you think for one second it would stay in one community or one place? I suspect the Saudi Government and the CDC in Atlanta; in fact health professionals all over the planet are aware of the danger of this or any other large gathering of people in Africa or the Middle East; or really any sort of gathering anywhere but those where they KNOW people are likely to attend from Africa - including say conferences of medical doctors or other service personal who might come into contact with the disease are going to be carefully watched.

Thankfully, at this point, it is still not airborne; but those sitting next to an infected person on an airplane or unsuspecting medical workers caring for someone in the early stages who then go home to their families not knowing they have been exposed to anything other than a severe flu (something that is a occupational hazard, just ask my husband and his entire med school class including instructors a couple of weeks ago).

Yep, you would get a lot of death at the Hajj; also in every major city in the entire world including the United States; at the very least killing hundreds of people and hospital staff with the best emergency medical and isolation beds in the world; and thousands (if not millions) in places like the Indian Sub-Continent and or even Southern and Eastern Europe.

Or would you just consider all those people "collateral damage?"

On second thought, please don't answer that question because frankly, I don't think I want to know...

Now you are beginning to see how things work..and yes it is brutal, ugly, and not at all nice.
We in the west are in a war for survival where we are the only ones not fighting.

But then we in the west aren't flying airplanes in cities, or wearing vests by DuPont screeching "Allah Akbar"...

And just because I broach an idea doesn't mean I support it.

I didn't create, or spread, Ebola.

If it gets lose during the Hajj I will not have had anything to do with it.

I just see the Hajj as a chance for disaster.

As to skilled Saudi medical whatever....

In the 1980 the college I worked at was contracted to produce some video tapes for the Saudis. I have worked first hand with Saudi 'doctors' and I will take an African "Witch" Doctor over those I met.

Like doing 'female' exams without wearing exam gloves, or washing their hands...

Not once, but 4 different "Well Respected" Saudi MDs.

I have my doubts if they could detect Ebola even after the patients eyes have blood pouring out....

Or a Saudi dentist doing a procedure without gloves, or washing his hands....
I flinched when he cut himself and bled into the patient's mouth....
All 5 'medical' personal did wet their hands, much like when going in to a Mosque.
But they didn't do what western medical types call "washing", you know, with soap,
The proper washing of hands requires thought, and effort....
I guess it's a cultural thing.

BTW the university cancelled the project, something about liability....



Disaster Cat
I just had the computer eat a longer post, so I'll do a shorter version:

A true story from the days of the Black Death - the summer the Black Death came to the British Isles, the English and the Scots were planning to have a jolly little war; the English were reading to "teach the wild Scots a lesson" and set out from London with the hordes of people that always marched with a Medieval army (men, women and children). About half way there, the Plague caught up with them, probably in its most deadly (air born) form.

When word reached Scotland that the English army had been destroyed by Plague, the did a very Medieval thing; they fell down on their knees to thank God for slaying their enemies (obviously God was on Scotland's side that year) had a bit o' a party and then set to making serious plans to invade England and hopefully march all the way to London to teach the English a lesson.

As you can predict, the Black Death caught up with the Scottish Army about the time they got to the border and well, lets just say the only war fought that Summer in England was one of survival and the only winners were people with a natural immunity or the good luck to recover, from the disease.

In some areas up to 90 percent of population died on both sides, entire villages vanished and some are still empty to this day; so many bodies needed burial that hedge Priests were given permission to consecrate mass grave pits and the faithful were even given permission to confess and absolve each other. That does not sound like much today, but in the 14th century that was pretty much unheard of in terms of Catholic practice.

History teaches us that most of the time, diseases make very bad weapons of war and unless one side is mostly immune from the disease (as in the conquest of the Americas) deaths on both sides tend to way outstrip anything seen in the actual wars themselves. Twenty million people died from the "Spanish" flu in 1918, mostly spread by armies moving soldiers around during the last day's of the 1st world war and killing military on all sides, plus millions of innocent civilians.

Last I looked, no one is immune to Ebola (at least not as a group) so if such a thing were to take place at the Hajj or even an international medical convention; within days it is likely the entire world would be in the throws of an outbreak. Since it is not (yet) air born the industrial countries might only loose a few hundred people (or a few thousand) but thousands (or worse) would be likely to parish in places with less advanced medical systems.

And if enough people caught it that it mutated and went air born (like the Black Death in the UK in the mid 1400's) millions would almost certainly die, including people you know and possibly even yourself.

Once that door gets open, shutting it is not easy and no "side" is safe; that's why scientists and doctors are fighting so hard to contain this to Africa and are so panicked about the thought of it jumping elsewhere.