POL The Corruption of America -- an excellent article


I came across this lengthy article on the causes of our national difficulties, and would like to share it with the board. I think the author makes some good points. I printed it out, all 27 pages worth.

The Corruption of America

The numbers tell us America is in decline... if not outright collapse.

I say "the numbers tell us" because I've become very sensitive to the impact this kind of statement has on people. When I warned about the impending bankruptcy of General Motors in 2006 and 2007, readers actually blamed me for the company's problems -- as if my warnings to the public were the real problem, rather than GM's $400 billion in debt.

The claim was absurd. But the resentment my work engendered was real.

So please... before you read this issue, which makes several arresting claims about the future of our country... understand I am only writing about the facts as I find them today. I am only drawing conclusions based on the situation as it stands. I am not saying that these conditions can't improve. Or that they won't improve.

The truth is, I am optimistic. I believe our country is heading into a crisis. But I also believe that... sooner or later... Americans will make the right choices and put our country back on sound footing.

Please pay careful attention to the data I cite. And please send me corrections to the facts. I will happily publish any correction that can be substantiated. But please don't send me threats, accusations against my character, or baseless claims about my lack of patriotism. If I didn't love our country, none of these facts would bother me. I wouldn't have bothered writing this letter.

I know this is a politically charged and emotional issue. My conclusions will not be easy for most readers to accept. Likewise, many of the things I am writing about this month will challenge my subscribers to re-examine what they believe about their country. The facts about America today tell a painful story about a country in a steep decline,





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Porter Stansberry spends lots of advertising money ('End of America 2011') to present good arguments about a dark and dangerous future...but his warnings are always tied to his healthy profiting.

Kind of a turn-off for some...just sayin'.


Agreed, Skip8.

But I still think his analysis makes good sense, and is well-presented. I don't buy anything from him, and posted the piece because IMO he made some compelling points.

