OP-ED The American Drama Unfolds


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The American Drama Unfolds

T. L. Davis
January 3, 2025

It’s much easier to understand the Second American Civil War as not only a fight between the left and the right, the communists and the small “r” republicans, but between the foreign invaders and the American people. Included in the foreign invaders are cartel members and foreign national fighters intentionally imported into the United States by the treasonous open-border policies of the leftist Biden Administration. This was less immigration than mobilization.

Start with the understanding that the communist left hates the republic and those who support the idea of it and its values. They like to frame the conflict between evil American racists and the egalitarian left, the same way the conflict in Rwanda framed the conflict between useless “cockroaches” and the militias. As long as the left can frame their opposition as detestable and sub-human, they can achieve their genocide with popular support.

New Year’s Eve in 2025 made this point quite clear. Those radicalized against the United States, because of its Christian population and hostility to globalization demonstrated by the election of Donald Trump, have apparently been given the green light to begin hostilities against the American people. Choosing Trump Tower and a symbolic Tesla pickup as the delivery device, the message was clear: the administration is the target.

During the Biden Administration it was common for the FBI, CIA and the courts to discriminate between Trump supporters (Christians in general) and Palestinian protesters. Trump supporters and Christians received much harsher prosecutions and ultimate prison sentences for much lesser actions than those of the Palestinian protesters (largely simply Muslim). Palestinian Muslims received no prosecutions at all. This was demonstrated against the J6ers who merely held a rally in front of Congress and the Palestinian protesters who entered the capitol and occupied parts of it without penalty. If they were arrested, they were sent on their way.

The stage is set, then, for this coming conflict that went kinetic over the past few days. I don’t know if there is a particular connection between Las Vegas and New Orleans as full-grown, intermingled branches, but the roots appear to have sprouted in Fort Bragg as was Ryan Routh. Is there a large operation being conducted within the military itself? It’s all somewhat reminiscent of the Fort Hood shooting in 2009 that was also perpetrated by an active military major. Whatever is afoot, it is not openly recognized as a domestic front war, yet, but we don’t know what the future holds. One would suspect this is the battle plan of the left having facilitated it with a policy toward rooting out America-First troops and encouraging those left to become more anti-American than ever, ostensibly to be willing to fire on American citizens labeled terrorists without substantiation, but once that seed has been planted, who knows what will sprout?

This is all tied into the political conflicts that are brewing in anticipation of Trump’s second term. Trump’s election was a direct assault on the corrupt power structure of Washington. It was meant to be and it has been received as such. This is as much a civil war between regimes as it is between foreign and domestic forces. “What domestic forces?” one might ask, well, to put it bluntly, the American people themselves. There’s a reason the Second Amendment was written. It was not just to protect the citizenry from domestic tyranny, but that of foreign entities as well. At the time of its writing, the Second Amendment was established so that the people would have access to and could not be denied access to weapons of war that might be needed to defend the frontier from foreign incursions. I’m thinking particularly of the Spanish in the South, the threat of American Indian tribes and their lingering allies, the British and French.

All throughout the Revolutionary War the western frontier in Kentucky, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois and Indiana were rife with assaults on American homesteads and forts or stations by the combined troops of American Indians and British, held off at times by militia. What Biden has done, effectively, is import new fighters into the interior to attack at their pleasure the safety and solidarity of the American people. We are, again, isolated homesteads on the frontier of a new kind of war, one our government is complicit in waging against the people with command and control in foreign lands. Leaving in place any of those in the FBI and CIA would be the same as to tolerate rebellious generals in command of insurgents on domestic soil. Some in the actual military fit into this category as well, other Mark Milleys and no one knows how numerous they are.

When the transition is complete and new heads have been installed at the appropriate agencies, the heat will be on in ways we have never witnessed. This is a fight that will take place inside Washington’s corrupt halls, the border, the interior and across the land, guided by mysterious and imbedded commanders. It’s the worst of all possible insurgencies led by those with badges and epaulets. Nothing the new administration will do will be accepted by a hostile media and anyone coming to their aid will be attacked by those same forces.

But it’s a fight that must take place, because they are at their weakest, but it is because of this that they will fight the dirtiest. One must keep their eye on the goal, to rid this government of its funding, its agencies, its traitors. That means, necessarily, to refuse to fall for the propaganda already being spread about inner betrayals. The America-First forces are at their strongest with both a new administration and popular sentiment being to clean up the mess made by decades of Democrat/RINO rule.

When it comes to Elon and Vivek, I understand the temptation to capitulate and think the whole effort will come to naught, but count on them to do what’s in their best interest and counter that with facts, because they’re not on their side. Don’t take the leftist bait and make everything about that one wedge issue. H-1B is a serious issue, no doubt, but one that works for the fevered left and they’re going to exploit that breach to take advantage of a weakened Trump camp. That’s an internal fight that’s already being waged, just like the race for Speaker. The professionals can handle that internally. Of course, making our feelings known on the subject is important, but not more important than to get the changes made at the DOJ, FBI and CIA.

The hell unleashed by leftist terrorist attacks is the chaos the left needs to engulf the people. Be wise, be calm and vigilant. Be ready to shrug off the racist epithets, that’s a transparent ploy that no longer holds the weight it once did. Focus on that which can be achieved and let internal arguments take place as they naturally should. Neither Trump nor any of the others can succeed where the people turn against them and they’re starting to feel that pressure already. It will work itself out.

The threat is closer to home than Washington D.C. It will be in neighborhoods, shopping centers and anywhere Americans gather. Good guys with guns will be more important than ever. In fact, this is the purpose of training and understanding rules of engagement in one’s area. I hate to say it, but as these attacks become more frequent, their style and mode will become more familiar and easier to detect before they come to the last, most dangerous phase. Had someone been in position to stop the New Orleans shooter before he got out of the pickup, a lot of lives would have been saved.

Your world is now a warzone, don’t forget who brought it to you.