Thanks Obama Voters


Veteran Member
News conference today...He really looked like a
...He got his CIA briefing... no EXCUSES for those who voted for Obama. Add to that a white flag waving surrender Dem in Congress...Boy i bet Putin & company are shaking in their boots after today...I think not

The future of NYC under

Now that will be the final nail in our economic coffin...Thanks Obama voters & those who did not voted or voted third party.


Veteran Member
He did look pretty green today, didn't he? I told hubby he looked like he aged 10 years already. Guess "secrets" will do that to you. I wouldn't be in his shoes for all the money in the world.


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I'm glad you noticed that. I thought maybe it was just me. He looked scared, indeed he did. Kinda like he was thinking, "what the holy crap have I gotten myself into!"


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Maybe they shared all the Area 51 stuff with him.

You DO know, or probably you don't, duh, double duh, that he had his meeting with the CIA and now he realizes things that you will never be privy to? The meeting that could not take place until he was officially elected.

You do know that, don't you?

No way is he ready for the job ahead. Not a chance.


Veteran Member
Peking Obama

You DO know, or probably you don't, duh, double duh, that he had his meeting with the CIA and now he realizes things that you will never be privy to? The meeting that could not take place until he was officially elected.

You do know that, don't you?

No way is he ready for the job ahead. Not a chance.

Peking Obama

I'm so glad the press is now informing when Obama sweats, what glass slipper he will be wearing to the Obama ball and that Maureen Dowd has finally found a man whose lap she can crawl into for 50 dollars now that she has found Obama love.
Dowd's dream man is a carved rock of Abraham Lincoln in Washington and wet pantie women get 50 dollar fines for climbing on the monument.

Maureen though and the maniacs have all found liberty, love and the world is Oprah smiles in all is right even though blacks are still in prison, blacks are still selling dope, blacks are still on welfare, blacks are still dying and the only black in Obama's administration is a white Arab in Barack Hussein Obama.

This love festering of Obama though is showing signs of an Atlantic City drunk, marrying the Peking whore in lust and finding out in the morning the whore looks a great deal like Tom Daschle whose penis just gave you VD.

Chris Matthews has made it his program's driving force now to make the Obama presidency a success. In Freudian psychology, even Chris Matthews knows in terror that Barack Obama is a failure and unless assisted in every step he is going to fall flat on his high heels.

Even that blooming plumper, Cynthia McFadden, in a greasy looking afterglow on Nightline was feeling a great deal of remorse in the political rape of Sarah Palin currently that Obama is safely tucked into the election theft column in McFadden actually allowed Gov. Palin's Truth to be broadcast that the entire media lied about her.
Of course that nincompoop from Time, Mark Halerpin, was still trotting around trying to blame Gov. Palin as attention whore Halperin will say anything to get on television or radio like that ditz Tom Freidman who is now an expert on the economy in lecturing Obama on how the money should be invested in the bailout.

al Qaeda has waded into the Peking Obama love fest in threatening the messiah to either pull out American troops or Obama's terrorists friends would light the entire globe on fire.

The Chinese communist threatened the Peking girl to observe free trade or else they would tank the American economy further.

Speaking of tanking, the lovely Europeans who smiling Obama was loving so much in their assistance in imploding the derivatives market have sweetly pulled the plug on world stock markets as they have their Obama dolt in place and on the 1001 nights of Obama ecstasy, the Europeans are going to destroy the US economy.

Then there is Vladamir Putin moving back into the Kremlin in going to force out the current president he chose, so he can be president of Russian Bolshevism again just in time to stick the knife into the United States cause she is Obama done.

The Balkan states are in no love with Obama as he will continue on in worse ways sticking it to the Serbians who have had enough.

America's enemies wanted Obama and Amerika's idiot children wanted catharsis, now all the worst of the world have what they want as God lowers the wrath on the Amerikan whore He never planted and just in time for mercy, God has in place a messiah to bring His wrath in separating the wheat from the chaff in, the Peking girl Obama.

Duck people and I do mean duck as will be revealed in coming blogs.


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Real Funny

Maybe they shared all the Area 51 stuff with him.

Area 51.... Started as the result of the catured German Flying Saucers. The Germans discovered anti-gravity propulsion.

Bambi as Biden WARNED the American voter will be tested, a generated international crisis equal to the Cuban missile crisis. In fact the day after the election the test began by Putin & Iran. The Wolves smell blood when Americans (Not me) voted this Marxist useful idiot along with the useful idiot Dem control Congress even after this revelation by Biden. Bambi looked like a joke with all those people behind him at his press conference. You Bush haters heed my words, the Wolves may still strike before transfer of power, but I doubt it. They know Bush will vaporize them. No they will wait then if we are lucky maybe survive the impending nuclear attack....You Bush haters then will wish Bush was still President.
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Obamma has already shown that his is utterly incompetent. I just hope a city doesn't die because of this fool.


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He did look pretty green today, didn't he?
I told hubby he looked like he aged 10 years already. Guess "secrets" will do that to you
. I wouldn't be in his shoes for all the money in the world.



Contributing Member
So the President will be tested. What's your point?

This is a troubling world, existing today in both economic and political chaos. Do you think that if McCain had won, the new President of the USA wouldn't be tested?