Misc Ted Cruz the Lame Duck President


Neither here nor there.
So I'm watching this tv show that came on at 6:30 pm (it's a political show) on KCCI Ch 8 Des Moines (CBS Affiliate) and they have this pundit on there and they are talking about the top three Republican candidates.

Rubio... would be lucky to be somebodies vice president but is not POTUS material
Trump... will piss everyone off and get a ton of stuff done with both sides realizing they either cooperate or get booted in the next election
Cruz... nobody likes him, he'll be a lame duck president.

And by nobody, when he was questioned, nobody in the senate or the legislature likes him, period. And this makes him dangerous because one of two things will happen, he'll either be a lame duck president because nobody wants to work with him, OR, he will be another Obama in creating one EO after another to get what he wants done.

The guy went on to further explain his lack of likability being due to not wanting to answer questions, give personal information, etc., and when pushed becomes whiney and threatening. He likened him to Jimmy Carter (likability) with the personality of Obama.

I'm still looking for the name of the show when I find it I'll post it here.