TERRORISM Suspected terror attack reported in Moscow - Update ISIS Posts Their Video Made During The Attack. Post #347


Don't screw with an engineer
ISIS may be hiding their operators identity because they may still be active. No point in blurring a dead man's face.

The Russians could have grabbed just anybody and tortured them for the cameras.

It is Russia . . . . .
My question was in light of post #335. They show the pictures of guys in front of ISIS flag, then show (purportedly) same guys who have been arrested and supposedly same guys in video with blurred faces. If their goal is to offer "proof", doesn't it make more sense to not blur faces and disguise voices?

Red Baron

Never a dull moment eh

Insider Paper

BREAKING - Fighter jet scrambled as US bombers approach its border, Russian defense ministry says

9:03 AM · Mar 24, 2024
Where? It's a huge border.

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
For my disagreement about Putin taking Ukraine vis-a-vis their sovereignty, if this has Ukrainian fingerprints on it, they deserve what they get. The people of that country should disassemble Zelensky like a Tyson chicken before they all end up glowing in the dark.
The only way the people of Ukraine will ever be free of the dictator Zelensky Is if and when Russia restores their country to them by releasing them from their communist WEF overlord. All so criminally stupid. Obama’s communist stink is ALL over this.

toxic avenger

Senior Member
The Uvalde, Columbine et al school shootings also indicate how an unacceptable response is acceptable both here and there now.

View: https://twitter.com/igorsushko/status/1771829826262827269
No military has door kickers on alert unless they’re in a combat zone. Not even our SEALS, Delta, etc. Pararescue has some, but stateside missions are lifeflight and not armed/combat. This was a Thursday night, so personnel had to be recalled from home to muster, arm up and brief.


Country exile in the city
Those pictures of captured "ISIS" fighters aren't ISIS fighters.

They're Chechens. Every last one of them.


1. Look at their facial features. That's not a typical group of Arab descent faces. There's arab blood there but theres' also a healthy dollop of Eastern European/Tartar DNA in their makeup.

2. As some have mentioned upthread, ISIS's MO isn't stick around and gun down civilians. It's take a few martyrs and put vests filled with devil's brew on them. Run the cord up the right sleeve and send them on their merry way. Blow up a bus, hit a crowd in a large open air market. Not waltz into a crowded venue and start calmly hosing people down with gunfire. ISIS fighters just don't have that kind of fire discipline. They're civilians motivated by ideology; not politics or taking orders from a rigid command structure. Nope.......

3.ISIS simply doesn't stick around like these killers did. They light off a few vests and done. One attacker wasn't shooting, but went around the building setting incendiaries? ISIS sets bombs, but usually has a human "handle" in which to place them with. Of course that "handle" gets his 72 virgins early, but planting and then running away? Nope, not ISIS.

4.Dedicated ISIS fighters WANT to die for their Allah, they aren't the kind to hit and run.

5. If FSB is right about these fighters trying to get out of Russia and into Ukraine; then Zelensky has some SERIOUS explaining to do. If he's made under the table deals with rebel Chechens he's trying to continue a war and start another uprising right in Russia's front yard. Which is plausible; Chechniya is still a simmering pot of resentment against the Russian central government.

6.If it's proven Zelensky has ties to this; then my sincerest hope is that he burns in hell with Abraham Lincoln and General Sherman. They made deals and decisions that specifically targeted civilians too. I'd like to see independent confirmation if Zelensky had a hand in the attack. I don't trust the US, Britain or any of the NATO countries "observations" in this matter. The US gave Russia 2 week's warning that something would happen-how did the US know this?

7. When was the last time you heard of an ISIS fighter taking money to pull off an attack? ISIS fighters are motivated by religious ideology, not roubles or dollars.
The only time an ISIS fighter "takes" money is the money given by ISIS leadership (and financed by the Saudis and Kuwaitis and UAE sympathisers) to the families of the martyrs. And even then it's around $2500 US dollars or so. One fighter mentioned he was paid $ 4000 to help in the attack? Something smells folks.

I believe in a free Ukraine. But financing and coordinating an attack like this? Dirty pool folks. VERY dirty pool.
ABSOLUTE 100% BINGO on every point!


Country exile in the city
I think we all should start praying. It's now playing out that NATO and Russia are about to collide on a terrible scale. Putin can only hold back for so long. But the West, is dead set on setting the World ablaze.
And (given Fedgov warnings about the April 8 solar eclipse somehow affecting the POWER grid for three days - ??!? - as discussed both on a thread on Main and--let's just say other forums here...)

I have a feeling the lib/fascist/communist/BHO/WEF/globalists are planning a LOT of things to coordinate with that day...

They send out a warning to "prepare" for power outages and then tell us there aren't going to BE any....very odd.


Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
And (given Fedgov warnings about the April 8 solar eclipse somehow affecting the POWER grid for three days - ??!? - as discussed both on a thread on Main and--let's just say other forums here...)

I have a feeling the lib/fascist/communist/BHO/WEF/globalists are planning a LOT of things to coordinate with that day...

They send out a warning to "prepare" for power outages and then tell us there aren't going to BE any....very odd.

I had a horrible thought based on your post..... What if the DS is using April 8th to take out comms so that they can attack Russia freely, without any of it being reported or analyzed, like we're doing here?
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Donghe Surfer

Veteran Member
yes ukrainian, and poland alerted when the missile from russia briefly went into their airspace
..posting on it in the russian war thread (and hoping they don't FAFO that they didn't want the article 5 activation they seem to be determined to trip :eek: )

The Polish Ministry of Defense has now Confirmed that at least 1 Russian Long-Range Cruise Missile briefly entered Polish Airspace tonight over the Town of Oserdów, and remained there for roughly 39 Seconds, before it was Redirected towards its Final Target in the Ukrainian Region of Lviv; the Missile is claimed to have been Tracked by Air Defense Radars the entire time it was within Polish Airspace, and that all Necessary Precautions were taken to Protect the Territory of Poland during tonight’s Russian Missile Attack against Western Ukraine.
Don't know if anyone else said this, but Martin Armstrong said that the 39 seconds of that missile flying over a NATO country (Poland) was a direct signal/warning that he knew the attack on the concert hall in outskirts of Moscow was led by Ukraine or something under the umbrella of alphabet agency. He notes that basically this is a signal that World War III has now started.


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
Escalated, not started. There seem to be a number of actions and statements that lend toward some very serious outcomes. Wonder what's in the next chapter, as the script goes.


Veteran Member
The Uvalde, Columbine et al school shootings also indicate how an unacceptable response is acceptable both here and there now.

View: https://twitter.com/igorsushko/status/1771829826262827269
I hate to be all realz and all, but,,,

There is a certain implication that militaries are waiting with quick response drills to secure local shopping malls. I am pretty sure the Russian military is almost entirely focused on Ukraine.

For the entire time I was in the military and all the stuff we trained for, we never trained nor were set-up to go sweep the local shopping mall or entertainment complex.

Militaries of all types train for specific missions and anything outside of this is kind of confusing as some lower level flunky gets a frantic call demanding confused response outside the normal established missions. This also requires a little outside the box thinking and militaries will punish any outside the box thinking that ensures hours of confusion before a decision maker has enough information to make a decision.

For all those who are in the use the military to deliver groceries and social service are myopically asking for less ability to blow things up and hurt bad people fatally.

This is supposedly why we have police and Swat to do police and Swat stuff not to call the nearest Coast Guard base demanding a civilian rapid deployment force.

Any implication that delay in military response in an unexpected civilian terrorist is definite confirmation of a conspiracy, is likely never been in or way to far removed from procedures in the military to understand how 9 hours is actually pretty quick response. Here in the US some political hack major or captain would be waiting 2 days to get a call back from this Pentagon likely out reading gay grooming books to local Kindergartners.

Johnny Twoguns

Veteran Member
Sounds like Victoria Nuland and her neocon hubby, Bobby Kakan, had better find a deep hidey hole and stay lost for a long time. Yeah, I'm probably nuts, but I can't shake the feeling she has something to do with this Charlie Foxtrot.
I have a feeling this time she gets to pay for the play.


Veteran Member
But speaking to FSB chiefs last Tuesday, Putin said: “Recent provocative statements by a number of official Westerns structures about the possibility of terrorist attacks in Russia … resembles outright blackmail and an intention to intimidate and destabilise our society.”

So basically Putin is saying that the west caused it.

(To Russian Intelligence Officers reading this forum: We do not condone anything the communists running America, have done and are doing. We can't stand their evil no more than you do. Have mercy on us american citizens when the time comes.)
After seeing Victoria Nuland's clips and comments, I feel strongly she's totally behind this. Some alphabet entity funded those killers with the money and weapons, and off they went with no regard to life, young or old.
When a government murders their own people, what won't they do?

The US gave Russia 2 week's warning that something would happen-how did the US know this?

Which practically telegraphs there involvement.

Never a dull moment eh

Insider Paper

BREAKING - Fighter jet scrambled as US bombers approach its border, Russian defense ministry says

9:03 AM · Mar 24, 2024

Sounds like it's about to get rough for america.


Veteran Member
there is no reason to believe this can't or won't be happening here on a day and at a place of their choosing.
The reality that nothing has happened to date should direct us to a conclusion that's VERY unappealing.

The security establishment can't have it both ways. They can't take credit for things that haven't happened here while they happen all over the world. Especially with the open borders you mentioned that we see DAILY.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Apparently the new Richard Simmons Spring Collection is turning off shoppers in droves?

View: https://twitter.com/MmuoNdi/status/1771899820707291306
Someone had commented earlier in the thread about the music hall having English signs.
This mall has English inside and out.

We'll be like this one day.

Report a crime and the cops detain you and beat you up just for snicks.

View: https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPR/status/1771907054065615249
What are "reports of mining" Were they digging a hole in the floor?

Huh? this took place in Moscow.


Veteran Member

How the event is being seen in Russia and other countries outside of our MSM sphere.


'Not ISIS': Russians Fume At U.S Media As Arrested Terrorists 'Sing' I Moscow Attack​

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5AFq5OLkG0

Run time - 3:32
Mar 23, 2024

Russian state news agency confirms Ukrainian involvement in the recent mass shooting at the Crocus City concert hall near Moscow. RT Editor-in-Chief posts a video of the interrogation, asserting, "This is not ISIS, these are Ukrainians." Russian media points out that U.S. media outlets initially speculated ISIS involvement before arrests were made. Margarita Simonyan, Editor-In-Chief of Rossiya Segodnya, dismisses the ISIS connection, stating, "These are Ukrainians." Meanwhile, as the death toll reaches 133, Russia's FSB detains 11 suspects, including four direct perpetrators. Simonyan accuses Western media of premature speculation, suggesting "direct participation" in the misinformation.
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Country exile in the city
So basically Putin is saying that the west caused it.

(To Russian Intelligence Officers reading this forum: We do not condone anything the communists running America, have done and are doing. We can't stand their evil no more than you do. Have mercy on us american citizens when the time comes.)

When a government murders their own people, what won't they do?

Which practically telegraphs there involvement.

Sounds like it's about to get rough for america.
Wait--are you actually saying PUTIN said this???

(To Russian Intelligence Officers reading this forum: We do not condone anything the communists running America, have done and are doing. We can't stand their evil no more than you do. Have mercy on us american citizens when the time comes.)

I promise you, that is NOT how Putin talks.

He speaks better English than Biden (or Obama) do.


TB Fanatic
Based on what the video shows that appears to be probably Moscow City Jail or perhaps a newer add-on to the lubiyanka. The jumpsuits the perpetrators are wearing are General Russian prison intake suits. The room that one of them was led into is an interrogation room. Based on some things I've seen a lot of bad stuff happens in that room. Like 30 officers gang up to beat them senseless , orthey strip them down to nothing and then do unspeakable things to them. Unfortunately male rape has entered into fsb's repertoire or bag of tricks so to speak,it does happen. I don't think those prisoners are ever going to leave Moscow or the prison alive.


Veteran Member
Ok…just my preliminary guesses. I reserve the right to change my opinion. A certain alphabet agency recruited Chechians. Chechnya has no great love of the Russian government. Offer what is a lifetime wage in exchange for attacks in Moscow. That agency also supplies rifles, ammo, etc. from embedded assets. Agency tells operatives that if they survive the attack, refuge can be found in Ukraine. Attackers get nabbed on the way to Ukraine. Vlad has no choice but to retaliate against Ukraine in the fiercest manner. A pretext for full NATO involvement. I’ve glossed over some details, but perhaps here we go. Now…I’ll go sit in the corner.