GOV/MIL Surveillance-Streams of Data Flowing with American Blood

Part 1: Plague of Blood-VS 2015​

As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.
Psalm 42​


Celeste Bishop​

Hyperlinks and graphic at:

All humans and animals long for streams of pure crystal clear water freely gushing forth from the earth as a spring. These springs bubble up into streams which converge into rivers which meander their way into pools, lakes, or oceans. Water is essential to maintain life. Our thirst drives us to streams of water where we find restoration and refreshment. Follow the tracks of people and animals and you will discover the path to sources of water carved out by hundreds and thousands of humans and creatures over time. There are no virgin streams of water for they are an ecosystem nourishing millions over time. When we seek streams of water we do not merely search for physical satisfaction our soul deeply yearns for the freedom water inspires. Predators understand that man and creature congregate beside the waters. They follow the 'tracks' of their 'victims' and by the savage 'force' of their nature plunder and kill their prey.

The global powers have determined that humans are defined and categorized as animals. This will become clearly evident over the next several weeks as we wander through various proposed regulations. This first came to light through the United Nations and partners Terrestrial Animal Health Code Series.

Governmental predators are shifting, redefining, forging infrastructure to abuse surveillance-streams. Surveillance streams are, " are accessible sources of critical animal health data, often located at animal concentration points where important biological samples and epidemiological information for multiple conditions can be easily accessed."

Surveillance "data" streams are the cornerstone of 'Surveillance for Action' in VS 2015 because they provide a cost-efficient information collection infrastructure with provides critical surveillance information. As defined by Webster's Dictionary a cornerstone is, "The stone which lies at the corner of two walls, as unites them: the principal stone and especially the stone which forms the corner of the foundation of an edifice". The "cornerstone" of all current federal programs is that they are "voluntary". You have the power to refuse to participate in federal programs but you may face severe consequences for such action. Failure to oppose tyrannical proposed regulations translates to providing "the right surveillance information at the right time" to a plethora of agencies in America and abroad.

Surveillance-streams will be comprehensive, be provided to VS by partner agencies or stakeholders or through mining of publicly available data, data will flow into VS, be standardized, combines as integrated surveillance. Biological samples and/or epidemiological information will be collected; a diverse type of health indicators used and relies on multiple data-sources, and unstructured data and information primarily text based or data which is not easily analyzed with traditional tools will be also be collected.

Federal agencies seek vast new legal authority which is seamlessly integrated into enhanced existing problems. They are shifting their focus or evolving, "from an independent, regulatory environment towards a more collaborative-culture that supports a national animal health surveillance network via realignments of agencies, roles and responsibilities.

The new VS mission shifts from traditional disease-program focus to a "comprehensive, integrated, and stream-based surveillance approach" supporting their new comprehensive animal health mission. Through this evolutionary process their focus will be on "acquiring and sharing animal health information" and "implementation of mandatory control measures".

A sophisticated algorithm, Tool for Assessment of Intervention Options (TAIO), benchmark was evaluated in terms of each option's likelihood to lead to eradication and provide sufficient evidence to demonstrate disease freedom.

The desired outcome for ‘Surveillance for Action‘is a "significant culture change" within Veterinary Services flowing out to the public-at-large.

Agencies including Veterinary Services (VS) and partners through new surveillance streams and technologies federal agencies are in the process of developing a well-defined and flexible framework including policies and guidelines which go well "beyond VS’ historic scope of emergency response and regulatory programs." As surveillance streams flow into the dark abyss the VS declares, in their lust for power, that all diseases are ‘diseases of interest’ which need guidelines. A disease-of-interest is a tool which agricultural law enforcement can use to indiscriminately or subjectively name a disease and apply protocol used in criminal investigations.

This catchy term has no legal meaning but is used by enforcers as a tactic to fight terrorism. Its use creates a benign public image while the power of the agency expands. As a foreshadowing to the 21st century proposed regulations this term has a hideous history beginning in 1960's when enforcers began creating secret files on persons-of-interest. Diseases-of-interest particularly fascinate agencies because diseases are everywhere since we are biological beings.

By the very existence of disease agencies feel they can verify and justify their existence to provide guidelines and control mechanisms.

Once VS takes their bold step outside their historic authority and declares WAR on [all] Disease to free mankind and animals from disease action is necessary to ensure that surveillance-streams structured are by the Rules of Engagement. The Rules of Engagement (ROE) is a response by military personnel during operations in the course of their duties. ROE are determined by the legally defensible framework under which they are operating. ROE may be classified for purposes of "security". It provides agencies, commanders, and personnel with a clearly delineated set of responsibilities and operational constraints. ROE require evidence, scientific-evidence, to support their action decisions.

VS must strengthen all processes for acquiring, sharing, and enforcing all encompassing animal health data from States, industry and other key partners required to fulfill their mission including clear guidance on confidentiality, and seek new authority needed to protect sensitive data and sharing agreements. You might think that this guidance is to protect your personal information but on page 10 of 'Surveillance for Action' it specifically provides an example of confidentiality and that is to protect the "futures market".

Your personal information is swapped and traded to "trading partners to support commerce".

During this transformation "National Animal Health Standards," "Complete National List of Reportable Animal Diseases (NLRAD) and mandatory/voluntary reporting requirements for stakeholders will be determined. By 2012 VS expects a full "buy-in from affected stakeholders".

As current Eradication Programs end "VS will need to promote the identification and exploration of new sources of animal health data that are needed on a continual basis. "Novel approaches may be needed to collect animal health surveillance information on exotic or wildlife populations that may interface with domestic livestock or have zoonotic or public health implications" In this way the agency can much like conquering empires expand through a never-ending war new territories for plundering.

The primary function of this phase is the capture and expansion of VS power through their existing defensible authority, with little to no budget.

Surveillance-streams with seized and captured data will flow into VS from livestock markets, interstate movement, unstructured data mining and analysis. This will include identifying customers, social or political factors that change a specific disease risk, changes in vector habitat that could change surveillance strategy, and changes in production that effect disease.

As their empire amalgamates beyond purely agricultural acquisitions, 'New partnerships, incentives, training opportunities and communications are needed to actively engage' partners and a VS field force will be developed to secure additional streams and relationship-building objectives. Producer organizations and registries take note as Federal agencies want to be your 'friend' as they identify and groom you to partake in their surveillance-stream data sharing relationship.

Pilot studies will be used to determine how to actively engage accredited veterinarians as key players in national surveillance, particularly for Foreign Animal Disease (FAD's) and emerging diseases, and collecting syndromic animal health data.

Field staff will see a role change as a result of shift in focus from regulating disease to building relationships at the local level. This will be accomplished by modifying role descriptions, providing guidance, and empowering field staff to serve as local surveillance managers and will also play a critical new role as a conduit of communication of surveillance information.

In a startling revelation VS claims, "VS cannot and does not need to collect all of the animal health information needed for comprehensive surveillance," but we shall see if they maintain their perspective as the teeth of unbridled regulation rips the flesh off humans, animals and agricultural industry alike.

The ‘incentive for information’ programs worked so well during the implementation of the National Animal Identifications System (NAIS) that the federal regulators are revisiting that successful model. This time the incentive will be service-oriented instead of tangible goods.

The surveillance-stream deluge is crashing in upon farmer and consumer alike. “The unique synergy and centers in Riverdale, Ames, Plum Island, and Fort Collins has allowed new ideas and viable strategies to be developed”. These facilities are known as premier [Centers of Excellence] biological warfare and experimentation facilities and they are ready to loose the most “wicked problems” (in their own words) upon the American Farmer and all of us. In the end, surveillance-streams will flow red with the blood of Americans. It is not a matter of ‘if’, is only a matter of ‘when’, and that timetable is underway at this moment.

Interesting enough embedded within the documents for VS 2015 they expose their weaknesses and that gives us a window of opportunity to take back our country.

Why must you walk in gloom because of our foe’s oppression? Why is your soul downcast? We can stop them in their “tracks”. We can say, NO. We stand firm in the heritage of our God-given Republic of limited government. We can choose to have our “tracks” return to the foundation that this country was based upon. Just as VS calls their program ‘Surveillance for Action’ so we too must be aroused to ACTION to preserve our way of life and our heritage. We must act now, if not for ourselves, then for our children and grandchildren.

How to take action​

Go to the 10 Minute Citizen Section of this article at for all the details.