MSM Stephen Colbert Suggests Getting Rid of Senate Following Dem’s Filibuster Failure: ‘I’m 100 Percent Serious’


Computer Hacking Pirate
Actually, Mr. Colbert, we need to go back to the ORIGINAL CONCEPTION of the Senate as being selected by the individual State Legislatures.

I've not researched it, but I once read a blurb by Devvy Kidd that the 17th Amendment was not lawfully ratified. Indeed, she asserted that the 17th has an even more nefarious history than does the 16th.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Here is a better idea:

How about we just get rid of " all Democrats " ?

Solve a multitude of problems !

end game

Veteran Member
When shall Warren and Colby be arrested and tried for Sedition? People unhappy with the process are being systematically arrested and denied their rights who were "outside" the capital on January 6th. Why are the Warren and Colby not treated with the same love, admiration, and respect?

Jeff B.

Don’t let the Piss Ants get you down…
...A visibly flustered Sen. Warren attempted a response. “I hear you,” she said. “We’re supposed to be the deliberative body… but so long as we’re tangled in the filibuster then we don’t get to do what the founders envisioned that we would.”

The FOUNDERS would have responded to what they want to do with hangman's ropes and firing squads. They would absolutely NEVER have envisioned what this group of Progressive Reds wants to do to this country.

Simply being aware of the treachery and duplicity of these people makes my thoughts tend towards... the less charitable aspect of my nature. :vik:

Jeff B.

day late

money? whats that?
I have found that when one points this out to them they will respond with "that bloated outdated concept, it needs replacing".

Which only goes to prove what a history nerd like me already knows. Democracy is based on the majority vote. Stalin said it doesn't matter how the people vote. It depends on who counts the votes. Benjamin Franklin said that a democracy is three wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. A republic is an armed sheep disputing the vote. In a republic the votes should be counted by equal numbers of observers from all parties running. In a democracy that isn't always the case.

day late

money? whats that?
Okay. I'm just pi**ed enough to say this. I was in West Germany during the cold war. There are numerous accounts of people risking their lives to escape from the east. The number I couldn't tell you, but the ones I could tell you would take the rest of the night. So, the question is this. If socialism is so great, why did these people risk everything, and lose everything to escape from it? If socialism is so great, why do untold numbers of Cubans risk being eaten by sharks, blown out of the water by the Cuban Navy or who knows what just to get away from the socialist workers paradise? I await an answer.

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
I've not researched it, but I once read a blurb by Devvy Kidd that the 17th Amendment was not lawfully ratified. Indeed, she asserted that the 17th has an even more nefarious history than does the 16th.

Problem is once they go down the amendment ratification rabbit hole they will open up the repeal process for the 16th as well. I doubt they will open this can of worms. The potential wind falls and unintended effects are too great to allow repeal of other amendments as well.


Computer Hacking Pirate
Problem is once they go down the amendment ratification rabbit hole they will open up the repeal process for the 16th as well. I doubt they will open this can of worms. The potential wind falls and unintended effects are too great to allow repeal of other amendments as well.

The income tax (via the 16 amendment) exists only as security for the loans from the Fed. When the Fed ceases to exist (and I believe it will), there will be no need of the income tax, nor for the 16th amendment.

This is just my opinion, of course. Until it actually happens. ;)

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
The income tax (via the 16 amendment) exists only as security for the loans from the Fed. When the Fed ceases to exist (and I believe it will), there will be no need of the income tax, nor for the 16th amendment.

This is just my opinion, of course. Until it actually happens. ;)

Uh, people have argued that and lost in court. Variants of the argument at least. The civil war set in motion certain things that I think were meant to destroy this country from within. The first world war was an attempt to forcefully unite everyone, it failed. The second world war was an attempt to unite everyone under a boot and it failed too. The cold war and middle eastern wars were to stop communist and islamic threats which ultimately failed in their ultimate scopes. We are waaaay overdue for another attempt to unite everyone by misguided needs, COVID and the green passes are not it they may be a warning sign, but, something we are not expecting is going to happen.

If the fed ceases to become relevant or exist, things will get rather interesting state side.


Computer Hacking Pirate
Uh, people have argued that and lost in court. Variants of the argument at least. The civil war set in motion certain things that I think were meant to destroy this country from within. The first world war was an attempt to forcefully unite everyone, it failed. The second world war was an attempt to unite everyone under a boot and it failed too. The cold war and middle eastern wars were to stop communist and islamic threats which ultimately failed in their ultimate scopes. We are waaaay overdue for another attempt to unite everyone by misguided needs, COVID and the green passes are not it they may be a warning sign, but, something we are not expecting is going to happen.

If the fed ceases to become relevant or exist, things will get rather interesting state side.

I have my beliefs, but I don't know what the future will bring. Nonetheless, I suggest you plan for the abolition of all central banks.

As for past history, I think TPTB have focused on subjugating the human race; I think that's what's in play now. I think the imposition of debt as money has been a huge part of it.

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
I have my beliefs, but I don't know what the future will bring. Nonetheless, I suggest you plan for the abolition of all central banks.

As for past history, I think TPTB have focused on subjugating the human race; I think that's what's in play now. I think the imposition of debt as money has been a huge part of it.

Well the debt free movements have been gaining steam.

Every fiat currency or script has lasted no more than a 100 years or so. 2030 would fit the bill on a 100 year mark.

But such a collapse is a one time event. The key is to have sufficient food and supplies to survive and supply chain hiccups.


TB Fanatic

Stephen Colbert Suggests Getting Rid of Senate Following Dem’s Filibuster Failure: ‘I’m 100 Percent Serious’

David Ng
18 Jan 2022

CBS’s The Late Show host Stephen Colbert played sore loser on Monday’s show when he suggested getting rid of the U.S. Senate, calling it an “anti-democratic” institution following the Democrats’ failure to eliminate the filibuster.

Stephen Colbert was chatting with guest Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) when he made the bizarre suggestion. “If you can’t get rid of the filibuster… then what if we just get rid of the Senate? And I’m 100 percent serious here. It is the most anti-democratic institution next to the judiciary,” he said.

“No one will drop a single tear, ” he added. “I don’t understand what possible positive purpose the United States Senate provides right now.”

A visibly flustered Sen. Warren attempted a response. “I hear you,” she said. “We’re supposed to be the deliberative body… but so long as we’re tangled in the filibuster then we don’t get to do what the founders envisioned that we would.”

Watch below:


4:38 run time

Sen. Warren conveniently side-stepped the fact that Democrats used the filibuster more than 300 times in 2020 when Republicans used it once. As Breitbart News reported, Democrats recently used the Senate filibuster to block a bill by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) that would have sanctioned companies associated with Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

Democrats have been trying to eliminate the Senate filibuster in an effort to ram through their “voting rights” legislation to federalize elections and roll back integrity measures like voter identification requirements. But their efforts failed after Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) said they won’t back the elimination of the filibuster.

Colbert referred to Sinema as “Mrs. Hamburglar” on Monday’s show.

I suppose he would like to replace it with a Politburo?